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Создан: 06.02.2012
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Понедельник, 15 Мая 2023 г. 22:52 + в цитатник


PARAGRAPH 93. A thief attacked me in a shelter on May 24, 2014 at 00:40 am. As I walked towards the lockers, the thief quietly approached me behind me, sharply shoved two hands into my two side pockets of my trousers. So, he pushed me 3-4 steps from behind. I said out loud, "Hey!" The thief took his hands out of my pocket along with my folded one sheet of paper and a pen, and he ran out into the corridor and turned into the toilet. I filed a complaint about this with the police. [40, part 1, paragraph 3]

PARAGRAPH 94. I came to the 7th police station on May 25, 2014 at 22:20 and filed a complaint with the police officer on duty. He did not want to accept the complaint and offered to sit and wait. I was waiting. I applied several times, but they demanded to wait. I stayed like that for 24 hours. After 24 hours, I became indignant and began to demand that the complaint be accepted.

My complaint dated May 24, 2014 was accepted by a police officer, Mr. J.C. Walker somewhere 24:30 hours and handed over to Police Lieutenant Protective Service Division (PSD) Mr. Smith. PSD Address: 1900 Massachusetts Avenue, SE Acc. Building, Second floor, tel. 202-727-8031. I asked them to sign in my copy of the report. The officers on duty refused and said that my complaint had been forwarded to Lieutenant Smith. Lieutenant Smith asked me something. I did not understand and asked him to write on paper. He waved his hand, said nothing, and walked out of the building into the street. I asked the police officer on duty, “Where did he go?” The policeman replied, "He went to shelter 801."

Lieutenant Smith left in shelter 801, and I was not invited to a joint trip. At this time, it was 00:40 hours on May 26. I asked the officer on duty to write the address of Lieutenant Smith's work. He wrote. I gave this address above.

So, the policemen on duty at the 7th police department deliberately did not accept my complaint and made me wait until midnight. They accepted my complaint only 24:40 hours. I left the police building very late - at 1:05 am on May 26, 2014 and went home, that is, to shelter 801. Thus, they created a convenient time for robbing me at 2:00 am on May 26, 2014. I was then armedly robbed and my bag and backpack were taken away. [40, part 1, paragraph 3-4]

PARAGRAPH 95. THE SECOND ROBBERY. On the night of May 26, 2014, two robbers robbed and took away my bag and backpack. As I wrote in paragraph 93, as a result of a special detention of me at the 7th police station for 2 hours and 45 minutes, I left the police building at 1:05 am on May 26 and went to shelter 801. I came to the bus stop and looked at my watch. It was 1:14 am. Bus 92 arrived. I wanted to take it with a change to the Anacostia metro station and then by bus to shelter 801. But it turned out that I sat in the opposite direction. I understood this and asked the driver: “I need the Anacostia metro station. Am I going the right way?" The driver replied, "The bus will go to the Congress Heights subway station." I asked the bus to stop at the next stop.

The bus driver asked, "Where are you going?" I replied: "To shelter 801." He said, "Wait, we'll get to the last stop and I'll explain to you how to get into the shelter." When we arrived at the final station of the bus, that is, the Congress Heights metro station, the driver got off the bus and showed the door near the gate along the iron checkered fence of St. Elizabeth's Hospital and said: "Go through the door, cross and find yourself in a shelter."

I went to the gate, which was closed. I asked the female guard to open the gate and let me through to the shelter. But she didn't allow it. Thanks, her. Later it became known that robbers were waiting for me on 9th street, near the hospital fence. If I went into the courtyard of the hospital, they jumped over the fence and caught me and beat me in a dark place among thick trees and at least made me a cripple.

I went back to Alabama Avenue, dialed www.maps.google.com on the phone and searched for directions in the shelter 801. www.maps.google.com recommended the Alabama Avenue route, turn onto SE 7th Street, exit M Street. L. King and then go to shelter 801. It was also indicated that it was a 15-minute walk on foot.

It is appropriate to say here: my phone is constantly monitored by some FBI agents and people associated with them. Those who watched my phone also became aware of my further route.

I walked down Alabama Avenue. On 9th Street on the right, two young men got off and ten paces ahead of me turned onto Alabama Avenue. One of them was white, stocky, well-fed, 170 cm tall, and was wearing a white T-shirt. The second was of normal build, slightly thin, 168 cm tall, was wearing a diamond-shaped image of a sleeveless jumper. I think the other one was also white or Central American/Central Asian, the color of the skin that in Asia is called the yellow race. That is, they were not African Americans.

