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: 15.01.2008
: 53


never alone 1 ( 2 )

, 02 2008 . 19:58 +
~~Okay, im back again...hope you enjoy this chappie and THANKS A BUNCH for all the reviews!!! Enjoy!!:)~~

The night had been long and sleepless for Anna and especially for Mike. He didnt know what to do with all of this. He had a daughter but he didnt want to raise herhe didnt know her. He heard a soft knock on the door as he swung his suit case onto the bed.
Come in. he answered quietly.
Anna walked into his room slowly and closed the door behind her. She stared at the suit case and lowered her eyes.
Mike, dont do this.
Sorry Anna but I cant stay here. He muttered.
He walked towards his dresser and was about to open it when Anna stepped in front of him and leaned on it. She stared into his eyes and frowned.
Move. He ordered gently.
No, Im not moving. I want you to listen to me.
Im listening Anna. He sighed impatiently.
Dont you at leased think you should spend some time with her?
Why not?
Mike rubbed his face wearily and frowned. Anna, I dont know herI dont want to know her. I wasnt there when she was growing upwhy should I be here now? he demanded.
Because believe it or not, she needs a father.
Whys that?
Anna looked around and swallowed hard. Its difficult for me to be here all the time watching over her because I have a very demanding job. She usually spends time alone in the house, studying. I barely ever get to spend time with her and I believe thats why she is so rude and disobedient.
Anna, having a father isnt going to change that.
I think it will. She needs a family.
Mike sighed heavily and shook his head. Well I dont need a family.
She stared into his dark eyes, knowing he wasnt going to change his mind quickly. Youre afraid.
Mike raised his eyes. Yeah Im afraid. Me and childrendoes not work.
Why not? she asked with a frown.
Kids dont like mewell the fans do but relativesthey hate me.
Youre afraid that she hates you? she asked.
Mike frowned. Anna she DOES hate me. I can see it in her eyes every time she looks at me.

Anna crossed her arms and leaned further back against the dresser. Look, maybe she hates you now but later she might learn to accept you in her life.
I dont want her to accept me in her life. I dont need her.
Michael, I need you.
For what? he asked with confusion.
Because when I tell her who her father is Im going to need your support.
Anna, I am not going to sit around and watch you tell her that Im her father. I want nothing to do with her and Im also not going to stay with a little teenage bitch because you know what, I have a job too!
He felt an intense stinging sensation on his cheek and he brought his hand up to rub the reddening skin. Anna pulled her hand back and tried to calm her anger. She couldnt believe he had just called her that. Mike looked at her as he felt his eyes water.
Damn that hurt.
How dare you. She hissed ferociously.
He stared at her speechlessly, still getting over the shock of the slap.
How DARE you. Shes your daughter. She has done nothing to deserve being called that. None of this is her fault.
Her voice was low and quiet. Mike could sense the anger shaking within her voice. She glanced at his suitcase and glared.
Put that damn thing away and come downstairs. Youre STAYING. She stated angrily and left the room, slamming the door.
He stared at the door and frowned. I hate being slapped.
He looked back at the suitcase and picked it up. He grumbled with frustration and anger as he threw it into the corner of the room.

Laura walked into the kitchen and frowned as Mike took a big swig from the milk carton. He leaned on the open fridge as she approached the counter. She stared at him with a glare. He wiped his mouth and swallowed hard.
Something you need? he demanded.
Yeah, moms going to be pissed when she finds out that youre drinking from the carton again. She answered with annoyance.
Mike nodded a little and stared into her eyes. Now that he thought about itshe did kind of have his eyes. He shook the thought from his mind and frowned.
Well shes not going to find out, is she?
That all depends on what I tell her. She smiled.
You evil bitch. He breathed.
Laura glared and grabbed the carton of milk as Anna walked into the room. She stuck her tongue out at Mike and looked at her mother.
Mom, Mikes drinking from the carton again! she announced loudly.
Mike shook his head at the girl and sighed angrily. Anna glared and approached him, smacking him on the back of the head. Knock it off Mike. She muttered.
He rubbed his head and moved away from the fridge while Laura placed the milk back inside.
Thatll teach ya. Laura muttered under her breath.
Mike glared at her and restrained himself from smacking her. Okay both of you stop. Laura, I need to have a word with you. Anna explained casually.
Oo, is this about my dad? she asked curiously.
Mike rolled his eyes and leaned on the island. Yes, sit on the couch please. Anna replied.
Why do I have to sit?
Because I want you togo. She ordered calmly.
Laura marched over to the couch and quickly sat down, waiting for her mother. Mike, you too. Anna ordered.
He stared at her blankly. No fucking way.

