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Grammar School Brighton

Понедельник, 27 Ноября 2023 г. 21:54 (ссылка)

The day concluded with the formal Valedictory Dinner; a wonderful evening of celebration hosted at the MCC. Over the last week, we celebrated our Valedictory Days with the Year 12 boys. During the school holidays, I travelled down to Phillip Island, so to spend a few days resting and exploring some of the sublime walks around the rugged coastal cliffs. The combination of the red granite rocks and aqua-coloured waters was truly magnificent. Over the break, Dr Ray Swann, Dr Mark Dowley and I attended the International Boys’ School Coalition conference in New Zealand. Ray and I gave an overview of further directions in Positive Masculinity (+M), I was a panellist on an education research session and Mark presented a student engagement workshop.
Other opportunities for parents/guardians involvement include assisting with excursions, attending parent meetings and information evenings, and becoming involved in the JPG events. We also ask for continual feedback on your and your son’s experience, in writing or verbally. We will email policy updates, procedural changes, health alerts, DEECD parent information and QIP progress to you and ask for your feedback. We aim to encourage our boys and families to make healthy choices, promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and provide opportunities for active play.

Our focus at Brighton Grammar is to grow and develop the whole person with our students. Beyond teaching academics, we nurture our boys’ development through a diverse range of co-curricular experiences. At BGS all pursuits are equally valued – technology, choir, poetry, the arts, creativity, camping, sport, sailing, reading, drama, chapel server, community service – they all make a valuable contribution to developing a successful young man. Aged four, his name is already on waiting lists at eight private schools across Melbourne. Relatively small issues, like not being invited to a party, can arouse big, intense feelings in our kids.
Interviews are conducted with prospective students and parents by the relevant Heads of School. Respect the privacy of students, staff and members of the School community through only authorised uploading, recording or filming. Brighton Grammar School is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for its students. Looking back at my primary school years, I remember the times when challenging projects, tasks or well-practised tests were completed. The results were not always top of the class but they were always accomplished to the best of my ability.

In comparison with many Independent Schools, Brighton Grammar is considered small in terms of enrolment numbers. I believe it is a great strength as our numbers allow a stronger sense of belonging and connectedness within year level groups, and ensures all boys are known across the School. A special welcome to Jack Reith and his family who commenced this term and to Louisa Bolton who will replace Victoria Fisher in 1 Heath and Susan Robertson who will replace Brittany Ellison in the 2 Waratah classroom.
In the classrooms it was a day to stop, think and discuss how we can make our world a better place for the hundreds and thousands of children around the world who may not have the advantages our boys enjoy. The highlight of the day was the special biscuit treats the boys enjoyed making to take home. Our Junior Parents’ Group will organise a Christmas tree in the main Reception area so that families can leave a gift for underprivileged children. These gifts will be donated to the Mary MacKillop Family Services which I am sure will bring pleasure to many children in need. Thank you to Jane Lowe who provides these additional opportunities for our boys to be engaged in.

During the Term 2 break, boys will have time to consider their preferred House options. A survey will be completed by students in Junior and Secondary School students in early Term 3. The School is introducing two new Houses to maintain its strong and compassionate pastoral system while offering increased leadership opportunities for the students and staff. Rofe oversaw a large change in the school, with BGS’ facilities drastically expanded to accommodate an increasing number of students.
Book honouring and Beanstack (Years 3-6) are a number of initiatives our students are engaged in, ultimately our aim is for our boys to read because they want to, not because they have to. Earlier this week 78 boys from our two Secondary School choirs travelled to the countryside of regional Victoria in preparation for the year’s music events. For two days, boys from Meliora Voices and Senior Choir participated in rehearsals, musicianship and sight singing classes, sectionals and breath workshops with our wonderful choral staff. APS sport provides our students with so many life lessons – teamwork, effective communication, resilience in the face of challenges and importantly how to win and lose well. As an APS competition, we are aware of the many challenges we face moving forward, including the competition of community sport.
We know that consistent and extensive reading and exposure to texts have proven benefits in building knowledge, developing literacy skills and academic achievement. With that in mind, we encourage your child to continue engaging widely with this text and beyond. This Sunday, traditionally called Palm Sunday, is a very significant day in our Christian calendar. We extend our thanks to community member Chloe Counihan and St Peter’s teacher Catherine Beckingam for providing BGS with this opportunity. Kaleb and Calvin spent time with the young students, who had been exploring their homeland up north, in order to show them the significance and diversity of Indigenous culture in Australia.

Please ensure that you have this on your devices so you can keep up to date with our busy calendar. Our Parent Teacher interviews are scheduled for Monday 15 May and Tuesday 16 May via Zoom. This will provide both parents with the opportunity to attend and discuss the individual goals and needs for your son. All teaching staff will shortly commence the process of writing Semester 1 Reports providing feedback on attitude, effort and achievement. We hope to raise more than $200,000 on our giving day – Tuesday 23 May, with all gifts greatly appreciated.
We offer a robust and diverse education that addresses a balanced development of the mind, the body, the aesthetic and the spirit. As the Year 12s enter into the final weeks of academic classes, they will be receiving the results of their trial exams held over the holidays. This is always a very busy time for the Year 12 teachers and all involved in coordinating and running these events and we thank them for their time and dedication to these students. There is, of course, a large reading component in classroom lessons throughout the curriculum, including reading of a class novel and the personal reading of library books. Through service-learning experiences, our students can gain insight into the needs of those in the world around them and help them to develop a sense of social responsibility and important life skills such as kindness and empathy.

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Grammar School in Brighton VIC

Понедельник, 27 Ноября 2023 г. 21:51 (ссылка)

The topics were, ‘That business and education should be reduced to a 4 day working week’ and ‘That parents should provide their children with pocket money’ . Best speakers were awarded to Liam Krastich, Caleb Arceri, Ben Collard and Angus Naughton. The boys did a fabulous job representing BGS and it was a great experience for all involved. Teachers must like boys, as approval is at the heart of working successfully with boys.
At the beginning of a new school year, it is a good time to think about the central place friends have in the lives of young people. Friendships help children and adolescents experience a sense of belonging, such a critical aspect of personal wellbeing. Friendships are also a platform for developing social and emotional skills, self-esteem and the move towards an independent identity in adulthood. Thank you to all boys and families from ELC to Year 6 who kindly donated Easter eggs for our Raffle. Wilson House have made a significant donation to ‘Mackillop Family Services’ who will distribute Easter eggs to less fortunate children in our community. I am sure our generosity will certainly bring a smile to many faces on Easter Sunday.

We ask the whole community to be mindful and respectful of their learning environment as we support our senior students. Academic engagement means working hard, demonstrating persistence and applying yourself to learning. Supportive relationships and structures foster a positive mindset so the boys can dive deep into learning experiences. The APS Athletics final was held on Saturday, the first official mixed event combining the boys and girls events. Well done to all those involved in training, facilitating and managing the aths squad. We had students in 14 out of 21 of the A finals and finished a gallant 5th overall against the 11 APS schools.
Studies show that most Australian children spend more time on screens than is recommended, especially teenage boys due to online gaming. This can lead to adverse effects on weight, motor and cognitive development and social wellbeing. In fact, the Son of God was destined to die as a suffering servant, fulfilling the promises made years earlier to Adam and Eve, that one of their descendants would one day crush the serpent’s head . Last Thursday the VCE and Year 10 Drama Students went to see the play, Nosferatu, at the Malthouse Theatre. Based on the 1922 silent film, the play explored the idea of ‘vampire capitalism’. On Friday 10 February the entire Secondary School gathered at MSAC to participate in our House Swimming.

The week was dedicated to presenting and selecting the winners, spanning three consecutive days. Research demonstrates that after completing field trips, students possess more knowledge, have stronger critical thinking skills, and can have a greater interest in the topic. With our Year 12 students beginning exams at the end of October, it is a timely reminder to students in other year levels that their exams are not far away. Timetables for each year level’s examination periods have been emailed to all students. Exams for boys in Years 7-11 will kick off this week with the Year 9s having commenced today.
The program allows for an introduction to Secondary School Outdoor Programs as well as an important opportunity to make new friends. This year’s wall features a record number of high-performing students and I noticed their student biographies on display all have a defining commonality. The admissions team are finalising our enrolments for entry into our Secondary School in 2024.

As we reach the end of Term 3, the Centre for Science, Creativity and Entrepreneurship is ahead of its project schedule. More than 65 people are on-site every day to finish the shell structure by the end of this year. Year 12 Product Design and Technology students have recently completed their products. We’ve had a great variety of designs and material choices this year, including sustainably sourced timber from some of our boy’s country and city properties.
Our Year 10 boys will be departing for their AWAKE program on Tuesday 28 February. They will experience the outdoors both together and alone, connecting and building their relationships with each other and themselves. The year 11 students were initially suspended, but on Wednesday, the school said they were no longer students at Brighton Grammar. Every year the ELC hosts exciting events in which we invite you to join your son.
Boys will preview the fair during library sessions on Monday and Tuesday. Any orders placed after this time will be delivered the following week to classrooms. Probationary Prefects for next year were announced, and today our 2024 Prep and Year 4 students began their transition program while the Class of 2023 had their final day of schooling before Valedictory celebrations. Yesterday we reflected on the Anzac’s in our Anzac Day Chapel and honoured those who fought for our way of life. This is always a moving service perhaps highlighted by the marching in of the recently found cannon. Many thanks to Father Waterhouse and our guest speaker, Mr. Justin Stark, for delivering a wonderful service.

Some of them decided that they might even take their parents there to see it! It reminds us how lucky we are to be a single-campus school with everything close by. On Tuesday, the ELC boys were invited to visit St Andrew’s Church to see the Easter decorations and discuss the meaning behind Easter. We made our way to the front pews to meet Father Lord, who also talked about the special pictures in the church that tell stories from a long time ago. The boys’ beaming faces lit up the Centre as they scurried around trying to collect all the eggs.
New friendships and team rapport with more than 50 Victorian metropolitan and regional secondary school swimmers (able-bodied and multiclass) and competed as one team against the other States and Territories. With students from Years 5 to 12 participating in APS Sport competition, all boys have the opportunity to develop a healthy attitude towards competition and teamwork. Firbank Grammar School is a very highly rated combined school in Brighton, Bayside VIC. The private school has 1115 students with a student-to-teacher ratio of 1 to 8. I recommend parents attend next week’s Building Student Engagement webinar, the latest workshop offered in our unique Crowther parent program series, to learn strategies on how to help your son be engaged in all aspects of his life. This term always highlights the development and growth that has been mastered throughout the year, and although it is such a rewarding reflection, it also brings us to the realisation of the boys transitioning to their next step.

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Grammar School in Brighton VIC

Понедельник, 27 Ноября 2023 г. 21:51 (ссылка)

One way to judge a school’s success is the academic performance of its students. This week we were pleased to honour our top VCE academic achievers of 2022 at a special Scholars’ Assembly, who now all feature on a Wall of Scholars in our Hancock Wing. The young men involved bring unique talents and diverse experience to the role, and we commend all members on their commitment to the Committee and school community as a whole.
Members of our international parent community are invited to attend our International Parents’ Support Group morning tea on Wednesday 15 February. Easing back after the holidays can range from feeling really excited and eager to concern, fear or anxiety. Getting butterflies or general worry about going back to school is common. A friendly reminder to always sign your son in and out using our Qikkids system, and during Term 1 apply sunscreen on arrival ready for the day. A loving, quick and confident goodbye helps your son’s brain and body to adapt and reduce the fight or flight neurochemical reaction.

Awake marks a new phase in the Capstone program, as we approach the First Horizon we challenge the Year 10s to build a deeper connection to who they are and begin to consider who they want to become. This program focuses on developing new ways to tuning in to ourselves, building awareness, of our surroundings, our emotions, our needs and of things that might be holding us back. It’s about learning how to respond thoughtfully, rather than reacting to our emotions.
The day takes a deeper look at the skills required to be a master coach and is largely practical. It will include, visiting classes, using video, practising conversations, high impact instructional techniques and how to overcome common coaching challenges. Join the BGS+ team in Term 4, the perfect off-season soccer development program. At Assembly yesterday, we held the finals for our inaugural House Spelling Bee competition. Twelve excellent spellers from Years 7 and 8 took to the stage to test out their spelling knowledge of challenging words. The competition was smoothly run by our emcee James Bourke and Cameron McIntyre .

