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Winter tyre Bossier-City

Пятница, 14 Октября 2022 г. 10:44 (ссылка)

— Choose winter tires? Hello! Go! A wide choice in the city of Bossier-City of winter tires for cars. To buy tires BU. Their varieties, operating conditions. Winter tires are selling, you can watch and choose on the site. Where to buy inexpensive tires. To buy or consult a specialist in winter tires in Bossier-City you need to leave an online application by typing your contacts, you will be called back.


Characteristic differences of the tires

The chemical composition of rubber, that's what distinguishes winter tires from summer. The low temperature of the air in the city of Bossier-City leads to poor adhesion to the road summer tires, thereby increasing the danger of driving. Tires to buy. The material used in the manufacture of winter tires, allows to increase the adhesion of tires to the road. But at the same time the winter tires in the summer to become very soft. Can the exit universal tires? R17 tires. They behave comfortably on the road to Bossier-City only at an air temperature of minus 5, plus 10 degrees Celsius.

Studded and friction

There is in the city of Bossier-City two types of winter tyres, studded and friction (studding and Velcro). Offer to buy winter tires. When on the road ice studded tires significantly reduce the braking distance of the car, and the time to gain speed. Internet bus. But on the surface of the road, when the asphalt is clean, studded tires do not bond well with the road-it is again drifts and an increase in the time for braking the car. That needs account for! Velcro-friction tires. A great alternative to studded rubber. Characteristics on a slippery road Velcro behaves similarly to the studding, and on the paved road surface is many times greater. The materials from which the Velcro is made, allows you to stick to the surface of the road protectors. Tire manufacturers are constantly looking for new options in the manufacture. Tires with retractable spikes will soon be available for the mass consumer. Bus BU. Preference for a certain kind of tires should be given, first of all, based on the surface of the road on which you have to constantly move. For urban trails it is better to prefer Velcro. If you live outside the city and there in winter precipitation cover the road, then it is better to buy in Bossier-City studded tires. A detailed analysis of the tread pattern shows that: V-shaped tread design — easily overcomes snow-covered areas. Protector with longitudinal grooves-classic, excellent grip on dry asphalt. The asymmetric protector is a compromise between the two previous proposals. On steep sites are difficult to cope with the management. Bus BU. If the tyre pattern is wide grooves and rhombuses with a height of 8-10 millimeters — it guarantees excellent driving on snow-covered surfaces and ice. Low geometric shapes about 6 millimeters at the edges of the tire and a tough middle - driving on the asphalt will be comfortable.

  1. Online application fill in

  2. Consultation

  3. Choice of tires

  4. Payment

  5. Tyre replacement

How to buy winter tires?

Offer to purchase in the city of Bossier-City winter tires. Make an online order-this is the moment of your personal time. Specify contacts closely! Bus Voronezh online store. Enter the number of winter tires for their appearance and tread. A tire specialist will call you back, advise you. The courier will quickly deliver the tires to Bossier-City to the specified location. Great tyres, good grip! Activate code: ARIE-LYRIK.

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