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Digital MBA менеджмент в эпоху цифровых технологий

Вторник, 01 Октября 2024 г. 19:29 (ссылка)

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Digital MBA

менеджмент в эпоху цифровых технологий

Найдите точки роста и новые возможности, чтобы принимать системные решения и получать предсказуемые результаты.

Систематизируете и углубите знания в области менеджмента и развития бизнеса

Прокачаете управленческие и лидерские навыки, освоите инструменты и технологии цифровой экономики.

Чему вы научитесь:

Управлять командой, продуктом и проектом

Эффективно строить коммуникации

Внедрять цифровые технологии и управлять изменениями

Эффективно строить коммуникации

Принимать управленческие решения на основе данных

Собирать вокруг себя сильные команды


Ступень 1. Обеспечение эффективного управления

Модуль 1: Менеджмент

Модуль 2. Лидерство

Модуль 3. Бюджетирование и финансы

Модуль 4. Публичные выступления и ораторское искусство

Модуль 5. Аналитика и принятие решений на основе данных

Модуль 6. Цифровая трансформация бизнеса

Тестирование навыков первой ступени

Ступень 2. Управление бизнес-процессами

Модуль 7. Управление маркетингом и продажами

Модуль 8. Управление продуктом и проектом

Модуль 9. Ведение переговоров

Модуль 10. Управление командой

Модуль 11. Личная эффективность и тайм-менеджмент

Модуль 12. Управление изменениями и риск-менеджмент

Итоговое тестирование навыков

Всего в программе более 70 спикеров

Вас ждут лекции, кейсы и прикладные материалы от преподавателей Гарварда, Лондонской школы бизнеса, INSEAD, «Сколково», Стокгольмской школы бизнеса, НИУ ВШЭ ВШБ и др.






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“Проект особого значения” от АО “ЗАСЛОН” и ГК “ЛитРес” собрал рекордное количество заявок

Среда, 10 Июля 2024 г. 18:22 (ссылка)

В 2024 году литературный конкурс “Проект особого значения”, организованный АО “ЗАСЛОН” и ГК “ЛитРес”, собрал рекордное количество заявок. На соискание премии подалось более 1300 digital-авторов и чтецов. В общие номинации лонг-листа вошли 144 автора и 58 чтецов, а в специальную номинацию от АО “ЗАСЛОН” вошло 45 работ.

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Третий сезон стал дебютом для трети авторов: они написали свой первый рассказ именно для конкурса “Проект особого значения”. 17% писателей и 22% чтецов уже участвовали в прошлых сезонах конкурса.

В этом году заявки на участие прислали представители 64 городов России, включая Южно-Сахалинск, Полярные Зори, Ялту, Томск, Новосибирск и Снежинск. В список также вошли жители Франции, Германии, Беларуси, Узбекистана, Казахстана, Грузии и Латвии.

“С каждым годом выбор номинантов в лонг-лист всё сложнее. В этом сезоне конкурса конкуренция существенно возросла вместе с качеством самих заявленных произведений. Уже сейчас очевидно, что есть особенно яркие талантливые работы”, — отмечает пресс-служба АО “ЗАСЛОН”.

Лидером среди выбранных для написания и озвучивания жанров стал фантастический детектив, в нем 35% заявленных работ. Вторую строчку занял киберпанк (19%), а третье место разделили между собой научная фантастика и постапокалипсис (по 9%).

Жюри конкурса, в состав которого вошли режиссер и сценарист Александр Богуславский, digital-автор Андрей Васильев, самый продаваемый писатель сервиса Литрес за 2023 год и профессиональный диктор Александр Шаронов, перешло к отбору работ для шорт-листа проекта.

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Будущее за ЦифроТрансформацией: объявлены лауреаты Премии Digital Leaders-2024

Четверг, 20 Июня 2024 г. 13:22 (ссылка)

Каждый год цифровые технологии прогрессируют и все больше становятся жизненной необходимостью как для людей, так и бизнеса. Инновации и технологии улучшают различные аспекты жизни, но одновременно и бросают новые вызовы. Поэтому компаниям и организациям так важно быть готовыми к переменам, осваивать методики и инструменты для успешной адаптации к изменяющемуся миру.

17 июня в Центре Событий РБК были подведены итоги ежегодной Премии Digital Leaders, которая отмечает важность цифровой трансформации в современном мире и заслуги бизнеса и общества в этой сфере. 

Экспертным советом Премии было отобрано более семидесяти лауреатов, в состав которых вошли цифровые лидеры рынка. Ими стали:

В номинации «ПРОДУКТ ГОДА»:

Хоум банк – категория «БАНКОВСКИЕ ОНЛАЙН-УСЛУГИ»




ООО «Оператор Газпром ИД» – категория «ИНФОРМАЦИОННАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ»


Свой Банк – категория «КРЕДИТОВАНИЕ»


BetBoom – категория «СПОРТИВНЫЕ СОБЫТИЯ»

ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование» – категория «СТРАХОВАНИЕ»

ООО «Пиксель Тулс» – категория «УМНОЕ ПРОДВИЖЕНИЕ И РЕКЛАМА»

ГКУ Центр организации дорожного движения – категория «УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ДОРОЖНЫМ ДВИЖЕНИЕМ»


В номинации «ONLINE-ПРОДАЖИ»:

Robokassa – категория «СЕРВИСЫ ОПЛАТЫ» 




Госкорпорация «Росатом» – категория «СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬ»

СБЕР – категория «СТРАХОВАНИЕ»




Илья Сивцев, генеральный директор «Группы Астра» – категория «ИННОВАЦИИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ»

Гладилин Леонид Юрьевич, Co-founder ECDMA – категория «ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ КОММЕРЦИЯ»




Передовая инженерная школа СПбПУ «Цифровой инжиниринг» – категория «ЦИФРОВЫЕ ДВОЙНИКИ»



В номинации «КОМПАНИЯ ГОДА»:

ООО «Главбух Ассистент» – категория «ДИСТАНЦИОННЫЙ КЛИЕНТСКИЙ СЕРВИС»

Группа компаний «Леста Игры» (проект «Мир танков») – категория «СПОРТ»






В номинации «МАРКЕТПЛЕЙС»:

ООО «Газпромбанк Автолизинг» – категория «ЛИЗИНГОВЫЕ УСЛУГИ»


ООО «Ньютон Инвестиции» – категория «БИРЖЕВЫЕ УСЛУГИ»








Альфа-Банк – категория «БИЗНЕС-ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ»




Озон фармацевтика – категория «РАЗРАБОТКА КОНТЕНТА»

В номинации «ОНЛАЙН-МАГАЗИН»:



Малыгин Дмитрий Сергеевич, директор проектов, ООО «Т1 Диджитал» – категория «ИННОВАЦИИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ»

В номинации «ПЛАТФОРМА ГОДА»:




Рег.ру – категория «ИТ-ИНФРАСТРУКТУРА»


АО «АльфаСтрахование» – категория «СТРАХОВАНИЕ»

ООО «Сбербанк Факторинг» – категория «ФАКТОРИНГ»

ООО «Агентство АВИА ЦЕНТР» – категория «ДЕЛОВОЙ ТУРИЗМ»

В номинации «ПОДРЯДЧИК ГОДА»:

Pro-Vision Communications – категория «PR И МАРКЕТИНГ»


В номинации «ПРОГРАММА ГОДА»:


В номинации «ПРОЕКТ ГОДА»:

Международный онлайн-институт психологии Smart – категория «ONLINE-ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ»

СБЕР – категория «МЕДИА»

РГ Медиа – категория «МЕДИАКОНТЕНТ»

Курорт Красная Поляна – категория «ПРОГРАММЫ И СЕРВИСЫ КЭШБЭКА»




Группа компаний ЦРТ и Платформа Финуслуги Московской биржи – категория «АНАЛИЗ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЕЙ И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ КЛИЕНТСКИМ ОПЫТОМ»

«Азиатско-Тихоокеанский Банк» (АО) – категория «БАНКОВСКИЕ ОНЛАЙН-УСЛУГИ»

Группа компаний «Леста Игры» (проект «Мир кораблей») - категория «МАРКЕТИНГ И СОБЫТИЯ»

Группа компаний «Леста Игры» (проект «Мир танков») - категория «СПОРТ»


Фонд «Московский инновационный кластер» – категория «ИННОВАЦИИ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ»

В номинации «РАЗРАБОТКА ГОДА»:

Сейлз-хаус «Газпром-Медиа» – категория «DIGITAL-РЕКЛАМА»

Angara Security – категория «ИНФОРМАЦИОННАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ»


ООО «КЗ» Ростсельмаш» – категория «СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО: SMART АГРО»

В номинации «РЕШЕНИЕ ГОДА»:

Центральная дирекция пассажирских обустройств -филиал ОАО «РЖД» (ЦДПО) – категория «АВТОМАТИЗАЦИЯ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ»


ООО «Такском» – категория «ГРУЗОПЕРЕВОЗКИ»

Банк ВТБ (ПАО) – категория «КРЕДИТОВАНИЕ»



«Газпромбанк» (Акционерное общество) – категория «НАКОПЛЕНИЯ И СБЕРЕЖЕНИЯ»

«Газпромбанк» (Акционерное общество– категория «ПРОГРАММЫ И СЕРВИСЫ КЭШБЭКА»

В номинации «СЕРВИС ГОДА»:

ПАО «Банк «Санкт-Петербург» – категория «БАНКОВСКИЕ УСЛУГИ»

ГУП «Московский метрополитен» –  категория «ГОРОДСКОЙ ТРАНСПОРТ»

АО «Финам» – категория «ИНВЕСТИЦИОННЫЕ УСЛУГИ»

АО Каршеринг // BelkaCar – категория «КАРШЕРИНГ»

ООО «АльфаСтрахование - ОМС» – категория «МЕДИЦИНСКОЕ СТРАХОВАНИЕ»

Сеть АЗС «Газпромнефть» – категория «РОЗНИЧНАЯ ТОРГОВЛЯ»


Страховой Дом ВСК – категория «СТРАХОВАНИЕ»

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Первый Электронный Рецепт» (ООО «1ЭР») – категория «УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ЛЕЧЕБНО-ДИАГНОСТИЧЕСКИМ ПРОЦЕССОМ»

Всероссийский банк развития регионов (ВБРР) – категория «ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИЯ ЖКХ»




Госкорпорация «Росатом» – категория «ДИАГНОСТИКА И ПРОФИЛАКТИКА ЗАБОЛЕВАНИЙ»

«ТехИнсайдер» – категория «МЕДИАКОНТЕНТ»



В номинации «ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ГОДА»:

Банк ВТБ (ПАО) – категория «БАНКОВСКИЕ УСЛУГИ»

Авито – категория «КРЕДИТОВАНИЕ»

ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование жизни» – категория «СТРАХОВАНИЕ ЖИЗНИ»




СБЕР – категория «СТРАХОВАНИЕ»




Никита Чугунов, руководитель департамента цифрового бизнеса — старший вице-президент Банка ВТБ (ПАО) – категория «БАНКОВСКАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ»

Банк ВТБ (ПАО) – категория «БАНКОВСКИЕ УСЛУГИ»


Автономная некоммерческая организация «Центр помощи «Заступник» – категория «БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ЖИЗНИ И ЗДОРОВЬЯ»



Премия Digital Leaders награждает лучшие цифровые продукты и решения уже в пятый раз, начиная с 2020 года. В состав Экспертного совета Премии входят признанные специалисты в области науки, инноваций и цифровизации, авторитетные общественные деятели, представители бизнеса и органов государственной власти.