Users of this site should be aware that in many areas of Australia, reproduction of the names and photographs of deceased people is restricted during a period of mourning. Each year, more than 17,000 schools in 51 nations take on the challenge of developing the world’s fastest miniature F1 car. In Australia, around 22,000 students take part, with Australia being the most successful country on the international stage since its inception in 2003. Are you aware that Brighton Grammar offers three daily chartered bus services for students? More information about the services on offer can be found on our website. Academic engagement is first among equals and we want every student from ELC to VCE to achieve their absolute potential, supported by our evidence-based teaching and learning practices, including our Effective Learner Model.
In the coming weeks, our Year 6 students and parents will have their first formal day and presentation, we will host our new Year 3 to 6 boys who are joining us next year and we will welcome our 2024 Prep boys to the corridors of Wilson House. These programs are also a reminder of how fast the end of the year is approaching. Michael Spencer Urwin was appointed headmaster at the beginning of 1996.

Next term, all Prep to Year 6 boys will have the opportunity to hear the various stories and experiences from our boys who travelled. I look forward to welcoming the boys back to school on Wednesday 20 July, refreshed and ready for Semester 2. I am grateful for everyone’s efforts which have ensured the boys experienced a full term of learning and a complete suite of co-curricular activities, making for a busy term. There are however risks and by talking to the boys about online safety we aim to build the foundations for safer online experiences as they grow older. This is an extension from last week when the boys were visited by the police to learn about the role the police play in keeping our community safe. Last Friday evening, I was fortunate to see a number of our Year 3 and 4 boys take to the stage with our Year 7 to 12 students for our inaugural Dance Night and what a first it was!
Next week our Year 8 Outdoor Program commences for Armstrong, Crowther, and Dixon Houses which will then be followed the week by Rofe, Hancock and School Houses. The students are heading off to Hattah-Kulkyne National Park for what is a new and exciting program in 2023 where they will be canoeing, hiking and mountain biking. With research showing that reading benefits both your physical and mental health, and those benefits can last a lifetime, I hope you can find the time to unwind with a good book over the weekend. At the start of each term, I share with staff the books that I have read over the holiday break, and we have active staff and parent book clubs across a range of year levels. A current recommendation is Demon Copperhead, a modern take on the Dickens classic David Copperfield. Our VCE Politics students had the opportunity to volunteer at the highly anticipated ‘Night with President Obama’ presentation, at John Cain Arena.
The introduction of a new striped blazer for Years 11 and 12 ensures that the senior boys are easily recognisable as leaders within the School and the wider community. This blazer will be presented to boys by the School at the conclusion of their Rites of Passage program towards the end of Year 10. For some young people, the idea of going to school can cause high levels of distress.

Some of them decided that they might even take their parents there to see it! It reminds us how lucky we are to be a single-campus school with everything close by. On Tuesday, the ELC boys were invited to visit St Andrew’s Church to see the Easter decorations and discuss the meaning behind Easter. We made our way to the front pews to meet Father Lord, who also talked about the special pictures in the church that tell stories from a long time ago. The boys’ beaming faces lit up the Centre as they scurried around trying to collect all the eggs.
The Crowther Centre for Learning and Innovation is an organisation run under the auspices of Brighton Grammar School to provide support services for the educational community. The Crowther Centre is part think-tank and research arm overseeing the collection and analysis of data to provide improved and informed decision-making processes. Brighton Grammar is a child safe organisation which welcomes all children, young people and their families. We are committed to providing environments where our students are safe and feel safe. Our child safe policies, strategies and practices are inclusive of the needs of all children and students.

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Gold Coast Synthetic Turf Sales & Installations

Пятница, 13 Октября 2023 г. 15:32 (ссылка)

This makes Silverback Lawn™ the perfect choice for customers with verges, pets, children or large commercial areas. But we don’t just sell turf—you can also have your products delivered and we offer artificial grass installation. And if you need occasional maintenance, we can also do that for you at a fantastic price. At Luxe Turf, we believe that our service doesn’t end once your artificial grass installation is complete. We understand the importance of maintaining your turf to ensure it remains in top condition for years to come. That’s why we offer a comprehensive maintenance program for all of our artificial grass surfaces.
Upon delivery, please check your products to ensure they match your order. If you want to practice your swing, you need our practice mats to enhance your golfing experience. These are constructed especially as a tee off mat to hit your wedges through to your driver, you can even use a 100mm golf tee in our product. It will help you lower your handicap when practicing your swing, while enduring the club impact and preventing wear out.

If you are looking for Mermaid Waters Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience. If you are looking for Varsity Lakes Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience. If you are looking for Runaway Bay Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience.
Any tampering with the product could result in your warranty becoming void. That said, if rough play does disturb the infill, it can be easily restored by brushing the lawn with a stiff bristle yard broom. Our Synthetic Turf has an advantage over real lawn as the latex infill acts as padding. However, as you are making a permanent change to the home, we recommend homeowners and investors arrange to have all work carried out professionally by trusted tradesmen. Contact us for more information or fill out a free measure and quote form. This FAQ section is a collection of frequently asked questions about Artificial Lawn from our customers and social media interactions.

Doing the job right the first time means you aren’t needing to replace inferior products repeatedly. We only use the highest quality turf and rubber products while the competition continues to cut costs with inferior synthetic turf brands. At Surface Pro Group, we offer various artificial turf surfaces to help you make the most of your outdoor space. Augusta Zoysia lawn has just arrived and has quickly become one of the most premium adaptable solid performing lawns on the market offering exceptional drought and shade tolerance.
You will see a significant drop in your water bills – especially in summer when you’re having to water your natural lawn twice a day to try and keep it looking green. Gone will be the days of buying fertilisers and lawn maintenance equipment, where the ongoing costs gets more expensive each time, we must go to the bowser to fill them up. With an artificial green, you can maintain the aesthetic and performance of a professional putting green without extensive and costly maintenance.
After spraying on your synthetic turf, leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse off. When you’re looking at dozens of product choices, it can be difficult to make a smart selection. What are the differences between each option, and what price points offer the best quality product? With artificial grass, Brisbane manufacturing brings many benefits to Australian buyers. Newturf now has one of Australia’s largest supply networks and provide synthetic grass to Gold Coast, Brisbane and throughout Queensland.

The Y-shaped blades are great for drainage and can withstand heavy foot traffic – perfect for when your furry friend wants to run around. With our expertise in installation, we’ll make sure that your new pet-friendly lawn is nice and secure. There are many different types of sport artificial turfs available, as it has to cater to different sports, such as football, soccer, golf, rugby and tennis.
They quickly layout and water your turf to keep the soil from drying out. Your Tasker also uses laying boards to help avoid walking on wet soil and damaging it before installation. Once the job is complete, your Tasker can give out some reminders, including constant watering every day for the next two weeks.

Runaway Bay Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co. APT’ is the only vertically integrated manufacturer in the industry. We are confident in our manufacturing techniques and quality materials used in production and warranty every SYNLawn product we sell.
You can rest assured our turf is made of the best quality, meaning it will withstand the hot Queensland sun so you can enjoy a beautiful lawn all year round. The tropical climate in the Gold Coast makes it very difficult to keep a natural grass lawn. You want to enjoy the green look and feel that natural grass provides but besides mowing, you need to water the lawn a lot to keep it nice and green. You don’t want those brown and patchy grass areas or a muddy backyard because of heavy rain showers.
Combines multi-coloured 30mm artificial grass blades with PE monofilament with PP texturised monofilament thatch of natural colours. Our staff are fully licensed and insured offering expert services & advice at very competitive prices. We pride ourselves on our reliability and ability to complete any job to Astro Turf Gold Coast a high standard, no matter how big or small the project. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Gold Coast city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying the very best Australian Made Synthetic Turf.

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Best Artificial Turf Gold Coast 2023

Пятница, 13 Октября 2023 г. 15:30 (ссылка)

Yes, residential turf can withstand all types of weather conditions, including rain, heat and cold. It is UV-stabilised to resist fading and has a backing feature that can effectively drain away water. 35mm mixture of slim attractive blades of real look multi green leaf and a complex root zone adding density and comfort.
Artificial grass is the perfect solution to create a lush green indoor zone. One of the greatest benefits of artificial turf is that it’s great all year round and in all weather conditions. We know everything there is to know about artificial turf, here’s 5 things you should know.

We have a choice of 3 lengths of turf from our budget 25mm pile height right up to Super long and super soft 50mm, we also now offer sporting turf, suitable for many sporting applications including putting greens. Ezy Grass by Ezy decking has been established as one of Queensland’s biggest artificial grass supplier after introducing synthetic turf for landscaping applications at market beating prices. I had a grass lawn that was high maintenance and expensive to look after. After calling Michael and getting him to do a quote at my house I was convinced that artificial turf was the best option. I can’t believe how well it turned out it absolutely changed my backyard.
In the long run, you will save so much more on lawn care over the years that synthetic grass is the more cost-effective option when compared to its natural counterpart. When evaluating the cost of synthetic grass in Melbourne, you may be wondering whether it will be cheaper to simply use natural turf instead. Is, the qualities you’re looking for from your synthetic turf, and whether you plan on laying it yourself or having it professionally installed. Royal Grass® is the leading artificial grass brand of Landscape Solutions and is produced in the Netherlands.

It is widely used on pet-boarders & dog runs because of its great features like getting dogs urine drained through it & you can wash it off with a hose – super fast & easy! How the grass is secured will depend on what surface you are covering. Creating an artificial lawn in your backyard, for example, is different from installing turf on a concrete surface.
They will also bring samples of the product and other components used for you to touch and feel. Whilst most weeds are removed during the ‘dig out’ portion of the installation, there will always be a stray weed that decides to poke its head through your grass. It is impossible to fully prevent all weeds from growing through yourartificial lawn. The artificial fibres are soft beneath their feet and you won’t have to spend time getting those annoying prickles out of your dog’s fur. If you want to know even more,here are five handy tips on how to maintain your artificial lawn. You can use artificial lawn in a whole host of different, outside-the-box ways.Find more inspiration here.
P-Off is a bio-enzyme concentrated cleaner that degrades organic matter such as ammonia which is produced in pet urine. Ordinary disinfectants and bleach-based cleaning products simply do not work and are a temporary fix. P-Off is highly dilutable making it the most cost-effective product on the market. Simply pour the concentrate into the Hydro Foamer and it’s ready for use.

We also understand that every client has unique needs and requirements, which is why we offer personalised roofing solutions to ensure that your project is tailored to your specific needs. Enjoy an on site consultation with product demonstration, 1 clear quote for your whole project and enjoy watching us transform your home. Because our primary focus is on installation we are able to source turf, that suits our customers, at commercial rates from different suppliers. We have the ability to supply and install turf at an attractive price for our customers. Experience the The Great Lawn Co difference with our Bonogin Synthetic Turf Sales & Deliveries, Bonogin Artificial Grass Replacement and Bonogin Synthetic Turf Installation services where we put You, our customer at the forefront of everything we do. Do you love the look of a lawn but are sick and tired of spending time, effort, and money into keeping your lawn looking great?
While it is possible to install residential turf yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance for the best results. Luxe Turf professional turf installation can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the artificial grass. Our team has the expertise, tools, and knowledge to prepare the area, install the turf correctly, and provide finishing touches for a seamless and professional-looking installation. We offer competitive turf prices for our grass and installation across the Gold Coast.

