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lamp - Самое интересное в блогах

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Эмиль Галле (Emile Galle, 1846-1904, French) - непревзойденный король художественного стекла и керамики эпохи ар-нуво \1\

Среда, 01 Мая 2024 г. 04:51 (ссылка)




Эмиль Галле — французский промышленный дизайнер, реформатор художественного стекла. Он был не просто не обделён талантами! Он был энциклопедически образован, увлекался ботаникой, слыл незаурядным химиком, писателем, художником и философом. Однако всемирную славу Эмилю Галле создали его непревзойденные «камейные» вазы и лампы, с которыми он дебютировал на Парижской всемирной выставке 1878 года. 


EMILE GALLÉ (1846-1904)



EMILE GALLÉ (1846-1904)



Vase craquele Emile Galle vers 1880


Всех так поразили представленные им (язык не поворачивается назвать их просто вещами) произведения искусства, что с этого момента за ним прочно закрепилось звание Мастера, обладающего непревзойдённым умением соединять разнообразные прикладные инновации с образными принципами символизма. 


Émile Gallé

Clock, circa 1880

Engraved signature Emile Gallé Nancy and EG with the Croix de Lorraine on the underside



4360286_96326004_3166706_cooltext886026658 (130x127, 27Kb)
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Sell lamp Edison-Township

Среда, 19 Октября 2022 г. 15:08 (ссылка)

Welcome to the site! Here online you have a great opportunity to choose and buy lamps of different types in the city of Edison-Township. Chandeliers sconces wholesale. For you range of led, spot, tube, street and other types of this product at a very good price. To get even more benefit from the purchase, you can participate in various promotions or get a discount by following some terms of sale. Wall street lights. In this article you will learn more about the different types of lamps in Edison-Township and how to choose them right.

Varieties of lamps

Lamps have long been an integral part of every person's life. In today's market of electrical appliances in the city of Edison-Township this product is represented by a very rich assortment. How to learn to understand all this diversity? To do this, the lamps are subjected to a certain classification. And here there are a number of characteristics. Recessed lights to buy. Let's consider the main ones. First, operational conditions. There are lamps intended only for work indoors, street, and also there are devices for illumination in the conditions approached to extreme. For example, capable of withstanding temperatures that are too high or too low. Second, the type of lamp. Today's manufacturers produce several types of them: incandescent, discharge, mixed light, led, with radioisotope and electroluminescent light sources and electric arc carbon lamps. Accordingly, there are led, lamp, fluorescent and other types of lamps. In the third, setting. First of all, it is worth highlighting the ability to move. So there are stationary and non-stationary types of lamps. Among the stationary there are ceiling, wall, pendant, built-in, attached, crowning, console and end varieties. And unsteady include table, floor, socks for hand and migration on the head. Buy lamp star. And fourthly, a way of eating. The lamps can operate from the electricity network. There are types of lamps in Edison-Township, equipped with individual power supplies. In some cases, both of the above methods are combined. Of course, these are not all the characteristics by which you can distinguish different types of lamps. But they are taken into account as key when selecting data appliances.

How to choose the right lamp?

Well-chosen artificial lighting in the room creates a feeling of coziness, comfort and benefits for vision. Today, lighting fixtures in Edison-Township is not just a source of light, but also a way to change the design, remove the shortcomings of the room. The right electrical appliances of this type are able to properly perform their functions and, at the same time, save your budget. Buy ceiling lamp. The most common mistake that most buyers make when choosing a lamp is to focus only on the design features of the device. Of course, appearance plays an important role. It is able to transform and complement any room. However, do not forget about the power of the light element. Often, the most beautiful lamps can not cope with their functions. The availability of natural light sources as well as their orientation towards the cardinal points should also be taken into account. If the Windows of your house most of the day the sun shines, it will be enough General lighting, able to provide enough light in the evening and at night. When sunlight is not enough to think about additional devices of lower power, which will complement the daylight. Decorative lamp start avatar red. Too bright or dim lighting causes rapid eye fatigue. This effect is especially enhanced in bright, flower-filled rooms. For light distribution throughout the room or separate areas it is better to use spotlights. Their clever unit is able to visually expand the space, raise or lower ceilings. Thanks to the energy-saving functions and concentrated directional light such lamps in the city Edison-Township are economical and practical. Street lamps and flood lights. Led spotlights are used in ceiling constructions and suspended ceilings. They have a long service life and do not contain harmful substances.

  1. Fill in the application

  2. Select the luminaire

  3. Confirm the purchase by the calling number

  4. Make a payment with money and get the goods

How to buy a lamp?

The purchase of lamps in the city of Edison-Township on the website will not be difficult. You just need to fill in the attached online application. It is necessary to specify any options of lights, one from the catalogue and number of them. Please provide your contact details for feedback. Buy lamps Armstrong. The site will automatically calculate the cost of your purchase, taking into account all discounts and promotions. To you on the specified phone number the consultant on sale of lamps in Edison-Township will call to confirm purchase and to specify all nuances. To get a discount enter promotional code: NEIZAN-KHOEN.




















