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: 15.01.2008
: 53


never alone 1 ( 7 )

, 02 2008 . 20:11 +
'Cause I'm Free

Mike lowered his head and leaned forward. The waiting room was quiet as he sat, staring at the white tile flooring. He had always hated coming to hospitals, even though he had only been to one once or twice. He hated the disinfectant smell, the sound of beds rolling down the corridors and the white walls and flooring.
Mikeoh God Mike
He raised his head to see Anna walking towards him quickly. He stood up slowly as she wrapped her arms around him. He dug his face into her shoulder and frowned. Anna could smell the smoke and blood on him. The crash must have been absolutely terrible. AnnaI tried to getto get to her faster His sad voice was muffled into her shirt.
She lowered her eyes and stroked his hair. Its okayit wasnt your fault. She whispered into his ear.
S-she was in so much pain
I know. She replied in a low tone.
He gave a shaky sigh and pulled away from her. She looked down at his trembling hands and stared at the drying blood. There was so much blood. He sniffed.
It was clear his had been crying continuously before Anna had arrived at the hospital. Mikeare you going to be able to be here? she asked.
I-I dont know. He answered. His eyes were full of pain and sorrow and Anna didnt know if hed be able to hold on. He looked like he was having a nervous breakdown.
Mikesit. She ordered gently.
He obeyed and slowly sat down. Anna flopped down beside him and stared at him with worry. I think you should go home.
No, Im not leaving her. He replied quickly.
Youre tired and youre in shock. You have to rest or you could break down. She explained.
Anna I cant leaveshell be alone
Mike, Ill be here. Im her mother remember? she asked with a small smile. He stared at her with teary eyes.
Please dont make me leave. He pleaded.
He looked like he was on the verge of crying. Anna sighed heavily and nodded. Okay What he had seen at the crash site had frightened him to the very depths of his soul. He thought he had lost her. Thankfully she was in recovery, but the doctors still hadnt elaborated on her condition yet. Anna wiped a tear from his cheek and gave a weak smile.
If shes anything like you, shell survive this. I dont know what the hell is wrong with your side of the family anyway. Its like you people crave danger or something. I cant believe they were on the wrong side of the roadplaying chicken with other carsof all the stupid things she muttered in thought.
Mike sighed heavily and looked up. A young doctor walked up to the two and gave a small smile. Soit must have been good news, hopefully. Laura is in stable condition.
Mike and Anna gave heavy sighs of relief. Her vitals have all returned to normal and we have managed to repair the tissue damage in her abdomen. The internal bleeding has stopped and now her heart is pumping normally. She hit her head pretty bad so her recovery might take a little longer than expected. Other than that, shes awake and shes okayjust a little sleepy from the medication. He explained cheerfully.
Can we see her? Anna asked.
The doctor gave a small nod. You may, but Laura has made a request to speak with her father for a moment. He replied.
Mike raised a brow of curiosity and looked at Anna. Go ahead. She smiled.
Alright. He replied quietly and followed the doctor to the small room.
Ill leave you two alone. The doctor smiled and left the room, closing the door.
Mike looked at his daughter and gave a small frown. An IV stuck out of her arm and she had many monitors surrounding her, monitoring her vitals. She had a small white band-aid covering the gash on her forehead. He noticed all the small bruises on her face and neck. Her dark eyes fluttered open at the soft breathing of her father. He slowly walked towards her and sat down in the chair beside the bed.
She gave a small painful sigh and winced. Stay she managed with a scratchy voice.
Mike lowered his eyes sadly and grabbed her hand. Im not going anywhere. He saw tears escaping her eyes. He wiped them away gently with his other hand and gave a weak smile.
Dont cry. He said quietly.
I-Im sorry
For what?
F-for saying I hated you
Laura, its okay, you were pissed. He replied gently.
I dont hate you. She breathed.
He gave a small nod of acknowledgment. How are you feeling? he asked. She swallowed hard and gripped his hand.
Tired. She answered wearily.