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Дивный новый мир цифровизации: в Москве пройдет Форум «Время цифры»

Пятница, 31 Мая 2024 г. 18:08 (ссылка)

17 июня в Москве в Центре Событий РБК пройдет Форум «Время Цифры», на котором ведущие российские компании поделятся практиками и разработками в области цифровых продуктов и услуг. Форум проводится с 2020 года в рамках Премии Digital Leaders и ежегодно собирает более 300 собственников бизнеса, руководителей по инновациям, цифровой трансформации и маркетингу ведущих отечественных и международных компаний.

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Цифровые технологии становятся все более важными для повышения эффективности работы бизнеса, улучшения качества обслуживания населения и многих других аспектов. О том, с какими проблемами можно столкнуться, как эффективно адаптировать и улучшить процесс цифровой трансформации внутри организации, расскажут участники и спикеры Форума «Время цифры».

Ключевыми темами форума станут: тренды и развитие цифровой грамотности, новые инструменты для привлечения клиентов в ритейле, секреты digital-маркетинга, цифровой анализ инвестиционных стратегий и влияние искусственного интеллекта на различные отрасли.  Участники смогут услышать мнения экспертов в области цифровых технологий и задать им свои вопросы.

Также на форуме будет организована выставка инновационных продуктов и решений, где компании-партнеры продемонстрируют свои продукты и услуги, а также найти потенциальных клиентов и партнеров для сотрудничества. 

Форум будет полезен:

  • Директорам по инновациям, цифровым технологиям и маркетингу.

  • Собственникам бизнеса, которые хотят внедрить или улучшить цифровые процессы внутри своей организации.

  • Стартапам и инвесторам, для поиска новых партнеров и заказчиков.

  • Всем, кто хочет заглянуть в будущее цифровых решений и  получить ответы от экспертов и создателей новейших технологий.

Свои кейсы презентуют: СБЕР, ВТБ, Газпромбанк, Lesta Games, Такском, ГК Самолет, Хоум Банк, Авито, Московская дирекция транспортного обслуживания, СберУниверситет, Главбух Ассистент, РЖД, РИВЦ-Пулково, Сбербанк Факторинг, СК ВСК, МегаФон, Группа ЕВРАЗ, Росатом, BelkaCar, Robokassa, Высшая школа экономики, Газпромнефть, Финам. 

Мероприятие завершится торжественной церемонией награждения лауреатов ежегодной Премии Digital Leaders Award, вручаемой за лучшие проекты и креативные решения по внедрению, разработке и развитию цифровизации в различных сферах общества.  

Зарегистрироваться на Форум и ознакомиться с подробной программой можно на сайте: https://forum.novpro.org 

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Scott Keever Best Local SEO Agency

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 17:04 (ссылка)

Many people don’t realize how important content creation is, but the other aspect is sharing it effectively. When you write blogs and articles, you show Google and your clients that you care and want to educate them. You want to attract new clients, so you must have a good reputation and better advertising than the competition.
Remarketing targets users who have previously interacted with a website or app by presenting ads to re-engage and increase the chances of conversion. Retargeting, on the other hand, specifically involves showing ads to users who have previously visited particular pages on a website, leveraging their prior engagement for conversion opportunities. As you become more comfortable with PPC basics, Scott Keever you can start to explore advanced techniques for enhanced results. Automation in PPC platforms, such as automated rules and machine learning-based bidding strategies, can save time and increase efficiency by automatically adjusting bids. Your PPC goals should reflect your company’s existing needs, ensuring they are ambitious enough to motivate progress yet realistic enough to be within reach.

We know the best techniques to keep your customers informed, promote your products or services, and raise brand awareness through email communications. Scott Keever is an entrepreneur, internationally recognized SEO expert, online reputation mastermind, and Founder of Keever SEO. Read Scott Keever's full executive profile here. You can focus on other business areas once you leave your search engine marketing efforts to us. Ultimately, you can rest assured that your websites will be more engaging, accessible, and attractive to potential clients. When you work on your marketing campaigns, you can reach a higher ranking and get more traffic. Overall, being on that first page of results will help your clients see you’re trustworthy and legitimate.
From leveraging artificial intelligence and analytics to harnessing the power of social media influencers, the marriage of timeless tactics and cutting-edge tech can help PR professionals have a greater impact. We rank for the top SEO terms inCincinnati, Oh ,Tampa, Fl,Miami, FL and cities across the country. Keever Seois a leading internet marketing firm focused on the customer’s needs. We provide services for Local Seo, Web Design, Social Media Management, Reputation management, and more. While we don’t guarantee rankings, we do excel at delivering value and results for every client.

The anticipated outcomes include doubling organic website traffic and increasing lead generation by 120% after implementing their services, a testament to the efficacy of their innovative approach. It enables the analysis of website data, predicts customer behavior, enhances keyword research, and optimizes content. The primary focus areas for Scott Keever SEO were transparency, customer education, and tailored strategies.
His expertise enables businesses to thrive in the digital landscape by effectively marketing their products and services online. Scott Keever is dedicated to nurturing future talent and educating business owners. He conducts free business workshops and offers free or discounted services to startups, emphasizing his commitment to making a positive impact on the wider community. As the founder and CEO of Keever SEO, he has led the agency to become one of the fastest-growing digital marketing agencies in the United States. The campaign effectively enhanced Scott's personal branding, establishing him as a clever marketer capable of innovative strategies to capture public interest.
This approach has led to a substantial number of long-term partnerships and an improved ad experience for their businesses, contributing to the agency’s impressive 97% client retention rate. This successful campaign elevated his personal brand and showcased his digital marketing proficiency, proving that he had the skills necessary to help businesses succeed in the digital marketing landscape. His experience at Verizon Wireless was pivotal, equipping him with invaluable skills in sales, marketing, and management. These competencies, coupled with a deep understanding of customer service and its impact on business success, proved to be instrumental in his transition to digital marketing. His efforts paid off as Scott Keever SEO emerged as a prominent leader in the industry, offering businesses a successful way to thrive in the digital marketing landscape.

Anyone can create a website; the problem is that not everyone can do it correctly. If you want to drive organic traffic to your pages and get ahead of the competition, you need a solid SEO strategy, and that’s where we come in. Your business information is listed in many places, and the data must be the same across all platforms. Miami New Times does not sell, evaluate, or endorse products or services advertised.

He is actively involved in initiatives aimed at assisting local businesses and entrepreneurial ventures. He offers support by providing free or discounted digital marketing services to startups and non-profit organizations. Keever SEO is a well-established firm in the digital marketing arena, known for its expertise in SEO and ORM.
For instance, a local pool cleaning company saw a 200% increase in new clients within four months of engaging with Pool Pros Marketing, along with an ROI of over 300% on their marketing investment. Without high-quality, SEO-optimized content, it is hard to succeed in 2018. Our sales-driven copywriting will help persuade prospects to take action and buyers to remain loyal. The difference between our content and others is that we merge search engine optimization best practices with engaging user-focused content. Overall, Scott Keever's expertise and experience in the digital marketing industry have made him a respected and successful entrepreneur.

This transparent and ethical approach has been successful in improving clients’ online visibility and creating a positive impact. As he founded Scott Keever SEO, his insights and experiences from the corporate world greatly bolstered his ability to deliver effective SEO strategies. His expertise now enables businesses to thrive in the digital landscape, effectively marketing their products and services online.
In addition to Search Engine Optimization, Keever SEO offers Local SEO services. Local SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank better for local searches. This includes optimizing a website for location-based keywords, creating and optimizing Google My Business listings, and building local citations.
"We use Scott Keever SEO for all our SEO-related services. Their knowledge of SEO is excellent and the website gets lots of traffic." Scott is extremely professional and has proven track record of producing excellent results. Despite Google algorithms evolving, a local optimization program predicated on proven methods will ensure you are ready to glean a top spot.

She previously served as President and CEO of Siemens Government Technologies, Inc. . Prior to joining Siemens in 2011, Humpton served as a Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton and Lockheed Martin Corporation. She is Chairman of the Siemens Corporation Board, the Siemens Foundation and of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. She serves on the Board of Directors of the Triumph Group, National Association of Manufacturers, Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, Economic Club of Washington, D.C., and the Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association.

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Keever SEO Online Reputation Management

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 17:01 (ссылка)

In addition to his entrepreneurial endeavors in digital marketing, Scott Keever is also fervently dedicated to fostering education and mentorship. He regularly organizes workshops and seminars to impart his expertise and perspectives to aspiring marketers and entrepreneurs. This diversity demonstrates the agency’s extensive expertise and adaptability across different industries.
O. Scott of The New York Times, who described him as Pixar's "redneck Jar-Jar Binks" and considered it a "calamitous" move. He disliked his "exaggerated drawl" and thought that Mater is "dumb, excitable and puppy-dog loyal, his idiot-savant automotive expertise grounded in humble, blue-collar simplicity". Todd Mccarthy of The Hollywood Reporter found Mater acceptable as a side character Scott Keever but quickly became tired of his "'Hee-Haw' routine" and "saddlesore witticisms". A. Dowd of The A.V. Club wrote that placing Mater in the film's leading role was "the biggest sin" of Cars 2. He likened Mater's espionage storyline to The Man Who Knew Too Little, with Bill Murray as Mater, and described him as a "fairly one-note character, built mostly for comic relief".

