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Air Mozilla: Martes mozilleros, 24 Nov 2015

Вторник, 24 Ноября 2015 г. 19:00 + в цитатник

Martes mozilleros Reuni'on bi-semanal para hablar sobre el estado de Mozilla, la comunidad y sus proyectos.


Kim Moir: USENIX Release Engineering Summit 2015 recap

Вторник, 24 Ноября 2015 г. 18:57 + в цитатник
November 13th, I attended the USENIX Release Engineering Summit in Washington, DC.  This summit was along side the larger LISA conference at the same venue. Thanks to Dinah McNutt, Gareth Bowles, Chris Cooper,  Dan Tehranian and John O'Duinn for organizing.

I gave two talks at the summit.  One was a long talk on how we have scaled our Android testing infrastructure on AWS, as well as a look back at how it evolved over the years.

Picture by Tim Norris - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Scaling mobile testing on AWS: Emulators all the way down from Kim Moir

I gave a second lightning talk in the afternoon on the problems we face with our large distributed continuous integration, build and release pipeline, and how we are working to address the issues. The theme of this talk was that managing a large distributed system is like being the caretaker for the water, or some days, the sewer system for a city.  We are constantly looking system leaks and implementing system monitoring. And probably will have to replace it with something new while keeping the existing one running.

Picture by Korona Lacasse - Creative Commons 2.0 Attribution 2.0 Generic https://www.flickr.com/photos/korona4reel/14107877324/sizes/l

In preparation for this talk, I did a lot of reading on complex systems design and designing for recovery from failure in distributed systems.  In particular, I read Donatella Meadows' book Thinking in Systems. (Cate Huston reviewed the book here). I also watched several talks by people who talked about the challenges they face managing their distributed systems including the following:
I'd also like to thank all the members of Mozilla releng/ateam who reviewed my slides and provided feedback before I gave the presentations.
    The attendees of the summit attended the same keynote as the LISA attendees.  Jez Humble, well known for his Continuous Delivery and Lean Enterprise books provided a keynote on Lean Configuration Management which I really enjoyed. (Older version of slides from another conference, are available here and here.)

    In particular, I enjoyed his discussion of the cultural aspects of devops. I especially like that he stated that "You should not have to have planned downtime or people working outside business hours to release".  He also talked a bit about how many of the leaders that are looked up to as visionaries in the tech industry are known for not treating people very well and this is not a good example to set for others who believe this to be the key to their success.  For instance, he said something like "what more could Steve Jobs have accomplished had he treated his employees less harshly".

    Another concept he discussed which I found interesting was that of the strangler application. When moving from a large monolithic application, the goal is to split out the existing functionality into services until the originally application is left with nothing.  Exactly what Mozilla releng is doing as we migrate from Buildbot to taskcluster.


    At the release engineering summit itself,   Lukas Blakk from Pinterest gave a fantastic talk Stop Releasing off Your Laptop—Implementing a Mobile App Release Management Process from Scratch in a Startup or Small Company.  This included grumpy cat picture to depict how Lukas thought the rest of the company felt when that a more structured release process was implemented.

    Lukas also included a timeline of the tasks that implemented in her first six months working at Pinterest. Very impressive to see the transition!

    Another talk I enjoyed was Chaos Patterns - Architecting for Failure in Distributed Systems by Jos Boumans of Krux. (Similar slides from an earlier conference here). He talked about some high profile distributed systems that failed and how chaos engineering can help illuminate these issues before they hit you in production.

    For instance, it is impossible for Netflix to model their entire system outside of production given that they consume around one third of nightly downstream bandwidth consumption in the US. 

    Evan Willey and Dave Liebreich from Pivotal Cloud Foundry gave a talk entitled "Pivotal Cloud Foundry Release Engineering: Moving Integration Upstream Where It Belongs". I found this talk interesting because they talked about how the built Concourse, a CI system that is more scaleable and natively builds pipelines.   Travis and Jenkins are good for small projects but they simply don't scale for large numbers of commits, platforms to test or complicated pipelines. We followed a similar path that led us to develop Taskcluster

    There were many more great talks, hopefully more slides will be up soon!


    Henrik Skupin: Survey about sharing information inside the Firefox Automation team

    Вторник, 24 Ноября 2015 г. 00:40 + в цитатник

    Within the Firefox Automation team we were suffering a bit in sharing information about our work over the last couple of months. That mainly happened because I was alone and not able to blog more often than once in a quarter. The same applies to our dev-automation mailing list which mostly only received emails from Travis CI with testing results.

