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Благоволительницы-Джонатан Литтл/Джонатан Литтелл/The Kindly Ones-Jonathan Little

Пятница, 09 Июня 2023 г. 17:29 (ссылка)


Исторический роман, написанный на французском языке американским автором Джонатаном Литтеллом. Данное произведение стало бестселлером во Франции и широко обсуждалось в газетах, журналах, книгах и на семинарах. В 2006 году роман был награждён одними из самых престижных французских литературных премий: Гран-при Французской академии и Гонкуровской. По состоянию на ноябрь 2012 года роман был переведён на 19 языков




Jonathan Littell is a writer and a dual citizen of the United States and France and is of Jewish background. His first novel written in French, Les Bienveillantes, won two major French awards. Littell is the son of author Robert Littell. Although his grandparents were Jews who emigrated from Russia to the United States at the end of the 19th century, Littell does not define himself as a Jew "at all," and is quoted as saying, "for me, Judaism is more of historical background." Les Bienveillantes, or The Kindly Ones, has been acquired by HarperCollins for publication in the United States and has been translated into German, Spanish, Hebrew and several other languages. The narrator and protagonist is Dr Maximilien von Aue, a former officer in the Sicherheitsdienst, the secret service of the Schutzstaffel, the elite Nazi military organization that operated within and alongside the German army during World War II. Now an elderly lace merchant living under an assumed name in the north of France, Max is married, has twin children, and is bored with his life. His attempt to tell “how it happened” mainly covers the period from June 1941, the beginning of the German invasion of Soviet Russia, to April 1945, when Russian troops conquered Berlin

The Kindly Ones https://efrem.net/jonathan-littell/349982-the_kindly_ones.html

An incredible journey during World War II – an SS officer is witness to and participant in many of the most gruesome events of the war, such as the mass killing of Jews at Babi Yar near Kiev. He also engages in lengthy discussions on the languages and peoples of the Caucasus, lives through the siege of Stalingrad, experiences the final days of Berlin, and more. The author gives imaginative though believable portraits of Himmler, Albert Speer, Adolf Eichmann, and medium level Nazis. The personal part of the story includes incest, sexual dreams, hallucinations, personal health issues often focusing on vomiting, diarrhea, and many references to the anus. The French public loved this story; the German critics called it pornography. I think it repays reading because of the extensive research the author has done and the portrait he has painted of an odd person. An historical novel of the first order, though with some weird, distasteful, and sometimes repetitive descriptions of the strange central personality.




To Read &Listen: https://efrem.net/jonathan-littell/349982-the_kindly_ones.html


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