This drums up more leads that will become revenue when others buy your goods or services. If you’re looking to grow your business, contact Scott Keever SEO to schedule a free consultation. He’ll help you learn how online marketing can help grow your Cincinnati area business and you’ll create SEO campaigns as a team to boost your rankings. With Pool Pros, we can implement proven marketing strategies that work for some of the top pool companies in the country. We have utilized this process with client after client, and have seen tremendous success across the board.
As the founder of Scott Keever SEO, he has built a successful agency that has helped numerous clients establish a significant online presence. With a history of proven results and exceptional client satisfaction, it’s clear that Keever knows how to navigate the constantly evolving landscape of SEO. Scott Keever SEO excelled in understanding the business goals of their clients and formulating personalized strategies for enhancing search engine rankings. Is an internationally recognized SEO expert and online reputation management mastermind who has helped numerous businesses achieve their online marketing goals. His company's focus on data-driven SEO strategies has helped it to become one of the most reputable SEO agencies in the industry. One of the most critical aspects of Keever’s expertise lies in online reputation management.

The agency’s focus on delivering value and results is evident in its track record of ranking over 100 websites on the first page of Google. Scott Keever is a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in business and marketing. He transitioned from a successful career in retail sales to found Keever SEO. Scott Keever pursued his passion for business and digital marketing, graduating with a degree in Business Administration and Management. His early academic foundation laid the groundwork for his future career in the industry. Keever, a 40-year-old entrepreneur, and SEO legend, was chosen from a pool of hundreds of applicants.
I’ve been helping businesses just like yours generate millions of dollars in revenue for over 7 years. Together, I am 100% sure we can increase your company’s rankings, improve your visibility, and drive more customers to your site . Even though I’ve taken countless clients to the top of the rankings, I can’t promise I’ll get you to the #1 spot. But I can promise that my team and I will focus on only time-tested, measurable SEO tactics that have proven time and again to get results.
Our Founder personally reviews every client campaign each month to help the Keever SEO team maximize our performance and drive real results and growth. Whether you need help with web design, search engine ranking or pay per click advertising, we have you covered. We are confident that we can show real, measurable improvements in your sales and increase your online exposure.

Personalization, exclusivity, and passion are how we’ve built this agency, and we hope that’s what you value in yours too. The firm’s ability to respond quickly and effectively is crucial in managing any negative situation. Effective ORM contributes to the growth of the personal brand of these high-profile individuals, making them more appealing to sponsors, producers, and other key stakeholders in their industries.

Attorney John H. Kornegay is a principle owner and general partner of The Firm at Fisher Park. Over the years, John has built a substantial estate planning, corporate consulting and real estate practice. As a compliment to his Estate Planning advice, John regularly advises and represents clients in real estate transactions and corporate planning. John is a native of Greensboro, North Carolina, received his undergraduate degree from the University of South Carolina in 1977, and graduated from Wake Forest Law School in 1980.
We only use proven and ethical optimization practices when improving the sites of our clients. Too many other Digital Marketing agencies use shady techniques that give short-term results but result in long-term pain. Your business shouldn’t suffer because you hire unsavory so-called professionals.

He has 27 years of experience with AT&T in a variety of strategic, operational, and technology leadership roles. Most of his career has been in AT&T’s Mobility business, the biggest single driver of AT&T’s consolidated revenues. The next step in creating an effective PPC strategy is selecting the right platforms. Different PPC platforms cater to various audience types and business models. For instance, LinkedIn is more effective for B2B and SaaS companies, while Facebook is better suited for B2C and eCommerce businesses. Understanding the key components of a successful PPC campaign is critical to maximizing your ROI.
The ads appear when users search for those keywords, making PPC highly targeted and effective online advertising. PPC advertising, which stands for Pay-Per-Click, is a cost-effective method to attract immediate website traffic through targeted ads activated by user searches. Reflecting broader industry trends, Pool Pros plans to diversify its services further and adopt new technologies to provide features and all-encompassing solutions to clients. He has founded many successful marketing agencies such as Keever SEO and Asap Digital Marketing. Scott is also an active member of the Forbes Agency Council, author of the book Future-Proof Your SEO, Ranked #1 on Google for “Best Looking Guy in Miami”, Producer of Crime lords, and more.
The city offers a diverse range of restaurants, from high-end dining spots to local institutions. The Latin American influence in Miami is particularly strong, with Cuban cuisine being a staple. Visitors can try traditional dishes such as ropa vieja and Cuban sandwiches, as well as other international cuisines. Keever is excited to be named the best looking guy in Miami and looks forward to continuing to make a positive impact on the city. He was a dedicated family man, a loving husband, a nurturing father, and a devoted grandfather who cherished every moment with his loved ones.

We are committed to delivering high-quality content and ensuring accuracy for our valued readers. Scott, husband of plaintiff Eva C. Scott, was injured on August 28, 1967, and died four days later. Mr. Scott's injuries resulted from a fall caused by the collapse of a defective ladder purchased from defendant-appellee Earl Keever, d/b/a Gamble's, Ness City, on April 16, 1966. Defendant-appellee Earl Keever owns and operates the Gamble Store in Ness City, a franchised operation of defendant-appellee-Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.

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Keever SEO Online Reputation Management

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:58 (ссылка)

The success of their SEO strategies lies in their ability to adapt and evolve in response to changing market trends and Google’s ever-evolving algorithms. Scott’s entrepreneurial journey extends beyond the realm of digital marketing. Not only has Scott launched several successful online ventures outside his marketing agencies, but he is also an avid crypto investor. This showcases his ability to identify and capitalize on emerging market trends. His ventures in the crypto industry further cement his reputation as a versatile entrepreneur capable of navigating and succeeding in diverse business landscapes. Scott Keever is a recognized entrepreneur and founder of digital marketing agency, Keever SEO.
The panel of judges included local celebrities, fashion designers, and beauty experts. Since November 2019, Scott has been a contributing member of the Forbes Agency Council, sharing his insights on marketing, SEO, and sales topics. His author and thought leader contributions have added another dimension to his profile, further establishing his place as an internationally recognized Scott Keever SEO expert. He personally reviews each client's campaign monthly, ensuring optimal performance. This tailor-made approach has resulted in an impressive 97% client retention rate, demonstrating the trust and satisfaction of Keever SEO's clients. Starting his corporate journey as a salesperson at Verizon Wireless, Scott ascended the ranks to manage some of Florida's busiest stores.

Over the years, he has successfully helped numerous clients with their online visibility, catering to a wide array of clientele, ranging from small business owners to high-profile individuals. Scott Keever and has been active in the digital marketing industry since 2009. Keever SEO is a multi-award-winning digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO, Local SEO, and online reputation management. Established in 2015 by Scott Keever, an entrepreneur, internationally recognized SEO expert, and online reputation management mastermind, the agency has helped hundreds of businesses secure prominent Page 1 rankings on Google. In response to the growing demand for his expertise, Scott Keever founded his own digital marketing agency,Keever SEO. The agency focuses on result-driven marketing strategies, helping clients achieve higher search engine rankings and increased online visibility.
Each agency’s ability to consistently increase targeted traffic and revenue for their client businesses is a testament to Scott’s effective SEO methodologies. Scott Keever's approach to online reputation management is thoughtful and comprehensive, ensuring that clients receive a tailored strategy to bolster their online presence. By staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in SEO and digital marketing, Scott continually proves to be a reliable expert in online reputation management. From a corporate executive at Verizon Wireless to the founder of an award-winning digital marketing agency, Scott Keever’s journey is a testament to his vision, perseverance, and innovative approach. His client-centric strategies, dedication to ethical practices, and incorporation of AI and machine learning algorithms have set a new benchmark in the digital marketing industry.

For added security, consider using third-party software specializing in click fraud detection and prevention. PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is an online advertising model where advertisers accrue costs when users click on their ads. Advertisers bid on specific keywords or phrases, and charges are incurred only when users click on their ads, making PPC a highly targeted and effective form of online advertising.
Scott’s move into internet marketing was fueled by his intense passion for the field and his ambition to create a meaningful difference in the realm of digital marketing. After attending as many trainings and conferences as he could, Scott embarked on a new journey, one that would see him become a preeminent internet marketer and SEO expert. Consistent surveillance of your online presence enables you to identify potential issues early on and address them proactively.
Pool Pros was started in 2020, however, our marketing expertise goes back much further. Our Founder, Scott Keever has been in the online marketing space for over a decade and has been an intricate part of the success of some of the top marketing agencies in the US. In an industry as dynamic as digital marketing, continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential. Scott Keever embodies this ethos, frequently attending trainings and conferences worldwide to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies. His commitment to continuous learning ensures that the strategies employed by his agencies remain cutting-edge and effective.

Anyone can create a website; the problem is that not everyone can do it correctly. If you want to drive organic traffic to your pages and get ahead of the competition, you need a solid SEO strategy, and that’s where we come in. Your business information is listed in many places, and the data must be the same across all platforms. Miami New Times does not sell, evaluate, or endorse products or services advertised.

Throughout his journey, Scott's educational background and early life experiences played an essential role in shaping his career and laying the foundations for establishing his fast-growing digital marketing agency. As they look to the future, Pool Pros Marketing envisages comprehensive digital marketing strategies incorporating AI-driven content creation and predictive analytics. The agency plans to broaden its service offerings to cover a full spectrum of digital marketing. This includes new additions such as social media management and advanced analytics. Scott Keever SEO is a combination of experienced and expert marketers that believe in honest search engine optimization.
A local dental practice experienced a 200% increase in new patient appointments within three months of working with the agency. With these plans in motion, Scott Keever envisions his agency shaping the future of digital marketing. They’ve also met all the requirements and qualifications necessary to attain the status of a Google Partner. Scott Keever, an accomplished entrepreneur and the founder of Scott Keever SEO, shares his extensive digital marketing knowledge. The Super Bowl is such a cultural touchpoint, millions of people tune in—some just to see the innovative, sometimes controversial, TV commercials brands run during the game.