We also specialize in pre-cut sections of synthetic weeds for high-rise balconies. We do supply and install Artificial Turf in Gold Coast with affordable price. We can provide a range of quality artificial turf solutions for residential and commercial applications, including sports and schools. Our Gold Coast artificial grass installation is great for those people that are no longer able to maintain their yard or those that wish they had one. You can even turn a patio or pool area into a more useable lush green space.
When it comes to cleaning your artificial grass, you want a product that is safe, effective, and won’t damage the fibres. It’s specially formulated to remove dirt, grime, and stains from synthetic turf, including tough stains like pet urine, mud, and even graffiti. P-Off artificial grass cleaner is a liquid product that works to clean and maintain artificial turf.
We simply choose a grass product that is best suited for your space and professonally install it to ensure it lasts for years to come. Featuring a beautiful 4 green grass blade colour this is the ultimate choice for homeowners who want a plush look and feel to your lawn areas. With so many types of synthetic grass available today Fake Turf Gold Coast how do you know which one to choose? We present our Artificial Grass with pictures from the top and side to give you an idea of what they will look like and where they can be used . Made with a soft yarn this grass combines affordability with a real lawn look, its state the art UV protected yarn ensures durability and comfort.

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Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass in Gold Coast Region, QLD

Пятница, 13 Октября 2023 г. 15:28 (ссылка)

We ship our high-quality artificial grass straight from the warehouse to your doorstep, passing on the savings to our customers for Aussie-made synthetic grass at trade prices. There are so many ways that artificial grass can be used to increase the appearance and functionality of outdoor areas, from cafes and restaurants to backyard putting greens and even playgrounds. Since 2016, we have been providing Australian residents with premium artificial grass solutions for their residential and commercial properties.
With artificial grass, you can have your own rink at home, or the perfect bowling green/s at your club. Water resistant artificial grass contact adhesive in 320g cartridge. Can be used when rain is expected (however, area where being applied must be dry at the time and free of dust/dirt - clean surface). Not suitable if heavy rain expected within 6 hours of application. With over 50 combined years of experience laying synthetic turf and soft fall rubber, our attention to detail is second to none.

Our mission is to service your synthetic turf requirements promptly and professionally, while also ensuring it is within your budget. With our team you will receive an end to end service, from design and landscaping to installation of your mini golf course or putting green. If you want a truly low maintenance artificial grass for your lawn, that is cooler underfoot, resistant to weeds, offering anti-bacterial and mould free natural looking yarns, integrated weedmat, then KomboGrass is your only choice. Call now to find out how affordable your new lawn from KomboGrass will be. Artificial Grass Brush to effortlessly remove leaves and other debris from your artificial grass without damaging the synthetic grass piles. We provide a high-quality product along with expert installation so your project will look fantastic for many years to come.
Our custom mini golf courses are built with our premium synthetic turf, meaning that there is little maintenance required to keep a course looking great all year round. Let our team at Turf Green show you how to create an awesome green space at your gym by using artificial turf. Experience the The Great Lawn Co difference with our Merrimac Synthetic Turf Sales & Deliveries, Merrimac Artificial Grass Replacement and Merrimac Synthetic Turf Installation services where we put You, our customer at the forefront of everything we do. The pioneers of the design and installation of no-infill artificial grass for the Australian market. Based from the same location for over 10 years with our showroom open to the public 5 days a week and stocking thousands of square metres of our exclusive grass range of 5G artificial grasses. Golf driving range grass, deep 40mm pile to support the use of a golf tee.

Doing the job right the first time means you aren’t needing to replace inferior products repeatedly. We only use the highest quality turf and rubber products while the competition continues to cut costs with inferior synthetic turf brands. At Surface Pro Group, we offer various artificial turf surfaces to help you make the most of your outdoor space. Augusta Zoysia lawn has just arrived and has quickly become one of the most premium adaptable solid performing lawns on the market offering exceptional drought and shade tolerance.
Importantly, because we are independent, we are able to source artificial turf from different suppliers at wholesale prices. This enables us to recommend the best product for you and install it at the right price. Preparation and attention to detail are so important, that is our focus. Give us a call and we will be happy to give you advice and a free quote. One of the standout features of artificial putting greens is their low maintenance nature.
We offer a wide range of synthetic turf and fake grass options for whatever your project might be, from large scale projects to the small intricate projects you can have peace of mind that your project is in safe hands. KomboGrass have developed a professional installation methodology for no-infill artificial grass and fake grass that we have refined over a period of more than 10 years. Unlike sand or rubber infilled synthetic grasses, poor joins, gaps and mistakes cannot be covered up on the installation day with sand or rubber pellets only to appear months down the track when the sand or rubber pellets wash away. Surface Pro Group is one of the leading providers of synthetic turf surfaces in the Gold Coast. For over two decades, our team of experienced and trade-based certified employees have transformed residential and commercial outdoor spaces.

Renowned for its laidback lifestyle and with a worldwide reputation for outdoor living,Gold Coast residents and business owners are choosing synthetic grass to makeover their properties and update recreational and sporting facilities. Use this form to tell us about the size of your lawn or lawns and our system will give you an estimated price for us to supply the materials. What makes P-Off Artificial Grass Cleaner stand out is its natural ingredients, making it safe to use on all types of artificial turf. Plus, it’s an effective and powerful odour eliminator that will leave your artificial turf smelling fresh and clean.
Shorter grass types are great for ball sports, as it provides a quick surface, while longer grass is good for heavy contact sports as it provides a cushioning. You need to look for double or triple stitched backing, so you get the best grass on the market. There are different types of artificial grass products you can have installed – what you choose will depend on your needs. Each customer has different needs for their artificial grass, which is why we've created a range of different infills, pile lengths, and blade shapes to facilitate all sorts of activity. Artificial grass is more cost-effective to maintain over the years. With natural grass, you have to constantly water, mow, edge, fertilise, and make sure that your lawn looks perfect.

To maintain these sand infill lawns requires ‘brushing up maintenance ‘. Trying to move sand infill from the lowest point in your lawn where it has washed down to is not an easy task. – Augusta Zoysia grows at a slower rate compared to other grasses which means less maintenance, fertilising, and mowing. We have been installing quality Synthetic Lawns to Residential and Commercial properties in Mermaid Waters.
This means that your new yard will be perfectly level and neat with no annoying dips and bumps. An artificial grass cleaner is an essential product for maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of your synthetic grass or fake grass. This specialised cleaner is designed to effectively remove waste matter, animal waste, and harmful germs from your turf surface, leaving it smelling clean and odour-free. The cleaner is formulated using natural ingredients that are safe for both humans and pets. To use the artificial turf cleaner, simply spray it on the affected areas and rinse it off with a garden hose. With the help of an artificial grass cleaner, you can enjoy the beauty and convenience of synthetic grass without worrying about hygiene issues.
Combines multi-coloured 30mm artificial grass blades with PE monofilament with PP texturised monofilament thatch of natural colours. Our staff are fully licensed and insured offering expert services & advice at very competitive prices. We pride ourselves on our reliability and ability to complete any job to Artificial Turf Installation Gold Coast a high standard, no matter how big or small the project. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Gold Coast city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying the very best Australian Made Synthetic Turf.

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Artificial Turf in Gold Coast Region, QLD

Пятница, 13 Октября 2023 г. 15:25 (ссылка)

We offer high-quality, low-maintenance artificial grass that looks and feels like natural grass. Whether you want to create a beautiful lush lawn for your home, a safe and durable play area for your kids or pets, or a high-performance sports field, we have a solution. We are specialised in supplying and installing high-quality artificial grass to a residential property in Penrith, Sydney, The Central Coast & Newcastle. We offer a great variety of synthetic grass that looks good all year round without having to maintain it. We strongly believe that having a beautiful lawn with next to no maintenance is possible with our artificial turf.
The punch hole drainage system drains at a rate of 2000mm per hour. Our draining technology is extremely low maintenance and pet friendly, keeping your yard free of puddles, yellow patches and bare spots. Heat build-up occurs in most materials when thermal energy from the sun’s rays hit the surface of an object. In the same way dark clothing absorbs more heat than light clothing, artificial grass can also hold in heat making it uncomfortable when it is hot outside. With so many varieties the options are almost endless, so there’s one to suit your required area. Our Gold Coast team is operated by Endless Turf's owner - Stefan Liberto.

We understand that having great curb appeal is essential for businesses as it can help to attract more customers. We also know that outdoor maintenance can be time consuming which makes it difficult, and sometimes impossible for business owners to keep on top of. The weather in Toowoomba can be unpredictable and harsh, with extreme highs during summer and extreme lows in winter, along with damaging storms. For this reason, our artificial grass is designed to be highly porous and weather resistant so you can have peace of mind knowing that it can sustain any rough weather conditions. We offer a Complete Lawn Replacement service to our valued Brisbane clients to help you easily return your lawn to its former glory and have the best lawn in the street. If you are looking for Brisbane Turf Sales, Turf Preparation & earthmoving & Lawn Installations services please contact us today.
Select your State and you will see a list of our recommended suppliers and installers. When you’re confident of how much artificial grass you need, it’s time to select the type of synthetic grass that is right for your DIY project. Easy Turf stocks a range of grass that is suitable for residential, educational establishments, sports and commercial needs. Together with our partners we offer custom-tailored service, whether supplying budget-friendly artificial grass for a play corner or providing a total solution that includes the design and installation of your perfect lawn or road median. Luxe Turf has been created to provide hassle free and professional solutions for your synthetic turf requirements. Based on the Gold Coast and with an extensive network of like minded experts, we are able to deliver your project Australia wide.

Your satisfaction is our priority and we strive to provide a customer service we are proud of delivering. We start every project by providing a thorough quotation and consultation with a synthetic grass specialists to understand your needs of your project. We do this to guarantee that the project is completed according to your preferences and you have a space that you will love.
If you are looking to have your synthetic turf installed by a specialist who knows how to make it look its best, we're happy to help. While you could once spot fake grass a mile away, we’re now seeing high-quality synthetic turf products that closely resemble the real thing both in aesthetics and its soft texture. This makes the decision far more difficult for homeowners who are deciding to put grass in their yard or who are thinking about making the switch to synthetic. We will strip back the surface you have and ensure that the foundation is safe, solid, and secure before we go ahead with our synthetic grass installation.
SYNLawn artificial grass with COOLplus Technology also adds a finish to each grass fibre that has less ‘shine’, is softer to touch and less abrasive than other artificial grass for a more realistic look you can see and feel. All SYNLawn artificial grass products come with our exclusive COOLplus™ Technology. Scientifically proven, SYNLawn’s COOLplus Technology lowers rising temperatures by reflecting sunlight, thus reducing heat build-up and emissivity. Experience the The Great Lawn Co difference with our Guanaba Synthetic Turf Sales & Deliveries, Guanaba Artificial Grass Replacement and Guanaba Synthetic Turf Installation services where we put You, our customer at the forefront of everything we do. Experience the The Great Lawn Co difference with our Nerang Synthetic Turf Sales & Deliveries, Nerang Artificial Grass Replacement and Nerang Synthetic Turf Installation services where we put You, our customer at the forefront of everything we do.

We are proud to offer a great new product in 2020 Pro Putt 16mm, this product really sets the standard in ball roll and break. This latest yarn technology is made from polyethylene fibres to which create a softer putting surface to eliminate ball skip when you putt. This product is required to be rolled on completion of the green to create an authentic putting surface. Many people don’t realise that artificial turf is suitable for pets. No more muddy paw prints and if you have a cheeky digger, you won’t have to worry about holes popping up in your backyard.
The Luxe leisure tennis turf has been in high demand for both club and private use for over a decade. Its comfortable play and premium performance of bounce and speed make our tennis turfs the ultimate court to play on. If you’re interested in installing a world class mini golf course, drop us a line today. Regardless of the size or complexity of the mini golf course you are looking to have built, the team at Turf Green can create a completely unique solution for your business. Most gyms have a really hard, industrial floor surface as they do take quite a hammering. If you are looking for Merrimac Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience.