    Given that the team has been increased to 4 people now (beside me this is Maja Frydrychowicz, Syd Polk, and David Burns, we want to be more open again and also trying to get more people involved into our projects. To ensure that we do not make use of the wrong communication channels – depending where most of our readers are – I have setup a little survey. It will only take you a minute to go through but it will help us a lot to know more about the preferences of our automation geeks. So please take that little time and help us.

    The survey can be found here and is open until end of November 2015:


    Thank you a lot!


    Nick Cameron: Macros pt6 - more issues

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 23:25 + в цитатник

    I discovered another couple of issues with Rust macros (both affect the macro_rules flavour).

    Nested macros and arguments

    These don't work because of the way macros do substitution. When expanding a macro, the expander looks for token strings starting with $ to expand. If there is a variable which is not bound by the outer macro, then it is an error. E.g.,

    macro_rules! foo {  
        () => {
            macro_rules! bar {
                ($x: ident) => { $x }

    When we try to expand foo!(), the expander errors out because it can't find a value for $x, it doesn't know that macro_rules bar is binding $x.

    The proper solution here is to make macros aware of binding and lexical scoping etc. However, I'm not sure that is possible because macros are not parsed until after expansion. We might be able to fix this by just being less eager to report these errors. We wouldn't get proper lexical scoping, i.e., all macro variables would need to have different names, but at least the easy cases would work.

    Matching expression fragments


    macro_rules! foo {  
        ( if $e:expr { $s:stmt } ) => {
            if $e {
    fn main() {  
        let x = 1;
        foo! {
            if 0 < x {

    This gives an error because it tries to parse x { as the start of a struct literal. We have a hack in the parser where in some contexts where we parse an expression, we explicitly forbid struct literals from appearing so that we can correctly parse a following block. This is not usually apparent, but in this case, where the macro expects an expr, what we'd like to have is 'an expression but not a struct literal'. However, exposing this level of detail about the parser implementation to macro authors (not even procedural macro authors!) feels bad. Not sure how to tackle this one.

    Relatedly, it would be nice to be able to match other fragments of the AST, for example the interior of a block. Again, there is the issue of how much of the internals we wish to expose.

    (HT @bmastenbrook for the second issue).


    Air Mozilla: Mozilla Weekly Project Meeting, 23 Nov 2015

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 22:00 + в цитатник

    Chris Finke: Reenact Now Available for Android

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 20:00 + в цитатник

    I’ve increased the audience for Reenact (an app for reenacting photos) by 100,000% by porting it from Firefox OS to Android.


    It took me about ten evenings to go from “I don’t even know what language Android apps are written in” to submitting the .apk to the Google PlayTM store. I’d like to thank Stack Overflow, the Android developer docs, and Android Studio’s autocomplete.

    Reenact for Android, like Reenact for Firefox OS, is open-source; the complete source for both apps is available on GitHub. Also like the Firefox OS app, Reenact for Android is free and ad-free. Just think: if even just 10% of all 1 billion Android users install Reenact, I’d have $0!

    In addition to making Reenact available on Android, I’ve launched Reenact.me, a home for the app. If you try out Reenact, send your photo to gallery@reenact.me to get it included in the photo gallery on Reenact.me.

    You can install Reenact on Google Play or directly from Reenact.me. Try it out and let me know how it works on your device!


    Mozilla Security Blog: Improving Revocation: OCSP Must-Staple and Short-lived Certificates

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 17:50 + в цитатник

    Last year, we laid out a long-range plan for improving revocation support for Firefox. As of this week, we’ve completed most of the major elements of that plan. After adding OneCRL earlier this year, we have recently added support for OCSP Must-Staple and short-lived certificates. Together, these changes enable website owners several ways to achieve fast, secure certificate revocation.

    In an ideal world, the browser would perform an online status check (such as OCSP) whenever it verifies a certificate, and reject the certificate if the check failed. However, these checks can be slow and unreliable. They time out about 15% of the time, and take about 350ms even when they succeed. Browsers generally soft-fail on revocation in an attempt to balance these concerns.

