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Сомерсет Моэм. Театр

Четверг, 29 Декабря 2022 г. 11:57 (ссылка)

Во-первых, отвечаю на предыдущие комментарии:
1. Нет, правила не меняются. Пост был о том, желает ли сообщество допустить разовое исключение из правил.
2. Голосовалку прикрутить стоило бы, но уже поздно. В комментариях высказались 18 - за, двое - против.

Следующий запрос был о романе Театр. Мини-рецензия в данном случае обсуждает в основном попытки экранизации.

15. Theatre, by Somerset Maugham
This novel is more popular in Russia than in the English-speaking world, mostly because of a successful adaptation in Latvia in 1978. In the West, a 2004 Hungarian-Canadian adaptation by legendary Istwan Szabo is better known. Interestingly, the former leans more toward a rom-com mold, emphasizing the physical beauty of the extremely handsome actor playing Julia’s young lover, and romanticism of their affair, while completely erasing the controversial at that time subject of homosexuality. On the contrary, Szabo’s adaptation propels the latter to the limelight, while in the novel it is just touched upon, albeit more than once. It is also curious that, while the Soviet version does not play on the character’s American background at all, the Euro-Canadian one makes him a stereotypical boorish and greedy American youth, adding standard anti-American clich'es to the original text. Arguably the most truthful to the original is the first adaptation, Austrian “Julia, Du bist zauberhaft” (available in English under the title “Adorable Julia”), which properly balances the drama of an aging, very talented, but not very smart actress, with the comedy of her romance with a twice younger bookkeeper, of their nearly-comical breaking up, and her malicious revenge upon him and his young lover.


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