Create an oasis of beauty and convenience with residential artificial turf installation. We believe in providing all of our customers the best artificial grass products on the market today, along with excellent service and value for money. Turf Green’s artificial grass can give your Gold Coast home a massive visual lift. By replacing your lawns, you can also wave goodbye to mowing as well as constant yard maintenance. We’ve established numerous synthetic turf golf greens on the Gold Coast, replacing natural or worn concrete landscapes.
Whilst the synthetic soccer grass used on outdoor fields is often the same as indoor soccer pitches, the preparation is signficantly different. We will consider all elements of the field's base prior to installing the grass. This includes preparing a compact and level playing area, whilst also taking factors like drainage into consideration. From homes to businesses, artificial turf is perfect for the Gold Coast climate.
IR radiation is a component of sunlight that causes molecular vibration, which translates into heat. The COOLplus range of synthetic lawns, does not absorb IR radiation, meaning that the synthetic grass heats up slower Astro Lawn Gold Coast than traditional synthetic grass, which leads to lower surface temperatures in direct sunlight. It doesn’t require any harmful pesticides or fertilisers like natural grass and is great for high-traffic areas.

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Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass in Gold Coast Region, QLD

Пятница, 13 Октября 2023 г. 15:24 (ссылка)

We offer a seven- to ten-year warranty on our products, allowing you to get the most out of your artificial grass. Synthetic grass companies in Australia cannot claim that their products will last more than ten years , meaning that your fake grass is covered by a warranty for its expected lifespan. We install quality synthetic grass in a huge range of locations including schools, child care centres, parks, picnic areas, playgrounds, indoor play spaces, businesses, resorts, hotels, theme parks and many more. This could be due to poor quality raw materials or not adding correct heat reduction components during the manufacturing process. With Premier Grass, we have designed and manufactured several products to minimize heat-generated issues. Our Hollow HydroChill® Cool Artificial grass and K9 Heat Block® technology grass products with ZeoFill® infill system can reduce heat by up to 30%.
Having top-quality grass will ensure that your lawn will last many years without you constantly worrying about replacing it. The second option is to add sand to make what is artificial appear natural. Many of our customers prefer to make their synthetic turf look as natural as possible because they either want to match their interior/exterior or, fit in with neighbouring properties.

We have a choice of 3 lengths of turf from our budget 25mm pile height right up to Super long and super soft 50mm, we also now offer sporting turf, suitable for many sporting applications including putting greens. Ezy Grass by Ezy decking has been established as one of Queensland’s biggest artificial grass supplier after introducing synthetic turf for landscaping applications at market beating prices. I had a grass lawn that was high maintenance and expensive to look after. After calling Michael and getting him to do a quote at my house I was convinced that artificial turf was the best option. I can’t believe how well it turned out it absolutely changed my backyard.
Our custom mini golf courses are built with our premium synthetic turf, meaning that there is little maintenance required to keep a course looking great all year round. Let our team at Turf Green show you how to create an awesome green space at your gym by using artificial turf. Experience the The Great Lawn Co difference with our Merrimac Synthetic Turf Sales & Deliveries, Merrimac Artificial Grass Replacement and Merrimac Synthetic Turf Installation services where we put You, our customer at the forefront of everything we do. The pioneers of the design and installation of no-infill artificial grass for the Australian market. Based from the same location for over 10 years with our showroom open to the public 5 days a week and stocking thousands of square metres of our exclusive grass range of 5G artificial grasses. Golf driving range grass, deep 40mm pile to support the use of a golf tee.

You can create your own little green oasis in the concrete jungle. It’s where the art of nature meets the science of synthetic brilliance. The unique quartet of colours, combined with the market’s unmatched softness and density, ensures you’re not just buying turf; you’re making a statement. We have been installing quality Synthetic Lawns to Residential and Commercial properties in Oxenford.
Having artificial grass at home minimises weeds, saves you time and more importantly, money with our fantastic prices. Installing an artificial grass lawn is actually an environmentally conscious choice. As there will be no need for weekly mowing and maintenance using other power tools, you will eliminate the pollution and carbon emissions that is generated through the maintenance of a natural lawn. At RSA we are proud to be 100% Australian owned and all of our synthetic grass, rubber soft-fall and other products are manufactured in Australia so you can be sure you are purchasing a durable product designed to last in the harsh Australian climate. They come with UV resistance so you can be confident that the flooring solution you choose will not fade.
P-Off is a bio-enzyme concentrated cleaner that degrades organic matter such as ammonia which is produced in pet urine. Ordinary disinfectants and bleach-based cleaning products simply do not work and are a temporary fix. P-Off is highly dilutable making it the most cost-effective product on the market. Simply pour the concentrate into the Hydro Foamer and it’s ready for use.

Our lawn has been installed beautifully and the advice and service was amazing. We only use quality industry specific equipment to ensure your project runs smoothly. You’ll love your quality turf, fully installed by The Great Lawn Co from Australian Family Owned Turf Farms. Turf Green work alongside one of Australia’s top golf course designers Richard Chamberlain, who has over 25 years of experience designing world class golf courses, greens and mini golf courses.
This makes it ideal for use in Toowoomba’s school campuses, community areas, and sports clubs. Coastal Synthetic Turf sports grass is the perfect flooring for community sports grounds, playgrounds, and backyard play areas. Our sports grass is ultra soft, with high shock absorption, and thanks to the lack of dirt, creates little mess. Brisbane, Redlands & Gold Coast Turf Laying services are available to our valued clients who are seeking a quality outcome and would like to have someone else do the heavy lifting. Our Turf Laying team will ensure that your turf is delivered and installed, fertilised, water saving crystals are installed and your turf is layed to create a beautiful lawn that will be the envy of your neighbours. Welcome to The Great Lawn Company, suppliers of premium quality freshly harvested turf & professional turf project services.

To maintain these sand infill lawns requires ‘brushing up maintenance ‘. Trying to move sand infill from the lowest point in your lawn where it has washed down to is not an easy task. – Augusta Zoysia grows at a slower rate compared to other grasses which means less maintenance, fertilising, and mowing. We have been installing quality Synthetic Lawns to Residential and Commercial properties in Mermaid Waters.
Ours however, are UV treated and are made from high quality, durable materials by the world's largest manufacturers. This will leave you with various options for a beautiful green lawn that will last much longer. Our products are covered by a 7-10 year warranty, depending on the product and usage.
Hardwearing, easy to clean, low maintenance and water-saving, they’re made for the Australian sun. Some products are designed to stay 10-15% cooler in the summer than any other grasses on the market. Giving your artificial grass a good deep-down clean with a hard-bristled brush once a month will get rid of any hard-to-remove Fake Grass Gold Coast dirt and grime, this can also help to fluff up your artificial grass. Artificial grass requires very little maintenance compared to natural grass. Our trained professionals have the expertise and specialised equipment required to keep your turf in top shape, even under heavy traffic and for sports surfaces.

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Artificial Turf in Gold Coast Region, QLD

Четверг, 12 Октября 2023 г. 21:32 (ссылка)

We have been installing quality Synthetic Lawns to Residential and Commercial properties in Helensvale. We though prefer to use testimonials from installations that have come to us through an independent source such as Hipages. Since the installation of the Sunshine Coast Turf Club synthetic track in December, 15 rescheduled meetings have proceeded, with almost $4 million in prize money and bonuses returned to industry participants.
Ourartificial grassrepresentatives can also provide step by step details on how to install your turf yourself. With warranties of up to 10 years and a commitment to excellence, Enduroturf is one of the largest synthetic grass suppliers on the Gold Coast and throughout Australia and is regarded as a leader in its field. However if you want to install your synthetic grass yourself, Enduroturf gives you a guide on how to install artificial grass, including pictures and a checklist.Check out DIY – How to install synthetic grass. We take putting greens very seriously as the surface and the quality of the turf makes a huge difference in the state of play when practicing your stroke. Augusta Pro Putt is an excellent choice for surfacing your putting green.

Find out more in thisguide to help you buy the best artificial grassfor you. Our complete range ofartificial lawnis built to withstand all the elements…and your furry friends. Burleigh Waters Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co.
A rule of thumb – when mowing Augusta lawn cut no more than 1/3 of the leaf off at one mowing – use sharp mower blades and catch and remove clippings. Augusta turf can be laid in South East Queensland and Sydney any time of the year. Augusta grass tolerates typical yard traffic such as dog and family use, plus it’s used on high-impact areas such as golf courses and has been used in large venues for entertainment and picnics.

With the ability to source the best available turf at the time, All About Turf is able to source and deliverhigh quality turfat the right price. When considering whether you want to go with a natural or artificial lawn, there are a few things homeowners should consider. Benowa Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co.
On the other hand, it costs far more than synthetic grass in terms of maintenance. Water bills, fertilizers, and pesticides, all the equipment you need to manicure your lawn and keep it green – it adds up, both in the amount of time and money you’ll spend. Lower quality synthetic grass will also mean that if you have a furry friend using the area it will not hold up to activities that they do every day .
It’s important to source artificial turf from people who understand the area and the environment. When you want Tweed Heads and Gold Coast synthetic grass, we’re your go-to specialists. If you’re looking for beautiful artificial grass, for your Gold Coast home or business, let Turf Green take care of all your needs. We are proud to service all areas of the Gold Coast with our superior range of products. “When Kelley visited and presented the artificial grass samples, I had no idea it would make such a great impact on my very over-grown garden.

If you are looking for Nerang Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience. If you are looking for Hope Island Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience. Download this free guide and learn the installation process from start to finish. If you’re unsure of which grass solution is right for you, contact us today as we’re experts and we’re ready to help. With countless styles to choose from, it can be overwhelming, so let us find the correct grass for your outdoor area. If you are looking for Arundel Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience.
It is also great for other play equipment for kids of all ages – slippery slides, cubby houses and swing sets. Artificial grass is a popular alternative and is readily used in pre-schools, playgrounds, childcare centres and schools throughout Australia. A base consisting of both crushed rock and crusher dust (typically mm), something to secure the grass to the surface (pegs, glue, etc.), infill, weed mats, ZeoFill infill, and other material.

Additional items such as adhesive, pins and tape are also available. Auzzie Turf is Australia’s leading manufacturer and supplier of artificial grass in Gold Coast. We are the best company in the country that produces excellent quality synthetic grass from Australian made yarns made at our own plant. All of our synthetic grass surfaces are made from renewable resources and feature our new technology that reduces surface temperatures by between 10-20% compared to competing products. Our eco-friendly synthetic turf Gold Coast can withstand even the most extreme weather conditions.
Our supply and Installations are done by our experienced fake grass specialists and are all covered by our 12 month workmanship warranty after completion of artificial turf installation. AGO is the number one choice for quality artificial grass in Australia. We provide durable, Australian made synthetic grass at trade prices, shipped directly from our warehouse to your door. Each purchase comes with an easy-to-follow installation guide to ensure that you will get the best result from your artificial turf. Elite Turf provides high quality artificial turf installation services to suit your landscape and lifestyle making it low maintenance and looking great all year round.
We simply choose a grass product that is best suited for your space and professonally install it to ensure it lasts for years to come. Featuring a beautiful 4 green grass blade colour this is the ultimate choice for homeowners who want a plush look and feel to your lawn areas. With so many types of synthetic grass available today Fake Lawn Gold Coast how do you know which one to choose? We present our Artificial Grass with pictures from the top and side to give you an idea of what they will look like and where they can be used . Made with a soft yarn this grass combines affordability with a real lawn look, its state the art UV protected yarn ensures durability and comfort.

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Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Sales and Installations

Четверг, 12 Октября 2023 г. 21:29 (ссылка)

Our products are also hardy enough to withstand high-speed winds and heavy rainfall without damaging the look of your lawn. Our artificial grass is made by established Australian manufacturers in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney. Unlike many companies who claim to sell Australian made turf yet use low-quality imported products, our manufacturers make durable synthetic grass with strict quality testing to ensure you are getting the best value for your money. All of our products are made by well-established Australian manufacturers to ensure quality and are backed by extended warranties to give you peace of mind. We ship directly from our warehouse to your door, passing on the savings to provide high-quality synthetic grass at wholesale prices.
Our synthetic turfs are made with Coolplus Yarn technology which can be up to 30% cooler, We also have P-Off Infill for Pets and Cooling, which will reduce the surface temperature to that of real turf. PROJECT - Mermaid Waters This is our client’s holiday home in Mermaid Waters. They are not always at the property so they needed something low maintenance and a fresh option to an area they couldn’t grow quality grass on. They chose Plush 40MM and were over the moon with the results and our service recommending us to other clients to have us do their Artificial grass also.