    To get back to stronger revocation checking, we have added support for short-lived certificates and Must-Staple to let sites opt in to hard failures. As of Firefox 41, Firefox will not do “live” OCSP queries for sufficiently short-lived certs (with a lifetime shorter than the value set in “security.pki.cert_short_lifetime_in_days”). Instead, Firefox will just assume the certificate is valid. There is currently no default threshold set, so users need to configure it. We are collecting telemetry on certificate lifetimes, and expect to set the threshold somewhere around the maximum OCSP response lifetime specfied in the baseline requirements.

    OCSP Must-Staple makes use of the recently specified TLS Feature Extension. When a CA adds this extension to a certificate, it requires your browser to ensure a stapled OCSP response is present in the TLS handshake. If an OCSP response is not present, the connection will fail and Firefox will display a non-overridable error page. This feature will be included in Firefox 45, currently scheduled to be released in March 2016.


    Mozilla Addons Blog: Test your add-ons for Multi-process Firefox compatibility

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 12:49 + в цитатник

    You might have heard the news that future versions of Firefox will run the browser UI separately from web content. This is called Multi-process Firefox (also “Electrolysis” or “e10s”), and it is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2016.

    If your add-on code accesses web content directly, using an overlay extension, a bootstrapped extension, or low-level SDK APIs like window/utils or tabs/utils, then you will probably be affected.

    To minimize the impact on users of your add-ons, we are urging you to test your add-ons for compatibility. You can find documentation on how to make them compatible here.

    Starting Nov. 24, 2015, we are available to assist you every Tuesday in the #addons channel at irc.mozilla.org. Click here to see the schedule. Whether you need help testing or making your add-ons compatible, we’re here to help!


    Daniel Stenberg: copy as curl

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 10:46 + в цитатник

    Using curl to perform an operation a user just managed to do with his or her browser is one of the more common requests and areas people ask for help about.

    How do you get a curl command line to get a resource, just like the browser would get it, nice and easy? Both Chrome and Firefox have provided this feature for quite some time already!

    From Firefox

    You get the site shown with Firefox’s network tools.  You then right-click on the specific request you want to repeat in the “Web Developer->Network” tool when you see the HTTP traffic, and in the menu that appears you select “Copy as cURL”. Like this screenshot below shows. The operation then generates a curl command line to your clipboard and you can then paste that into your favorite shell window. This feature is available by default in all Firefox installations.


    From Chrome

    When you pop up the More tools->Developer mode in Chrome, and you select the Network tab you see the HTTP traffic used to get the resources of the site. On the line of the specific resource you’re interested in, you right-click with the mouse and you select “Copy as cURL” and it’ll generate a command line for you in your clipboard. Paste that in a shell to get a curl command line  that makes the transfer. This feature is available by default in all Chome and Chromium installations.


    On Firefox, without using the devtools

    If this is something you’d like to get done more often, you probably find using the developer tools a bit inconvenient and cumbersome to pop up just to get the command line copied. Then cliget is the perfect add-on for you as it gives you a new option in the right-click menu, so you can get a quick command line generated really quickly, like this example when I right-click an image in Firefox:



    This Week In Rust: This Week in Rust 106

    Понедельник, 23 Ноября 2015 г. 08:00 + в цитатник

    Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a systems language pursuing the trifecta: safety, concurrency, and speed. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at @ThisWeekInRust or send us an email! Want to get involved? We love contributions.

    This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.

    This week's edition was edited by: nasa42, brson, and llogiq.

    Updates from Rust Community

    News & Blog Posts

    Notable New Crates & Projects

    • nom 1.0 is released.
    • Freepass. The free password manager for power users.
    • Barcoders. A barcode encoding library for the Rust programming language.
    • fst. Fast implementation of ordered sets and maps using finite state machines.
    • Rusty Code. Advanced language support for the Rust language in Visual Studio Code.
    • Dybuk. Prettify the ugly Rustc messages (inspired by Elm).
    • Substudy. Use SRT subtitle files to study foreign languages.

    Updates from Rust Core

    99 pull requests were merged in the last week.

    See the triage digest and subteam reports for more details.

    Notable changes

    New Contributors

    • Alexander Bulaev
    • Ashkan Kiani
    • Devon Hollowood
    • Doug Goldstein
    • Jean Maillard
    • Joshua Holmer
    • Matthias Kauer
    • Ole Kr"uger
    • Ravi Shankar

    Approved RFCs

    Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:

    Final Comment Period

    Every week the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now. This week's FCPs are:

    New RFCs

    Upcoming Events

    If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Email Erick Tryzelaar or Brian Anderson for access.

    fn work(on: RustProject) -> Money

    Tweet us at @ThisWeekInRust to get your job offers listed here!