I walked with quick steps. At the corner of 7th Street and Alabama Avenue, I went around them for a distance of 1-1.5 meters and turned onto 7th Street. They had nothing on their hands. I walked 20 steps and looked back. They were not visible. I thought they went straight down Alabama Avenue.

In my opinion, at that time they were given a pistol and a face mask, which were prepared in advance, in a car. There were 4-5 passenger cars on the right side of the road and I could not see that car. Although a small sound came to my ears about the car stopping.

Suddenly, from behind the parked cars, the first robber (stocky) in a black mask with a gun runs out from the side of the street, runs up to me, shouts something loudly and orders. Only his eyes were visible. He was wearing black clothes on his chest, that is, he wore a white T-shirt on top. With his right hand with a pistol, he held it at the level of my head, and with his left hand he pointed to go in the direction of a small street. I took three steps towards the small street. He asked for a bag. I understood the situation and offered him the bag I was holding on my left hand. He threw my bag onto the pavement with his left hand.

Then he presented a gun on my whiskey on the side and demanded a backpack. I started taking off my backpack. He started rummaging through my left and right trouser pockets with his left hand. He knew in advance that I put computer flash drives in the left pocket of my trousers. There were four handkerchiefs in two pockets. He took one handkerchief from his left pocket and shook it. Some paper fell out. He put his left hand into my right trouser pocket.

On the left pocket there was a handkerchief in which I wrapped the flash drives. I quietly took out a handkerchief with flash drives and held it inside the palms of my left hand. The robber took two handkerchiefs from his right pocket and shook them. Some pieces of paper fell out, apparently checks from food products bought by me.

At that moment, a second robber ran up. Apparently he was on guard. He didn't have a mask. I took off my backpack from my shoulders and held it in the direction of the first robber. The first robber took the backpack with his left hand and handed it to the second robber, who took the backpack with both hands in a girth. The first robber took the bag lying on the pavement. Then the first gave the order and the two of them ran along the little street. After running 15 meters, we stopped near a small gate. The first robber opened the gate and invited the second to pass. The second passed. At this time, the first robber looked in my direction. I stood still and didn't move. He waved his pistol as if threatening, and entering through the gate disappeared.

An interesting point: these armed robbers were not interested in my purse (wallet) with dollars, which was in the inside pocket of the jacket. They were only interested in my storage media, such as a laptop, flash drives, folders with papers, notepads and others. Therefore, the wallet with some personal documents was preserved. (The wallet did not survive for long: on the night of May 25-26, 2014, they organized the theft of a wallet from my shelter 801 locker. And by the morning of May 26, 2014, my wallet with all my personal documents was stolen from a locked locker. [40, part 1, paragraph 5])

As the robbers disappeared behind the gate, I telephoned the police to 911. Police officers Mr. Calvin W. Branch, Detective Sergeant Fleming, Detective Hunsucker, and Sergeant Larsen arrived. I wrote their questions and my answers in the article [40, part 2, paragraph 7]. Officer Calvin W. Branch took me to shelter 801 at 2:35 am and left.

PARAGRAPH 96. THE EIGHTH THEFT. My misadventures did not end there on the night of May 26, 2014. In the shelter, as usual, I opened my iron locker number 184, took out bed linen. I then took off my jacket with my wallet in the inside pocket. He put the jacket in a locker and closed it with a padlock. During the night, someone, possibly an FBI agent, opened my locker and stole my wallet. Also missing is a piece of paper on which I wrote the numbers of two large black cars that arrived at 2:15 am at the scene of an armed robbery. In my opinion, it was important for the FBI agent to destroy the note with the numbers of these cars.

FBI agents, or in conjunction with the shelter staff at night, often during the day, open my locker and rummage through my things. Proof: in the last 14 months - from July 2013 to July 2014, a mouse ran out of my locker 13 (!) times. Apparently, an FBI agent or, on his orders, one of the shelter informers put a piece of bread or another product in my locker for a provocation and left the locker door open for a long time. The mouse entered the locker by the smell of bread and ended up inside the locker. As the mouse came in, the snitch slammed the locker door. When I opened the locker and took out the bed linen, packed in two bags, the mouse ran out of there with great fear and ran away wherever its eyes looked.