You can get artificial grass or turf for your home or commercial usage. This could be done easily with the help of taking services from artificial turf Gold Coast. They are providing experts services to you according to your needs so that you can add value to your commercial buildings.
Select your State and you will see a list of our recommended suppliers and installers. When you’re confident of how much artificial grass you need, it’s time to select the type of synthetic grass that is right for your DIY project. Easy Turf stocks a range of grass that is suitable for residential, educational establishments, sports and commercial needs. Together with our partners we offer custom-tailored service, whether supplying budget-friendly artificial grass for a play corner or providing a total solution that includes the design and installation of your perfect lawn or road median. Luxe Turf has been created to provide hassle free and professional solutions for your synthetic turf requirements. Based on the Gold Coast and with an extensive network of like minded experts, we are able to deliver your project Australia wide.

The normal life expectancy is 15 plus years, however due to the above factors, go well past that time period. If you’re looking at this site we think you will already know why you would like to install synthetic turf and its benefits. Usually over time some synthetic turfs will flatten but our innovative Silverback Lawn has been designed to resist flattening, it also has no shine. If you don’t clean your turf using our Pet system cleaning products, then yes you will get a smell, same as you would if you did not clean the urine spills up indoors or on your paving.
Artificial turf installation involves sophisticated steps that must be followed accordingly. At Eco Lawns Australia, we supply, deliver and install any type of synthetic turf to Sydney properties. We offer fast, zero hassle and risk-free fake turf installations to both residential and commercial sectors. If you’re looking for artificial turf on the Gold Coast, we provide a hassle free and professional service. We specialise in the design, supply and installation of premium synthetic turf. In recent years, All About Turf has teamed up with Australia’s leading manufacturer ofartificial grass.
We are committed to providing advanced artificial turf to Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth clients and strives to deliver the latest products available. Our product is manufactured from the latest technology, ensuring we provide cutting edge grass that remains perfect during every season. Our artificial grass surfaces are both pet and child-friendly, meaning they are perfect for your yard and commercial purposes like schools and childcare centres. Our grass is also great for those with grass allergies who still want to take advantage of their outdoor areas and for those who are sensitive to the chemicals and pesticides required to keep natural lawns in good condition.

Playing tennis isn't fun when you're constantly worrying that you're going to trip, fall, or cut yourself up on a ground that is too hard and uneven. If you currently experience this frustration, then it's probably time you invested in a new surface for your tennis court. We have been installing quality Synthetic Lawns to Residential and Commercial properties in Varsity Lakes. We provide multiple turf varieties from turf farms near Beerburrum in the Sunshine Coast to suit any back yard situation.
The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Gainsborough Greens city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Bonogin city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Tuxedo Junction city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products. Artificial grass has revolutionised the way we design and enjoy play areas for children. With its advanced technology and natural look, synthetic turf offers numerous advantages that make it an ideal choice for creating safe, enjoyable, and sustainable play spaces. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Palm Beach city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products.

Whether seeking low-maintenance lawns or hardwearing sports pitches, today’s discerning customers want top-quality artificial grass that looks the business. Discover the best Tweed Heads and Gold Coast synthetic grass today. Take advantage of our supply and install service, or supply only with DIY options.
Our supply and Installations are done by our experienced fake grass specialists and are all covered by our 12 month workmanship warranty after completion of artificial turf installation. AGO is the number one choice for quality artificial grass in Australia. We provide durable, Australian made synthetic grass at trade prices, shipped directly from our warehouse to your door. Each purchase comes with an easy-to-follow installation guide to ensure that you will get the best result from your artificial turf. Elite Turf provides high quality artificial turf installation services to suit your landscape and lifestyle making it low maintenance and looking great all year round.
The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Runaway Bay city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Maudsland city with quality Synthetic Astro Lawn Gold Coast Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products. Our team atAll About TurfGold Coastcan give you a quote based on measurements provided or we can visit your site to provide a free measure & quote for yourGold Coast synthetic turfproject.

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Artificial Turf in Gold Coast Region, QLD

Четверг, 12 Октября 2023 г. 21:26 (ссылка)

Little maintenance is required compared to real lawn, just blow or sweep away any leaves or debris, spray for any weeds and, if needed, give a brush up with a stiff broom. All Seasons Synthetic Turf is a proudly 100% Australian created and owned enterprise, standing as the foremost supplier of artificial grass in Queensland. We are leading artificial grass specialists in the Tweed Heads and Gold Coast area of Australia. We offer fastest delivery that streamline your installation through our network of certified professional in Gold Coast. If you have any questions about recycling artificial grass or Luxe Turf’s sustainability initiatives, please contact us.
We hear so many horror stories of consumers, succumbing to a very pushy salesman on commission, telling them the imported grasses are better than the Australian made. Whether you own the whole high-rise building, an entire floor, or just have one apartment – everyone can benefit from artificial grass. Oxenford Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co. PROJECT - Monterey Keys Our client at Monterey Keys had run down concrete in their pool area, they wanted to transform the area into a useable space for their guests and grandchildren, they chose Classy Summer 35mm with heat block technology. Our client was so impressed with our service and installation they left us this Google review below.

Our mission is to service your synthetic turf requirements promptly and professionally, while also ensuring it is within your budget. With our team you will receive an end to end service, from design and landscaping to installation of your mini golf course or putting green. If you want a truly low maintenance artificial grass for your lawn, that is cooler underfoot, resistant to weeds, offering anti-bacterial and mould free natural looking yarns, integrated weedmat, then KomboGrass is your only choice. Call now to find out how affordable your new lawn from KomboGrass will be. Artificial Grass Brush to effortlessly remove leaves and other debris from your artificial grass without damaging the synthetic grass piles. We provide a high-quality product along with expert installation so your project will look fantastic for many years to come.
Cool-Off means you can now have artificial grass in your back yard or sports arena, where before you were concerned about the heat. A simple re-hydration is all you need to keep your fake lawn cool, synthetic turf is a smart sustainable solution that is now better than ever. Developed in response to the water crisis, our real-looking synthetic grass is the perfect solution for homeowners seeking green lawns. It’s UV resistant, so won’t fade in the sun, and even feels like the real deal, so there’s no compromise on comfort. Take the easy option and let our landscapers supply and install your chosen turf. Or, if you’re a DIY fan, we can supply the turf with instructions.

Tamborine Mountain Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co. Palm Beach Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co. Ask the experts at Turf Green about artificial turf for your soccer, football or hockey fields.
We had Newturf install our synthetic lawn 9 years ago, we have just moved house and have been so happy with the last lawn we want you to install your Newturf in our new home. The “Cool turf” range of lawn grasses was developed to combat Australia’s high temperatures, independent testing has shown they are approximately 25-20% cooler than other products. All of our synthetic sports surfacesare extremely durable and our products come with extensive warranties to give you peace-of-mind that your club or school won't need to fork out for additional upkeep and maintenance into the foreseeable future. We supply and install synthetic grass throughout Gold Coast & Northern NSW.
You may prefer to have brick or paving block edging surrounding your new artificial lawn utilising bricks or paving blocks similar to your house or current garden design. Ideal for residential, play areas, pets and commercial areas, perfect for premium spaces. A prestige surface that is perfect for large area residential or commercial gardens. The 40mm blades of grass create a freshly mowed look year round, without the need for any watering.

We also understand that every client has unique needs and requirements, which is why we offer personalised roofing solutions to ensure that your project is tailored to your specific needs. Enjoy an on site consultation with product demonstration, 1 clear quote for your whole project and enjoy watching us transform your home. Because our primary focus is on installation we are able to source turf, that suits our customers, at commercial rates from different suppliers. We have the ability to supply and install turf at an attractive price for our customers. Experience the The Great Lawn Co difference with our Bonogin Synthetic Turf Sales & Deliveries, Bonogin Artificial Grass Replacement and Bonogin Synthetic Turf Installation services where we put You, our customer at the forefront of everything we do. Do you love the look of a lawn but are sick and tired of spending time, effort, and money into keeping your lawn looking great?
Artificial turf is a great, cost effective alternative that requires very little maintenance. With incredible advances in technology, our artificial turf is amazingly realistic in its appearance, is pet friendly, is stain resistant and most importantly UV stable. If you want your natural lawn replaced, then the best option is to replace it with artificial grass. Most clients we helped often switch from natural to fake turf because of the amount of money, energy, and effort they spend cultivating natural lawns.

It's an uphill battle and sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get your grass to stay green year-round. Our 8mm short pile synthetic grass is easy to clean and lightweight, allowing for easy transport. Durable enough to withstand all the foot traffic that comes with a gathering crowd and sturdy so it won't move around. You can trust that our professional turf will be a suitable surface. We provide affordable synthetic turf for parties, events, displays, and exhibitions in Melbourne and all around Australia. If you want to bring the outside experience inside and create soft, colourful flooring in an instant, we can help.
To date, we have over 20 types of synthetic grass suitable to residential, commercial, industrial spaces as well as to sports surfaces, golf courses, shires, schools, rooftops, and pool and spa surrounds. Not only that, but we also supply synthetic turf to landscapers and builders throughout New South Wales. Whether residential lawn, commercial landscaping, sporting greens or a children’s playground, Prestige Waterless Turf can supply and install the finest quality Australian synthetic turf and artificial grass from the Gold Coast to Brisbane. Specialising in Synthetic for Grass Gold Coast, Recreational Surfaces Australia are experts in offering a complete service in synthetic turf installation and rubber soft-fall systems. We service the Gold Coast, Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, as well as other Queensland and Northern N.S.W areas and we have the synthetic grass or rubber flooring solution for all your commercial and residential requirements.
Though the upfront cost of artificial grass may be slightly higher than planting a real grass lawn, when you take into account the maintenance costs of each type of lawn, synthetic grass becomes a more cost-effective option. And, when you purchase your artificial grass from AGO, you will benefit from the additional savings that we pass on to our customers, making artificial grass more affordable than ever. One of the many benefits of choosing artificial grass over natural Synthetic turf Gold Coast grass is that it requires far less maintenance to maintain a lush green lawn. A natural grass lawn requires a lot of maintenance to keep it looking fresh and manicured, including mowing, edging, weeding, and watering. This means you will need to be out and tending to your lawn for hours each month or pay someone else to do it for you. Well, the answer is YES, as long as the turf is installed correctly with the correct amount of subbase underneath the synthetic grass.

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Best Artificial Turf Gold Coast 2023

Четверг, 12 Октября 2023 г. 21:23 (ссылка)

Our cutting edge turf is durable and creative in design, providing a simple alternative to traditional grass and turf. ProPlay is mainly used to prevent injuries in the event of a fall, both indoors and outdoors. It has been specially developed for artificial grass installations which do not have stringent sports requirements, but are rather intended to provide playing fun, shock absorption and user comfort. Our Heatblock® technology reflects UV and makes our synthetic grass up to 30% cooler than other synthetic turf products available in Australia. There were times in the past where it was easy to tell whether someone had fake grass, but we've come a long way since then!
Conveniently located just off the Pacific Motorway between Brisbane and Gold Coast, StoreLocal Pimpama offers secure self storage to business owners, residents and holidaymakers across the region. With plenty of flexible, affordable, secure self storage units available in a variety of sizes, you'll find the ideal self storage unit, no matter what you need to store. If you are looking for Burleigh Waters Synthetic Lawn Preparation give the experts at The Great Lawn Co a call today and enjoy our Red Carpet Customer Experience. Our objective at Prestige Synthetic Turf is to give you an area that makes you feel good.