    Crate of the Week

    This week's Crate of the Week is nom, a library of fast zero-copy parser combinators, which has already been used to create safe, high-performance parsers for a number of formats both binary and textual. nom just reached version 1.0, too, so congratulations for both the major version and the CotW status!

    Thanks to Reddit user gbersac for the nom-ination! Submit your suggestions for next week!


    Mark Finkle: An Engineer’s Guide to App Metrics

    Воскресенье, 22 Ноября 2015 г. 19:33 + в цитатник

    Building and shipping a successful product takes more than raw engineering. I have been posting a bit about using Telemetry to learn about how people interact with your application so you can optimize use cases. There are other types of data you should consider too. Being aware of these metrics can help provide a better focus for your work and, hopefully, have a bigger impact on the success of your product.

    Active Users

    This includes daily active users (DAUs) and monthly active users (MAUs). How many people are actively using the product within a time-span? At Mozilla, we’ve been using these for a long time. From what I’ve read, these metrics seem less important when compared to some of the other metrics, but they do provide a somewhat easy to measure indicator of activity.

    These metrics don’t give a good indication of how much people use the product though. I have seen a variation metric called DAU/MAU (daily divided by monthly) and gives something like retention or engagement. DAU/MAU rates of 50% are seen as very good.


    This metric focuses on how much people really use the product, typically tracking the duration of session length or time spent using the application. The amount of time people spend in the product is an indication of stickiness. Engagement can also help increase retention. Mozilla collects data on session length now, but we need to start associating metrics like this with some of our experiments to see if certain features improve stickiness and keep people using the application.

    We look for differences across various facets like locales and releases, and hopefully soon, across A/B experiments.

    Retention / Churn

    Based on what I’ve seen, this is the most important category of metrics. There are variations in how these metrics can be defined, but they cover the same goal: Keep users coming back to use your product. Again, looking across facets, like locales, can provide deeper insight.

    Rolling Retention: % of new users return in the next day, week, month
    Fixed Retention: % of this week’s new users still engaged with the product over successive weeks.
    Churn: % of users who leave divided by the number of total users

    Most analysis tools, like iTunes Connect and Google Analytics, use Fixed Retention. Mozilla uses Fixed Retention with our internal tools.

    I found some nominal guidance (grain of salt required):
    1-week churn: 80% bad, 40% good, 20% phenomenal
    1-week retention: 25% baseline, 45% good, 65% great

    Cost per Install (CPI)

    I have also seen this called Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), but it’s basically the cost (mostly marketing or pay-to-play pre-installs) of getting a person to install a product. I have seen this in two forms: blended – where ‘installs’ are both organic and from campaigns, and paid – where ‘installs’ are only those that come from campaigns. It seems like paid CPI is the better metric.

    Lower CPI is better and Mozilla has been using Adjust with various ad networks and marketing campaigns to figure out the right channel and the right messaging to get Firefox the most installs for the lowest cost.

    Lifetime Value (LTV)

    I’ve seen this defined as the total value of a customer over the life of that customer’s relationship with the company. It helps determine the long-term value of the customer and can help provide a target for reasonable CPI. It’s weird thinking of “customers” and “value” when talking about people who use Firefox, but we do spend money developing and marketing Firefox. We also get revenue, maybe indirectly, from those people.

    LTV works hand-in-hand with churn, since the length of the relationship is inversely proportional to the churn. The longer we keep a person using Firefox, the higher the LTV. If CPI is higher than LTV, we are losing money on user acquisition efforts.

    Total Addressable Market (TAM)

    We use this metric to describe the size of a potential opportunity. Obviously, the bigger the TAM, the better. For example, we feel the TAM (People with kids that use Android tablets) for Family Friendly Browsing is large enough to justify doing the work to ship the feature.

    Net Promoter Score (NPS)

    We have seen this come up in some surveys and user research. It’s suppose to show how satisfied your customers are with your product. This metric has it’s detractors though. Many people consider it a poor value, but it’s still used quiet a lot.

    NPS can be as low as -100 (everybody is a detractor) or as high as +100 (everybody is a promoter). An NPS that is positive (higher than zero) is felt to be good, and an NPS of +50 is excellent.