I opened my locker at 6:30 on the morning of May 26, 2014 and put on my jacket. Feeling the inside pocket of the jacket, I realized that my wallet was not there. I told the shift supervisor (I don't know his name). He said, “Go to Mr Poole. Let him give you another lock"

I called 911 at 6:55 am and talked about my wallet being stolen. Ten minutes later, a police officer arrived. He was met by the shift supervisor and escorted to his office. I was ordered to wait in the corridor.

I think the shift supervisor of the shelter showed the police officer my complaint dated May 25, 2014. On the night of May 26, 2014, Lieutenant Smith brought this complaint and gave it to the shift supervisor (see paragraphs 93-94). He told the policeman: "This is the kind of lie he writes." The policeman read the indicated place of my complaint within 3-4 minutes. He then said goodbye to the shift supervisor and left the room. He didn't say anything to me and left. I wrote about this theft in the article [40, part 2, paragraph 8].

PARAGRAPH 97. I arrived at the 7th police station on the morning of May 26, 2014. I wrote a Report about the theft on the night of May 26 from my locker number 184 of shelter 801. Below are sheets 1 and 2 of the Report in photos 27 and 28.

7KRAJAmoyRAPORT1 (523x699, 79Kb)
Photo 27. The first page of my report on the theft in a shelter dated May 26, 2014. ([40, part 2, paragraph 8].)

7KRAJAmoyRAPORT2 (699x373, 47Kb)
Photo 28. The second page of my report on the theft in a shelter dated May 26, 2014. Here is the signature of the police officer on duty, Ms. Daetonya Scoh. ([40, part 2, paragraph 8].)

PARAGRAPH 98. On the morning of May 26, 2014, I requested and Ms. Daetonya Scoh, Police Officer on Duty, Police Department 7, gave me a copy of two-page report 14074924. This report was written by police officer Mr. Calvin W. Branch. Below I give sheets 1 and 2 of his Report 14074924 in the form of photos 29 and 30 ([40, part 2, paragraph 9]).

2BOSQIN1raport14074924 (650x699, 114Kb)
Photo 29. First page of report 14074924. ([40, part 2, paragraph 9]).

2BOSQIN2raport14074924 (700x381, 78Kb)
Photo 30. Second page of report 14074924. ([40, part 2, paragraph 9])

There are many tables on the first page. From the first page I took only the title data concerning the document, and I publish the 2nd page in full. Below is the text.

“Metropolitan Police Preliminary Public MPD Document
Department Washington, D.C.
Incident – Based Event Report
Report number: 14074924
NARRATIVE Describe event and action taken.

R-1 Reports while traveling in the 3000 Blk of 7th St. SE, R-1 was flagged down by C-1 who advised that he was robbed by two young black male with one of the suspects armed with a gun. C-1 also advised that the suspects stole his black backpack containing his silver-colored Toshiba laptop computer.

Further investigation revealed C-1 has made several reports for the same laptop computer being stolen CCN’s 13112229 and 13167550. C-1 has recently made a report for the same laptop computer being stolen and detective Campos is currently investigating according to detective Hunsucker. C-1 is also known to be a mental health consumer according to ofc. Halpin. Detective sgt. Fleming, detective Hunsucker and sgt. Larsen were on the scene.
Further investigation is pending” [40, часть 2, параграф 9]

Please note: Police officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch in this report 14074924 writes about reports CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. I wrote about the theft of a backpack in a shelter on August 9, 2013 and about report 13112229 in paragraph 75 in this complaint statement: I there he unequivocally indicated that report 13112229 did not contain a word about the theft of a laptop (see paragraphs 75 and 78.1).

Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch falsely writes in report 14074924 dated May 26, 2014: "Further investigation revealed that C-1 made several reports for the same laptop stolen (in reports) CCN 13112229 and CCN 13167550. C- 1 recently made a report for the same laptop as stolen, and Detective Campos is currently investigating in line with Detective Hunsucker."

I wrote in paragraphs 75 and 78.1 that in report 13112229 about the theft of a backpack in shelter 801 on the night of August 8-9, 2013, there is no word about the theft of a laptop. I also wrote in paragraphs 78.3 and 86-88 that in report 13167550 I wrote about the beating and robbery of me on November 21, 2013 and about my wallet with documents being taken away by the robbers. Therefore, in the report 13167550 there is no word about the robbery of my laptop.

