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Топ бобберов 2023 года

Среда, 09 Августа 2023 г. 14:28 (ссылка)

До войны, бобберы считались - производительными мотоциклами. С них снималось все, кроме самого необходимого – рамы, двигателя, бака, элементов управления и элементарного освещения. И на этомвсе. Но и спустя десятилетия, текущие бобберы чтят сумасшествие ранних “отступников” с урезанными или укороченными крыльями. Это как рысь по сравнению с домашним котом: дикая, хитрая, непредсказуемая, опасная – и практически без хвоста!

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Обзор 2023 Indian Sport Chief: Мощь, управляемость и стиль

Пятница, 14 Апреля 2023 г. 14:26 (ссылка)

Мото-тренды появляются и исчезают. К счастью, тренд на сборные чопперы конца 1990-х - середины 2000-х пришел и ушел, и, будем надеяться, навсегда. Покатавшись на нескольких таких байках в те дни, могу сказать, что наслаждения от езды на них было очень не много. Управляемость была полным следствием стиля, огромных задних шин и больших афтермаркетных V-Twin’ов.

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The life of Indian students in Germany

Четверг, 09 Марта 2023 г. 10:56 (ссылка)

The life of Indian students in Germany can be a lot of fun as there are many opportunities to explore and enjoy the country's vibrant culture. Whether you're into sports, music, or festivals, there's something for everyone. German cities are known for their nightlife, and students can take advantage of the many bars, clubs and pubs that are available. Many cities also have a variety of cultural and historical sites to visit, such as museums, castles, and landmarks.

Germany is also known for its festivals and events, and students can take part in many of these throughout the year. Oktoberfest in Munich, for example, is a famous beer festival that attracts visitors from all over the world. There are also many music festivals such as Rock am Ring, Wacken Open Air, and Melt! Festival which are popular among students. 

Mba in Germany for indian students  

Additionally, Germany is well-connected with many other European countries, which makes it easy for students to take advantage of their free time and explore other parts of Europe. Whether you're interested in visiting the beaches of Spain or the mountains of Switzerland, you can easily take a train or bus to get there. In cities like Göttingen, also called as a university town in Lower Saxony, Germany, known for its picturesque old town and lively student population. Stade is a small town in Lower Saxony, Germany, located on the Elbe river. It is known for its historic old town and the Stadium cultural centre, which hosts concerts and theatre performances. The students of PFH German University which is located in Gottingen provides MBA in Germany for indian students and Stade MS in Industrial Engineering in Germany provides have the opportunity to learn, relax and enjoy.

Students can also take advantage of the many outdoor activities that Germany has to offer, such as hiking, biking and swimming in lakes. The country also offers great opportunities for skiing and snowboarding in winter. With all these mentioned activities student life in Germany for an Indian is fun-filled.


However, Indian students in Germany have the opportunity to experience a high-quality education and a unique cultural experience. University life in Germany is known for its strong focus on research and academic excellence. Classes are often taught in small seminar formats, and students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions. Indian students may find that the teaching approach in Germany differs significantly from that in India, but they will also have access to some of the world's greatest academics and resources.

You should be aware that the cost of living in Germany for students can be a little more, and they may need to budget carefully to cover expenses such as rent, food, and transportation. It should be noted that unlike other countries, PFH German university provides scholarship to the students, which makes studying in Germany more affordable for Indian students.

One of the main challenges that Indian students think they may face in Germany is the language barrier. Studying in Germany as an Indian student can present a unique opportunity to learn and improve your German language skills. However, it must be taken into account that many German universities, like PFH German University, have a trend of offering English-taught programs to minimize the language barrier with the increased flow of international students in the country.

Additionally, it's important to note that Indian students will also have to face with the different culture, customs and way of life, which may be challenging. However, with an open mind and willingness to adapt, Indian students can have a truly enriching and fulfilling experience in Germany.

It also must be noted that universities like PFH German university, also offer scholarships and confirmed admissions to Indian students, which is an attractive offer always. Try to avail such offers which will add to your convenience.

Overall, the life of Indian students in Germany can be challenging, but it is also a unique and rewarding experience. Indian students will have the opportunity to gain a world-class education, and at the same time, experience the culture and lifestyle of Germany.

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MBA in Germany For indian Students

Четверг, 09 Марта 2023 г. 10:53 (ссылка)

Today’s market demands professionals who are qualified to take on challenging tasks and provide innovative solutions to complex situations


MBA in Germany for Indian students helps to build multi-functional business capabilities and secure one's career worldwide.

Barely any seats left for 2023 admission click the link to avail scholarships and book your seat-: https://pfhindia.com/mba-in-germany/

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2022 Harley-Davidson Nightster vs. Honda Rebel 1100 DCT vs. Indian Scout Rogue: Сравнительный обзор

Воскресенье, 23 Октября 2022 г. 09:16 (ссылка)

Есть байки быстрее, мощнее и легче. Многие даже стоят дешевле. Тем не менее, круизеры являются одними из самых продаваемых мотоциклов в Америке. Можно даже без преувеличения сказать, что миллионы райдеров начинали со Sportsterили с Rebel.

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Обзор 2022 Indian Scout Rogue: Бэд бой

Среда, 15 Июня 2022 г. 13:25 (ссылка)

Пару лет назад на страницах мотоциклетных сайтов можно было увидеть комментарии о том, что “сыны Анархии уже пять лет как мертвы”. Но вот, мы в 2022 году и внешность полукриминальных мото-клубов, типа HellsAngels, все еще сильна. Знаете, такое типа высокого руля, бикини-обтекателей, и всего в черном. В остальном, формула открыта для обсуждения.

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Обзор 2022 Indian Pursuit: Бэггер

Пятница, 04 Июня 2022 г. 02:41 (ссылка)

Мама часто говорила, что главой нашего семейства является мой папа. Затем она смотрела на нас с улыбкой и говорила: “Но я шея, которая эту голову поворачивает”. Решения часто анонсировал мой папа, но мотивировала эти решения — моя мама. Такая же ситуация у многих райдеров в мире езды вдвоем: Мы любим думать, что большие решения принимаем именно мы, но реальной силой обладает наш партнер, сидящий сзади.

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