    Go Forth!

    If you don’t track any of these metrics for your applications, you should. There are a lot of off-the-shelf tools to help get you started. Level-up your engineering game and make a bigger impact on the success of your application at the same time.


    Cameron Kaiser: TenFourFoxBox: because it's time to think inside the (fox)box. (a/k/a: we dust off Mozilla Prism for a new generation)

    Воскресенье, 22 Ноября 2015 г. 10:16 + в цитатник
    As long as there have been web browsers, there have been people trying to get the web freed up from the browser that confines it, because, you know, the Web wants to be free, or some other similarly aspirational throwaway platitude. These could be robots, or screen scrapers, or aggregating services, or chromeless viewers, but no matter what these browserless browsers are doing, they all tend to specialize in a particular site for any number of reasons usually circulating around business or convenience. This last type, the chromeless viewer, spawned the subcategory of "site specific browsers" that morphed into the "Rich Internet Application" and today infects our phones and tablets in the guise of the "lazy-*ss programmer mobile app."

    Power Mac users have only had access to a few tools that could generate site-specific browsers. Until Adobe withdrew support, Adobe AIR could run on PowerPC 10.4+, but it was more for generally Internet-enabled apps and wasn't specifically focused at creating site-specific browsers, though it could, with a little work. Leopard users could use early betas of Fluid before that went Intel-only, and I know a few of you still do. Even Mozilla themselves got into the act with Mark Finkle's WebRunner, which became Mozilla Prism in 2007, languished after a few releases, got moved to Salsita and renamed WebRunner again in 2011, and cancelled there as well around the time of Firefox 5. However, WebRunner n'ee Prism n'ee WebRunner was never available for Power Macs; its required binary components were Intel-only, even though the Mozilla releases could run on 10.4, so that was about it for PowerPC. (Mozilla tried again shortly afterward with Chromeless, but this didn't get off the ground either, and was never intended as a Prism successor in any case. Speaking of, Google Chrome can do something similar, but Chrome was of course never released for Power Macs either because Alphagooglebet are meaniepants.)

    There are unique advantages as TenFourFox users to having separate apps that only handle one site at a time. Lots of tabs requires lots of garbage collection, the efficiency of which Mozilla has improved substantially, but is still a big drain on old computers like ours which are always under memory pressure. In addition, currently Firefox and TenFourFox must essentially cooperatively multitask between tabs because JavaScript infamously has run-to-completion semantics, which is why you get the "script too long" dialogue box if the watchdog portion of the browser detects something's pegging it. Since major portions of the browser itself are written in JavaScript, plus all those addons you tart it up with, the browser chrome must also cooperatively multitask with everything else which is why sometimes it temporarily grinds to a halt. I've sunk an incredible amount of time over TenFourFox's existence into our just-in-time JavaScript compiler for PowerPC to reduce this overhead, but that only gets us so far, and the typical scripts on popular websites aren't getting any less complex. Mozilla intends to solve this problem (and others) with multi-process Firefox, also known as Electrolysis, but it won't work without significant effort on 10.4 and I have grave doubts about its ability to perform well on these older computers; for that reason, I've chosen not to support it.

    However, generating standalone browser apps for your common sites helps to mitigate both these problems. While each instance of the standalone browser uses more memory than a browser tab, with only one site in it garbage collection is much easier to accomplish (and therefore faster), and the memory is instantly reclaimed when the standalone browser terminates. In fact, on G5 systems with more than 2GB of RAM, it helps you actually use that extra memory more effectively: while TenFourFox is a 32-bit application (being a hybrid of Carbon and Cocoa), you'd be running multiple instances of it, all of which have their own 32-bit address space which can be located in that extra RAM you've got on board. Also, separate browser instances become ... multiple processes. That means they preemptively multitask, like Electrolysis content processes would. They could even be scheduled on a different core on multiprocessor Power Macs. That improves their responsiveness substantially, to say nothing of the fact that the substantially reduced amount of browser chrome has dramatically less overhead. Now, standalone browsers also have disadvantages; they lack a lot of the features of a regular browser, including safety features, and they can be more difficult to navigate in because of the reduced interface. But for many sites those are acceptable tradeoffs.

    So, without further ado, let's introduce TenFourFoxBox.