To be precise: the theft of the bag, along with my first laptop, was organized in shelter 801 with the help of a professional thief on the morning of October 8, 2013 (see paragraphs 78.2 and 79-83). My second laptop was robbed on the night of May 26, 2014 by having my bag and backpack taken away by armed robbers (see paragraphs 78.5, 95, 98).

Note: Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch, in report 14074924, also writes: "C-1 is also known to be a mental health consumer according to Officer Halpin." This is another way to use punitive psychiatry against me. I wrote about punitive psychiatry in paragraphs 141-175 of part 4 in this complaint statement.

PARAGRAPH 99. All my checks for two laptops were in a robbed bag. I contacted Best Buy (4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016). They save all information about customers' purchases in the computer and I received a copy of receipts for two laptops. In doing so, I exposed all the slander in Report 14074924, which was written by Police Officer Mr. Kelvin W. Branch. I wrote and published a large article [40] consisting of six parts. There printed many receipts and documents on two laptops.

In response, powerful agencies, perhaps the FBI, did everything possible to close the Best Buy store. It was the Best Buy store at 4500 Wisconsin Ave Nw Washington, DC 20016 that was closed under some pretext in December 2017. In December 2018, a new Target store was opened in this large building and it has been operating to this day - March 1, 2023. This is how the freedom of business of one citizen or a large collective in the United States can end when he or they inadvertently cross the interests of the FBI ...

Let me remind you: in the city of Washington there is another large Best Buy store at 3100 14th St. NW Ste 203. Washington DC, 20010. The store was not affected by the FBI and continues to operate today, March 1, 2023.

PARAGRAPH 100. As a result, from November 2012 to January 2015, the organizers and criminals took away twice all my belongings of a journalist, such as two Toshiba laptops, three diaries describing the events around me, six notebooks and one notebook with the addresses of relatives, friends, human rights activists, journalists, members of the opposition, as well as other important information, a recorder with audio recordings from 2010-2013, three mobile phones, a camera, two glasses, and so on. I called the police seven times and wrote statements.

During the robbery on the night of May 26, 2014, the robbers also took away my notebooks. They contained the addresses and telephone numbers of my relatives and friends. I called Ms. Elena Urlaeva in Tashkent. I told about the night robbery and asked me to help me find out the home phone number in my parents' house in the city of Jizzakh. She called the Jizzakh human rights activists, and they went to my parental home: Jizzakh, st. Ural Shokirova, house 26. Having learned the phone number, they called Ms. Elena Urlaeva in Tashkent. I called Elena a few days later and wrote down the phone number at my parents' house in Jizzakh.

PARAGRAPH 101. On February 6, 2015, I sent an Appeal (Complaint) to the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama and the leaders of international human rights organizations about the fate of six Uzbek refugees, including me. I wrote the text of this Appeal in paragraph 4 in a large article [42]. There is a lot of information and facts about the persecution in the Complaint. I wrote the following at the beginning.

“The United States has violated the rights of Uzbek refugees during the period 2006-2015. They are being arrested and haven’t had a trial. For many years they were poisoned, shot, illegally laid off work, secret collection of compromising material to discredit refugees, discrimination, persecuted, stir up provokers against refugees, mugged, beaten and their possessions stolen. The FBI and police have violated the 9th, 12th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 26th clause of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” [42]

I wrote the following at the end of the Appeal-Complaint.

“No secret that employees of the Uzbek National Security Service cooperate with some of the USA law enforcement officers (FBI agents, 10/06/2021). Therefore, not one of these crimes has been solved. I think these illegal acts are being performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Police. Please, stop the persecution of the Uzbek refugees in the United States and bring the perpetrators to justice.” [42, part 1, paragraph 4]

PARAGRAPH 102. My Appeal (Complaint) to the US President Mr. Barack Obama was published in the newspaper “Street Sense” on April 8, 2015 (see [43]). It was published without a text about a serious crime against an Uzbek refugee, US citizen Fazliddin Yakubov (1959). I wrote about him in paragraph 5 of that statement-complaint. This crime was investigated by FBI agents. They could not or did not want to open it.

The fact that part of the complaint (article) was removed proves that FBI agents control the Street Sense newspaper and block certain parts of the article at their discretion. By doing so, they grossly violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution on freedom of speech. I'll write the deleted text for clarity.