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Sell lamp Chalco

Пятница, 14 Октября 2022 г. 19:25 (ссылка)

Welcome to the site! Here online you have a great opportunity to choose and buy lamps of different types in the city of Chalco. Downlight led ceiling buy. For you range of led, spot, tube, street and other types of this product at a very good price. To get even more benefit from the purchase, you can participate in various promotions or get a discount by following some terms of sale. Wall street lights. In this article you will learn more about the different types of lamps in Chalco and how to choose them right.

Varieties of lamps

Lamps have long been an integral part of every person's life. In today's market of electrical appliances in the city of Chalco this product is represented by a very rich assortment. How to learn to understand all this diversity? To do this, the lamps are subjected to a certain classification. And here there are a number of characteristics. Christmas decorative light. Let's consider the main ones. First, operational conditions. There are lamps intended only for work indoors, street, and also there are devices for illumination in the conditions approached to extreme. For example, capable of withstanding temperatures that are too high or too low. Second, the type of lamp. Today's manufacturers produce several types of them: incandescent, discharge, mixed light, led, with radioisotope and electroluminescent light sources and electric arc carbon lamps. Accordingly, there are led, lamp, fluorescent and other types of lamps. In the third, setting. First of all, it is worth highlighting the ability to move. So there are stationary and non-stationary types of lamps. Among the stationary there are ceiling, wall, pendant, built-in, attached, crowning, console and end varieties. And unsteady include table, floor, socks for hand and migration on the head. Buy led street lamp. And fourthly, a way of eating. The lamps can operate from the electricity network. There are types of lamps in Chalco, equipped with individual power supplies. In some cases, both of the above methods are combined. Of course, these are not all the characteristics by which you can distinguish different types of lamps. But they are taken into account as key when selecting data appliances.

How to choose the right lamp?

Well-chosen artificial lighting in the room creates a feeling of coziness, comfort and benefits for vision. Today, lighting fixtures in Chalco is not just a source of light, but also a way to change the design, remove the shortcomings of the room. The right electrical appliances of this type are able to properly perform their functions and, at the same time, save your budget. The street lamps ZHKU. The most common mistake that most buyers make when choosing a lamp is to focus only on the design features of the device. Of course, appearance plays an important role. It is able to transform and complement any room. However, do not forget about the power of the light element. Often, the most beautiful lamps can not cope with their functions. The availability of natural light sources as well as their orientation towards the cardinal points should also be taken into account. If the Windows of your house most of the day the sun shines, it will be enough General lighting, able to provide enough light in the evening and at night. When sunlight is not enough to think about additional devices of lower power, which will complement the daylight. Decorative lamps table. Too bright or dim lighting causes rapid eye fatigue. This effect is especially enhanced in bright, flower-filled rooms. For light distribution throughout the room or separate areas it is better to use spotlights. Their clever unit is able to visually expand the space, raise or lower ceilings. Thanks to the energy-saving functions and concentrated directional light such lamps in the city Chalco are economical and practical. Cards wholesale from China. Led spotlights are used in ceiling constructions and suspended ceilings. They have a long service life and do not contain harmful substances.

  1. Fill in the application

  2. Select the luminaire

  3. Confirm the purchase by the calling number

  4. Make a payment with money and get the goods

How to buy a lamp?

The purchase of lamps in the city of Chalco on the website will not be difficult. You just need to fill in the attached online application. It is necessary to specify any options of lights, one from the catalogue and number of them. Please provide your contact details for feedback. Decorative lamp start avatar red. The site will automatically calculate the cost of your purchase, taking into account all discounts and promotions. To you on the specified phone number the consultant on sale of lamps in Chalco will call to confirm purchase and to specify all nuances. To get a discount enter promotional code: YISHAI-RAKIM.

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Давайте избавимся от LAMPового рабства

Вторник, 04 Октября 2022 г. 20:48 (ссылка)

Не знаю как вы, а я регулярно сталкиваюсь с ситуацией - предлагаешь кому-то сделать проект на современном стеке технологий, а он говорит - "Да я лучше установлю Wordpress". Думаю, многие мало-мальски опытные программисты, ненавидят вордпресс. Но почему заказчики предпочитают его?

Да, можно сказать, что для него есть куча готовых плагинов, что многие программисты его знают (пусть и ненавидят). Но в то же время даже заказчики понимают, что вордпресс очень быстро превращает в тормозящую свалку из плагинов разной степени глючности. Но почему они все-таки его предпочитают?

Мне кажется я нашел ответ. Этот ответ - хостинги.

Точнее, виртуальные LAMP-хостинги. Те самые, по 100 рублей сайт. Они не меняются последние лет 20. И они действительно очень удобны для простых людей.

Почему? Потому что там все есть. Панель управления, где есть кнопка "Создать сайт на Wordpress/Drupal/MediaWiki с таким-то адресом". Ты нажимаешь, и сайт создан. Всё. Для заказчиков это куда важнее любой технологичности.

И тут я задумался - а почему нет замены этому для современных веб-сервисов на современном стеке технологии? И нашел ответ, который меня поразил. Замена есть. Но ею никто не пользуется как заменой.

Это docker-образы.

Docker-образ - это буквально картридж для игровой приставки, который вставил в слот, и он сразу работает. Ну, несколько env-параметров укажи, и работает. Технологический стек при этом может быть любым. Docker для этого и нужен - абстрагировать технологический стек и все окружение от конечной эксплуатации.

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