    TenFourFoxBox is an application that generates site-specific browsers ("foxboxes") for you, running them in private instances of TenFourFox (a la XULRunner). This has been one of my secret internal projects since I got Amazon Music working properly with TenFourFox, so I wanted to use it as a jukebox without dragging down the rest of the browser, and to help beef up the performance of my online coursework site which has a rather heavy implementation and depends greatly on Google Docs and Box. And now you'll get to play with it as well.

    Although TenFourFoxBox borrows some code from Prism/WebRunner, mostly the reduced browser chrome, in actual operation it functions somewhat differently. First, TenFourFoxBox isn't itself written in XUL; it's a "native" OS X application that just happens to generate XUL-based applications. Second, for webapps created with Prism (or its companion tool Refractor), it's Prism itself that actually does the running with its own embedded copy of the XUL framework, not Firefox. With TenFourFoxBox, however, foxboxes you create actually run using the copy of TenFourFox you have installed (and yes, the foxboxes will look for and run the correct version for your architecture), just as separate processes, with their own browser chrome and their own application support and cache directory independent of the main browser. The nice thing about that is when you upgrade TenFourFox, you upgrade the browser core in every foxbox on your system all at once, as well as your main browser, because TenFourFox is your main browser, amirite?

    The implementation in TenFourFoxBox is also a little different with respect to how data is stored. Foxboxes are driven essentially as independent XULRunner apps, so they have their own storage separate from the browser. Prism allowed this space to be shared, but I don't think that was a good idea, so not only are all foxboxes independent, but by default they operate effectively in "private browsing" mode and clear out cookies and other site data when they quit. By default they also disable autocomplete, improving both privacy and a little bit of performance; you can, of course, change these settings, and override checks sites might do which could detect you're not actually in a regular browser. I also decided to keep a constant unchanging title (regardless of the website you're viewing) so that you can more easily identify it in Expos'e.

    So, let's see it in action. Here's Bing Maps, in full 1080p on the quad G5, looking for drone landing sites.

    And here's what I originally wrote this for, Amazon Music, playing the more or less official album of International Space Year:

    (Stupid Amazon. I already have Flood and Junta!)

    So now it's time to get this ready for the masses, and what better way than to have you slavering lot mercilessly bang on it? The following bugs/deficiencies are known:

    • The application menu only has "Quit." This is actually Mozilla bug 1181977, and will be fixed in TenFourFox 38.5, after which all the foxboxes will "fix themselves."
    • Localization isn't supported yet, even if you have a localized TenFourFox; most things will still appear in English. It's certainly possible to do, just non-trivial because of TenFourFoxBox's dual nature (we have to localize both the OS X portion and the XUL code it generates, and then figure out how to juggle multi-lingual resources). I'm not likely to do anything with this until the rest of it is stable enough to freeze strings.
    • Although the browser core they run is shared, individual foxboxes have their own private copies of the foxbox support code and chrome which are independent. Thus, when a new TenFourFoxBox comes out, you will need to manually update each of your foxboxes. You can do this in place and overwrite them; it's just somewhat inconvenient.
    • There are probably browser features missing that you'd like. I'm willing to entertain reasonable requests.

    Even the manual is delivered as a foxbox, which makes it easy to test on your system. Download it, try it and post your comments in the comments. TenFourFox 38.4 or higher is required. This is a beta, so treat it accordingly, with the plan to release it for general consumption a week or so after 38.5 comes out.

    Let's do a little inside-the-box thinking with an old idea for a new generation, shall we?


    Benjamin Kerensa: Openly Thankful

    Суббота, 21 Ноября 2015 г. 04:58 + в цитатник

    ThankfulSo next week has a certain meaning for millions of Americans that we relate to a story of indians and pilgrims gathering to have a meal together. While that story may be distorted from the historical truth, I do think the symbolic holiday we celebrate is important.

    That said, I want to name some individuals I am thankful for….



    Lukas Blakk

    I’m thankful for Lukas for being a excellent mentor to me at Mozilla for the last two years she was at Mozilla. Lukas helped me learn skills and have opportunities that many Mozillians would not have the opportunity to do. I’m very grateful for her mentoring, teaching, and her passion to help others, especially those who have less opportunity.

    Jeff Beatty

    I’m especially thankful for Jeff. This year, out of the blue, he came to me this year and offered to have his university students support an open source project I launched and this has helped us grow our l10n community. I’m also grateful for Jeff’s overall thoughtfulness and my ability to go to him over the last couple of years for advice and feedback.