Sit before I make you. She growled under her breath. Mike sighed heavily and sat down in the chair across from the couch. Anna sat down on the couch near Laura and leaned on the arm rest.
Does he have to be here? The girl demanded.
Yes he does.
No I dont.
Yes you DO. Anna stated angrily.
Mike slumped down in the chair and crossed his arms. Anna looked back at her daughter and sighed uneasily. This was going to be hard.
Okayfirstly I want to say that your father is an extremely gentle and warm person with a kind heart.
Mike snorted and rolled his eyes. Anna ignored him and continued.
I want you to know what kind of person he is before I tell you because I believe that its important. He cares for nothing more than his family and friends. Now, we were very young when I became pregnant with youaround 16. The reason why I never told him about you was because I knew it would make his life more difficult. He was just beginning his life and becoming independent and I knew that he couldnt handle a baby. I didnt want to ruin his life.
So youre saying that I could have ruined him? Laura asked with confusion.
Anna looked down in thought. No.
Yes. Mike stated.
Quiet Michael. She ordered lightly.
He closed his mouth and glared.
Laura, what Im trying to say isthere was no way he could have had a life of his own. A baby is a lot of work and I didnt want to put him through that.
Laura frowned slightly in thought. Waitwas I an accident?
More like a mistake. Mike breathed.
Anna looked at him and lowered her eyes. She was NOT a mistake.
Well she certainly wasnt planned. He muttered.
Would you be quiet? she demanded angrily.
I thought you wanted me here.
Yeah for support, not to insult her. Jesus Christ, just shut your fucking mouth.
Mike sighed heavily and leaned his head back against the chair. Fine.
Laura raised a brow. Should I leave?
No, stay where you are. Anna ordered.
The girl sat back and crossed her arms as Anna continued. Okay, well you werent a mistake and you were not an accident. You were more like a surprise.
Laura gave a small smile at her mothers attempt not to hurt her feelings. Mom, would you just get to the name please?
Anna sighed shakily and gathered her strength. She knew her daughter wasnt going to like what was coming.
Okayuhyour father is umuh
Laura raised her eyes with expectation. Mike squirmed in the chair to get more comfortable and frowned. He really didnt want to be here and hear the screaming. Anna lowered her eyes and braced herself.
Laura stared at her mother for countless seconds, taking in the name. A deep frown slowly began to form on her brow. Anna stared at her daughter and waited for her reaction. The girl rubbed her face nervously and looked down.
Y-your kidding right? she demanded.
Yeah she was kidding. Im not your fathergood bye. Mike stated sarcastically and stood up.
Anna gave him an icy glare. Sit down. She ordered angrily.
Slowly, he sat down and avoided eye contact with everyone in the room. Laura glared at her mother in disbelief.
HES my father? THAT lunatic? What the hell! she shouted.
Laura calm down.
No I wont calm down. I cant believe thatthatbastard is my father! How the hell could you have slept with such an uncaring man? My God, this is the worst day of my life! she yelled and stood up, proceeding to her room. I hate this family!
Anna cringed as the door slammed. Mike looked at Anna and frowned. She remained quiet and leaned her head in her hand.
Wellthat was fun. Mike muttered after a long while.

Anna lowered her eyes hopelessly and sighed. She hates me.
No she doesnt hate you, she hates me. I think weve made that clear. He explained.
Anna looked at him and frowned. Well at leased she didnt scream.
Mike sat down beside Anna on the couch and grabbed her hand. She stared down at his hand in hers and sighed uneasily. Look, itll be fine. You didnt do anything wrong.
Im a horrible mother. She muttered.
Because you told her who her father was?
No because I slept with you. She breathed.
He raised a brow, feeling rather insulted. Gee thanks.
I just dont understand why she hates you so much. I just keep getting this feeling that it has nothing to do with the fact that youre a man.
Mike frowned with thought. Maybe shes just afraid to have a family.
Anna looked deeply into his eyes. She hated the fact that he could be right. What the hell am I supposed to do? she asked helplessly.
Mike wrapped his arm around her and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Wellnothing right now. Maybe you should just wait a while and then talk to her about this. Ask her why she hates me.
Annas eyes fluttered to half a blink. Yeah I could do that. She muttered.
And if shes anything like me, shell calm down in a few hours and actually start to think about this. He explained quietly in thought.
Anna lifted her head and stared at him. Does this mean youre thinking about staying?
No this means I have been thinking about staying for the past few hours and I AM staying. He replied.
Really? Why? she asked with confusion.
Because if I dont, youll have a panic attack and probably commit suicide. He smiled.
Anna smiled a little and leaned into his shoulder. Yeah, thirteen year olds drive me madwere you like this when you were her age? she asked.
No, I was worse. He answered with a small chuckle.
Anna laughed and shook her head. I just hope she isnt turning into you or wed be in big trouble.
Anna I hate to tell you this but I think she is turning into meshes already got the freaking out gene. He muttered.
She sighed heavily and peered down at the carpet. Are you going to be able to accept her?
I dont knowmaybethats the point of getting to know her right? he asked.
Yeah once that maternal instinct kicks in, youll be a great dad. She smiled.
He lowered his eyes. Maternal instinct? I dont think so.
Come on Mike I know you have it somewhere in there. Its just dormant at the moment. Besides, its going to come out sooner or later when you least expect it. She explained.
I doubt it. He muttered.
Well see she smiled.

