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: 10.06.2007
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, 20 2008 . 01:42 +
Let us share with you an EVS opportunity.
We warmly welcome applicants for 5 EVS posts in Rome:

-        Utopia City (Rome), 2 volunteers from April 2009
-        Promotion of International Volunteering, at SCI Office (Rome), 1 volunteer from April 2009
-        Centro Internazionale Crocevia (Rome), 2 volunteers from February 2009

The description of the projects is attached.
Send us CV and motivation letter till 12th October to evs@sci-italia.it (please write the project name in the object) 
Decision will be taken on 17th October.

Please, spread the news among your motivated volunteers!
Thanks and greetings
Elena, SCI Italy
Elena Cavassa
SCI Italy
Segreteria Nazionale
Via A. Cruto 43
00146 Roma - Italia
Tel. +39 065580644 / 065580661
Fax +39 065585268


  • a) Utopia City -Rome, 2 volunteers

  • b) Promotion of International Volunteering, at SCI Office -Rome, 1 volunteer

  • c) Centro Internazionale Crocevia -Rome, 2 volunteers 

a) Name: UTOPIA CITY (EI 2007-IT-111)

Period: 27/04/09 27/10/09

N vols: 2

Location: Rome, Italy 

Work starts: 2009-04-27

Work ends: 2009-10-27

Application deadline: 2008-10-12

Decision date: 2008-10-17

Project language: English and Italian

Local language: Italian

Accommodation: Double room in a flat with other volunteers of SCI

Insurance: The volunteer will be insured by the AXA insurance (through the Youth in Action Programme)

Pocket money: 115 euro

Short description: The SCI-Italy Utopia City project started in 2001 and is located in San Paolo district (via Valeriano 3F Roma) in the southern part of Rome. Its a popular suburban area inhabited by a large number of elderly people, where also the number of families coming from Latin America, northeast Europe, Asia and Africa, is raising. During the last years the number of cultural local organizations whom SCI-Italy volunteers and activists cooperate with is increasing.

The aims of the EVS projects are the following:

  • offer to volunteers the opportunity to follow different non-formal trainings through a full involvement in the activities of the project Utopia City;
  • develop the permanent international dimension on the territory and in the project Utopia City being often in contact with the local inhabitants;
  • give a contribution to the core activities of the project such as active citizenship education and self-learning, as well as an input to individual and collective participation to the local life;
  • concretely support the activities and the development of the project "Utopia City" through the organization of local and international socio-cultural activities;
  • raise awareness in the local youth about the potentialities and opportunities offered by the YOUTH IN ACTION programme starting up an info-center on international exchanges.

Long description: The main activities carried out are the following: organisation and hosting of international workcamps, north/south exchanges and international youth meetings; pre-departure and evaluation trainings for international and national volunteers; events to make aware on other cultures and countries, organising conferences, meetings, festival, exhibitions, video, theatre, thematic meals...; courses (free or popular cost) of music, group dancing, tai chi, African percussion, languages, gardening, alphabetisation of informatics, theatre; workshops on sustainable life styles, such as recycling, composting, reduction in consumptions and renewable sources of energy, garbage recycling; development of the Mediateca dei Mondi (multimedia library) opened to public, with films, books and interactive material that focus on north/south issues, international solidarity and voluntarism; Youth in Action Programme info-point; promotion of participative forms of active citizenship. For more information: www.lacittadellutopia.it

The volunteers will be involved in the following activities:

  • Supporting the coordination of the work of local and international volunteers (groups and individuals) in order to ensure the running of the planned schedule; 
  • working  with SCI volunteers and activists in the construction of a network of organizations and informal groups that can develop in the La Citt dellUtopia a common local project planning;
  • helping in the elaboration and the organization of public cultural events and workshops on active citizenship, specially regarding the communication, logistic and operational levels;
  • implementing the international dimension through the coordination of international exchanges, work camps, seminars;
  • informing youngsters about the opportunities offered by the YOUTH IN ACTION programme and other international exchanges;
  • supporting the activities of the Mediateca dei Mondi (multimedia library), welcoming the local visitors and managing the material.