You can get artificial grass or turf for your home or commercial usage. This could be done easily with the help of taking services from artificial turf Gold Coast. They are providing experts services to you according to your needs so that you can add value to your commercial buildings.
This Australian made product is ideal for high traffic and commercial areas. Other products in this range include P-OFF Stable Cleaner, Dirty Dog Laundry Cleaner, Who Done It and a range of spray gun applicators. Visit or contact your nearest stockist to see our grasses and sports courts, collect samples or obtain a quote. We are able to transform even the worst soccer pitches and make them safe, attractive, hard-wearing and durable to play on. There is literally no job too difficult and we excel at creating great playing surfaces that are specific for your needs, whether you require indoor our outdoor soccer turf. We are 100% Australian owned – and we only offer Australian made products designed to suit the Brisbane climates.

Our Luxe Turf manufacturers are some of the most advanced and largest in the world, accredited for FIFA , ITF and FIH . Trying to decide which type of artificial grass is best for your backyard can be daunting, especially when some companies have three or four different styles of fake grass. For those after a wider blade grass, our premium Savannah Broad Leaf range is for you. Similar in appearance to many Australian grasses, with its olive/brown curly thatching, the Savannah boasts the highest pile height and density within our range of artificial lawn. The Great Lawn Co has been helping our valued clients across Burleigh Waters city with quality Synthetic Lawn Installation services with a focus on great customer service, clear communication and supplying quality Artificial Grass products.
Or, for the ultimate home-golfing experience, why not install a putting green! Adding a practice green to your Gold Coast home will add another layer of fun for you and the family, and is great for entertaining guests. They have unique topography and interesting obstacles so you will continue to find your putting green challenging. If your home or business needs artificial turf, let the locals sort you out. We are a Queensland-owned and operated company; so when you buy from us, your money stays right here in Queensland.
A non-directional turf available with a 9mm or 15mm weave and dense pile that provides a great golf putting surface, cricket pitch or general floor covering for patios, balconies, around pools or wherever a shorter pile length is required. 15mm available in Buffalo Green only, 9mm available in Bowls Green. Augusta Green putting turf features 16mm PE texturised monofilament synthetic grass blades with non-directional characteristics.

So if you’re looking for a hassle-free artificial grass installation on the Gold Coast, look no further than Luxe Turf. Contact us today to learn more about our complete installation service and how we can help you achieve the perfect outdoor space. Contact Luxe Turf today to learn more about our range of artificial grass products and how we can help you achieve the perfect outdoor space on the Gold Coast. If you want to know even more, here we explainwhy Australian Outdoor Living’s range of quality artificial lawns are child and pet friendly.
This makes it ideal for use in Toowoomba’s school campuses, community areas, and sports clubs. Coastal Synthetic Turf sports grass is the perfect flooring for community sports grounds, playgrounds, and backyard play areas. Our sports grass is ultra soft, with high shock absorption, and thanks to the lack of dirt, creates little mess. Brisbane, Redlands & Gold Coast Turf Laying services are available to our valued clients who are seeking a quality outcome and would like to have someone else do the heavy lifting. Our Turf Laying team will ensure that your turf is delivered and installed, fertilised, water saving crystals are installed and your turf is layed to create a beautiful lawn that will be the envy of your neighbours. Welcome to The Great Lawn Company, suppliers of premium quality freshly harvested turf & professional turf project services.

Please note that the colour of the artificial grass may vary from screen to screen. For complete colour accuracy we recommend ordering a sample or contact us for stockist details. Maudsland Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co. Canungra Rise Synthetic Turf and Artificial Grass Lawn Replacements and Turf Installation services from your local professional team The Great Lawn Co. We cater to homeowners looking improve their outdoor living areas and to commercial landscaping projects that are looking to create appeal and stand out from the crowd.
When it comes to cleaning your artificial grass, you want a product that is safe, effective, and won’t damage the fibres. It’s specially formulated to remove dirt, grime, and stains from synthetic turf, including tough stains like pet urine, mud, and even graffiti. P-Off artificial grass cleaner is a liquid product that works to clean and maintain artificial turf.
Come and visit our Capalaba showroom, our friendly staff are on hand to help and show you the synthetic turf range and artificial grass products that Lush Turf Solutions has to offer. Our quality synthetic grass is made with many different shades of green to create a rich, organic colour, giving you the natural lawn look without the extra Fake Grass Gold Coast maintenance required. The grass fibres are woven into a mat-like backing for simple installation, ensuring your new lawn looks tidy and seamless. Our Coastal Synthetic sports grass is great for backyard basketball courts. This is because it offers the look of natural grass and the ability to shoot hoops without damaging your lawn.

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Premium Artificial Turf

Четверг, 12 Октября 2023 г. 21:23 (ссылка)

We offer high-quality, low-maintenance artificial grass that looks and feels like natural grass. Whether you want to create a beautiful lush lawn for your home, a safe and durable play area for your kids or pets, or a high-performance sports field, we have a solution. We are specialised in supplying and installing high-quality artificial grass to a residential property in Penrith, Sydney, The Central Coast & Newcastle. We offer a great variety of synthetic grass that looks good all year round without having to maintain it. We strongly believe that having a beautiful lawn with next to no maintenance is possible with our artificial turf.
Moreover, water is a natural resource and with frequent droughts and water restrictions in Queensland, you may not be able to water your lawn frequently, leaving it brown and wilted. We have 3 reasons why opting for artificial turf is best for Queensland’s climate. We can give you piece of mind that you are buying a quality Australian made Synthetic turf, made in Australia using Australian yarn designed specifically for our harsh climate.

We offer great warranties with the artificial turf we supply and install. One of the best features is the low maintenance of artificial grass – no mowing, no watering, no fertilising and very little spraying is required. Just a rake or blower vac to freshen it up once in a while, and a quick spray to control any weeds if any were to try and pop up. It’s durable and long lasting and it looks amazing all year round. All About Turfis an independent company designed to give customers expert advice, impeccable service and the best possibleturfand price. It supplies turf to commercial, residential, sporting organisations and government bodies.All About Turfwas established in 2010 byStuart Laing.
Kingston Green has 12mm artificial grass blades with non-directional characteristics. A premium home putting surface developed for practicing on a contoured green, that remains true and challenging. Perfect for pets, ideal for residential, play areas, commercial areas, extremely high wearing product. Urban Buffalo 40mm synthetic turf is a very natural looking product, providing great durability and comfort using state of the art Polyethylene multi filament yarn. The UV protected turf will outlast harsh wether conditions an allow for a hassle free lawn which does not require mowing or watering. Supply and installing quality Synthetic Turf products that create a beautiful space for your home or commercial premises.

When you install synthetic lawn there are infill options that naturally cools your turf for you. A Natural sand infill is the best choice as it helps keep your turf cooler. Cool-Off is an infill product and can be applied to newly installed synthetic grass or existing fake lawn, the same as putting in your sand infill, just sprinkle on using a sand spreader or by hand and mix it in with a broom. Once hydrated it can last for days, slowly releasing moisture and cooling surface temperatures by degrees. COOLplus Technology– The secret behind this technology is infrared reflective pigment technology.
Artificial turf installation involves sophisticated steps that must be followed accordingly. At Eco Lawns Australia, we supply, deliver and install any type of synthetic turf to Sydney properties. We offer fast, zero hassle and risk-free fake turf installations to both residential and commercial sectors. If you’re looking for artificial turf on the Gold Coast, we provide a hassle free and professional service. We specialise in the design, supply and installation of premium synthetic turf. In recent years, All About Turf has teamed up with Australia’s leading manufacturer ofartificial grass.
But don’t just take our word for it, read the reviews for yourself. All Seasons® Synthetic Turf prides itself on amazing customer service. PROJECT - Highland Park Our client at Highland Park had a plungie pool installed and were left with an unsightly excavated area. They wanted a low maintenance and visually appealing option so they chose Classy Summer 35mm with heat block technology. They absolutely love the new area and how much better it looks with their new Artificial Grass.

We can add native plants, water features, garden lighting and so much more to your front or back yard. Mike and Sam who show up on time and left as happy as the customer. They took their time to make sure everything was right the first time. Imagine having the best lawn in the neighbourhood without spending your weekends mowing.
While it is possible to install residential turf yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance for the best results. Luxe Turf professional turf installation can ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the artificial grass. Our team has the expertise, tools, and knowledge to prepare the area, install the turf correctly, and provide finishing touches for a seamless and professional-looking installation. We offer competitive turf prices for our grass and installation across the Gold Coast.

Whether seeking low-maintenance lawns or hardwearing sports pitches, today’s discerning customers want top-quality artificial grass that looks the business. Discover the best Tweed Heads and Gold Coast synthetic grass today. Take advantage of our supply and install service, or supply only with DIY options.
Similarly, our sports grass provides the perfect texture for a backyard putting green. The subtropical climate of the Gold Coast means there is no shortage of sunny days. However, with this scorching sun comes days of high humidity and heavy rains. So, when it comes to choosing the right artificial grass for your Gold Coast home or business, make sure you buy a product that can withstand the weather conditions of the place. At Auzzie Turf, our wide range of high-quality artificial turf will continue to be your Gold Coast property as a premium feature of rain, hail and shine.
Though the upfront cost of artificial grass may be slightly higher than planting a real grass lawn, when you take into account the maintenance costs of each type of lawn, synthetic grass becomes a more cost-effective option. And, when you purchase your artificial grass from AGO, you will benefit from the additional savings that we pass on to our customers, making artificial grass more affordable than ever. One of the many benefits of choosing artificial grass over natural Artificial Turf Gold Coast grass is that it requires far less maintenance to maintain a lush green lawn. A natural grass lawn requires a lot of maintenance to keep it looking fresh and manicured, including mowing, edging, weeding, and watering. This means you will need to be out and tending to your lawn for hours each month or pay someone else to do it for you. Well, the answer is YES, as long as the turf is installed correctly with the correct amount of subbase underneath the synthetic grass.

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Online Share Trading & Investing

Среда, 04 Октября 2023 г. 19:10 (ссылка)

Technical analysis features that include advanced algo charting tools. When you work with us, we’ll ensure you know everything there is to know about starting and succeeding in the Forex trading world. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Forex Platinum Trading community, you will need to submit an online enquiry. Once your account has been activated and is ready to go, you can explore the platform and dive into our wealth of educational material.
The higher the demand for a currency, the higher its exchange rate. ASIC stands for Australian Securities and Investments Commission. They’re responsible for regulating providers of financial services, financial markets, registered companies, and credit services. It’s key to note that do high-frequency 股票cfd交易 墨尔本 forex trades without needing to break a sweat. This all unfolds automatically; if that same trader makes another 12 positions later that day—all of these will be replicated like-for-like in your personal portfolio. Crypto is another form of bartering, forex, or trade, made possible by the internet.

CMC Markets boasts a comprehensive range of over 10,000 CFD products, ranging from forex to shares and cryptocurrencies. Established in 1974, IG Markets has evolved beyond being just another broker - it's an institution in its own right. Over nearly five decades, they've continuously adapted to evolving market dynamics to provide an unparalleled trading experience. CopyTrader allows you to replicate the strategies of your chosen traders automatically. CopyPortfolio, on the other hand, lets you invest in multiple markets by copying a portfolio of traders or assets.
Full time professional Forex trader from NPF will be your own personal coach for 18 hours. You will be attending three monthly classes in addition to your mentoring sessions. You will have private access to 335 pages of instruction-based discussions detailing intricacies of all the aspects of Forex Trading.