Mike rubbed his thumb across the top of her hand and nodded. Laura, I want to talk to you about something. She stared at him and waited for him to continue. When you were stuck in that vanI justI couldnt believe how incredibly scared I was. I thought you were going to blow up in flames with the vehicle Laura frowned slightly at his words.
I thought I was going to lose you. I thought that I was never going to see your face ever againor hear your swears or watch you make that annoyed face at me he trailed off as tears threatened to pour from his eyes. She gave a small smile as he looked down. And I guess the only reason why I was strong enough to break that window was because I didnt want you to die. He explained softly.
Maternal in-.
Dont say it. He warned.
She gave a small laugh and blinked. He never realized it before, but he loved her laugh. Wowyoure like my hero and shit. She stated.
Mike rolled his eyes and shook his head. Well if youd stop being so reckless then I wouldnt have to be your hero and shit.
I cant believe it she answered.
Believe what? he asked.
You actually sound like my fatherthis is so weird. Im just waiting for you to say that Im grounded. She smiled.
Mike lowered his eyes. Thats your moms job.
So youre saying that mom is the one to ground me and youre the one to save my life? she asked with interest.
He raised a brow and gave a small smile. Laura if youd be more careful then I wouldnt have to keep saving your life. Being your dad is the most stressful job Ive ever had. He explained.
Ah you like it. She muttered.
He chuckled lightly and heard a small knock on the door. Come in. he called.
Anna walked in with a smile. Hey baby.
Hi mom. She replied.
Anna gave her a kiss on the forehead and sat down beside Mike. When can I come home? she asked.
Anna glanced at Mike and then looked back at her. The doctors say you need a few days to recover but we could probably take you home before then.
Good because I hate hospitals. She muttered in response.
Mike smiled inwardly. It was amazing how much they were like each other. You and me both kid. He stated.
Well we should probably leave and let you get some rest. Anna smiled at her daughter.
Yeah, Im kinda tired. Laura replied and rubbed her eyes.
Sweet dreams, I love you baby. Anna stated and kissed her again.
Love you too. She muttered wearily.
Mike stood up as Anna waited for him near the door. See ya brat. He smiled.
Laura lowered her eyes and sighed. Nice to know you care Mike.
Well I dont exactly see you jumping to the pump to say I love you dad. He replied with a frown.
Why would I say that? she asked with confusion.
Because I just saved your life.
So? she asked with an arched brow.
You know I could be fired right?
Well Im sure you can live off of your vast millions. She answered.
Yeah says you. Laura stuck out her tongue and of course Mike did back. Anna rolled her eyes and sighed heavily.
Why Anna, why him? she asked herself.
Hey I heard that. Mike frowned and walked towards her.
Well good because you were supposed to. She laughed.
Why are all the women in this family mean to me?
Because youre such a pushover. She smiled.
Laura laughed and pointed at them. Good one mom.
Shut up. Mike snapped at her.
You shut up.
No you shut up.
Anna frowned and grabbed Mikes arm. Alright you two, knock it off. There will be plenty of time for this when she gets home.
Oh but mommy cant I stay? Mike whined and pulled on her shirt. She raised a brow and smiled.
Mike, get in the car. She ordered.
Alright, meet me there. He laughed.
Dont forget the let the door hit you on the way out! Laura called.
He turned back his head and frowned at her. Retard. He muttered.
Bastard. She muttered back.
Stop. Anna ordered.
Mike flashed Laura a grin and left the room. Anna sighed heavily and rubbed her head. That man has got to be the most immature person on the planet.
Dont worry mom, hell grow out of itonce hes 100 years old. Laura smiled. Anna chuckled and opened the door.
See you in a few days.
Laura, are you sure youre going to be okay alone? Anna asked with concern as they entered the house.
Mom, Im not aloneMikes here. She replied blankly.
I thought you didnt like being alone with him.
I dont, but Ill be fine. Someone has to take care of him. She smiled. Anna laughed and kissed her on the head.
Ill be back before elevendont forget to take your medication.
I wont. Laura muttered as her mom walked towards the door.
Bye, love you.
Bye mom. She replied and closed the door.
Laura looked around the empty house and frowned. Where the hell is that man?