In the proper dynamic of the project it is important that the voluntary manages to find the possibility to develop a personal activity following the lines of the project and of the organisation. In order to enable the volunteers to implement their personal projects, a permanent support will be proposed in order the realize his ideas and project within the the Utopia City.

The volunteers should have a good attitude and will to work in touch with people.

The volunteers will be asked to carry out the following activities:


Participate in the coordination (management and organization) of cultural and social local activities

The project includes a lot of local activities such as workshops and laboratories, or events to involve people to participate in the project. The EVS volunteer will cooperate with local volunteers, networking with cultural local associations, in the organization of cultural and social activities that will be organized, along with theatres, music groups, cinemas, artists, etc.


Support in the coordination of SCI national and international activities that will take place in the La Citt dell'Utopia"

The EVS volunteer will support the coordination of national and international meetings, work camps, exchanges and seminars that the SCI staff and the SCI volunteers will organize. Moreover they will support the coordination of the other international short-term volunteers that will contribute with specific activities to the implementation of the international side of the project.


To start up an info-point on international exchanges, mobility and volunteering:

The volunteer will help the coordinators of the project to start and publish, along the project area, an info-point about international exchanges, Youth in Action programme, mobility and volunteering. Involving local schools, the university, informal groups and all the local organizations.


Local promotion of the activities of the project:

The EVS volunteer will support the coordination of local promotional activities of the project, through the management of the mailing list, the production and distribution of information material on paper and proposing new ways to promote the project.


Support the activities of the Mediateca dei Mondi

The volunteers will support the developing of the activities of the Mediateca dei Mondi, especially in hosting the local and international public, by managing the material and in researching new material and organising events, such as film projections, festival and cine-club. In terms of learning opportunities the volunteers engaged in these activities will have the following chances: 1. to learn about how to start-up a local project; 2. to improve logistic and organizational capabilities; 3. to learn about active citizenship, local sustainable development and participated democracy; 4. to improve their capability to coordinate international event such as exchanges, voluntary projects, seminars, training; 5. to know deeply the YOUTH programme and to increase the ability to deliver information to other youngsters; 6. to improve the capability in networking and organization of cultural and social events at local and international level.


Support the activities of the hostel of La Citt dellUtopia for members of SCI partner organizations.

The volunteer will help the coordinators of the project to manage a hostel at La Citt dellUtopia where members of organizations partners of SCI will have the possibility to overnight. 

Regarding the activities described above, the volunteers will work from Monday to Friday around 6 hours a day. In case the activities, events, trainings connected to the project are organised during the weekend, the volunteers will be able to take free days in the following week. The programme activities will be established regarding also the needs of the volunteers in order to guarantee an adequate programme. In some periods the volunteers could be asked to have a certain flexibility regarding the work timetable.   

Some holidays and 2 days off per month will be associated with the agreement of the coordinator. During their free time the volunteers are welcome to participate in the social and cultural activities organised by the SCI and by other local organization.

Moreover the volunteers that will follow the activities described above will be hosted in a double room in a flat that the International Civil Service puts at disposition. The organisation also provides an indemnity (pocket money) and also an indemnity in order to buy food and transport for every day trips.  

b) Name: Promotion of  International Volunteering (EI 2007-IT-111) 

Period: April October 2009

N vols: 1

Location: Rome, SCI Office

Work starts: 2009-04-06

Work ends: 2009-10-06

Application deadline: 2008-10-12

Decision date: 2008-10-17

Project language: English and Italian

Local language: Italian

Accommodation: Double room in a flat with other volunteers

Insurance: The volunteer will be insured by the AXA insurance (through the Youth in Action Programme)

Pocket money: 115 euro 

The Service Civil International aims at developing solidarity and promoting tolerance between people, encouraging and supporting participation of youngsters to voluntary activities, both inside and outside the European Union.

For this reason SCI organizes activities and campaigns for the promotion of peace, international solidarity and mutual understanding; besides workcamps and long term voluntary projects.

Activities organized by SCI, both at the international and local level, are coordinated by the National Secretary of SCI, which headquarter is located in Roma (via Cruto 43, Municipality Roma XV).  The area is well linked to the city center and to other areas through public transportation (metro and buses).

