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: 27.03.2011
: 6457
: 286
: 6810



, 23 2013 . 09:46 +
Astrav08 ?

3045391_7 (267x150, 11Kb)

. . , F-k.  VK
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-: Human Rights Subcommittee European Parliament ( ) - http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/droi/home.html , - (, , , ). 
- ! . 
" , !" 
(Civilized people need the law protecting moral feelings of the human!), 
" , , 
(The humankind is not civilized until there is no law which will protect moral human senses) , 
" " 
(The human race can't be of full value without the law on protection of moral senses of the person!), 
" - " 
(Civilized people are deprived of the main right - the right of protection of moral human feelings!) , 
" , - !" 
(When the rights of animals are violated, then the main human right is violated - to be the person!) 
, , : 
", " 
(Please, stop this lawlessness in the Russian Federation!).
" , ", " " . 
, , . 
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