She suddenly heard a soft melody coming from upstairs, so she decided to follow the sound. Up the long staircase she went, slowly walking so that her abdomen didnt rip apart. The sound was coming from Mikes room. She raised a brow of interest and pressed her ear against the door, listening to the song. It had a nice melody, sort of sad.
Something about it made her shiver. Okay so, maybe he isnt THAT bad of a singer.
She knocked on the door lightly and heard the music stop. Come in. she heard him say softly.
Laura turned the knob and opened the door, walking in slowly. He stared at her in question, wondering what she was doing home so early. Werent you supposed to stay in the hospital until tomorrow? he asked with confusion.
Yeah but the doctors said it would be best to continue my recovery in a comfortable area, such as home.
Mike gave a small nod and placed the guitar on the bed. I didnt know you played. She muttered and crawled onto his bed, leaning down on the pillows.
Mike frowned and turned around to face her. What the hell did you think I did in the band?
Stand there and look pretty for the cameras? she answered with a smile.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Yeah Im sure
Hey youd be surprised Mike. If Tiffany ever comes over, youre going to have to hide in the linen closet. She explained with warning.
She thinks Im hot? he asked.
Noshe thinks youre sexyshh dont tell her I said.
Mike gave a small smile and raised a brow. Sexythats a new one. He laughed.
Yeah I really dont know what she sees in you. I keep telling her youre just a normal guy.
Does she know youre my daughter? he asked.
Not yetplus if she did Id never hear the end of it. Do you know how many sleepovers shed want to have with meat this house? she asked.
Im guessing a lot. He answered.
Sowhat were you working on? she asked curiously, staring at the paper beside him.
New demo. He replied.
Interestinghow much do you think Tiff will pay me if I leak this to her? she asked.
Mike glared and snatched the paper away from her. Dont you dare. He warned.
Come on Mikearent you curious to find out what a loyal fan like her would think?
Absolutely not. If this leaks then Im ruined. He explained.
How? she asked with confusion.
Chester and the rest of them would kick my assI wouldnt be able to move for the rest of my lifebut on the other hand Id have a devout daughter to take care of my every need. He smiled.
Laura stared at him and blinked slowly. Touché.
Mike smiled evilly and folded the paper into his pocket. So, are you feeling better?
Yeah kind ofmy stomach sorta hurts. She replied.
Mike nodded a little and looked around the room. So MikeI didnt know you could cry like that. She smiled.
He frowned and turned his head slowly towards her. Y-youyou saw me crying? he asked.
Yeah when you put me down on the groundI didnt know you liked me THAT much. She explained and rested her head against his pillow. He gave an uneasy sigh and looked down.
Laurathat crash scared the shit out of me. Do you have any idea what I was feeling when you didnt open your eyes? he asked quietly.
Probably a lot more than I was feelingI was likenumb everywherepardon the pun. She muttered.
He smiled a little and nodded. Just dont leave the house ever again and Ill be fine. He explained.
Wait, does this mean you love me? she asked with interest.
Mike lowered his eyes and stood up quickly. Hey, Im kind of hungrysee you in the kitchen? he asked and disappeared.
Laura frowned and sat up. She quickly followed him down into the kitchen and glared. What the hell was that? she demanded.
What the hell was what?
You totally dismissed my question. She answered and opened the fridge.
Which question was that? he asked as he watched her open the milk carton.
I asked you if you loved me. She replied and took a large swig of milk. Mike frowned and grabbed the carton out of her hands.
Dont drink from the carton.
Youre one to talk and you still havent answered my question. She answered and furrowed her brow. He gave a small smile and sighed lightly. Before she knew it, he had her in a warm hug. Laura raised a brow of confusion and surprise.
He had never hugged her before which made her wonder why he was hugging her now. The thing about this hug was that it was so gentlelike he was trying not to hurt her bruised muscles. He pulled away from her slowly and gave her a warm smile.
Welcome back Laura.
She watched as he walked over to the couch and sat down. Maybe he cared about her more than she thought. Laura frowned in thought. The funny thing wasshe actually liked the hug. It made her feel warm and comfortable. She raised a brow and stared at Mike as he watched TV.
OkayI can live with that hug