~~OO WHY DOES SHE ACTUALLY HATE HIM???? what will happen in the next few days between Laura and Mike??? Will they continue to fight?????? Read on cuz there's more to come yay!! Thanks a bunch and please review!!:)~~
~~Okay...hope you enjoy this chappie!..tis kinda short...enjoy:)~~

Anna raced around the kitchen, searching for her purse while putting on her coat. She was already running late for work and if she didnt leave soon shed be fired.

Mike munched on his cereal and watched her rummage around the living room in a panic. He smiled to himself as he stared at the worried look on her face. Her cheeks were becoming red with frustration and annoyance.
Where the hell did I put the damn thing? she demanded to herself and pushed her dark hair from her eyes.
Mike pointed to the couch and swallowed his food. You check under the couch?
Anna blinked at him and frowned. Why the hell would it be there?
I dont knowthats just the only place you havent looked yet.
Laura walked into the kitchen and yawned, rubbing her messy hair. Anna looked at her and raised her eyes.
Laura, why arent you dressed for school? she demanded.
The girl glanced at Mike and frowned. Why did he always have to be in the room? I couldnt find any clean clothes. She muttered sleepily, rubbing her eyes.
Anna sighed heavily and ran her fingers through her hair. Thats because your laundry is folded in the laundry room, go get dressed before I lose my job. She ordered hastily.
Laura grumbled with irritation and disappeared into the laundry room. Mike rolled his eyes.
Does that girl ever do anything around here? My God shes lazier than me. He muttered.
Anna frowned and looked under the couch. Would you stop insulting my daughter and start helping me find my purse? she demanded breathlessly.
Mike raised his eyes as Laura emerged from the laundry room.
Excuse me, youre the one who lost it. He explained.
Laura stood in the front hall and stared at herself in the mirror as she fixed her hair. Anna looked down at her watch and glared.
Shit Im fucking lateLaura, I cant get you to school like this. She explained.
Thats alright, Ill take the bus. She muttered from the hall.
No, Mikes driving you.
Mike looked at Anna and frowned. Hey, hey, hey, Im not a taxi service. She can take the bus.
Not with the drug dealers. Anna muttered and searched the pantries.
Mom, Ill take my chances with the drug dealers. Laura stated as she walked into the kitchen.
Anna glared and looked at both of them. Would you two knock it off? Mike, its not going to kill you to drive her to school.
I disagree. He answered and glared at his daughter.
Laura glared back at him and crossed her arms. Anna grabbed the keys to Mikes Escalade and shoved them into his hand. Drive. She ordered.
But Mom-.
No butshes driving you, end of discussion. She stated and opened the closet.
She sighed with relief and pulled out the purse. There you are.
Mike frowned as Laura stuck her tongue out at him. Of course he responded in the only mature way possibleby sticking out his tongue. Anna frowned and stared up in thought.
Shit, I have a late meeting tonightMike I need you to pick her up tooIm sorry I know you both hate each other but its going to happen whether you like it or not.
She ran up to Mike and kissed him on the head. Love you, bye. She then ran up to Laura and kissed her on the cheek.
Love you bye. Laura frowned and rubbed her cheek as Anna disappeared out the door. Mike rubbed his head and glared. They stared at each other with intense anger. This was going to be an interesting morning.

