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Пятница, 24 Января 2014 г. 17:32 + в цитатник

6-1 (380x596, 198Kb)

6-diag- (600x571, 85Kb)

6-diag2 (328x700, 129Kb)

Knitting tension: 22 sts x 28 rows on needle size 4 mm and M.2. = 10 x 10 cm

Bobble: Inc to 5 sts in 1 sts, knit 3 rows stocking sts on these, then pass 2nd sts over 1st sts, 3rd sts over 1st sts., 4th sts over 1st sts and 5th sts over 1st sts.
Rib: * K1, P1 *

Body: Cast on 210 (213-219) sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm and knit 5 rib rounds. Change to circular needle size 4 mm at the same time inc 46 (57-61) sts evenly on 1st row = 256 (270-280) sts. Knit 1st row as follows: * 1 (5-7) sts of M.2, M.4, 19 sts of M.2, M.4, 19 sts of M.2, M.4, 19 sts of M.2, M.4, 19 sts of M.2, M.4, 1 (4-7) sts of M.2 * - Repeat from *-* over back piece. Remember knitting tension. When piece measures 38 (44-50) cm cast off 1 (2-1) sts on each side for armhole and for and complete front and back pieces separately.

Front piece: = 127 (133-139) sts. When piece measures 55 (61-67) cm cast off 1 sts mid front and then cast off 1 sts x 23 towards neck to shape neckline alternating on every and every other row . Cast off when piece measures 68 (74-80) cm

Back piece: = 127 (133-139) sts. When piece measures 66 (72-78) cm slip middle 43 (43-43) sts onto a thread or stitch holder and then cast off 2 sts towards neck on next row. Cast off when piece measures 68 (74-80) cm.

Sleeve: Cast on 48 (48-51) sts on circular needle size 2.5 mm and knit 5 cm rib. Change to circular needle size 4 mm at the same time inc 20 (20-17) sts evenly on 1st row = 68 (68-68) sts. Knit next row as follows (from mid under arm): M.4, 19 sts of M.2, M.4, 19 sts of M.2, M.4. At the same time inc mid under arm 2 sts x 32 (32-32) on every 3rd row = 132 (132-132) sts – knit the inc sts into M.2. When piece measures 45 (45-44) cm cast off 6 sts mid under arm and continuing cast off 6 sts x 5 times on each side on every other row, then cast off - piece measures approx 49 (49-48) cm.

Assembly: Sew shoulder seams. Pick up 130 sts around neck on double pointed needles size 2.5 with natural and knit 14 cm rib at the same time cast off 6 sts distributed evenly from the picked up sts from thread or stitch holder on back piece = 124 m – ensure sts mid front is a stocking sts. At the same time as 1st row rib knit one bobble on every 6th sts (in one knit) – ensure one bobble is positioned mid front. Continuing cast off on every 3rd row as follows: slip middle sts onto cable needle to front of piece, knit sts before and sts after and psso mid sts over the 2 sts knit tog – cast off when to completed measurement = 14 cm, cast off. Sew sleeves onto body in outermost sts so seams are not too bulky.


DROPS Shawl, gloves and head band.

Materials: DROPS Karisma Superwash from Garnstudio
550 g colour no 019, natural - shawl
100 g colour no 019, natural - gloves
50 g colour no 019, natural – head band


DROPS Shawl:

DROPS Needles size 4 mm

Knitting tension: 22 sts x 28 rows on needle size 4 mm and M.2. = 10 x 10 cm
Bobble: Inc to 5 sts in 1 sts, knit 3 rows stocking sts on these, on 5th row pass 2nd sts over 1st sts, 3rd sts over 1st sts., 4th sts over 1st sts and 5th sts over 1st sts.
Moss stitch: 1st row: K1, P1.
2nd row: knit K over P and P over K. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows continuously.
Rib: * K1, P1 *

Body: Cast on 99 sts on needle size 4 mm with natural and knit 3 rows moss stitch. Next row as follows: 3 sts moss stitch , M.1, 20 sts of M.2, M.3, 20 sts of M.2, M.1, 3 sts moss stitch. Continue in pattern until piece measures 2.3 to 2.4 meters – adjust finish with M.3 as started (- When M.3 get wider knit less sts from M.2 on each side) – complete with 3 rows moss stitch over all sts and cast off.