~~OK...soooo when is he ever gonna tell her he loves her??? HMMMMM TIS GONNA BE SOON SO DON'T WORRY..BUT does she love him too?? oooo the plot thickens....anywhoosies, hope you enjoyed this chappie. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REVIEWING PPLS!!...wow i laughed so hard when everyone was freaking out lol...u guyz are the awesomnessess!! Thanks :)~~
You're Here, And I'm Never Alone
~~WOOT I UPDATED!! Thanks to EVERYONE who has been reviewing..i know i have said this alot but i appreciate EVERY LAST WORD FROM EVERYONE OUT THERE!!!...u guyz ALWAYS make me smile...hope you enjoy this chappie!! Probably only one more to come after this...enjoy!!:)~~

Laura held her head tightly and winced. The pain in her head was getting stronger and stronger with each passing second. It was getting so bad she felt like she was going to cry. Mike frowned as he felt something grab the sleeve of his shirt.
Mike she cried with desperation.
He lowered his eyes with worry. Are you alright? he asked.
She shook her head a little and closed her eyes tightly. I-It hurts she stammered.
Did you take your medication? he asked.
N-nonot y-yet
Alright hold on, Ill get it. He stated quickly and walked into the kitchen.
Laura opened her eyes as an acute pain rippled through her skull. Mikeyou ahy-you might want to h-hurry before I pass out. She warned through her teeth.
Okay, just a sec. he replied and grabbed the bottle of pills from the cupboard. He shook two into his hand and grabbed a glass of water, walking it over to Laura. He sat down as she took the pills and water, swallowing them down quickly.
Mike put the glass down on the coffee table and watched her with concern. She looked like she was in so much pain.
Is it working yet? he asked.
Does it look like its working? she demanded.
Mike lowered his eyes a little. I-Im sorry Mikeit just hurts so much. She muttered with a small wince.
I understand. He answered softly.
Tears began to roll down her cheeks and she closed her eyes. Make it stop. She cried.
Mike gently placed his arm around her and she leaned into his chest, gripping his shirt tightly. Its hurts. She whimpered.
I knowits okaythe pain will stop soon. He said softly.
Her body jolted with excruciating pain and she continued to sob and whimper. Mike stroked her cheek with his other hand and frowned with concern. He could feel her warm tears rolling down the back of his hand.
I-It wont s-stop she sobbed.
Shh, it will. He answered with reassurance. She closed her eyes tightly and listened to the beating of his steady heart. Soon the sound of his voice vibrated through his chest soothingly.
I waited for you today
But you didn't show
No no no
I needed You today
So where did You go?
You told me to call
Said You'd be there
And though I haven't seen You
Are You still there?

I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and Im never alone

And though I cannot see You
And I can't explain why
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life

We cannot separate
'Cause You're part of me
And though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen

Laura stopped sobbing and whimpering. She opened her eyes as the tears continued to trail down her cheeks. She sniffled a little and blinked the blurriness out of her eyes. Fatigue soon consumed her and she felt her eyes begin to become heavy.
She didnt know if it was the medication or the song that was calming her but right now she didnt care. The pain had stopped and she felt comfortable. Mike stroked her hair gently and dimmed the light from the lampafter all, the light wasnt exactly helping her any.
You alright? he asked quietly.
Sleepy she muttered.
Mike looked down at her and watched her eyes close. She had stopped trembling for now. Right now all she really needed was someone warm to rest her head on. He listened to her breathing become shallow and slow, indicating that she was falling asleep.
These past few days hadnt exactly been easy on either of them. The best thing to do now was just relax and try to forget about the crushed metal, burning flesh and rotten blood.
Mike leaned his head back against the top of the couch and gave a heavy sigh, closing his eyes. The important thing was, his daughter was here, alive and sleeping soundly. He wouldnt have it any other way.

