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: 13.09.2010
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, 17 2011 . 20:28 +
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The Spectacle of a Miracle Play (Original) (Signed)


Jerusalem Destroyed (Original) (Signed)

Old London Bridge (Original)

The Sinking of the Titanic (Original)

1066 And All That (Original)

Abraham Lincoln at War (Original)

Stanley and Livingstone (Original)

Defeat of the Spanish Armada (Original) (Signed)

King Henry Hunts With Falcons (Original) (Signed)

Bringing Water to the Towns (Original)

Let there be Light!  Bright Lights in the City (Original)

In Search of the North-West Passage (Original)

Alchemy (Original)

Peasants Paying Their Taxes (Original)

King James Escapes (Original)

Massacre at Glencoe (Original) (Signed)

The Duke of Monmouth (Original)

The Pilgrim Fathers (Original)

The Trial of King Charles I (Original)

Tutankhamen (Original)

Christopher Wren and Saint Paul's Cathedral (Original)

When Children had to Work (Original)

Bonnie Prince Charlie Escapes in Disguise (Original)

Alexander with his Army on the March (Original)

Captain Bligh DE (Original)

Bowmen of England (Original) (Signed)

Egyptian Picture Writing (Original)

A Celtic Chariot (Original)

Henry VII Crowned (Original)

The Battle of Stirling (Original) (Signed)

The Battle of Bannockburn (Original)

Samurai Charge (Original)

The Great Trek (Original) (Signed)

Daniel Boone (Original)

The Story of South America (Original) (Signed)

Alexandra David-Neel (Original)

The Tea Trade (Original)

Neuschwanstein Castle (Original) (Signed)

The Great Khan (Original)

Snowbound Express (Original)

Lighten The Load (Original)

Dr. Brydon escaping from Afghanistan after the ill-fated Retreat from Kabul, 1842 (Original) (Signed)

Bible Story 4 (Original)

Bible Story 5 The Story of Ruth (Original) (Signed)

Bible Story 1 (Original)

Elizabeth I (Original)

Jexzebel and Ahab (Original) (Signed)

A Bit of Bronze (Original)



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