Mike pulled out of the drive way and stared down the road, glistening with rain water from early that morning. Laura leaned against the door panel and glared. She didnt like being in a car alone with him.
Maybe hell crash the damn truck and I wont have to deal with him for the rest of my life.
Traffic that morning was busy, which made the drive to school seem even longer. They proceeded down the road silently, listening to the engine of the large Escalade hum.
Mike had no interest in speaking to her and no interest in even looking at her. All he had to do was drive her there and back. There was no need for irrelevant conversation.
Laura was thinking the exact same thing as the school came into view. Laura cringed in thought. Damn, I have to go home with him tooGod kill me now.
Mike pulled the Escalade in front of the school and stopped. Laura glanced at him and opened the door. With a slam, she was gone up the large steps and into the building.
Mike stared at the school and frowned. He had gone to this school when he was younger. There were so many memories heremost of them good. He shook his head a little and pulled the gear into drive.

Hey man where the hell have you been?

Mike rolled his eyes and sat down beside his friend in the studio. Long story Chaz. He replied.
He had no intention of telling Chester about Laura. Getting lucky with the lady? he asked with a smile.
Mike flipped a few switches and pressed a few buttons, shaking his head.
Its not like that.
Come on man, you see Anna after fourteen years and youre telling me that you guys never-.
No we didntcould we please get to work? he asked calmly.
Chester shrugged and looked down at the board. Sure man, where do you want to start?
I have a few things to edit. Mike replied and quickly filled his mind with work.

The afternoon was reaching its end. The two had been working on the editing process for quite a while. Finally, they were starting to make some progress after about three hours of Chester fooling around with the equipment.
Chester stared at the computer that Mike was working on and frowned. Are you going to get this done sometime today or are we going to be here until four? he demanded.
Mike looked at the clock and shrugged. Ill be done when Im do-.
He stopped as his eyes widened.
Laura, shit.
He stood up quickly and pulled on his jacket. Look man, I have something to do so I have to gocan you get the rest of this editing done? he asked quickly.
Chester stared at him and raised a brow. Wow, youll really let me edit this? he asked.
Mike frowned in thought. Waitno, never mindcall Brad, hell finish itsee ya. He called and disappeared out the door.
Chester glared and crossed his arms. I never get to edit.

Mike stared at the timer and frowned with worry. Shit, its three thirtyAnnas going to kill me.
He stopped the Escalade in front of the school and stared down at the steps. Laura looked up and glared at him, then slowly stood up. She had been waiting there for more than half an hour.
He swallowed hard as she entered the vehicle, slammed the door hard and crossed her arms. He sighed uneasily and bit his lip. Quickly, he pulled the Escalade into drive and pressed the gas.
Laura couldnt stand the silence anymore so she pulled a CD from her bag. She inserted it into the CD player and Mike glanced down. A few seconds later, a loud booming drum sound vibrated the dash and the sound of guitars soon followed.
Laura glanced at Mike, thinking that for sure hed get angry and throw the CD out the window.
So, the little monster has a taste for rock music. Mike reached for the volume and turned itthe opposite way that Laura would have suspected.
The window began to vibrated and shake. Laura raised a brow and looked at him. He kept his eyes on the road while sensing her look of question.


Laura dumped her bag on the floor by her room and proceeded into the kitchen as Mike closed the front door. She walked towards the answering machine and watched the small light on it flash.
She pressed the button as Mike approached the machine, curious to hear the message.
Hey guys, its me. Im sorry to have to tell you this but I have another late meeting tonight so I probably wont be home until around eleven or so. I can already picture the glares forming on your faces.
Mike looked at Laura and they exchanged glares.
So, Laura I want your homework finished before nine and I want you in bed before ten thirty. Mikefor the love of Godplease be responsibleI know you have it in you. I want you to behaveLaura make sure he does this. I love you both and please try not to kill each otherbye.
The message gave a long beep, signaling the end of the recording. Mike growled under his breath and walked into the living room, sitting down to watch TV. Laura frowned and glanced at Mike. She had to spend the entire night with this buffoon...