Anna crept into the silent house slowly and dropped her jacket quietly on the chair near the couch. She smiled down at the two people, snuggled up together, sleeping. Laura had her head pushed into his chest and was breathing heavily. Mike had his head leaned down near hers, breathing softly. Anna sat down on the armrest beside Mike and stroked his spiked hair.
His eyes soon fluttered open slowly and he awoke with a start. Shh, you were asleep. She smiled.
Mike turned his head slowly and looked up at her smiling eyes. He then looked down at Laura, to make sure he hadnt woken her. You two look pretty comfy. She whispered.
Mike blinked slowly at the sleeping angel and nodded. Yeahher medication put her to sleepI must have dozed off a while after that. He muttered quietly.
Laura gave a heavy sigh at the sound of his comforting voice and continued to sleep. I think she likes snuggling up to you and falling asleep. Anna explained quietly with a chuckle.
Mike raised a brow and stared at Anna. Yeah when shes not yelling or swearing at me, sure.
She only does that so she doesnt have to say she loves you. Anna stated lightly.
News flash Anna, she doesnt love me.
Take a look at her right now and TELL me she doesnt love you. He looked down at the sleeping child and blinked slowly. She did look awfully comfortable.
Shes sleepingthat doesnt mean she loves me. He explained.
The fact that shes sleeping with her head in your chest and her arms around you does. And besides, you saved her life. I think shes very grateful for that. You were there when she was scared and bleeding and in pain. You didnt want to leave her at the hospital. You were the first person she wanted to see when she woke up.
Mike frowned slightly in thought. Anna had a very good point.
Have you told her you love her yet? she asked suddenly.
Mike swallowed hard and sighed. Nonot yet.
You should tell her soon. She needs to know. Anna muttered quietly.
YeahI will. He whispered.
GoodIm going to go get ready for bedtake her downstairs? she asked. Mike nodded and she kissed him on the head. Nightoh and say good night to her for me.
I will. He replied quietly and watched her walk upstairs to her room. Mike sighed heavily and looked down at Laura. He didnt want to wake her so gently and carefully he picked her up and brought her down to her room, resting her into her bed.
He sat down on the side of the bed and pulled her covers up to her neck. She looked so peacefulhe couldnt help but smile. He stroked her cheek softly and sighed lightly. She was so precious and he couldnt believe that he had lost her. A month ago, he would never have even wanted to be near her but nownow he never wanted to leave her side.
He leaned forward slowly and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. He then stroked the few stay hairs out of her face and smiled. I love you Laura he said quietly then stood up.
As he made his way to the stairs, a voice stopped him cold in his tracks.
He turned around slowly and stared down at the weary child.
I love you too
Mikes heart jumped in his throat when he heard that. His cheeks reddened and he swallowed hard. For the first time in his life, he couldnt respond. The words were stuck in his throat, unable to escape. He couldnt stop staring into those soft brown eyesa reflection of his own.
G-good night. He stammered, half with shock and half with relief.
Night. She smiled and rolled over, facing the other wall, slowly falling back asleep. Mike walked upstairs gradually and then closed her door behind him. He just couldnt believe how important those three little words were to him, coming from her.
He treaded up the long staircase to his room and stopped in the hall, noticing Anna watching him from her doorway. You alright, you look a little pale. She stated with concern.
He gave a heavy sigh as she walked towards him. I just umwhen I was downstairsuhsh-she
Anna frowned a little and stared into his nervous brown eyes. Mike looked down and swallowed hard.
She saiddad I love you too
Annas eyes brightened with joy and surprise. Really?
Yeah. He answered with a crooked smile.
Anna hugged him tightly and chuckled. Aw, thats so sweet! she squealed. She pulled away from him and stared into his sparkling eyes. How are you feeling Mike? she asked.
He sighed heavily and stared at her in thought, slowly nodding his head. Happyrelieved
Not scared or nervous?
No he answered in realization.
Anna couldnt keep her smile from surfacing. Ugh, this is so great. FINALLY!
Yeah but now Im kind of tired and I just want to go to bed. He muttered. She nodded a little and kissed him.
Good night sweetie. She smiled.
Nightoh and by the way he replied.
She stared at him with expectation, waiting for him to continue. I got something I kind of have to ask you tomorrow.
She frowned a little and cocked her head with interest. Why not ask me now?
Youll seegood night. He smiled and disappeared into his room. Anna raised a brow and walked into her room.
What the hell could he possibly want to ask me?