This transparent and ethical approach has been successful in improving clients’ online visibility and creating a positive impact. As he founded Scott Keever SEO, his insights and experiences from the corporate world greatly bolstered his ability to deliver effective SEO strategies. His expertise now enables businesses to thrive in the digital landscape, effectively marketing their products and services online.
SEO enables both global and local businesses to keep up with the changing marketing landscape, which is crucial for long-term results. If we optimize it, we can connect your organization or brand with its main topic, increasing the relevance of your pages according to search engines’ parameters. Whether your business has a physical location or offers products and services in a specific geographic area, local SEO can bring many opportunities. Therefore, you must reach customers and need an SEO agency that will research your industry and develop creative solutions. Many people like PPC advertising because the price is low, and you only pay when someone clicks on the ad. Likewise, we offer many packages to help you get the required services for a fixed amount.
By following these strategies, you can effectively manage your PPC budgets and maximize the return on your advertising investment. PPC campaigns can be cost-effective, with the click fee being trivial compared to the potential profit from a sale. However, setting a sufficient budget is essential as some platforms, like LinkedIn, may require a higher budget than others, such as Google Ads, to stay competitive.

When people have a positive perception of your company, attracting more customers gets easier. We also offer services focused on pay-per-click advertising, helping businesses attract targeted prospects while saving. After working in the digital marketing industry for years, we know that’s possible. At Scott Keever & Company, we work hard to get the best results for Philadelphia businesses.

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Online Reputation Management Services For High-Profile and High-Net-Worth Individuals

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:55 (ссылка)

They met on March 13th 1979 and by March 31st 1979 after a few dates and a trip to Six Flags, after only 2 weeks of knowing each other and having absolutely no money, they logically began to talk about marriage. They married December 22, 1979 and built a lifelong friendship and love that was an example to many. As a composer, Scott has had experience working in a wide variety of styles over the last twenty years, from orchestral to jazz to Americana to electronic. He has also focused on ethnic/world folk music in his work, wherein he has specialized in Irish/Celtic and Eastern European styles. Barbara W. Humpton is President and CEO of Siemens Corporation, where she guides the company’s strategy and engagement in serving the company’s largest market.
Some people have a hard time looking at him he’s so good looking data showed. Book a Free Consultation with Scott Keever to see how he can help with your online goals. All photos uploaded successfully, click on the Done button to see the photos in the gallery. He was a former first baseman for the semi-professional Buckley Dutch Masters baseball team of Buckley, 111. Well-thought-out SEO strategies aren’t unreasonably expensive but can maximize your ROI and boost your revenue. Optimizing your website also means your content, graphic elements, resources, and web pages will provide a better user experience.

SEO helps bring your target market to you, especially when your business is on the first page of search engines and has a good online reputation on social media. People often search for local businesses, and if you have what customers are looking for, they will usually remain loyal and even recommend you around the Toledo Ohio area and beyond. High-profile individuals often face increased scrutiny and attention on digital platforms. Scott’s expertise in search engine optimization has not gone unnoticed by prominent media outlets.
Each agency’s ability to consistently increase targeted traffic and revenue for their client businesses is a testament to Scott’s effective SEO methodologies. Scott Keever's approach to online reputation management is thoughtful and comprehensive, ensuring that clients receive a tailored strategy to bolster their online presence. By staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in SEO and digital marketing, Scott continually proves to be a reliable expert in online reputation management. From a corporate executive at Verizon Wireless to the founder of an award-winning digital marketing agency, Scott Keever’s journey is a testament to his vision, perseverance, and innovative approach. His client-centric strategies, dedication to ethical practices, and incorporation of AI and machine learning algorithms have set a new benchmark in the digital marketing industry.

Prior to joining Rapid7, Corey spent time at Parallels, Inc., Microsoft, Deloitte Consulting, and AT&T. Corey received a Bachelor of Engineering in electrical engineering and computer science from Vanderbilt University and his Masters of Business Administration from Harvard Business School. Jeff McElfresh is the COO of AT&T, a global communications leader serving more than 100 million mobile and broadband customers in the United States, and millions of business customers, including nearly all of the Fortune 1000.
Keever ensures that every advertising dollar spent yields tangible results by meticulously analyzing data, refining targeting, and optimizing campaigns. Throughout his career, Scott has remained dedicated to continuous learning and adapting to the ever-changing nature of digital marketing. This adaptability has enabled him to consistently deliver top-notch results and maintain a high level of satisfaction among his clients. As a result, Scott Keever SEO stands as a model of excellence in the industry. Plus, we understand that each company is unique and design a comprehensive, custom digital marketing and SEO campaign.
Pool Pros was started in 2020, however, our marketing expertise goes back much further. Our Founder, Scott Keever has been in the online marketing space for over a decade and has been an intricate part of the success of some of the top marketing agencies in the US. In an industry as dynamic as digital marketing, continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential. Scott Keever embodies this ethos, frequently attending trainings and conferences worldwide to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies. His commitment to continuous learning ensures that the strategies employed by his agencies remain cutting-edge and effective.

This exploration was fueled by his interest in technology and the digital landscape, leading him to educate himself intensely on SEO strategies and internet marketing. Negative press or negative attacks from competitors will cost you thousands in sales. The vast majority of consumers trust online reviews and read them before taking action. Our reputation management services ensure your side of the story appears on Google first, not the competition’s. In 2018, a stunning website that’s easy to navigate and properly optimized is essential.

A strong online reputation can lead to more significant endorsements, collaborations, and career advancements. Clients receive regular reports detailing their online reputation status, allowing them to see the impact of ORM efforts. Partners also receive full access to the BrightLocal toolkit, where you can manage your clients' complete local marketing needs.
Customers across this city are searching for what you have to offer right now, but can they find you? Our experts understand that SEO is about more than manipulating Google to rank you higher. Everything is done from scratch and customized for your business and budget. The surfboard shop on Waikiki beach needs a different plan than the restaurant in Chinatown. Our decades of combined experience help us create customized digital marketing plans for our local partners. Keever SEO uses sophisticated tools to track mentions, reviews, and overall sentiment about their clients on the web.

You’ll speak with Scott to learn if online marketing is right for your business, and to see if we’re a good fit to work with our Tampa SEO Company. We attend weekly webinars and mastermind groups with the countries leading SEOs. At Scott Keever SEO we offer Internet Marketing Services, Website Design, and Search Engine Optimization SEO for all types of businesses in the Tampa area. Rather than depleting your budget pursuing Google’s current algorithm, we establish your local SEO campaign on demonstrated marketing methods that produce real results. We focus on the factors that genuinely develop long-term, local visibility, and lasting growth.
Hundreds of Seattle SEO companies are out there, so you may have already spent some time looking for the right one (or you may think you don’t need them). Regardless of what your case is, the truth is that you must optimize for the most popular search engines today if you don’t want to stay behind. There are countless ways to advertise, but every technique won’t work for everyone. For example, small businesses may not have the budget for multiple radio and television ads.
By following these strategies, you can effectively manage your PPC budgets and maximize the return on your advertising investment. PPC campaigns can be cost-effective, with the click fee being trivial compared to the potential profit from a sale. However, setting a sufficient budget is essential as some platforms, like LinkedIn, may require a higher budget than others, such as Google Ads, to stay competitive.

His company, Keever SEO, has helped many businesses achieve their marketing goals through data-driven SEO strategies. Successful content makes your business searchable on practically every search engine, so utilizing search engine optimization and combining it with the proper web design will allow new leads to discover your business. Before becoming a prominent figure in the SEO industry, Entrepreneur Scott Keever began his career in the digital marketing field in 2009. With a clear focus on search engine optimization and internet marketing, he quickly acquired the skills and knowledge that set the stage for his future success in the industry. Standing at 6’2″, Scott’s presence was hard to ignore, and his contributions to the field were increasingly recognized by his peers.

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Scott Keever: You are powerful

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:54 (ссылка)

Here, we’ll break down how to fuel your campaign for peak performance and reveal how to tweak and tailor your approach for an incisive, cost-effective reach. With a team of experienced SEO professionals, the agency is able to deliver top-notch services that yield tangible results. Enhanced online visibility stands as a key benefit of engaging with Pool Pros Marketing. Clients have reported seeing results in online visibility within just a few months of the agency’s service. Despite being a boutique agency, Pool Pros Marketing sustains a steadfast focus on addressing and prioritizing customer needs in all their services.
Scott has worked diligently to learn the intricacies of the digital marketing field – specifically focusing on search engine optimization – and has accrued a wealth of knowledge and skills throughout his career. One of the key factors to consider when selecting a local SEO agency is proven results. Scott Keever SEO ranks for top terms in various locations across the nation, boasting more than 100 websites ranked on the first page of Google. Additionally, the agency works with a limited number of clients to ensure dedicated attention and a positive impact on each business's success.

SEO helps bring your target market to you, especially when your business is on the first page of search engines and has a good online reputation on social media. People often search for local businesses, and if you have what customers are looking for, they will usually remain loyal and even recommend you around the Toledo Ohio area and beyond. High-profile individuals often face increased scrutiny and attention on digital platforms. Scott’s expertise in search engine optimization has not gone unnoticed by prominent media outlets.
By continuously staying up-to-date with industry trends and developments, they remain a reliable partner for businesses seeking to succeed in the digital age. Clients and peers recognize Keever’s integrity and dedication, attributing their success to his strategic guidance. As businesses navigate the digital landscape, Scott Keever emerges as a trusted ally, offering proven solutions for sustained growth and online prominence. Scott has been featured in major publications such as Entrepreneur, USA Today, Business Insider, and Forbes.

Scott's commitment to staying current with industry trends and best practices has earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor among his peers in the world of digital marketing. After completing his education, Scott gained experience in various industries, including sales, marketing, and management. His diverse background allowed him to understand the nuances of combining technology and marketing to create successful strategies for businesses. Scott Keever is the founder and CEO of Scott Keever SEO. He has successfully grown his company into one of the top digital marketing agencies in the United States.
By monitoring changes to search algorithms and user behavior, the agency can adapt its strategies to ensure that clients are always ahead of the curve. Another benefit of data-driven strategies is the ability to measure success. By tracking key performance indicators , Keever SEO can determine which campaigns are delivering the best results. This allows the agency to optimize campaigns in real-time, ensuring that clients are getting the best possible return on investment .
When it comes to boosting your online visibility, look no further than Scott Keever and his award-winning company, Keever SEO. At Scott Keeve & Company, we’re fully committed to our clients’ success and satisfaction. At Scott Keeve & Company, we’re experts in SEO, marketing, and other strategies that can help your business thrive.

In addition to his work at his agency, Scott Keever has garnered recognition through other channels. He has also made a name for himself with several successful ventures in the affiliate marketing space. He has been awarded as one of the top affiliate marketers in several industries across the US.