~~MORE TO COME I PROMISE...sorry for the shortness...anywhoo...hope you are enjoying this fic so far...please review thankees!!:)~~
Food For Thought
~~YAY THIS CHAPPIE IS UP!!..enjoy!!:)~~
The TV blared through the house as Laura stared into her text book. She usually liked to sit down at the centre island and do her homework because it was a quiet atmosphere.
Mike leaned back in the couch and flipped channels endlessly filling the house with half finished sentences and parts of commercial jingles. The young girl was getting quite frustrated with this and slammed her book shut.
Mike. She called.
He ignored her and continued to watch the television.
Mike! she yelled.
What? he demanded with annoyance.
Could turn that down? she asked.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. Im trying to watch TV.
No, youre channel surfing and its driving me mad.
So go to a different room. He suggested.
Laura rubbed her face and sighed heavily with frustration. Theres no where else to go. I have to have this homework finished before nine or mom will have my ass. She explained.
Then go to your room. He stated.
I dont have a desk down ther-.
For the love of God shut your fucking mouth! he shouted.
The young girl stared at her supposed father with anger and disgust. There was no sense in arguing with him so she simply left and disappeared into her bedroom. Mike sighed with relief.
Finally. He muttered and continued to flip channels.
A few hours later, Laura began to feel slightly hungry so she crept back upstairs, passing the living room. She glanced at Mike who was transfixed on something on the television. She paid no attention to the program and proceeded into the kitchen.
She opened the fridge and examined its contents before quickly closing it again. She then opened a few cupboards and searched around before finally giving up.
Mike. She said loudly.
He growled angrily at her whining. Why, why tonight, why? What now? he demanded.
Im hungry.
Then find some food.
We dont have any food.
So what the hell do you want me to do about it? he snapped.
Laura stared at him and swallowed hard. She was going to starve and it was all because this man couldnt get off his ass and find something for heror at leased give her money for a pizza. Youre a really lousy father, do you know that? she asked quietly.
And youre a really lousy daughterare you finished whining? he asked.
Mike, if mom finds out that you didnt find me any food shell throw a shit fit. Your ass is going to be out on that street so fast that you wont even see it coming. She warned.
He sighed heavily and turned around to face her. Do you really think I care enough to actually take care of you? No. Im just here as a babysitter before your mom gets home. So why dont you crawl back into that messy room of yours and stay the hell out of my fucking sight?
Youre a jackass. She muttered.
What the hell are you still doing here? he demanded loudly.
Laura growled and stormed into her room with a slam of the door. Mike returned to his original position on the couch and shook his head. She was getting on his nerves. Why should I stop my life because shes hungry. God, find some fucking bread.