~~DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMMMM....what does he wanna ask her?? Seems pretty obvious now huh??? AWWW THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, HOW CUTE...*cough*...anyways...one more chappie to come and then it's done!!! Oh but don't worry...i have plenty more fics stored up in this twisted mind of mine...THANKS FOR READING THIS FAR!!!..ONE MORE CHAPPIE TO COME!!~~

You Are Mine Forever
~~ omg...*cries*...last chappie...the end of the end...*sniffs*..awww....THANKS FOR READING THIS FAR...ENJOY THIS CHAPPIE!!:)~~

Laura walked upstairs and treaded heavily into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. Mike leaned back against the counters and watched her carefully. Without a thought, she walked over to him and leaned her head into his chest. He frowned a little and looked down.
You alright? he asked.
Everything hurts. She groaned.
He chuckled a little and rubbed her back. Coffee? he asked.
She looked to the side and frowned at the coffee cup. Gimme. She muttered and took the cup.
Mike smiled as she walked towards the island, sitting down. He walked over to her and leaned on the island. Have you seen your mom this morning? he asked.
Laura frowned at him and shook her head. I just woke up, does it look like Ive seen her?
Well excuse me for wondering. He muttered.
How long have you been up? she asked.
A few minutes
Mike, its noon. She stated.
He raised his eyes and nodded. Yeah, I had a good sleep.
Really she stated with disinterest and lowered her head painfully.
Wheres that smiling girl I used to know? he asked.
Laura lowered her eyes and stared at the coffee in the cup. She disappeared the twisted metal and fire.
Mike frowned a little and shook his head. I know theres a smile in there somewhere.
Not today. She corrected quickly.
He chuckled lightly and smiled. Come onI know you have it in you.
Fuck off Mike. She ordered.
LauraI can see it coming. He smiled.
No you cant. she answered.
He pressed his lips against her cheek softly and smiled. I love you he said quietly.
Laura blushed and lowered her eyes. Not going to work
Then why can I see a smile twitching ever so slowly out of the corner of your mouth? he asked.
She lowered her head away from him and swallowed hard, feeling her lips twitching. Nothing there. She muttered.
Here it comes. He laughed.
Laura turned her head away from him and hid her smile. Bastard. She muttered.
He wrapped his arms around her and continued to laugh. You just cant help it can you?
Well I would have been able to if you hadnt of said that. She muttered and pushed him away from her.
Mike smiled and walked around to the other side of the island. Sowhy do you need mom anyway? she asked curiously.
I have to ask her something.
Ask her what?
None of your business. He replied quickly.
Laura lowered her eyes and sat back in her chair. You look kind of jumpy for a guy who only wants to ask a question. She explained.
Well its an important question. He answered shakily.
She frowned and shook her head. This wouldnt be one of those life changing questions would it?
Uhpossibly. He replied cautiously.
Mikeshes going to say no.
He frowned and stared at her with dark eyes. I beg your pardon? You dont even know what Im going to ask her.
Mikeits kind of obvious. She whispered.
Reallyso what am I going to ask her?
Sorry, its your business, not mine. She smiled.
He frowned as she walked towards the front door. Where are you going?
Tiffanys coming over to drop off a CD I wanted while I was in the hospitalshe should be here about
The door bell suddenly rang.
Now. She added and opened the door a little, careful not to show Mike sitting in the kitchen.
Hey Laura, I have your CD. Tiffany smiled.
Laura gave a small smile and grabbed it. Thanks, bye.
Waitarent you going to invite me in? The blonde girl asked.
Laura blinked quickly and looked back to Mike. He gave a small smile and shook his head. Uhmy house is kind of in a little bit of a messI dont think it would be such a good idea. She explained cautiously.
Then we can go to your room. She smiled.
Laura sighed heavily and stared down at the CD. Uh-.
Hey, whos youre friend? Ohyou must be Tiffany, Ive heard so much about you. Mike interrupted and advanced near the door.
Laura rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. Greathere we go.
Tiffany stared at him and frowned. Wha-.
Hey, Ive heard this CD beforewait, thats a little screwed up because I havent actually HEARD itI made itbrings back so many memories. He smiled.