DROPS Gloves:

DROPS double pointed needle size 3 mm.

Bobble: Inc to 5 sts in 1 sts, knit 3 rows stocking sts on these, then pass 2nd sts over 1st sts, 3rd sts over 1st sts., 4th sts over 1st sts and 5th sts over 1st sts.
Moss stitch: 1.9: K1, P1.
2nd row: knit K over P and P over K. Repeat 1st and 2nd rows continuously.
Rib: * K1, P1 *

Gloves: Cast on 60 (60) on double pointed needles size 3 mm and knit 2 rounds moss stitch then knit following needle as follows: * 4 sts moss stitch, 1 bobble * then 5 cm moss stitch, then 2 cm rib at the same time cast off 18 (16) sts evenly on 1st row = 42 (44) sts. On last row inc 2 (4) sts evenly on row = 44 (48) sts. Then knit following row as follows: 22 (24) sts moss stitch (=upper hand), 1 sts stocking sts for thumb (insert at marking thread or stitch marker), 21 (23) sts stocking sts (=inside hand)- Measure piece from here!
When piece measures 1 cm inc on each side of 1 sts with marking thread or stitch marker for thumb as follows: 1 sts x 5 (6) on every 3rd row = 54 (60) sts – stocking sts the inc sts. Slip middle 11 sts over thumb onto a thread or stitche holder on next row cast on 1 new st over these = 44 (50) sts.
Continue until piece measures 10 (11) cm – Now knit fingers as follows:
Little finger: Pick up 4 (6) sts moss stitch and 4 (5) sts stocking sts and cast on 1 sts between fingers (stocking sts this sts) = 9 (12) sts. Knit 5 (6) cm then knit sts tog two by two, and then pull double thread through sts. Knit 3 rounds over remaining sts before knitting remaining fingers.
Ring finger: Pick up 6 (6) sts moss stitch and 6 (7) sts stocking sts and cast on 1 sts between fingers (stocking sts this sts) = 14 (15) sts. Knit 6 (7) cm then knit sts tog two by two, and then pull double thread through sts.
Middle finger: Like Ring finger but knit 7 (8) cm.
Index finger: Pick up 6 (6) sts moss stitch and 6 (7) sts stocking sts and cast on in sts towards long finger (knit sts stocking sts) = 13 (14) sts. Knit like Ring finger.
Thumb: Pick up 14 (16) sts round thumb (pick up 11 sts from holder and 3 (5) sts in the edge above), and knit 6 (6,5) cm stocking sts, cast off like Ring finger.
Sew a small mattress sts between fingers.

DROPS Head band:

DROPS needles size 4 mm

Head band:
Cast on 23 sts on needle size 4 mm and knit 1st row as follows: 2 sts moss stitch, M.1, 2 sts moss stitches. Continue until piece measures approx 54 cm (lightly stretched), cast off. Sew tog with mattress sts.

1 (11x11, 0Kb) = bobble – see pattern

2 (10x10, 0Kb) = purl

3 (12x12, 0Kb) = knit

4 (60x10, 0Kb) = slip 3 sts on cable needle to back of piece, K3, K3 from cable needle

5 (62x12, 0Kb) = slip 3 sts on cable needle to front of piece, K3, K3 from cable needle

6 (50x10, 0Kb) = slip 2 sts on cable needle to back of piece, K3, K2 from cable needle

7 (50x10, 0Kb) = slip 3 sts on cable needle to front of piece, K2, K3 from cable needle
Рубрики:  * В я з а н и е - с п и ц а м и/Костюмы,Комплекты

Процитировано 9 раз
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