The National Secretary represents the reference point for SCI activities, but also for activists and volunteers who promote philosophy and projects of the Association.

Volunteers will develop their program mainly in the headquarter of SCI Italy, with the supervision and follow up pf SCI Staff. 

Objectives of the proposed EVS project:

- to involve European volunteers in the promotion of international voluntarism as a practice of active citizenship, intercultural education and personal and social growth;

- to spread news about the initiatives organized in Italy in order to promote the exchange and the intercultural respect, and to arouse interest in youngsters in actions which stimulate international solidarity;

- to give to volunteers the chance of actively participate in the implementation and development of a specific project, which constitutes an opportunity of individual growth;

- to strengthen, throughout team work and confrontation, the mutual comprehension between youngsters of different Countries. 

Volunteers will be involved in the following activities:

1. Activating and managing international volunteers who want to join short term projects in Italy along with the SCI staff

2. To promote international volunteering through information

3. To support the trainings of youngsters organized by SCI Italy

4. To organize one or more awareness-raising events on the theme of international voluntarism as a way of education to tolerance and inter-culture 

1. Volunteers will work with SCI Staff in activating and supporting international volunteers who want to join short term projects in Italy. This will include: giving information about ongoing workcamps in Italy, keeping the relations with local partners, monitoring the development of the activities, preparing the documents necessary for incoming volunteers; in order to promote youngsters mobility. This will deepen their knowledge of the different ways of action in various contexts, and above all in the Italian one. Furthermore, they will have the chance to get in contact with other international volunteers, exchange experiences and good practices and develop their own skills.

2. After an adequate training structured by SCI Staff, volunteers will try to improve the diffusion of information of youngsters on the different possibility of involvement, starting form the Youth in Action Program and other international exchanges to the events organized locally. Together with SCI staff, they will answer to the requests of information on the programs at disposal and they will follow them up, becoming a reference point for youngsters

3. Volunteers will be actively involved in the preparation of the training sessions for volunteers willing to take part in workcamps and long and mid term projects, willing to be camp leaders, etc. During these activities volunteers will meet the trainers of SCI and bring their knowledge and previous experiences on multiculturalism and voluntarism into play. Volunteers will be at the same time participants and participating to the training and this will constitute a chance of informal and non formal learning with a group dimension.

4. Volunteers will organize one or more awareness-raising events on the topic of international voluntarism as a way of education to interculturality and tolerance. Many the possibilities of action: from the organization of events together with other volunteers in the La Citt dellUtopia (a project of SCI Italy located in Roma, see www.lacittadellutopia.it) to the ideation of small projects to be developed in schools; from the participation to national events to the implementation of program for the study part of international exchanges and workcamps organized by SCI. 

These activities will give the volunteers the chance to develop their creativity and to learn how to follow up a project, from its ideation to the implementation, with a constant support and evaluation from SCI Staff. 

Learning opportunities for EVS volunteers who will join this program:

- to improve their planning, logistical and organizational skills

- to deepen their knowledge about the Youth in Action Program and to learn strategies of inclusion for youngsters

- to learn how to develop relations and to start an exchange of good practices with different subjects and actors who operate on an international dimension

- to acquire or to broaden their knowledge in the sector of communication   

Regarding the activities describes above, the volunteers will work from monday to friday around 6 hours a day. In case the activities, events, trainings connected to the project are organised during the weekend, the volunteers will be able to take free days in the succeeding week. The programme activities will be established regarding also the needs of the volunteers in order to guarantee an adequate programme. 

Some holidays and 2 days off per month will be associated with the agreement of the coordinator.  During their free time the volunteers are welcome to participate at the social and cultural activities organised by the SCI and by other local organization.