The blonde girl stared at him in disbelief and shock. Laura lowered her eyes and pulled Mikes arm away from the door.
You should hear number eight, its my favorite. Man, I couldnt even begin to tell you how long it took us to record this song. Chester just kept screwing up the bridgeman, we eventually got him to sing it in tune after about three days. It was quite fu-. He stopped as Laura placed a hand over his mouth.
Dadyou talk too much.
Tiffanys eyes widened even more. He frowned and pulled her hand down from his mouth. I dont talk, I raptheres a difference. He corrected.
Could you please go away? she demanded to him.
He stared into her dark eyes and laughed. Ill remember this when you want to come backstage to see me. He explained.
Never going to happengoodbye. She ordered.
Finenice meeting you Tiffany. He smiled and gave a wink.
Laura kicked him in the shin and frowned. He glared with pain and backed away from the door. No more shopping for you. He muttered and disappeared in the kitchen.
Tiffany stared at Laura speechlessly. Butheyouuh
Look, I have to go, Ill phone you later, kay?
Yeahsure she breathed and Laura closed the door. Mike laughed from the kitchen and she lowered her eyes. Yeah, great job there Mike. You scared the hell out of her.
But it was so much fun. He answered lightly.
She walked over to him and grumbled to herself. So, you really wanted that CD? he asked.
Yeah, it helps me sleep. She smiled.
He lowered his eyes and sighed heavily. The door suddenly opened and Mike almost leaped off of his seat. Anna frowned and walked into the kitchen, throwing her keys to the counter. She flipped through the mail and raised a brow.
Laura, is there a reason why Tiffany was stiffly walking away from the house looking like she had just seen a ghost?
Laura laughed and shook her head. Linkin Park moment.
Oh she muttered in response and stared at the mail. Laura grabbed the coffee and began drinking it again.
Anna? Mike asked as he hopped out of his chair.
Yeahcould you hold on a minute? she asked as she ripped open a bill. Mike grabbed the bill and took it away from her, throwing it onto the island. She frowned at him, wondering why he had done that. What?
I have to ask you something. He replied shakily.
Okaycould you make it quick? I have bills to pay.
Shell say no. Laura muttered into her coffee.
Mike frowned and ignored her. Anna could you please worry about the Goddamn bills later? he demanded. She stared at him with surprise and crossed her arms.
Okaywhat the hell is so important that you have to swear at me for? she asked.
SorryIm just a littlenervous. He answered.
Why? she asked with a frown.
Well its kind of an important question. He replied.
Anna stared at him and raised her eyes. Okayyou gonna ask or what?
Mike sighed heavily and gathered his strength.
Will you marry me?
Anna stared at him blankly and sighed lightly. Are you going to get lunch ready or what? she asked casually.
He frowned and heard Laura snickering behind him. Excuse me? he demanded.
Lunchyou know? We have to eat sometime today. I cant be making it all the time. She explained.
Did you even hear what I asked? he demanded.
Mikecome on, you cant get out of making lunch this time. She explained and grabbed the bills.
Mike frowned and grabbed the bills out of her hand and replaced them with a diamond ring. Should I just get down on one knee or what? he asked.
Anna stared down at the ring and frownedthen slowly looked back at him. Okaywhat? she asked with confusion.
You dont honestly want me to ask again do you?
Waityoure serious? she demanded.
No I thought Id be a really funny afternoon joke before I get lunch started. He answered sarcastically with dark eyes.
Anna stared at him and blushed. Laura sipped her coffee and stared at them. Annacould you please answer before I pass out? Mike asked desperately.
She stared at him in thought and frowned.
Laura choked on her coffee and coughed violently. Mike smiled and slipped the ring onto her finger, giving her a kiss. Anna smiled and stared down at the ringher eyes becoming wider.
Holy shit Mike, how much did this thing cost?
Two million.
TWO MILLION? She demanded.
Hey, I bought the best FOR the best. He smiled.
Anna frowned a little and shook her head. You wasted two million dollars on a ring. She stated.
Anna I didnt waste anything. It was worth ityoure worth it. He explained softly.