SEE: K.Turner, Shooting victim Fazliddin Yakubov thankful for community's support. - http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2008/08/shooting_victim_fazliddin_yaku.html (www.blog.cleveland.com 08.11.2008)”

PARAGRAPH 103. The FBI agents continued to persecute me after my Appeal (Complaint) to the US President Mr. Barack Obama in February 2015. From the US President Mr. Barack Obama, I have not received any answers. But, thank God, after my letter (complaint) the arrest of Uzbeks living in the USA and slanderous accusations of supporting terrorists stopped.

I have been renting a room since August 2014 in Gaithersburg, Maryland (216 Tulip Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20877). It was a semi-basement three-room building, two Georgians lived in two rooms. The owners lived on the first floor, who many years ago moved to the USA from Chimkent (Kazakhstan). On the evening of February 6, 2015, that is, the day the letter was sent, at the turn from the main street towards my Deer Park Street, an unknown man stood in the corner and watched me. I think he came to find out if I live at the address I gave in the letter. I lived in this rented room from August 2014 to June 1, 2015. I saw such a waiting man only once that evening. [42, paragraph 5]

PARAGRAPH 104. Two months have passed since the letter was sent to the President, and on April 8, 2015, the landlord demanded to vacate the room by June 1, 2015. He said that his nephew was coming from Shymkent to study in the USA. In my opinion, under this pretext, I was kicked out of the rented room for my critical letter and for my human rights and journalistic activities. Moreover, in those days, one of the Georgians moved to another apartment, and the next room was vacated. But the owner insisted and I left this apartment on June 1, 2015. Pre-rented a small space at ezStorage (807 S Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877) for about a hundred dollars a month and moved my stuff there. [42, paragraph 5]

PARAGRAPH 105. I have tried many times since then to rent a room from the ads on www.washingtondc.craigslist.org/d/rooms-shares/search/ Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents made it so that all addresses disappeared from the ads and only phone numbers remained. apartment owner numbers. FBI agents and people associated with them blocked my messages and return messages and emails of the apartment owners. I wrote about this in paragraph 222 of part 5.12.

PARAGRAPH 106. THE NINTH THEFT. I was looking for a room to rent after June 1, 2015, and often spent the night in the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport lounge (2401 Smith Blvd, Arlington, VA 22202). I got there on the last metro train around 1:00 am and left at 5:00 am on the first metro train. I sat at a table in one of the closed cafes for four hours at night and usually worked on my laptop. Electrical outlets were on the opposite wall. I did charge my phone in such an outlet.

An interesting fact: a group of tall, strong African-American men appeared, who calmly settled down near large glass windows and slept lying down. Nobody commented on them. Apparently, they wanted me to lie down and sleep in one of the places in the large hall of the airport. I knew that I couldn't sleep. These provocateurs will steal all my things.

I put my phone on charge near the opposite wall on the night of July 3-4, 2015. From time to time, I looked towards the outlet. The phone cable is visible and I was calm. At about five o'clock in the morning I come, there is a cable, but there is no telephone. Experienced thieves organized the theft of my expensive phone.

I contacted the airport police on duty and said that my phone had been stolen while it was charging. The policeman says: "You write that the phone is lost (lose)." I told him: “I didn’t lose my phone. It was stolen from me.” I said several times, but the policeman did not want to register the crime as theft.

Please note: July 4 is the most famous holiday of the people of the United States - Independence Day. And on such a day, my phone was stolen in the hall of Ronald Reagan National Airport. After all, in that hall of the airport there are many television cameras and not a single fly can fly by unnoticed. My phone was stolen, and the police officers pretend that nothing much happened. Thus, they cover the thieves. I think FBI agents or someone connected to them stole my phone. Apparently, therefore, the police officers did not want to look at the cameras during the crime and did not want to search for criminals.

I found out the address of the National Airport Police Office, which was located in another building. I submitted a written request. A few days later I was given a copy of the official report, which was written about the theft of my phone.

On February 23, 2022, from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm, I searched for this report in my archive in the storage chamber (Extra Space Storage: 1001 N Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201). But I didn't find it. I believe the report was also stolen by an FBI agent and people associated with him during a clandestine and illegal search of my storage cell.

PARAGRAPH 107. I was in Boise, Idaho, to protect refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov from August 6 to 15, 2015. I wrote an article about the trial of Kurbanov in the USA “Trial of Kurbanov in the USA” (see [44]). Unfortunately, he and his relatives did not want me to protect him. As a result, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison by a court verdict of January 7, 2016 [45].