Only proceed to trade with real money when you understand the market and currency pairs. Each currency pair may be impacted by ongoing news events and other factors you’ll need to research. You can try starting with less volatile currency pairs between developed market currencies before you move on to emerging or frontier market currencies.
MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 stand out as the go-to platforms in Australia. They offer a broad range of features that cater to both novice and experienced traders. The best CFD providers like Eightcap and Pepperstone offer both MT4 and MT5. These brokers not only provide MT4 and MT5 but also enhance them with supplementary educational materials and unwavering customer support, smoothing out the overall trading trajectory. IC Markets offers an unlimited demo account, a feature that sets it apart from many other brokers. Next, you'll need to choose a trading platform, such as MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5, which will serve as your interface for trading.
The AvaOptions platform lets you quickly build multi-leg options strategies, analyse profit and loss, and even check your probability of profit based on historical volatility. While the platform offers tools for advanced traders, it’s simple enough for beginners to use. Copy trading platforms allow you to automatically copy other successful traders. Sometimes called social trading, find out the best platforms and the brokers that offer these platforms in our guide. The forex trading game for retail traders is a different animal entirely. Because there's such a focus on short-term profits, you'll need to be heavily dialled into minute-to-minute price changes within currency pair markets to achieve any success.

There are many factors such as economic health, political stability, global events, and others that influence the expansion and contraction of a particular currency. For instance, the US Sub-Prime Lending Crisis in 2008 caused a massive breakdown of financial systems worldwide. Clients must enquire from the support executives about the non-trading charges separately. To place a buy order of 1 standard lot on EUR/USD, the following will be the calculation of the required account balance. Let us understand the complete process and working methodology of the forex market with the help of an example.
All in all, as long as you are trading with a regulated forex broker, you should have no concerns on the safety of your funds. On top of being super user-friendly, eToro is actually very competitive in the fee department. For example, the broker does not charge any trading commissions when you buy and sell forex, other than the spread. In terms of non-trading charges, all deposit methods are fee-free, and withdrawals cost just $5.

If, however, you prefer a platform that's well-established and globally recognised, then you can opt for MetaTrader 4. Recognised worldwide, MetaTrader 4 caters to those who appreciate a mix of familiarity and versatility. If you wish to automate your trading, the expert advisors available with MT4 is our suggested option. One thing to remember is the monthly inactivity fee charged after 12 months without trading activity. Additionally, the limited range of just 100 share CFDs might feel narrow, especially when compared to the broader portfolios of competitors.
Traders looking for a wider variety of indicators and more advanced charting tools than MT4 can have the option to trade via NinjaTrader. Capitalise.ai rounds out the broker’s third-party offerings with support for automation. FP Markets’ clients can trade over 60 currency pairs, including major pairs like EUR/USD, AUD/USD, USD/GBP, and USD/CHF, and minors. There is no difference between forex trading and currency trading, as both mean that you’re exchanging one currency for another.
You will sometimes see a price quoted in 5 decimal places, depending on your trading platform. This allows brokers to illustrate a much smaller and precise percentage, with regards to the fluctuation of a pair. There is a higher risk attached to trading exotic pairs, which is why we advise avoiding them as an inexperienced forex trader.

Online Brokers Australia may receive a commission, referral fee or payment from a provider when you click on a link to their brokerage firm. Although economic news has the potential to move any financial market, forex markets are particularly sensitive to news events and increased volatility is commonplace at these times. A Forex trader should include checking Please refer to our free real time forex economic calendar before commencing your FX trading session. ASIC-regulated eToro is a great option if you are looking to combine online trading with a fully-fledged investment app. Available on both iOS and Android operating systems─ you’ll have access to all of the same account features. On the other hand, those offering the best trading spreads in Australia will often charge a commission.

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Online Share Trading & Investing

Среда, 04 Октября 2023 г. 19:08 (ссылка)

We liked how MyFxBook positions itself at the forefront for those keen on automating their copy trading experience. Aussie traders can effortlessly duplicate a range of trading strategies into their MetaTrader 4 accounts. To kick things off and seek an apt trading strategy, users just need to link their live MT4 account to MyFxBook’s AutoTrade function. What sets eToro apart for our Australian-based community is more than just a copy trading platform. It’s an entrance to one of the globe’s most expansive trading communities. Here, seasoned traders and newcomers can exchange insights, share trading strategies, and continually grow their market knowledge.
When it comes to account types, it can feel a bit as IG goes from zero to sixty without much in the middle. Traders can choose from a CFD account with a dealing desk model or upgrade – significantly – to a DMA account with no dealing desk and direct market 墨尔本cfd 股票 access. Just note that to use the DMA account, only Forex and shares are available and you need to be using the iOS IG trading software or L2 dealer. It should also be noted that high-volume traders can receive a discount through the Active Trader program.

Newcomers and advanced investors can use this method to increase their crypto holdings without taking any risk. Trading CFDs does not involve the actual purchase of the underlying asset and only involves speculating on whether the price will rise or fall. In terms of fees, the pricing structure at Interactive Brokers can be a bit confusing at first glance. Not only will your commission depend on the asset you wish to trade, but also the account type you are on. With that said, Interactive Brokers does allow you to buy US-listed stocks and ETFs on a commission-free basis. This stands at just $100 – which you can meet with an Australian debit/credit card, e-wallet, or bank transfer.
However, Plus500 makes up for this by offering 2,500 available CFD products for trading. In fact, an Australian CFD report by Investment trends, awarded Plus500 the best platform for its easy to use desktop and webtrader interface, advanced mobile CFD platform, and Security features. Remember that CFDs are a leveraged product and can result in the loss of your entire capital. Please ensure you fully understand the risks involved before opening an account. Plus500 comes with one of the best tools and offerings for CFD traders.

Touchstone foreign exchange rates compiled from leading market data contributors. Our rates are trusted and used by major corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms and individuals around the world. We offer a wide range of global CFD instruments, including indices, forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, metals and bonds. Forex and CFD trading Globally recognised broker with experience in FX trading services dating back to 1996.MarketPulse Daily trading news from our team of award-winning currency analysts. Now armed with the tools and education trade in the forex markets, individuals have the opportunity to trade as much as they wish.
Then, we compare Australia's best Forex brokers to show you the pros and cons of each. Generally speaking, higher commodity prices create recessionary pressures in most developed economies. So when high resource prices lead traders to concerns for the health and growth sustainability of economies in Europe, North America, and Japan, the Australian economy usually looks healthier. Your broker will be your main source of research, analysis, and tools for navigating the forex market.
Receive expert 1-on-1 guidance from a seasoned forex trading mentor and join an worldwide community of Profitable LIFT Traders. When I started trading over 17 years ago, I was trading 40+ hours a week for an average salary, no job satisfaction and limited career path. With a coffee in hand, put in a couple of hours ‘on the charts’, guided by our easy-to-follow system and strategies, and you’ve made your profit for the day.

This volatility can result in substantial gains but also significant losses. What distinguishes FP Markets' demo account from others is its unrestricted access to all the features available on the live trading platform. This includes access to real-time pricing, all technical indicators, and Expert Advisor functionality in MT4.
In case of inappropriate behavior by a broker, ASIC has the capabilities to enforce the law, impose fines, and revoke licenses. While scams still exist, trading in Australia, or as an international trader with an Australia Forex broker, offers one of the most secure trading environments available. This account has quite competitive trading costs, with zero commissions and spreads starting at 0.6 pips for major currency pairs.

Since the funds are kept in a bank account, your funds will earn your interest how much this is will depend on the type of account and interest the bank is offering. Using an ASIC regulated broker means the broker complies with the requirements of companies in Australia that manage financial services. Finally, be aware that signing up with a particular broker for the sake of its proprietary platforms – no matter how highly reviewed – may pose challenges if you ever decide to switch brokers. Focusing on brokers partnered with MetaTrader or cTrader, on the other hand, may provide greater flexibility.
City Index is especially well-suited to beginners and intermediate-level traders due to its wide variety of trading tools and educational content. Using “Limit” and “Stop” orders on your forex trading platform, as well as ”Stop-Loss” orders if available, can help you plan and automate your trades. You will be much more objective without watching trades go in your favour or against you, tick by excruciating tick. Likewise, you can determine logical entry and exit points and control your exposure to risk. A good trading platform for Australian traders will take the effect of time zones into account and offer tools to compensate for this. Below, we review the top automated trading platforms available to Australian traders, with recommendations for the best brokers offering each solution and the most compatible trading styles.
Over 50% of these daily trades take place when the New York and London sessions overlap, making this one of the most popular times to trade to take advantage of the high turnover. Forex market hours run 24-hours a day during the week, but the market is closed on weekends. This continuous trading is only possible because forexis traded all over the world in decentralised venues. Finally, you can enjoy access to an impressive selection of advanced trading tools, including Autochartist, API trading, a multi-account manager, and VPS hosting.

By using a forex broker, you can buy or sell currencies like AUD/USD as a CFD instrument to speculate on their price. This depends on many factors such as regulation, trading fees, non-trading fees, and customer support. A low-risk forex broker for Australian traders will be the one that performs well on all these factors. But an important fact is that you must never trade with an unregulated broker.

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Online Share Trading & Investing

Среда, 04 Октября 2023 г. 19:04 (ссылка)

Times have moved on, however, and private investors now make up a small part of the forex market. Deal Cancellation allows forex trades to be canceled within 60 minutes. Assume a trader believes that the value of the AUD will appreciate or rise against the value of the YEN. An alternative way of thinking about this situation is that the YEN will devalue in relation to the AUD.
Social interactions between traders and investors are not allowed, which is another key difference between Darwinex and traditional social trading platforms. You can select from over 3,200 free and paid signals 墨尔本股票cfd and copy trades in real-time directly into your live trading account without the need to leave the trading platform. You can also test copy trading with MT4 signal service on IC Markets’ free demo account.

If you're a US trader looking for an overseas broker to trade Forex, stocks or crypto, look no more. Open an account without ID verification with EagleFX.com in minutes. Here's our review of the best VIP trading accounts with razor-thin spreads and other benefits when you make a large deposit. You need to learn how to operate the software, do analysis, and manage the risk in the account.
In the case of GBP/USD - this result led to a decrease in value of this specific pair of over 11%, within a matter of days. In 2015 news of a possible Brexit referendum travelled faster than a cut snake - although at this time the British pound wasn’t greatly affected by the news. The difference in value between the two is what’s known as the ‘spread’. An emerging currency is defined by being a currency from a developing country or market. There are many ways you can go about this, and heaps of helpful tools and strategies to consider.

Short, medium and long-term trading strategies are catered for, including the use of Expert Advisors . Our income primarily comes from our spreads, while other fees, such as overnight holding costs, make a minor contribution to overall revenue. Our pioneering technology and local customer service alongside the world renowned MT4 platform is the ideal combination for serious traders. Start trading in no time with a straightforward application process. Log in to the MT4 platform and connect to the CMC server to start trading.
Furthermore, IG states that 89% of its trades were executed at the intended exchange rate without slippage. It is really important to practice risk management on a demo account for some months before going live. Also do not risk more than 2% of your trading capital on one trade. This is a system put in place by forex brokers to ensure your account doesn’t go into negative when the market moves against you quickly. Leverage in forex trading is essentially taking a loan from your forex broker to trade more lots. Regardless of how experienced you are, it’s important to always manage your expectations throughout the forex trading process and control your emotions.
All in all, just make sure that you consider both the spread and commission policy of the trading platform before signing up. Once again, this is payable at both ends of the trade – much like traditional share dealing fees. It is important to check whether the trading platform has a minimum commission in place. On the other hand, if you are looking to engage in a day trading or swing trading strategy, then CFDs are going to be more suitable. This is because you’ll be able to choose from a long or short position, as well as apply leverage. You might also come across trading platforms in Australia that are not regulated by ASIC, but another tier-one body like the FCA.

At 0.2 pips, the USD/CAD spread is also close to 70% times lower than the industry average, while the AUD/JPY and USD/JPY are both over 40% tighter than industry average spreads. Every decision you make as a day trader is a chance to make a profit. If every trade works out, and that’s a big if, you can make money much more quickly than a normal investor. Online courses often promote this lucrative upside when promoting day trading. However, fading can be a high-risk strategy, as it goes against the current trend and may result in losses if the market does not quickly return to equilibrium price levels. Stocks and other investments are always subject to general price trends.
You’ll also have access to 38 built-in indicators, 21 timeframes, and 44 graphical objects for more advanced technical analysis. The IBKR platform is the best trading platform for traders looking for an all-in-one solution. If you want to trade shares, CFDs and foreign exchange without switching platforms while having powerful features, IBKR suits you. It’s worth noting that if you’re used to using the MetaTrader platforms , Interactive Brokers doesn’t offer either, only proprietary software. The IBKR platforms are also quite complicated and may not be suited for beginner traders. We chose Eightcap as our best crypto trading platform with a great range of crypto products as well as platforms to trade them with.