Moreover the volunteers that will follow the activities described above will be hosted in a double room in a flat that the International Civil Service puts at disposition. The organisation also provides an indemnity (pocket money) and also an indemnity in order to buy food and transport for every day trips.  

c) Name: Centro Internazionale Crocevia C.I.C. (EI 2008-IT-126)

Period: February-August 2009

N vols: 2

Location: Rome 

Work starts: 2009-02-23 

Work ends: 2009-08-23

Application deadline: 2008-10-12

Decision date: 2008-10-17

Project language: English and Italian

Local language: Italian

Accommodation: Double room in a flat with other volunteers

Insurance: The volunteer will be insured by the AXA insurance (through the Youth in Action Programme)

Pocket money: 115 euro

The Mediateca delle terre Project, accomplished in cooperation with the municipality of Rome, the libraries of Rome and the Biodiversity Festival realized in cooperation with lots of partners (associations, research institutes, ONGs), wants to attain the main purpose of information and awareness raising of the citizens on the themes of biodiversity and food sovereignty. The activities of the Mediateca take place in Rome, in the area of the 5th Municipio, one of the most populous in the capital.  
Placed inside the Centre for Ecological Culture, at the park of Aguzzano, the Mediateca is a cultural centre open to the public where you can find videos, documents and multimedia stuff related to the themes of the sustainable development between the north and the south of the world and you can consult them freely. People working on the Mediateca project take care of managing projects and of proposing them to local authorities. These projects intend to attain the realization of formation programs on the territory. On the contrary, the daily activity concerns the research, enumeration, subtitling and free distribution of the audiovisual material which regularly becomes part of the Mediateca archives. Generally,  two people of the CIC staff take care of such a work. Therefore EVS volunteers are looked after and supported by these people.

The International Audiovisual Festival of Biodiversity is an event tightly bound to the activities of the Mediateca project. Such an event, which is included in the initiatives promoted by our Association on account of the FAO World Food Day on the 16th of October, schedules the viewing of national and international unpublished short films and documentary films which concern environment, biodiversity and food sovereignty with a live musical accompaniment by local artists and people known not only because of their musical talents but also because of their social engagement and their care about Italian local traditions and every kind of biodiversity. Besides films showing and concerts, the festival has scheduled a part devoted to educational activities aimed to the school of the region involved in the events relating to the defence of the diversity considered in its various meanings: diversity among animal species, vegetal species, diversity among races, peoples and their cultures as a source of wealth and development. Besides the films viewing there are debates with international representatives of the agricultural world, meetings with immigrant communities and communities of students and teachers aiming to make the young aware of the importance of the natural and cultural diversity which is shown in art, environment and agricultures. 
EVS volunteers will be included in our Association and they will be taken care of and supported by our general coordinator and by two members of the CIC staff.

Included in the Mediateca project for development and engaged in the preparation of the International audiovisual festival of biodiversity, they will take care of the availability of the material relating to the topics of CIC's interest (documentary films, short films, photographical stuff, Cd-Roms): they will take care of the enumeration of the stuff and of the refreshing of the Mediateca web-site. In touch with the competent national and international staff, they will have the opportunity to acquire some pieces of information on biodiversity and on social communication. Morover, the future volunteers, involved in these activities, could learn in no formal way, how an NGO works at national and international level and increase their knowledge. 

From February to April the volunteers will be engaged in: 
- Finding audiovisual stuff 
- Enumeration of the same material 
- Its distribution in case of requirement from scientific institutes, school or other ONGs 
- Organization of information and formation activities in the school on the territory 
- Normal library work: reception, distribution and lending of the material in the archives.  
- In the meantime they will carry out a front-office work that is a reception work for the users of Mediateca at the Centre of Ecological Culture and all the activities relating to a library: consultation, material lending, etc 
From May to July they will be engaged in: 
- Preparing and organizing the International Festival for biodiversity, finding documentary material, getting in touch with the world of the national and international ONGs which are to be involved in the event in different ways, getting in touch with the local realities of Latium (Latium Region, Province and Commune of Rome, Municipo V), school and teachers on the territory. 
- Getting in touch with people from the national and international musical world 
- Screening and selecting the material received 
- Promoting, with his own proposals, the graphic realization of the stuff concerning communication (posters, brochures, handbills, advertising spot, etc.) 
- Contributing, if possible, to the translation and subtitling of the material in original language. 
The work will be organised week by week (as required and expected by EVS volunteers). For two days in the week they will work also in the afternoon for the same activities. They will not work longer than 30 hours per week. 
They will have two free days a week and will be free during the national and international festivities. Furthermore they will have two free days per month.

p.s. SCI - .

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