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Идеальное убийство- Дороти Ли Сэйерс/Dorothy L. Sayers - Whose Body? (Version 2)

Среда, 27 Апреля 2022 г. 22:27 (ссылка)


Идеальное убийство- Дороти Ли Сэйерс


Молодой провинциальный врач поведал Питеру Уимзи загадочную историю о том, как лишился своей практики из-за таинственного криминального случая… Три года назад он отказался подписывать свидетельство о естественной смерти одной богатой старушки. Здесь явно работал преступник-профессионал — следов убийства обнаружить не удалось… Поведал — и исчез. Не сообщив ни своего имени, ни адреса. Однако детектив Уимзи и его друг Паркер заинтригованы, как никогда. Расследование обещает быть жарким! Одно идеальное убийство (естественная смерть — не подкопаешься) следует за другим. Под подозрением — человек изощренного ума, буйной фантазии и леденящей кровь жестокости…


Whose Body?




is the first of Dorothy Sayers’s famous Lord Peter Wimsey novels, introducing that nobleman, as well as his manservant and fellow-sleuth, Mervyn Bunter. Scotland Yard’s Inspector Charles Parker, who figures more or less prominently in later Wimsey novels, plays a central role in Whose Body? as well.

As the book opens, a bashful Battersea architect has discovered a naked body in his bath, adorned with a gold pince nez. At the same time, we learn of the disappearance – under odd circumstances – of Sir Reuben Levy, a powerful financial magnate in The City. Not accepting the police’s early assumption that the corpse and Sir Reuben are one and the same, Wimsey and Parker follow up the two puzzles alternately and interchangeably, coming together to compare notes. Bunter’s peculiar insights and photographic evidence are also important in illuminating the mystry. Ultimately, Lord Peter and Inspector Parker are forced to conclude that the two mysteries are, in fact, pieces of a single, extremely sinister plot.

Whose Body? is not as polished as Sayers’s later novels. However, it is a terrific book. The writing is beautiful, filled with vivid description, dry humor, and interesting (though often arcane) allusions. The story moves quickly, and even Sayers aficionados claim they can’t tell “whodunit” and “why” until at least half way through. This book’s elegant but also extremely friendly prose prefigures Sayers’s position as one of the three or four best of Britain’s “Golden Age” mystery novelists. (Introduction by Kirsten Wever)



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