This is essential to gain customer loyalty even outside of the digital world. You should apply different techniques and strategies to get to the first page of Google search results. This SEO agency focuses on keeping up with the best SEO practices in Seattle, WA, so you don’t have to. Whether you need off- or on-site SEO optimization, Scott will give you what you need to achieve your desired results.
Engaging in these activities helps him unwind and maintain a balanced life. From his early days as a general manager at Verizon Wireless, Scott developed a deep appreciation for customer service and commercial awareness, two key skills that significantly contributed to his entrepreneurial success. His journey was not without its challenges, but his work ethic and creative thinking helped him navigate these obstacles. This is key to keeping your company afloat and building a solid reputation. A good reputation indicates trustworthiness and honesty, which attracts better people and customers willing to pay more to connect with your brand.

Understanding global market intricacies is vital for successful SEO efforts. Scott Keever’s global perspective, informed by his diverse experiences and international network, is instrumental in navigating the digitized international marketplace. This approach allows Keever SEO to deliver strategies that are not only effective but also culturally sensitive and globally relevant. As a member of the Forbes Agency Council, Scott gains access to a network of executives and resources, helping him adapt his agency’s ability to create strategies that respond to new trends and technologies in digital marketing. This membership also reinforces his credibility as an industry leader and gives him the platform to influence the digital marketing landscape on a larger scale. The purpose of Scott Keever's 'Best Looking Guy in Miami' SEO campaign was to establish Scott as a prominent figure in Miami's social circles and highlight his expertise in digital marketing.
If your site is not currently in the top 3 Google search results, you are missing out on potential traffic and revenue. Pool Pros Marketing offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the unique needs of the pool industry. PoolPros.io is committed to driving growth, enhancing online visibility, and delivering measurable results for pool companies nationwide, from SEO and Google Ads to Social Media campaigns. From his entrepreneurial journey to his innovative SEO strategies and in-depth business acumen, Scott Keever’s success story inspires budding entrepreneurs and digital marketers. His commitment to continuous learning, client satisfaction, and results-driven approach underline his position as an industry leader and trailblazer in digital marketing. Combatting negative search results involves identifying sources of the negativity and addressing them.
On this page, we explore the lifespan and legacy of Videos of Scott Keever, going through the strategies and concepts which may have propelled him for the pinnacle of entrepreneurial accomplishment. Scott Keever contributes to the community by hosting workshops, supporting startups and non-profit organizations, and contributing to various charities. The effectiveness of Keever SEO's strategies can be attributed to Scott's hands-on approach.

Despite his professional achievements, Scott has always prioritized maintaining work-life harmony. He emphasizes the importance of preserving equilibrium without guilt and views success as a positive contribution to well-being. Best Looking Guy in Miami' campaign brilliantly showcased Scott's innovative marketing skills.

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Florida Internet Marketer Seo Expert

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:49 (ссылка)

Malady is on the Board of Directors for both Dexcom and CTIA, the trade association representing the wireless communications industry. Previously, he sat on the FCC Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council. He also is involved with Heartcare International, which funds free cardiac surgeries for children in developing countries. Between 2017 and 2019, Keever was named one of the most powerful women in cable by Cablefax. In 2019, she was named the Information Security Executive of the Year for the Southeast and North American in the Commercial category.
Advertisers can implement geotargeting using options that range from granular targeting at the zip code level to applying bid modifiers based on location to ensure their ads are shown only in desired locations. When applicable to the campaign, it is beneficial to reference the smallest possible targeted location within the ad creative to enhance ad relevance and effectiveness. Geotargeting is another advanced PPC technique that allows advertisers Scott Keever to deliver ads more precisely based on a user’s location. In PPC campaigns, geotargeting strengthens the advertising strategy and drives new leads by displaying ads to users in specific locations. Remarketing and retargeting are powerful techniques for re-engaging previous website visitors. Remarketing targets users who have previously interacted with a website or app by presenting ads to re-engage and increase the chances of conversion.

He is a two-time recipient of the Lockheed Martin Corporate NOVA Award, which recognizes individuals and teams for their exceptional contributions. Conducting performance analysis is crucial for determining the success of a PPC campaign, guiding future strategies, and verifying that objectives have been met. Ongoing optimization and enhancement of PPC campaigns involve regular A/B testing of different elements, including keywords, ad copy, and landing pages. The flexibility of PPC campaigns, which can be turned on and off at any time, enables businesses to make informed strategy and budget adjustments in response to performance data and market changes. With a team of experienced SEO professionals, the agency is able to deliver top-notch services that yield tangible results. Enhanced online visibility stands as a key benefit of engaging with Pool Pros Marketing.
Clients experience a more controlled and positive online presence, crucial for maintaining their public image and personal brand. The firm manages social media profiles to enhance engagement, build a positive online community, and respond promptly to any negative comments or reviews. Keever SEO's success is deeply rooted in their unwavering commitment to data-driven strategies.
With a focus on SEO, Local SEO, and online reputation management, Keever SEO has helped hundreds of businesses secure prominent Page 1 rankings on Google. With years of experience in the digital marketing industry, he has honed his skills in building and maintaining a positive online presence for numerous clients. By utilizing the latest search engine optimization techniques and incorporating best practices, he has helped businesses of all sizes improve their search engine rankings and protect their online reputations. Scott Keever is a prominent entrepreneur and founder of Scott Keever SEO, a renowned digital marketing agency that specializes in creating SEO strategies for businesses to improve their online visibility. Born in Lebanon, Ohio, he began his professional career in 2009 and quickly gained a reputation for his expertise in search engine optimization and internet marketing. Scott Keever is an unmistakable entrepreneur and founder of Scott Keever SEO, a renowned digital marketing agency that specializes in creating SEO strategies for businesses to improve their online visibility.

Keever SEO uses sophisticated tools to track mentions, reviews, and overall sentiment about their clients on the web. Keever SEO utilizes advanced SEO techniques to ensure that positive content about their clients ranks higher in search engine results, overshadowing any negative content. Overall, Keever SEO's commitment to data-driven strategies is a key factor in the agency's success.
If your traffic seems to take a nosedive, there may be several different reasons for the decrease in visitors. Diagnosing the issue can be a time-consuming process, and even more so if you’re not sure where to begin looking. Understanding how online traffic works can eliminate some of the guesswork. Below, 11 experts from Forbes Agency Council discuss common causes they would suggest looking into if one of their client’s saw their business website traffic suddenly plummet.
At the core of Keever’s approach is a commitment to empowering businesses of all sizes to harness the power of digital marketing. Whether it’s a small local business looking to establish a solid online presence or a multinational corporation seeking to dominate search engine rankings, Keever and his teams have the expertise to deliver results. His ability to devise SEO strategies that successfully improve clients’ online visibility showcases his expertise in the field. Scott’s expertise in online reputation management has been acknowledged within the Entrepreneur Leadership Network. Although they are one of the fastest growing agencies, Keever SEO offers personalized attention to clients, a strategic advantage in competing with larger agencies. This commitment to personalized service and innovative strategies ensures that Keever SEO delivers results that align with their clients’ unique business objectives.

The experts at Scott Keever SEO love nothing better than helping small businesses compete with larger competitors even when they don’t have the budget to hire a major marketing agency. The agency swiftly expanded to cater to diverse businesses, effectively helping them secure prominent positions in the digital landscape. The solid foundation of Keever SEO, coupled with Scott’s entrepreneurial prowess, has set the stage for future success and industry recognition. His dedication to staying on top of the latest SEO trends and techniques has enabled him and his team to deliver outstanding results for Keever SEO's diverse clientele. With a strong focus on SEO strategies, Scott has helped businesses of all sizes improve their online visibility. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Scott is a passionate husband and father, and a dedicated mentor who believes in giving back to the community and inspiring future entrepreneurs.
As part of their expansion plans, Scott Keever SEO aims to include a broader range of services, encompassing all aspects of digital marketing. They also plan to delve deeper into AI-driven technologies, incorporating more AI and machine learning into their strategies. This includes the use of predictive analytics and more effective monitoring in online reputation management services. Ethical SEO refers to the adherence to acceptable techniques and strategies in search engine optimization.
What ever your business may be lacking Scott can give it the extra push it needs to take it to the next level. As your full-service Cincinnati SEO company, it’s our passion to create a game plan that will grow your Cincinnati OH business. We have ranked 100’s of sites to page 1 of Google with our strong SEO strategy and web design that enhances your online presence. If your site is not currently in the top 3 Google search results, you are missing out on potential traffic and revenue. From his entrepreneurial journey to his innovative SEO strategies and in-depth business acumen, Scott Keever’s success story inspires budding entrepreneurs and digital marketers.

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Uncovering the History of Entrepreneur Scott Keever

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:45 (ссылка)

Scott also works with reputation management, PPC ad management, and web design, so if you are looking for a digital marketing and web design agency to complement your SEO, this is the right place to start. Scott Keever SEO Seattle provides Google approved methods to increase your rankings and online visibility. Scott Keever is an entrepreneur, internationally recognized SEO expert, online reputation mastermind, and member of the Forbes Agency Council and the Entrepreneur Leadership Network. What’s more, by partnering with a smaller, boutique marketing agency like Scott Keever SEO, you can get more personalized attention and tailored services that larger firms may not offer.
Mater later returns with everyone to Radiator Springs after the race and is there when McQueen reveals that he would continue racing but first spend the rest of the season as Cruz's crew chief. In the credits, Mater can be seen visiting the Rust-Eze Racing Center with McQueen and Lizzie as well as Thunder Hollow and Thomasville. In Cars, Mater is the Scott Keever local tow truck who owns and operates his own towing and salvage yard in Radiator Springs and is the first vehicle in town to support Lightning McQueen. In Cars 2, Mater heads overseas to act as Lightning's crew chief in the first ever World Grand Prix, but inadvertently becomes involved in international espionage after being mistaken as a spy.

He is a two-time recipient of the Lockheed Martin Corporate NOVA Award, which recognizes individuals and teams for their exceptional contributions. Conducting performance analysis is crucial for determining the success of a PPC campaign, guiding future strategies, and verifying that objectives have been met. Ongoing optimization and enhancement of PPC campaigns involve regular A/B testing of different elements, including keywords, ad copy, and landing pages. The flexibility of PPC campaigns, which can be turned on and off at any time, enables businesses to make informed strategy and budget adjustments in response to performance data and market changes. With a team of experienced SEO professionals, the agency is able to deliver top-notch services that yield tangible results. Enhanced online visibility stands as a key benefit of engaging with Pool Pros Marketing.
Doing these things shows that you care about the consumer and their experiences. When we observed clients switch from a human responder to a chatbot for review responses, we discovered that everything sounded canned . Though this isn't necessarily bad in some situations, it doesn't work for complaints because people want to feel heard. We recommended that the client thank the person for their comment, directly address the issue and explain how they would fix the problem in the future so that no one else would be upset.
Likewise, we offer many packages to help you get the required services for a fixed amount. Client satisfaction is at the heart of Keever SEO’s ethos, a commitment reflected in their 97% client retention rate. The agency’s ability to deliver tangible results, coupled with Scott’s professionalism, has resulted in numerous positive testimonials, reinforcing their credibility and trust. Entrepreneurial thinking and innovation, fostered by business education, underpin the ability to identify opportunities, draft business plans, and manage risks in the SEO industry.