Over 17 million investors use this top-rated platform, which allows you to trade commission-free. Note that the traders’ track record and active trades will not be disclosed to investors or other members of the public. A DARWIN represents a tradable asset, which is based either on a trader who trades at Darwinex or on an automated strategy. DARWINs can be bought and sold, and their valuation is tightly related to the performance of that trader or the automated strategy. To begin copy trading on ZuluTrade, you must first set up an account and then choose a broker to execute trades.
Being able to directly connect to the futures trading exchange allows us to access ‘true price’ rather than the price a broker chooses to set. At the contract’s date of expiration, the buyer must purchase, or seller must sell the asset. A futures contract doesn’t need to reach expiry, a trader can exit at any time at current market value. Speculators don’t allow the contract to expire as buyers would be obligated to receive the asset, and sellers to provide it. Most financial services providers have dealing desks, including FXCM AU and XM AU, while others, like FP Markets specialize in providing their clients NDD trading environment.
Thanks to an intense level of discipline and deep knowledge of market trends, they aim to profit from the minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour churn of the stock market. In comparing various financial products and services, we are unable to compare every provider in the market so our rankings do not constitute a comprehensive review of a particular sector. While we do go to great lengths to ensure our ranking criteria matches the concerns of consumers, we cannot guarantee that every relevant feature of a financial product will be reviewed. We make every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, Forbes Advisor Australia cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of this website. CFD trading, or Contract for Difference trading, is a way to speculate on financial markets without owning the underlying asset.

Futures traders receive data direct from the exchange, so they get the ‘true price’. This means that you get the actual market value and not a broker’s interpretation. Here, we should also mention several other platforms which are also popular among traders. Many professionals use cTrader – a platform designed for trading in an ECN environment, which also has automated trading options.

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Online Investing and CFD trading in Australia

Среда, 04 Октября 2023 г. 19:00 (ссылка)

Awarded monthly based on statement period and credited on closing date of statement. Not available when closing or transferring from another NAB credit card or with other NAB card offer. Stuart Young has well over a decade of trading experience that he draws on in his reviews. Click to view our detailed TradeDirect365 review and ratings, or try their easy one-click demo account. To view our detailed broker review and individual ratings criteria 1, simply click on the “read our full review” button in the tables below.
When it comes to account types, it can feel a bit as IG goes from zero to sixty without much in the middle. Traders can choose from a CFD account with a dealing desk model or upgrade – significantly – to a DMA account with no dealing desk and direct market 澳大利亚外汇交易平台 access. Just note that to use the DMA account, only Forex and shares are available and you need to be using the iOS IG trading software or L2 dealer. It should also be noted that high-volume traders can receive a discount through the Active Trader program.

In the world of online forex trading, this is known as a ‘margin call’, as the broker will notify you when you are approaching the liquidation trigger point. You might want to avoid exotic currency pairs as a newbie investor. This means that when you check your statement, you will see the real-time forex exchange rate that the bank used to facilitate the transaction in AUD.
Rest assured, all strategy providers at DupliTrade are audited and vetted and have extensive trading experience. Thus, you can have peace of mind that you will be following genuine professionals. We discovered that AvaTrade provides a diverse range of copy trading options, notably including third-party platforms like DupliTrade alongside its in-house service. All these parameters combined comprise the DARWIN investor appeal score or D-Score.

Only proceed to trade with real money when you understand the market and currency pairs. Each currency pair may be impacted by ongoing news events and other factors you’ll need to research. You can try starting with less volatile currency pairs between developed market currencies before you move on to emerging or frontier market currencies.
With this commitment to low costs, Fusion Markets has a lot to offer if you're a cost-conscious trader, either in Australia or globally. When we compared Pepperstone alongside 20 other brokers, they consistently excelled in the execution speed category. While Eightcap is exceptional in many areas, no broker is perfect. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards. It was a subdued session following on from an active Monday in the US. Yields are an important driver for the higher USD against other major FX and indeed the dollar remained bid here, albeit in limited ranges.
CySEC and ASIC, so if you ever decide to make any real money investments, you can rest assured that your investments will be safe from any fraudulent activity. If you are a trader looking to day trade, perhaps scalping is perfect for you. The idea behind scalping is to trade at the beginning of a move when you are supposed to be in the best position in the market.

There can be multiple support and resistance levels for a single financial instrument. Although government changes are not a frequent affair, currency prices can be affected during a transition period. Developed countries have relatively stable regimes in comparison to developing countries.
All in all, as long as you are trading with a regulated forex broker, you should have no concerns on the safety of your funds. On top of being super user-friendly, eToro is actually very competitive in the fee department. For example, the broker does not charge any trading commissions when you buy and sell forex, other than the spread. In terms of non-trading charges, all deposit methods are fee-free, and withdrawals cost just $5.

These are significantly lower than the industry averages, which stand at 1.57 for GBP/USD and 1.54 pips for AUD/USD, marking a difference of around 47% and 50%. Whilst this sounds fairly obvious, in order to start trading forex Australia, you are going to need to transfer some real money into your trading account. After reading our ultimate beginners guide to forex trading in Australia, you might fancy trading a specific pair.
ASIC Regulation with a Raw Spread Account is a good trading condition. According to our review, only Pepperstone, IC Markets, and FP Markets meet this criterion. If you choose the Razor Account, you will be paying a commission on your trades. On MT4/MT5, you will pay a commission of AUD 3.50 per standard lot (AUD 7 round-turn).
You’ll discover that you can choose between many different currency pairs – from majors to exotics – and trade 24 hours a day. Read our guide to learn how to trade currency with our FX trading steps and examples. Having a plethora of options will particularly suit more experienced and professional traders. Originating in 1974, IG has risen to be a global force in online brokering. Boasting a range that spans over 17,000 markets, IG Markets allows traders to have the flexibility of four distinct trading platforms, including proprietary and third-party options.

Established in 1999 as a Leucadia Company, falling under the umbrella of Jefferies Financial, FXCM offers robust safety measures, as it is regulated by three tier-1 jurisdictions. Thus, we find it a safe and low-risk option for Forex and CFD trading. When it comes to the range of investment offerings, we consider CMC Markets unbeatable.

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Forex Broker & CFD Trading Platform

Среда, 04 Октября 2023 г. 19:00 (ссылка)

Each forex broker has specific account withdrawal and funding policies and uses certain payments methods. For example, you can make deposits and withdrawals with FXCM AU using bank wire, debit/credit cards, Skrill, Neteller, POLi, BPay, China UnionPay. And FP Markets uses all methods listed above, plus PayPal, FasaPay, and Paytrust88, and promises to proceed withdrawals within 1 business day.
We've explored the educational resources and tools provided by each broker, including webinars, eBooks, articles, and training courses, to help you stay ahead of the curve. However, those new to forex trading or those preferring to trade in smaller volumes might find the complexity of the platform and certain fee structures challenging. 股票cfd交易 墨尔本 Ultimately, while Interactive Brokers excels in many areas, its suitability largely depends on the individual trader's experience and trading volume. Interactive Brokers undeniably stands out as a robust choice for experienced and professional forex traders, with its global reach, competitive pricing and extensive research resources.

Different types of technical and fundamental charting tools and analysis tools. Before you register with a Forex broker in Australia, find out if the Forex broker complies with regulatory guidelines. The Australian broker needs to be a member of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission . It is also important to find out if the broker has the Australian Financial Services License . These two organizations are the regulatory agencies for Forex brokers in Australia. The organizations see to it that the aussie forex meet all their regulatory responsibilities.
In addition to regulatory compliance, we are also known for innovative trading strategies and cutting-edge technology. Our experienced traders use advanced algorithms and data analytics to identify profitable trading opportunities in the markets, while minimizing risk. A good price makes no sense if your bank or broker cannot fill your order fast enough to get that bid/ask price. After extensive research and data analysis on over 40 forex brokers, the list we've compiled is anything but arbitrary. From Eightcap's phenomenal spreads to Pepperstone's unrivalled speed in trade executions and IC Markets' exceptional low spreads, each broker brings something unique to the table.

This strong financial regulatory environment provides an extra layer of security and peace of mind for traders like us, making Australia a reliable and secure place to engage in forex trading. Australians are very easy-going and they like to enjoy their lives without taking too much stress about work and other tasks. They like to give only the minimum effort to all their tasks and they like to spend the rest of their day enjoying the breezy summer weather of Australia. Australia is a popular tourist destination due to its sunny climate and majestic oceans.
He is a shareholder of Armguard, which is a currency management company. By mirroring the actions of Popular Investors, we not only gained insights into forex trading but also observed that Popular Investors are rewarded with bonuses when strategies are successful. If you’re on the fence about online trading, generally, FP Market makes it easy to get your feet wet with a virtually forever-free demo account. When we decided to transition to a live FP Market account, we were particularly impressed by the market order execution speeds. According to our tests, this broker turns around a trade in under 100 ms.
Some brokers can demand a minimum of AUD 1000 and there are brokers that will accept about AUD 50 or even a lower amount as a minimum deposit. Studies show that negative slippage occurs mostly in highly volatile markets. This is usually the situation during economic events or news releases. So, that trading news needs to bear this in mind and tread cautiously.

It allows traders to control a larger position with less capital. Known as the Next Generation platform, we enjoyed testing features like advanced charting tools, technical indicators, and a pattern recognition scanner. The platform also offers features like 'Insights', which gave us a quick overview of market conditions, and 'News and Analysis', where we found market commentary and research.
In case of inappropriate behavior by a broker, ASIC has the capabilities to enforce the law, impose fines, and revoke licenses. While scams still exist, trading in Australia, or as an international trader with an Australia Forex broker, offers one of the most secure trading environments available. This account has quite competitive trading costs, with zero commissions and spreads starting at 0.6 pips for major currency pairs.

There is no extra commission per lot for the Standard Account and the spread begins from 1.0 pips. As a trader, you have to know that the higher the spread, the higher the charges you incur. This is why we have reviewed for you, the best low spread brokers in Australia. However, there is no broker that does not charge a spread on their CFD instruments. Use our trading tools such as Stop Loss, Stop Limit and Guaranteed Stop to limit losses and lock in profits. Get FREE real-time forex quotes and set indicators to easily analyse charts.
Let me show you how to leverage up to 400 times with AvaTrade, even if you live in a country where leverage is capped. Here's how to open a virtual account with a $100,000 balance today. These brokers will prevent your account from entering negative territory. Our reviews are unbiased and reflect our own experience of trading through these brokers. But unfortunately, there are quite a few scammers in Australia who take advantage of beginner Forex traders.
It should be noted that MetaQuotes released MetaTrader 5 specifically to accommodate algorithmic trading for markets beyond currencies. Its growth in market share over the past two years highlights how traders are choosing the platform over the older MT4 software. The platform has a trading app, desktop, and web version that doesn’t require a download. There are many different forex trading strategies, and the best one for you will depend on your trading style, risk tolerance, and financial goals. Some popular forex trading strategies include trend following, scalping, and swing trading. It’s important to choose a strategy that fits your personality and trading style.

Pepperstone stands out with its suite of MT4 platform enhancements. While most MT4 brokers offer Trading Signals, EAs , and a library of custom indicators, Pepperstone offers platforms you can integrate with MetaTrader 4. The no-commission standard account has a published minimum spread of 1.0 pips, which is competitive for a spread-only account. As such, we recommend this account for beginners just starting out. Most retail traders trade forex because of leverage, and this can cause losses to escalate very quickly. The Bid price is the highest price a forex trader is willing to pay to buy the base currency from the broker.

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