Laura hopped out of her chair and grabbed her mothers hand, inspecting the sparkling diamond. Wow.
Wow is right, Mike you didnt have to get me a two million dollar ring. Anna explained.
Well I was going to buy you a mansion but this seemed more your style. He explained. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him.
I love itI love you.
Waitdoes this mean I have to live with this buffoon for the rest of my God given life? Laura demanded.
The two parents stared at her blankly. Until you move out sure. Anna replied.
Sohes permanently my dad. Laura stated.
Yep. He smiled.
Laura stared at him and frowned. Sowere likea family and shit?
Well not exactly in those words but yes. Anna smiled.
Laura, are you okay? Mike asked.
She stared at him and blinked slowly. Just give me a minute He stared at her as a small smile twitched on her lips. Yay. She said quietly.
Mike laughed and wrapped his arms around her. Now youre stuck with me.
I can live with thatas long as I get a car when Im sixteena GOOD car. She explained.
Mike rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. Fine.
Really? she asked with bright eyes.
No damn way. He laughed and pulled away from her.
Oh what a nice father you are. She muttered.
I have to go down to the studio for a whilebe back soon. He smiled and kissed Anna.
Have fun. She laughed.
What if its under a million? Laura asked as she followed him to the front door.
Nice try. He replied and slipped on his jacket.
500 000? she asked.
Really? she asked hopefully.
Mike stared at her and frowned. Are you coming or something? he asked.
If it means getting a car out of you, sure. She answered.
Mike growled and opened the door. Just dont touch the equipmentand I mean it this time. He warned.
So can I get a car when Im sixteen? she asked.
Mike rolled his eyes and walked outside. Laura stared outside and frowned.
Anna chuckled as they both disappeared outside. This was definitely going to be a very interesting family. She walked towards the door and leaned on the frame. Mike. She called.
Yeah. He answered.
Dont spoil her too much. Mike gave a small smile and opened the truck door.
Dont worryits not like Im coming home with a HUMMER or anything.
Oh! Can I get a HUMMER? Laura asked with excitement.
He frowned and turned his head towards her. Did you finish your homework?
Then no HUMMER. He answered.
Youre no fun. She muttered and hopped inside the vehicle.
If I get you a flat screen TV for your room will you stop bugging me about a car? he asked.
Yes. She smiled.
Fine. He sighed and entered the vehicle.
Mike, I said DONT spoil her. Anna stated with a frown.
Relax Anna, itll be small. He laughed.
Hey! Laura whined and smacked him on the shoulder. He laughed and started the engine, shaking his head.
Bring her home before nineand WITHOUT an entire entertainment system please. Anna explained.
Mike smiled and nodded. You got it.
Bye. She laughed and entered the house.
Laura turned to her father and smiled. I love you.
He looked at her and pulled out of the driveway. You can cut the love act, the stereo comes with the TV. He muttered.
She smiled while staring at him. Who said I wanted the stereo?
He glanced at her with a sideways smile. Lauras bright eyes shone into his.
Love you too. He answered.

I've had enough of living life for only me
And reaching just for the things that keep destroying me
So sick of envying the lives of so many I see
Somehow believing that they have what I need

My God's enough for me
This world has nothing I need
In this whole life I've seen
My God's enough, enough for me
I can't explain why I suffer though I live for You
Those who deny You they have it better than I do
Cover my eyes now so that my heart can finally see
That in the end only You mean anything

Who have I in heaven but You
Nothing I desire but You
My heart may fail but not You
You are mine forever

{Song: Psalm 73 [My God's Enough]}
{Arstist: BarlowGirl}
~~OMG IT'S OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR *cries* *sniff*....don't worry though, there will be plenty more fics to come from me soon!!...SOOO how did everyone like this fic??????????? THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ AND REVIWED...UR COMMENTS ALWAYS KEEP ME GOING AND THIS IS WHY I WRITE....i can't say enough thank yous....THANKYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *hugs for all*:)~~
never alone 1

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