The agency's effectiveness in meeting client needs is reflected in its impressive 98% client retention rate, proving its consistent ability to deliver satisfaction. Kyle J. Malady is the President of Global Networks and Technology at Verizon. He is responsible for the nation’s leading wireless network, the nation’s largest fiber broadband service, and a vast Internet Protocol network serving global customers.
In addition, our rates are reasonable, and we’re committed to providing efficient services, so you can get the most out of your investment. Now, websites must be responsive, have an intuitive interface, and provide a seamless user experience in order to rank higher. Of this list of top ranking cities one man took the top of the list with ease.
For instance, Scott Keever SEO offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee and has over 20 years of combined SEO experience, with over 75 five-star Google reviews. Therefore, we’ll go the extra mile and apply the best methods to take your business to the top. Scott Keever SEO Jacksonville provides Google approved methods to increase your rankings and online visibility.

We develop growth-oriented online marketing campaigns that make a positive impact on businesses. Keever SEO's success is not limited to local businesses or e-commerce retailers. The agency has also helped non-profit organizations, healthcare providers, and law firms increase their online visibility and attract more clients. With a commitment to data-driven SEO strategies and a focus on the customer's needs, Keever SEO continues to help businesses of all sizes achieve their online marketing goals. Keever SEO has helped hundreds of businesses secure prominent Page 1 rankings on Google, leading to significant growth and success for their clients.
As part of their expansion plans, Scott Keever SEO aims to include a broader range of services, encompassing all aspects of digital marketing. They also plan to delve deeper into AI-driven technologies, incorporating more AI and machine learning into their strategies. This includes the use of predictive analytics and more effective monitoring in online reputation management services. Ethical SEO refers to the adherence to acceptable techniques and strategies in search engine optimization.
Humor should only be used for criticisms when the complaint isn't severe, and it's only appropriate if it matches your brand's tone and style. It's quite easy to trigger a backlash of unhappy customers if you aren't taking things seriously. While creating a separate handle for support is beneficial, we still found that some customers were a bit standoffish. Since we were focused on being funny, warm and welcoming, we took inspiration from the Joe Dough Sandwich Shop in NYC and sometimes used humor to deal with criticism. Websites from all over the world implement this strategy to gain online relevance.

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Scott Keever Biography

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:43 (ссылка)

Tom has had extensive experience in handling commercial and other business property acquisitions. Tom works closely with individuals, corporate owners, and lenders on projects of all types and sizes including commercial, industrial, office, single-family residential, multifamily residential, retail and mixed-use. With 30 years practice, Tom has significant experience in handling all aspects real estate acquisition, financing, construction, management, and leasing. Tom is a native of Yadkin County, North Carolina, received his under from NC State University in 1970, and JD from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1973. With our SEO company, you have everything to gain without fear of tarnishing your online reputation.
We approach Tampa SEO the right way – focusing on long-term, sustainable results. With the help of Scott Keever SEO, your website can rank higher in Google searches and target your ideal customer so you get more leads and make more sales. You can achieve this without doing anything yourself because your site’s rank will be in the safe hands of the Tampa SEO professional with a proven track record. To ensure there are no conflicts of interest, we only work with one business per industry in the Tampa area. Our talented team always goes the extra mile to offer unrivaled search engine optimization services and help our clients become industry leaders.

The company's focus on data-driven SEO strategies has helped it become one of the fastest-growing digital marketing agencies in the US. Commitment to providing tailored solutions to its clients has earned it numerous awards and accolades. The agency has been recognized as one of the top SEO agencies in the US, and its clients include businesses from various industries. With its focus on delivering measurable results, Keever SEO has become a go-to agency for businesses looking to improve their online visibility and increase their revenue through SEO. That’s why most businesses hire experienced Tampa SEO experts to do the hard work for them. Only an experienced professional with a solid track record should be trusted, as there are many scammy methods that deliver short-term results, but damage your website and rankings long term.
Keever’s interest in business led him to pursue a degree in Business Management at Miami University. His educational background not only solidified his understanding of business principles but also further ignited his interest in digital marketing. Overall, Miami offers a wide range of activities and experiences for visitors. Whether you’re looking to relax on the beach, explore the food scene, or discover the city’s cultural heritage, Miami has something to offer.
These features help solidify his status as a leading SEO authority, while also allowing him to share his knowledge and experience with a broader audience. Scott Keever, founder, and CEO of Keever SEO, has been involved in several noteworthy projects that have contributed to his reputation as an SEO expert and digital marketing professional. His expertise in digital marketing has earned him a position as a Forbes Agency Council member, showcasing his industry success. He is engaged in a variety of initiatives aimed at supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs, frequently providing complimentary or reduced-cost services to startups. He also supports various charities and non-profit organizations dedicated to enhancing the well-being of others. Beyond running his successful agencies, Scott is a contributing member of the Forbes Council, an exclusive community for senior executives across diverse sectors.

This strategy has the potential to generate passive income, enabling individuals to earn money even they are not actively working on it. By focusing on providing a positive ad experience, successful affiliates have the capacity to generate significant amounts of passive income through payment services. Scott Keever’s entrepreneurial path showcases his steadfast dedication to aiding business growth. By harnessing his comprehensive understanding of digital marketing and his proficiency in SEO strategies, Keever has been instrumental in the growth of various digital marketing agencies. His strategic partnerships with businesses and unique methods have played a significant role in his success.
Unfortunately for legitimate Tampa Search Engine Optimization companies, there are many shady operators out there giving search engine optimization a bad name. If you want the help of the best SEO professional in Tampa, then it is time to act before your competitors do. Here’s how professional social marketing services can help grow your business. Our team believes that SEO reporting should impart the story of your company and relate knowledge of client behavior. Our Toledo SEO reporting will allow you to benefit from your successes in addition to unmasking which marketing campaign strategies simply aren’t earning you new clients. Working with the experts at Scott Keever SEO Company can get your site ranked at the top of search results, which will generate over 30% more ROI.
This has positively impacted their customer retention rates, helped them identify their audience's needs and boosted sales. Well, maybe your online marketing strategy is good, but you’re actually missing something – search engine optimization . As a result of his dedication to excellence, Scott Keever has been recognized as a Forbes Agency Council Member, an invitation-only community consisting of top digital marketing executives.

Google and other major search engines emphasize the importance of providing a seamless experience to your website visitors. Luckily, our SEO company is committed to helping local businesses grow and thrive. You’ve worked hard to build a successful business but feel like you’re still missing something. Sales fall, your website lacks traffic, and you’re still struggling to make others remember your company’s name.
"I have used several Tampa SEO companies and Scott Keever SEO is by far the most knowledgeable and dedicated team i have ever seen. I am very happy with the results I am receiving with my internet marketing." Give our Digital Marketing a try today to help your business rank in the search engines. Today, local searches on Google display a group of results and a map identifying the geo-location of each company.
Scott Keever SEO focuses on increasing a business's online visibility, transforming websites into money-making machines, and generating a buzz on social media for their clients. With a focus on customer needs and proven results, the firm has successfully ranked numerous websites on the first page of Google. Their expertise has generated increased traffic and leads for businesses across various locations in the United States, including Cincinnati, Tampa, Miami, Naples, and Los Angeles. If Scott Keever’s accomplishments and qualifications are any indication, partnering with him is likely to return positive results. Scott Keever SEO in Cincinnati OH provides Google-approved SEO services to increase your rankings and online visibility through social media and SEO strategy. Under Scott Keever’s visionary leadership, PoolPros.io leverages the power of cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to ensure pool companies thrive and dominate in the digital realm.

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Entrepreneur and SEO Expert Scott Keever

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:39 (ссылка)

SEO enables both global and local businesses to keep up with the changing marketing landscape, which is crucial for long-term results. If we optimize it, we can connect your organization or brand with its main topic, increasing the relevance of your pages according to search engines’ parameters. There are billions of searches with the phrase “near me” every month, meaning vast opportunities await if you want to get your brand noticed in Seattle. If you’re going to make the most out of your company and what it offers, let us devise the best plan to fit your needs. Therefore, you must reach customers and need an SEO agency that will research your industry and develop creative solutions. Many people like PPC advertising because the price is low, and you only pay when someone clicks on the ad.
Offering internet marketing services for diverse industries, Scott Keever SEO prioritizes their client's satisfaction and builds lasting relationships through their consistent 97% retention rate. At Scott Keever SEO we offer internet marketing services and search engine optimization for all types of businesses in the Cincinnati OH area. Continuous monitoring and adaptation of ORM strategies ensure sustained positive reputations for his clients across the digital landscape.

The intelligent comment created a funny moment and boosted the brand's profile online. After a Yelp user complained that the meatball sandwich was the worst he'd ever had, the shop wrote about it on the chalkboard menu out front. People were commenting about how funny it was, which created more engagement. If it’s compatible with different devices and offers a high-quality experience, it’ll rank higher.
Scott Keever is an entrepreneur, internationally recognized SEO expert, online reputation mastermind and founder of award-winning digital marketing agencies Keever SEO, ASAP Digital Marketing and Pool Pros Marketing. Scott Keever is the founder and CEO of Scott Keever SEO, one of the fastest-growing digital marketing agencies in the United States. He owns Scott Keever SEO Miami, a company that has made a positive impact on the online visibility of numerous clients. Given the increasing influence of social media in shaping online reputations, effective social media marketing strategies are essential for successful ORM. This involves managing social media accounts, responding to feedback and sharing valuable content to foster a positive online image. Scott has consistently shared valuable advice and knowledge in the form of articles and expert panels for Forbes.
By implementing innovative strategies and leveraging his extensive experience, Scott Keever has helped numerous businesses attain their marketing goals and grow their online presence. His leadership in the world of affiliate marketing is undeniable, and his expertise continues to be an invaluable asset to businesses striving to succeed in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Keever SEO caters to a diverse group of businesses spanning various industries, such as healthcare, legal, finance, real estate, and more. Their clients range from startups to established enterprises looking to improve their online presence and increase their overall revenue. Scott has worked with small mom-and-pop businesses, A-List celebrities, and Fortune 500 companies, delivering impactful results no matter the business size.