PARAGRAPH 108. From August 15 to October 30, 2015, I was in the city of Denver (Colorado) and defended the rights of the Uzbek refugee Jamshid Mukhtorov (1976). Agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested him at the Chicago airport on January 21, 2012 and could not start a trial until the summer of 2018. In defense of Jamshid I published eleven articles and appeals (see [46]-[56]), I gave him about a hundred articles published about him.

PARAGRAPH 109. I published the first part of a large article “The Fate of Jamshid Mukhtorov” titled “Life before Prison” on www.siyosat.wordpress.com on October 24, 2015. Then he began to write the second part of the article entitled "The fate of Fazliddin and Shokhrukh." There I revealed all the vileness of the Uzbek informer-provocateur Shokhrukh Khalikulov (1981), whom the FBI leadership enlisted as their secret collaborator (sexot, see [56, part 2]).

By that time, my money had run out and I was almost completely dependent on the financing of Asil, Jamshid's brother. Asil began demanding my departure for Washington. He bought me a plane ticket for a Denver-Washington flight on October 30, 2015. I finished the second part of the article titled “The Fate of Fazliddin and Shokhrukh” on October 29 and sent it to Mr. Muhammadsolikh Abutov, the head of the site www.siyosat.wordpress.com He published the second part of the article on October 30, 2015, Tashkent time.

Apparently, my publication of an article about the FBI informer and provocateur Shokhrukh Khalikulov caused a stir in the leadership of the FBI of the state of Colorado. The prison guard woke up Jamshid Mukhtorov at six in the morning on October 30, 2015 and demanded to urgently prepare for a meeting with the judge. In my opinion, the prison guards acted on the orders of the FBI. Jamshid is driven from jail to Federal Court in downtown Denver. There, FBI agents announce in the presence of a judge and lawyers that Shokhrukh Khalikulov is not an FBI agent, but an ordinary witness in Jamshid Mukhtorov's trial.

I arrived from Denver to Washington on the afternoon of October 30th. I am sitting at a table late in the evening of October 30, 2015 in one of the airport cafes. There's a call from Denver from Jamshid Mukhtorov. He talks with great surprise about how the FBI agents transferred Shokhrukh Khalikulov into an ordinary witness. I told him that yesterday, October 30, Tashkent time, I published the second part of the article about the informer-provocateur and sexist Shokhrukh Khalikulov.

Jamshid Mukhtorov asked at the beginning of the conversation: “Where are you?” I spoke for the first time. He asked a second time and I replied, "I'm sitting at a table in a cafe at Ronald Reagan Airport in Washington." Jamshid called me from prison and naturally his conversation with me was recorded.

I arrive at the airport on October 31, 2015 and there is a notice on the door: "The airport closes from 24:00 to 5:00 in the morning." This is how FBI leaders got Ronald Reagan National Airport shut down for the night. I started spending nights on October 31, 2015 at McDonald's, which was open 24 hours a day.

So, FBI agents and people associated with them intensified provocations and persecution of me in Washington after my trip to the states of Idaho and Colorado, and also because of my published articles.

PARAGRAPH 110. I have been staying overnight since October 31, 2015 at McDonald's, which was open 24 hours a day. There are more than ten hostels in Washington DC.

“A hostel is a form of low-cost, short-term shared accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed in a dormitory, with shared use of the living room and sometimes the kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or single sex, with private or shared bathrooms. Private rooms may also be available, but the hotel must have shared bedrooms to be considered a hostel.” [57]

But in the rules of the hostel in the city of Washington, they introduced a ridiculous restriction. For example, in the Duo Housing DC hostel.

“If you are a resident of Washington DC, Virginia, or Maryland, you are restricted to a total of 1 day in any 30-day period.
Guests are limited to 14 days within the current calendar year.” [58]

I could not spend the night in the hostel because of such a ridiculous restriction. I agree with the restriction for residents of the city of Washington, that is, the District of Columbia. But why restrict the rights of residents of the neighboring states of Virginia and Maryland? They give a privilege to residents of the other 48 states of the USA. Thus, they violate the equality of the inhabitants of the 50 states of the United States.

I wrote in the paragraph 103 that I was registered in Gaysersburg, Maryland. Because of the rule above, I was only allowed to stay in the hostel one night a month. So, I often spent the night at McDonald's.



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