It wasnt long before Laura came back upstairs, remembering her neglected homework. She sat down at the island and feverishly worked on it for a few hours. She had to get this done before nine. It was then that she realized that it was 10:55.
Great, moms going to kill me and its all that jackasss fault.
Just as she had thought about that, the front door opened and she heard the jingling of keys. Laura stared down at her book and frowned. She still had a report to write. Anna walked into the kitchen and frowned, seeing her daughter still awake.
What are you doing baby? I thought I told you to be in bed before 10:30.
Laura raised her eyes wearily and stared at her mother helplessly. She was glad she was home. I couldnt concentrateevery time I started my homework the TV would get louder and louder. She explained quietly.
Anna glanced into the living room and frowned with disappointment. She put a hand on her daughters shoulder and closed her books. What did you have for dinner?
I managed to find some stale cereal in the pantry she replied.
So you didnt actually eat any real food?
Anna lowered her eyes with concern. Alright, get into bed and wait for me. She whispered.
Laura nodded and disappeared into the depths of her room. Anna walked into the living room slowly while taking off her jacket. She threw it onto the couch and glared. Mike continued to stare at the TV so she grabbed the remote, turning it off. He looked up at her and frowned.
I was watching that.
Anna crossed her arms and shook her head, looking around to find the right words to say. MichaelI dont even know where to begin with you. She said quietly.
What the hell did I do?
Actually its more like what didnt you do. She replied.
He lowered his eyes and sighed, preparing for the lecture.
I cant believe you couldnt even find her foodFOOD Mike. Shes your daughter for Christs sake.
By blood onlyI dont consider her my daughter and probably never will.
Anna stared at him in disbelief. It doesnt matter what you consider her to be. Shes a thirteen year old child who needs to eat. What, you think shell get by with stale cereal? she demanded angrily.
Shes old enough to find her own food. He argued.
No Michael shes not. I cant believe you totally ignored her like that.
I never ignored herI simply didnt pay attention to her. Am I just supposed to stop living my life to help her live her own? he asked.
Yes! she yelled back.
He lowered his head and sighed heavily. Okay so what? I screwed up.
Yes Mike, you did screw up and now your daughter is hungry and tired. But you know, you cant get away from your own life for five minutes to find her something to eat so I hope youre happy. She explained breathlessly.
He stared at the floor silently as she shook her head.
You know what? Maybe she is better off without you. She muttered and walked into her daughters room.
Laura leaned her head down on the pillow and sighed comfortably. Anna shook her head and glared. He in deep shit? she asked.
Her mother nodded a little. Damn right hes in deep shit. I cant believe he did that.
Laura shrugged and lowered her eyes as her mother sat down on the bed. Is this why you hate him?
The young girl stared at her mother and raised her eyes. Not entirely.
Then whats the entirety of your hate for him? she asked.
Laura rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. Well I guesstheres no point of getting attached to the guy if hes never going to be around anyway.
What do you mean? Anna asked with confusion.
Hes in a popular bandhell be away on toursalbum recordings, autograph signing, TV and radio interviewsIm just merely isolating myself emotionally from him because I know that in the end hes not going to be here for me anyway. Our family is always going to remain incomplete and empty. She explained softly.
Anna stared at her daughter in thought. She had a very good point. Why get your hopes up if theyre just going to be crushed anyway? I see she answered.
My question is, how could you have possibly fallen in love with him? Hes a bastard. Laura stated in question.
You just havent seen the other side of him, thats all. He really is a caring and warm person with a lot of love for his family. Right now hes just scared and confused and he doesnt know what to do. Hes never taken care of a thirteen year old before and hes not quite sure how to handle things. Its kind of like a lack of maternal instinctall parents go through it in the beginning but soon they find that instinct to take care of their young and eventually get this feeling of intense protection for their offspring.
Laura raised a brow. Mom, you sound like the discovery channel.
She lowered her eyes and pulled her daughters covers up to her neck. So sue mego to sleep. She muttered and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Night mom.
Night sweetie.
Laura closed her eyes as her mother turned off her lamp. She slowly proceeded back upstairs to the living room and stopped as Mike got off the couch.
I dont want to hear it. She interrupted.
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed uneasily. Could I please say something?
Talk all you want, youre the big rapper. She muttered and began to walk upstairs to her room.
Mike followed her and stopped in her doorway. Im sorry for being an ass. It was totally inexcusable and I dont deserve being here. I should just move out now. He explained.
Anna raised her eyes at him. Youre not getting off that easily. You think that if you make one mistake youre going to be kicked out of her life? Think again Mike. Parents make mistakes all the timethen they learn from them. This is a learning opportunity for you. From now on, you are going to take responsibility for her whether you like it or not.
But Anna I dont think I can do thatIm not father material. He whined.
She gave a small smile and nodded. You are Mikeyou just dont know it yet. Pretty soon youll embrace your maternal instincts and on that day youll be one step closer to being father material. She smiled.
Mike lowered his eyes at her reference to one of his songs.
See what I just did there? she asked.
Yeah, it was cute. He muttered.
She gave him a small kiss on the cheek and grabbed her door. Good night Mikey. She sang and shut the door.
He stared down the hall and frowned. Maternal instincts my ass. He whispered and proceeded to his room.

~~HAHA...okay so..uh...there is more to come soon...i have school tomorrow so im kinda tired and need sleep so i hope u are enjoying this fic so far. Thank you for all the reviews, they are so awesome and i love how you guys think this fic is funny...cuz its supposed to be...:)....anywhoo...review please, thank you!!:)~~
Stressful Afternoon
~~YAY i finally decided to write chapter 7!! Hope you enjoy it!~~