Another benefit of data-driven strategies is the ability to measure success. By tracking key performance indicators , Keever SEO can determine which campaigns are delivering the best results. This allows the agency to optimize campaigns in real-time, ensuring that clients are getting the best possible return on investment . Add your agency now to get your listing seen by businesses in need of digital marketing services in your city.
Check out their insights to cultivate an agency workforce that sticks around and grows with the firm. The ‘Best Looking Guy in Miami’ campaign was a resounding success, further solidifying Scott Keever’s reputation as a leading digital marketing expert. The campaign not only enhanced Scott’s personal brand but also had a positive impact on his client dynamics.
With a background in sales, marketing, and retail management, Scott has been helping business owners get more pre-qualified leads through their websites since 2011. Today, Scott runs a successful internet marketing firm with offices in Cincinnati and Tampa. Using safe and proven Tampa SEO techniques, the team will drive relevant visitors to your website – bringing you more customer enquiries by making sure your web pages rank higher in searches.

We develop growth-oriented online marketing campaigns that make a positive impact on businesses. Keever SEO's success is not limited to local businesses or e-commerce retailers. The agency has also helped non-profit organizations, healthcare providers, and law firms increase their online visibility and attract more clients. With a commitment to data-driven SEO strategies and a focus on the customer's needs, Keever SEO continues to help businesses of all sizes achieve their online marketing goals. Keever SEO has helped hundreds of businesses secure prominent Page 1 rankings on Google, leading to significant growth and success for their clients.
Keever SEO was founded in 2015, and since then, they have served numerous clients in various industries. They have established a strong reputation for delivering effective, sustainable, and tailored marketing solutions. In addition to his technical knowledge, Scott Keever possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills, which have enabled him to establish long-lasting partnerships with various industry leaders. This ability to build meaningful connections has contributed to his success and solidified his reputation as an affiliate marketing expert. With his extensive experience and exceptional credentials, Scott Keever has made a significant impact on the Forbes Agency Council. His work not only reflects his commitment to excellence but also strengthens the council's mission to contribute valuable insights and facilitate meaningful discussions on industry trends and strategies.
Whether you’re working in Downtown Seattle, Belltown, or any other area, our team can start your SEO journey on the right foot. At Scott Keever SEO we offer Internet Marketing Services, Website Design, and Search Engine Optimization for all types of businesses in the Seattle area. Many people don’t realize how important content creation is, but the other aspect is sharing it effectively. When you write blogs and articles, you show Google and your clients that you care and want to educate them. You want to attract new clients, so you must have a good reputation and better advertising than the competition.

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Florida Internet Marketer Seo Expert

Пятница, 24 Мая 2024 г. 16:39 (ссылка)

There are bound to be negative reviews periodically, and you must decide how to respond. They went into great detail about their package deal and how they didn't assist them in making the arrangements they promised on the website. Ultimately, they were mistaken because the client didn't actually guarantee those things that were listed on the site. At some point, you'll have to deal with negative customer comments online and must learn to respond to criticism effectively. There are countless techniques out there, but here are the ones we've used with great success at Keever SEO, taking our cue from some of the most popular brands.
We are a full-service, Toledo SEO marketing team that understand the relationship between content and customers. We help our clients achieve extraordinary results by identifying the most profitable opportunities and executing each element at the highest level. To stay ahead of the curve, you need to keep up with your competitors Scott Keever and their digital marketing strategies so you can formulate even more effective marketing strategies. Your business will remain on the first pages of the search results so long as the proper SEO is consistent. With SEO, your marketing budget can remain low while you still increase traffic, sales, and happy customers.

One of the pivotal services provided is keyword research, a crucial part of their local SEO services. By identifying pertinent keywords and phrases commonly sought by individuals, Keever SEO is able to implement on-page and off-page optimization strategies to enhance visibility and search rankings for their clientele. In conclusion, PPC advertising is a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic to your website, boosting brand visibility, and achieving business goals. By understanding the basics of PPC, implementing key components of a successful campaign, leveraging popular PPC platforms, and utilizing advanced techniques, businesses can maximize their ROI. Overcoming common challenges like click fraud further strengthens the effectiveness of PPC campaigns. Partnering with an experienced PPC agency like Scott Keever ensures your PPC campaigns are optimized for maximum results, driving increased revenue and return on ad spend.
He offers support by providing free or discounted digital marketing services to startups and non-profit organizations. Scott Keever SEO is a combination of experienced and expert marketers that believe in honest search engine optimization. It’s this kind of integrity that helped us rise to the top of our industry in cities across the country. We are a top-rated company everywhere from Miami to Honolulu because we take the time to get to know the local area, draw on local SEO experts, and figure out what makes businesses succeed online in each city. It’s important to know who you’re working with when hiring a digital marketing expert.
The legacy Scott is building through his agency serves as an example for new and experienced professionals alike. Ultimately, his achievements and dedication to the digital marketing arena will continue to inspire innovation and growth in the industry for years to come. Scott Keever, founder, and CEO of Scott Keever SEO, has been involved in several noteworthy projects that have contributed to his reputation as an SEO expert and digital marketing professional. Using a confident, knowledgeable, neutral, and clear tone, this section will outline some of those key accomplishments.

High-profile individuals often face increased scrutiny and attention on digital platforms. Before becoming a prominent figure in the SEO industry, Entrepreneur Scott Keever began his career in the digital marketing field in 2009. With a clear focus on search engine optimization and internet marketing, he quickly acquired the skills and knowledge that set the stage for his future success in the industry. Standing at 6’2″, Scott’s presence was hard to ignore, and his contributions to the field were increasingly recognized by his peers. In summary, finding the right local SEO agency involves seeking a proven track record, expertise, and dedication to client success. Scott Keever SEO embodies these characteristics, making them an ideal choice for businesses seeking local search engine optimization services.
If your traffic seems to take a nosedive, there may be several different reasons for the decrease in visitors. Diagnosing the issue can be a time-consuming process, and even more so if you’re not sure where to begin looking. Understanding how online traffic works can eliminate some of the guesswork. Below, 11 experts from Forbes Agency Council discuss common causes they would suggest looking into if one of their client’s saw their business website traffic suddenly plummet.
Are you making enough sales to get by but not getting the volume of business you’re looking for? Would you like to boost your online presence but don’t know where to start? When you feel like you’ve hit a wall in business, it can be hard to see the best way forward. You’re confident that you can close the deal if you can simply get more people contacting you. And the best way to get those leads is by appearing on page 1 of the Google search results when people are looking for your services online.

The best SEO agencies employ a range of strategies, including on-page optimization, off-page optimization, technical SEO, and content marketing. They focus on both short-term and long-term goals, continuously adapting to changes in search engine algorithms and industry trends while prioritizing the needs of your business. By implementing these off-page optimization techniques, the agency establishes each client's online reputation and increases their visibility in local search results. Scott Keever is an ambitious entrepreneur responsible for successful online businesses that generate millions per year.
Some of his notable contributions to the publication include topics such as search engine optimization, digital marketing strategies, and innovative approaches to attract and retain clients. Through these contributions, Scott has proven to be an influential and respected voice in the digital marketing sphere. Under Scott's guidance, the team at Keever SEO continually adopts the latest industry trends and techniques. Through innovation and dedication, the company has helped numerous clients achieve higher search engine rankings, increased traffic, and improved online visibility. Scott’s foray into digital marketing was characterized by rigorous learning and honing of skills. He focused on search engine optimization and internet marketing, all while playing classical guitar in his free time.
Scott is also an active member of the Forbes Agency Council, author of the book Future-Proof Your SEO, Ranked #1 on Google for “Best Looking Guy in Miami”, Producer of Crime lords, and more. This platform allows the agency to reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to their clients’ websites. At the heart of Pool Pros Marketing’s operations is a commitment to ethical SEO practices.

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«АУРА»: как эффективно взаимодействовать с умами и сердцами людей через рекламу

Вторник, 14 Мая 2024 г. 19:00 (ссылка)

Коммуникационное агентство «АУРА» в составе «Газпром-Медиа Холдинга» занимается коммуникационным продвижением активов Холдинга, компаний в структуре Газпром, а также внешних клиентов из самых разных сфер индустрии.

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Оставаясь по ту сторону ТВ-экранов и билбордов, «АУРА» каждый день придумывает механизмы для эффективного взаимодействия с умами и сердцами миллионов людей по всей стране. В скором времени агентство отметит свое 19-летие. Специалисты «АУРА» рассказали, каких успехов удалось достичь за эти годы.

Как всё начиналось

Залог любого успеха — команда единомышленников, рассказывает Владимир Ступников, генеральный директор рекламного агентства «АУРА». Изначально сотрудники агентства работали внутри частных компаний, промышленных структур, коммуникационных и медиаагентств, занимали там руководящие позиции. Поэтому команда пришла в коммуникационную отрасль, что называется «с полей». С самого начала работы обслуживали клиентов «под ключ» и старались выполнить все их пожелания, задавали себе наивысшую планку качества и не халтурили.

Владимир Ступников, генеральный директор рекламного агентства «АУРА»:

Важно всегда эмоционально включаться во все задачи клиентов. В результате нашей кропотливой работы нас начали рекомендовать дальше. С конца 2021 года «АУРА» вышла на рынок внешних клиентов и достаточно успешно участвует в тендерах сторонних компаний, соревнуясь с агентствами из первой пятерки.


Агентство занимаемся всем, что связано с классическими коммуникационными инструментами, поясняет Владимир Нерюев, заместитель генерального директора агентства. Десятки лет эффективно сотрудничает с журналистами, первыми узнает редакционные планы и запросы из отрасли, делает качественные аналитические обзоры, результатами которых с большим интересом пользуются СМИ.

Владимир Нерюев, заместитель генерального директора (PR и спецпроекты):

За последний год мы серьезно усилили команду, за плечами которой самые невероятные и масштабные коммуникационные проекты в любой точке мира. Наши сотрудники обеспечивали информационное сопровождение Чемпионата Мира по футболу 2018 года как на территории России, так и в зарубежных странах, продвигали туристический потенциал России в азиатском регионе (Южная Корея, Япония, Китай). Мы работали со СМИ Индии, Египта, Перу и Китая. А еще наша команда спасала Южно-Африканских носорогов и атлантических моржей, привлекая к ним внимание широкой общественности.

