I See Hell in Your Eyes

1 20.10.2004
Non confundar in aeternum...
The corridors of the palace all looked the same. They all ran together in my mi...
0 20.10.2004
Non confundar in aeternum...
The corridors of the palace all looked the same. They all ran together in my mi...
0 20.10.2004
Non confundar in aeternum...
The corridors of the palace all looked the same. They all ran together in my mi...
0 11.07.2004
Sorry I haven't been on today. Stupid computer. *tackles it to the ground and ...
0 11.07.2004
Sorry I haven't been on today. Stupid computer. *tackles it to the ground and ...

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0,00%   21-27:   2,27%
9,09%   27-35:   0,00%
50,00%   больше 35:   38,64%

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