Laura yawned and rubbed her eyes as she stomped upstairs from her room. The morning light forced her to squint as she entered the kitchen slowly, looking around. Her mother was no where to be seen.
In factthere was no one to be seen. She frowned and sat down on the stool at the centre island and sighed heavily. Suddenly, someone came out of the laundry room and quickly closed the door. Laura lowered her eyes at the sight before her and leaned on the island.
Wheres mom? she asked.
Mike treaded into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She went out.
Laura stared at him for a long moment before continuing. Went out where?
Errands. He replied quickly and pulled a carton of milk out of the fridge, then slowly drank it downof course without a glass.
The girl sighed with irritation as she watched him empty the carton down his throat. Youre disgusting.
Mike belched and threw the carton into the garbage. Speaking of disgustingthere are some really dirty dishes in this sink and your mom wanted you to clean them before she comes homeyou know, just to let you know. He explained casually.
Laura blinked slowly and glanced at the sink. Why cant you do them?
Because Im the adult. He replied.
Sometimes I wonder. She muttered and stood up, walking towards the sink. He stuck out his tongue and opened the newspaper. Laura stared into the murky water and cringed. She hated doing the dishes. Every time shed run her hand down the stainless steel basin, shed end up touching something squishy or fuzzy or waxy.
It was a terrible chore and she would much rather clean her room ten times than do dishes. Laura reached into the greenish gray water and frowned with disgust. She ran her hand along the bottom of the basin, trying to find the forks and knives that were strewn all around.
Suddenly she felt something sharp poke her palm and she thought nothing of it. She was always sticking herself with forks. Something cold ran up her palm and she frowned. The water was warm yet there was something cold pressing down against her hand. It didnt take her long to realize that the coolness was becoming more and more painful and the water began to change into a dark crimson color.
She stared down in horror through the reddening sink. She stared down at the large butcher knife, covered in blood.
Oh shit. She breathed.
What? Mike asked with disinterest as he continued reading the paper.
Bloodmy bloodeverywhereIm bleedingowowowow. She felt her face paling as she slowly removed her shaking hand from the sink.
Blood dripped down into the water as she clasped her hand around the wound. Mike turned around quickly and his eyes widened at the counter being covered in blood.
Christ. He muttered and opened the cupboard as quick as he could.
She stared down at her hand, watching the blood ooze from the laceration.
It hurts. She muttered through a painful breath, feeling herself becoming light headed.
Juts hold on a sec. Mike stated and pulled the first aid kit out of the cupboard.
What are you doing? she asked shakily.
Stopping the bleeding. He answered and opened the kit, pulling out gauze and medical tape.
He then grabbed a towel that had been hanging from the handle of the oven and handed it to her. Put pressure on your hand. He ordered.
She grabbed the towel weakly and pressed it against her wound, hissing in pain. He grabbed the bottle of alcohol and opened it. Lauras eyes widened with panic.
No damn way Mikethats going to kill me. She warned.
Do you want to get an infection? he asked.
She lowered her eyes as he dabbed some alcohol onto the gauze filling it lightly and watching it absorb. He slowly pulled the towel off of her hand and placed it on the counter. He examined the cut and frowned, watching it ooze. He reached out for her hand and she pulled away quickly. He stared at her and blinked slowly.
Laura, youre bleeding. You have to trust me.
Why should I? she demanded.
Because if I dont clean this cut and wrap it up youll be in the emergency room getting treated for gangrene. Is that really what you want? he asked calmly.
She stared at him uneasily.
Look, Im not going to hurt you okay? Just trust me. He stated softly.
Something about his voice put her at ease slightly and she held out her hand. He grabbed it gently and hovered the gauze over the laceration. Laura braced herself as he sighed.
This might sting a little. He warned carefully and pressed the gauze to her hand.
She winced with pain as the alcohol sank into her cut. He wiped it gently until the cut was rid of drying blood. He threw out the used gauze and grabbed a clean piece from the kit. She watched him intently as he pressed the new gauze her to hand and began to slowly tape it there.
She could feel the immense pressure of the tape as he wrapped it around tightly, stopping the blood flow. Her fingers throbbed heavily as he finished taping. She continued to watch him as he quickly put away the medical supplies, grabbing a bottle of Acetaminophen.
Hows the hand feeling? he asked as he popped open the bottle, pouring two pills into his hand.
She clenched her fingers slightly and moved her hand around. It kind of hurts.
Here, take these. He stated and placed the pills into her other hand.
She stared down at the pills and quickly threw them into her mouth, swallowing with a glass of water that Mike had handed her. When she had swallowed, he took the glass and placed it in the sink.
Go downstairs and get some rest, you lost a lot of blood. He explained softly.
Why is he being so nice to me? I thought he hated me and now he fixes my hand and tells me to get some rest? She stared at him with confusion and slight relief. But what about-.
Ill finish the dishes. Dont worry about it. He answered.
She stared into his soft brown eyes, an almost perfect reflection of her own. Thanks. She said quietly.
No problem. He replied almost as quiet.