По словам Александра Комарова, заместителя генерального директора (планирование и размещение рекламы), любые классические виды медиа — это про «АУРУ». Команда агентства знает, как эффективно спланировать рекламные кампании на ТВ, ООН, радио и прессе. Владеет инсайтами о всех нестандартных размещениях по стране: фестивалях, ключевых деловых международных форумах и конференциях, анализирует и изучает все масштабные спортивные события страны, чтобы клиенты были в самой гуще активностей.

Александр Комаров, заместитель генерального директора (планирование и размещение рекламы):

Это мы скупаем самые большие медиафасады по стране, брендируем поезда дальнего следования и вагоны метро, размещаем «умную» рекламу на медианосителях, которая подстраивается под предпочтения потребителя в зависимости от пола, возраста и его интересов. Это о нас и нашей работе говорят на ведущих медиаконференциях страны, потому что «АУРА» ежемесячно размещает в пиковые сезоны для всех своих клиентов одновременно десятки тыс. поверхностей в наружной рекламе.


За все, что хоть как-то может быть связано с коммуникациями в интернете, отвечает команда Михаила Ферапонтова, заместитель генерального директора (цифровые коммуникации). Агентство реализовало сотни проектов во всех возможных направлениях диджитал-индустрии, рассказывает эксперт: классические медийные, брэндформанс и перформанс кампании, продвижение мобильных приложений, социальные сети в любых проявлениях и качествах, блоггеры, работа с репутацией, интернет-аналитика. Хотя это направление в структуре «АУРЫ» работает и развивается всего пару лет.

Михаил Ферапонтов, заместитель генерального директора (DIGITAL):

Мы прекрасно знаем, как получить минимальную стоимость уника, подписки или установки/скачивания при сохранении качества контакта и потребителя. Как выстраивать продуктивные воронки и экосистемы, основанные на сквозной аналитике. Как добиваться измеримого результата при работе с блогерами. Наш принцип — создавать не эффектные, а эффективные проекты, базирующиеся на аналитике и нацеленные на решение бизнес-задач наших клиентов. Мы очень любим все инновационное, креативное и технологичное. Поэтому всегда в тренде, следим за рынком и применяем на практике. Как результат — кратный рост проектов и биллинга, доверие наших клиентов и награды от ведущих отраслевых премий.

Мало кто знает, но «АУРА» последние несколько лет выступает оператором коммуникационных проектов «Газпром», реализуемых в Санкт-Петербурге, рассказывает Елена Кузнецова, руководитель Дирекции по взаимодействию с ключевыми клиентами. Агентство вовлечено в самые крупные социальные, культурные, образовательные, научные и спортивные проекты северной столицы.

Елена Кузнецова, заместитель генерального директора (взаимодействие с ключевыми клиентами и GR):

Направлений деятельности много, все они разноплановые. Помимо этого, мы реализуем коммуникационную поддержку программы по комплексному благоустройству, созданию современной безопасной городской среды, поэтому мы всегда остаемся в курсе самых актуальных вопросов жизни Санкт-Петербурга и его горожан.

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Спортивный маркетинг или как повысить интерес к Олимпиаде?

Вторник, 16 Апреля 2024 г. 16:24 (ссылка)

В преддверии Олимпийских игр 2024 г., которые пройдут в Париже в период 26 июля - 11 августа 2024 гг., Управляющий партнер LotUS Communications Татьяна Жигаленкова рассказала о коммуникационных инструментах, благодаря которым можно повысить интерес к Олимпиаде и спорту.

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Организация Олимпийских игр представляет собой масштабное событие, привлекающее внимание не только спортивных фанатов, но и широкой общественности. Привлечение именно того самого общественного мнения к этому событию через нестандартные маркетинговые инструменты, спортсменов и блоггеров значительно повышает интерес к самим Олимпийским играм.

Один из нестандартных маркетинговых инструментов, который можно использовать, это создание интерактивных игровых площадок в различных городах страны проведения игр. Эти площадки могут представлять собой спортивные зоны, где люди могут попробовать себя в различных видах спорта, а также узнавать больше о предстоящих Олимпийских играх. Это событие также может стать площадкой для проведения спортивных мероприятий и целых учебных занятий с участием известных спортсменов, которые планируют принять участие в Олимпийских играх.

Другим нестандартным способом привлечения общественного мнения к Олимпийским играм может быть активное вовлечение спортсменов. Они могут выступать на мероприятиях и встречах с поклонниками или фанатами в городах, проводить мастер-классы и делиться своими уникальными историями успеха. Таким образом, они могут стать живыми экспонатами, которые будут вдохновлять общественность и привлекать еще больше внимания к Олимпийским играм.

Важную роль в привлечении общественного мнения к данному событию также могут сыграть блоггеры и медиа-личности. Их активная публичная деятельность может помочь сконцентрировать внимание большого количества людей на Олимпийских играх. Они могут проводить интервью со спортсменами, публиковать репортажи о подготовке к играм, а также демонстрировать уникальные истории, связанные с Олимпийскими играми.

Участники Олимпийских игр играют важную роль в поднятии престижа и увеличении общественного интереса к этому масштабному спортивному событию через свои социальные сети. Их активность в социальных медиа дает им возможность поделиться своими подготовкой, эмоциями и впечатлениями от участия, что привлекает внимание и вдохновляет миллионы преданных фанатов спорта по всему миру.

Участники Олимпийских игр часто используют свои социальные сети для того, чтобы делиться своими историями успеха, рассказывать о трудностях, с которыми они сталкиваются, и показывать свои эмоции во время соревнований. Это позволяет также поднимать престиж Олимпиады, поскольку ЦА видит не только труд и их силу воли, но и ощущает их эмоциональное состояние и любовь к своему виду спорта.

Кроме того, участники Олимпийских игр имеют возможность через свои социальные сети делиться своими представлениями о культуре и традициях стран, которые они представляют. Это позволяет им рассказывать о странах , уважении и восхищении к разнообразию и многообразию культур, что является важной частью основной миссии Олимпийских игр.

Кроме того, участники Олимпийских игр могут привлекать внимание к физической подготовке и здоровому образу жизни, что в свою очередь способствует популяризации спорта в целом. Они поднимают престиж Олимпиады не только своими выступлениями, но и своим образом жизни, вдохновляя миллионы фанатов заниматься спортом, поддерживать здоровый образ жизни и стремиться к лучшим результатам.

Например, спортсмены могут регулярно публиковать фотографии, видео и посты своих тренировок, соревнований и регулярных занятий, показывая свою преданность цели всей жизни и самоотдачу. Это в свою очередь вдохновляет своих подписчиков заниматься спортом и следовать здоровому образу жизни.

Таким образом, участники Олимпийских игр играют важную роль в поднятии престижа Олимпиады через свои социальные сети. Их активность помогает привлекать внимание к значению Олимпийских игр, поддерживать международное взаимопонимание и воспитывать интерес к спорту по всему миру и здоровому образу жизни.

Коммуникационное агентство LotUS Communications основано в 2022 г. выходцами из коммуникационной индустрии. Агентство специализируется на оказании услуг в области: PR, Event, Digital, Performance, медиастратегии и аналитике. Клиентами являются крупные промышленные компании (металлургия, ТЭК, нефть и газ), частный бизнес B2C сектора, а также крупнейшие рекламные группы России.

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Заказчики digital-услуг назвали Pro-Vision агентством №1 в России

Понедельник, 04 Декабря 2023 г. 16:32 (ссылка)

4 декабря 2023 г., Москва: Навигатор рекламного рынка России Adindex опубликовал ежегодный рейтинг компаний, оказывающих коммуникационные услуги в интернете и цифровых медиа – Digital index 2023.

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Агентство Pro-Vision Communications заняло в нем топовые позиции: 1-е место в интегральном рейтинге в сфере SMM / PR / SERM и 2-е место по качеству услуг в категории «Креатив и стратегия». Главным критерием составления рейтинга являлась оценка заказчиков услуг.

В этом году рейтинг был построен по результатам опроса 1112 экспертов из 630 компаний. Респондентам было предложено назвать известные им digital-агентства, указать подрядчиков, с которыми они сотрудничали в течение последних трех лет, а также оценить уровень предоставляемых услуг и ценовую политику. В частности, вопросы затрагивали качество работы с сообществами и приложениями в социальных сетях, компетентность при создании и посеве вирусного контента, умение выстраивать коммуникацию бренда за счет привлечения блогеров и лидеров мнений. В рамках фактчекинга достоверность заявленных данных дополнительно проверялась организаторами – это позволяло исключить «накачивание» показателей для повышения позиции компании в рейтинге.

«Мы рады, что клиенты высоко оценивают наши компетенции и считают нас креативным и надежным партнером, на которого можно положиться вне зависимости от мировой обстановки и ситуации в индустрии, – комментирует президент группы компаний Pro-Vision Владимир Виноградов. – 2023 год стал для нас очень насыщенным: мы развивали новые сервисы, привлекали в свои ряды ведущих специалистов и усиливали экспертизу по ключевым направлениям отрасли, чтобы решать клиентские задачи еще более эффективно. И то, что заказчики услуг подняли нас в рейтинге на такую высоту, говорит о том, что у нас все получается».

О группе компаний Pro-Vision

Pro-Vision Group – одна из ведущих групп компаний в России, специализирующихся на развитии проектов в сфере маркетинговых коммуникаций, ведет свой отсчет с 1998 года. В её состав входят: PR-агентство Pro-Vision Communications, а также первое в России онлайн PR-агентство – PRonline. В штате Pro-Vision 50+ сотрудников московского офиса, представители в Новосибирске и Казахстане (Алматы).

Группа компаний Pro-Vision является действительным членом отраслевых ассоциаций РАЭК, АМ и входит в Топ-10 Национального Рейтинга Коммуникационных Кампаний (НР2К). Проекты группы удостоены российских и международных наград, среди которых Серебряный Лучник, Серебряный Меркурий, Sabre Award, Gold Quill, IPRA и др.

Президент Pro-Vision Владимир Виноградов награжден РАСО «За вклад в развитие отрасли PR и популяризацию профессии», а в 2013 году стал обладателем премии «Медиа-менеджер России» за создание и уверенное развитие одной из крупнейших независимых российских коммуникационных компаний.

Pro-Vision в сети: http://pvc.ru/

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