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Everything You Need to Know About Vietnam Legalization

Понедельник, 12 Июня 2023 г. 15:38 (ссылка)

If you're planning on conducting business in Vietnam, it's essential to have your documents legalized. Without proper legalization, your documents may not be recognized by the Vietnamese government, which could cause significant issues and delays in your operations. In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about legalizing documents in Vietnam, including the embassy legalization process, fees, and corporate document legalization.

When it comes to legalizing documents in Vietnam, there are two methods: embassy legalization and notary public legalization. Embassy legalization is the process by which the Vietnamese embassy in your home country authenticates your documents. Notary public legalization, on the other hand, involves having your documents notarized by a Vietnamese notary public.

To begin the embassy legalization process, you will need to provide your original documents as well as a notarized translation (if the documents are not in English or Vietnamese) and a fee. The exact fee will depend on the type of document being legalized and the embassy, so it's crucial to check with your local embassy for specific pricing.

In addition to the embassy's fees, you may also need to cover other costs, such as courier fees if you're mailing your documents to the embassy. It's essential to factor these into your budget to avoid any surprises.

For Vietnam legalization for corporate documents, you will need to provide additional documentation, including a copy of your business registration certificate and power of attorney if you're using a representative to submit your documents on your behalf.

If you opt for notary public legalization, you will need to find a reputable notary public service in Vietnam. Notary publics in Vietnam have the authority to notarize and certify documents. Once the notary public has verified the authenticity of your documents, they will provide certification, which can be used as legal evidence in Vietnamese court.

Legalizing documents to conduct business in Vietnam is a necessary step that should not be taken lightly. The process can be daunting, but with the proper knowledge and preparation, it can be streamlined and stress-free. Remember to do your research and factor in all of the necessary fees and requirements into your budget to ensure that your documents are properly legalized. With properly legalized documents, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your operations in Vietnam will be legally recognized.

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