Anna walked quickly into the kitchen and flipped through mail. Mike drained the sink and grabbed a wash cloth. He still hadnt gotten rid of all the blood yet.
Hey Mike, how was your morning? she muttered casually.
Wellit was certainly interesting. He answered.
She looked up from the bills and smiled. When she noticed the red splotches on the cloth he was holding, she visibly paled and her smile faded. Mike, why is there blood all over my counter? Oh God, what the hell happened? she asked with panic and rushed over to him.
He wiped up the remaining blood and threw the cloth into the sink, running cold water onto it. Relax Anna-.
Oh my God, was it Laura? Is she hurt? What happened? Where is she?
Mike frowned at her, trying to understand her garbled words of panic and fear.
She cut herself with the butcher knife by accident while she was doing the dishes-.
What! Anna yelled with horror.
Mike gave a weak smile. Anna its okay, shes fine.
Where the hell where you when this was happening? Oh God dont tell me you were watching TV while my baby sliced herself open!
Mike put his hands on her shoulders and tried to calm her down. Anna, stop. He ordered.
She panted with panic and stared into his calm eyes, closing her mouth to let him speak. I was right here the whole time. She reached into the sink and didnt see the knife. I grabbed some gauze and medical tape from the kit and cleaned up her wound. Shes fine okay? Shes downstairs watching TV in her room. He explained softly.
Anna sighed with relief and lowered her eyes. Ohgood...
See? Everythings fine. He replied.
She nodded a little and stared at him. Im sorryI didnt mean to get angry with you.
Anna its fine. You were scared.
Were you? she asked suddenly.
He stared at her blankly, not expecting that question. Umwhat? he asked.
Anna gave a weak smile as he let go of her. Were you scared when she cut herself?
He stared at her in thought. He had never actually thought about that. UhI dont really knowI was busy tending to her wound. He answered.
But you were concerned right? she asked.
I-I guess
Aw thats so adorable! she squealed.
Mike raised a brow as she grabbed his hands. How?
You were concerned about the well being and safety of your daughter! Do you know what this means? she asked with excitement.
Uh no but I suppose youre going to tell me. He replied carefully.
This means that your maternal instinct is finally kicking in! she shouted happily.
He lowered his eyes and pulled his hands away from her. Anna I cleaned up her woundits not like I jumped in front of a bullet. He explained.
But you helped her and you were concerned and shes okay. Aw youre such a great dad. She whined with adoration.
Mike raised his eyes. Dad he stated shakily.
Anna smiled and hugged him. Im so proud of you Michael! she squeaked.
He stared blankly across the room as he thought about what she had just said. This whole dad thing had never really sunk into his mind until now. His heart began to race with panic and fear.
I cant be a dadIm too youngoh my Godnonono...Oh my GodIm a dad.
Anna smiled and pulled away from him slowly, staring into his blank eyes. Are you okay? she asked.
Uhnot really he replied weakly.
What, you never actually thought about the fact that youre a father? she asked.
NoI mean I know I am butI just never reallythis is stressful. He muttered.
Anna chuckled. He was so adorable when he was nervous. I think you should go rest for a while.
Good idea. He answered and walked towards the couch.
Anna smiled and decided to go see Laura, to make sure she was alright. She walked downstairs slowly and saw her daughter sitting up against the headboard, staring at the TV.
Hey. Anna stated casually.
Hey mom, youre back. Laura muttered and turned down the volume a little.
Yeah I am. I heard about the handare you okay? she asked with concern. Laura nodded and looked down at the bandage.
Yeah Im fine. I should have looked where I was putting my hand. She stated quietly.
Well now youve learned your lesson. Does it hurt?
A bit.
You should take some-.
Acetaminophen, yeah I knowMike already gave me some. The girl interrupted.
Anna smiled a little. He did? Boy I feel kind of useless. She chuckled. Laura gave a small smile and stared at her mother.
Dont worry, I appreciate the support Mom.
Are you glad he helped you? she asked.
Laura looked down in thought. Wellif he hadnt of been there I probably would have lost a lot more blood than I had. She answered.
Anna nodded and crossed her arms. So hes not such a jackass after all is he?
Wrapping me up doesnt make him my father and it doesnt mean I have to like him for it. She replied.
I understand Anna said quietly.
Goodbesides, I could have handled myselfI didnt need him that much. Laura muttered.
Her mother smiled at her knowing that she was thankful that Mike was there. Alrightwell if you need anything just shout okay?
Next time be carefulyou wouldnt want to stress out your father like that again.
He was stressed? She demanded.
Anna nodded. Yep, and concerned about you. Not that hell admit it or anything. She answered.
Laura stared at her in thought. Maybe Mike wasnt so bad after all. But this was only one event. That doesnt mean hes always going to be nice to me. I still dont trust him. Ill come upstairs later. She explained.
Anna walked towards the door. Alrightwell be watching a movie if you want to join us.
What movie?
Well youre just going to have to come and see when we start it. She replied with a weak smile.
Shes trying to get me to spend time with him. How lame is that? Fine. She breathed and sat back.
Anna walked upstairs and she heard her door close.
Im only doing this for Mom
~~AWWWW she might be starting to like having Mike around..how cute. Anywhoo...MORE TO COME so read on to find out what happens during the movie. Hope you enjoyed this chappie and please please review. Thank you soooo much!!!!!:)~~
never alone 1

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