    Majken Connor

    I’m thankful for Majken. She is always a very friendly person who is there to welcome people to the Mozilla Community but also I appreciate how outspoken she is. She is willing to share opinions and beliefs she has that add value to conversations and help us think outside the box. No matter how busy she is, she has been a constant in the Mozilla Project. always there to lend advice or listen.

    Emma Irwin

    I’m thankful for Emma. She does something much different than teaching us how to lead or build community, she teaches us how to participate better and build better participation into open source projects. I appreciate her efforts in teaching future generations the open web and being such a great advocate for participation.

    Stormy Peters

    I’m thankful for Stormy. She has always been a great leader and it’s been great to work with her on evangelism and event stuff at Mozilla. But even more important than all the work she did at Mozilla, I appreciate all the work she does with various open source nonprofits the committees and boards she serves on or advises that you do not hear about because she does it for the impact.


    Jonathan Riddell

    I’m thankful for Jonathan. He has done a lot for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, KDE and the great open source ecosystem over the years. Jonathan has been a devout open source advocate always standing for what is right and unafraid to share his opinion even if it meant disappointment from others.

    Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph

    I’m thankful for Elizabeth. She has been a good friend, mentor and listener for years now and does so much more than she gets credit for. Elizabeth is welcoming in the multiple open source projects she is involved in and if you contribute to any of those projects you know who she is because of the work she does.


    Paolo Rotolo

    I’m thankful for our lead Android developer who helps lead our Android development efforts and is a driving force in helping us move forward the vision behind Glucosio and help people around the world. I enjoy near daily if not multiple time a day conversations with him about the technical bits and big picture.

    The Core Team + Contributors

    I’m very thankful for everyone on the core team and all of our contributors at Glucosio. Without all of you, we would not be what we are today, which is a growing open source project doing amazing work to bring positive change to Diabetes.


    Leslie Hawthorne

    I’m thankful for Leslie. She is always very helpful for advice on all things open source and especially open source non-profits. I think she helps us all be better human beings. She really is a force of good and perhaps the best friend you can have in open source.

    Jono Bacon

    I’m thankful for Jono. While we often disagree on things, he always has very useful feedback and has an ocean of community management and leadership experience. I also appreciate Jono’s no bullshit approach to discussions. While it can be rough for some, the cut to the chase approach is sometimes a good thing.

    Christie Koehler

    I’m thankful for Christie. She has been a great listener over the years I have known her and has been very supportive of community at Mozilla and also inclusion & diversity efforts. Christie is a teacher but also an organizer and in addition to all the things I am thankful for that she did at Mozilla, I also appreciate her efforts locally with Stumptown Syndicate.


    Air Mozilla: Webdev Beer and Tell: November 2015

    Суббота, 21 Ноября 2015 г. 01:00 + в цитатник

    Webdev Beer and Tell: November 2015 Once a month web developers across the Mozilla community get together (in person and virtually) to share what cool stuff we've been working on in...


    Mozilla Addons Blog: Signing API now available

    Суббота, 21 Ноября 2015 г. 00:22 + в цитатник

    Over the years, addons.mozilla.org has had many APIs. These are used by Firefox and other clients to provide add-on listings, blocklists, and other features. But there hasn’t really been an API that developers can interact with. As part of ongoing improvements to the site, we’ve started focusing on producing APIs for add-on developers as well.

    Our first one aims to make add-on signing a little easier for developers. This API enables you to upload an XPI and get back the signed add-on if it passes all the validation checks.

    To use this API, log in to addons.mozilla.org and go to Tools > Manage API Keys. Then agree to the terms and fetch an API key and secret to use in subsequent API calls.


    Once you’ve done that, generate authorization tokens and use the documented API to sign your add-on.

    The documented examples use curl to interact with the API. For example:

    curl https://addons.mozilla.org/api/v3/addons/my-addon/versions/1.0/
    -XPUT --form 'upload=@build/my-addon.xpi' -H 'Authorization: JWT your-jwt-token'

    This is just the first of the APIs that we hope to add to the site and a path that we hope will lead to increased functionality throughout the add-ons ecosystem. This feature is under development, so we are keen to hear feedback or any issues.


    John O'Duinn: The real cost of an office

    Пятница, 20 Ноября 2015 г. 23:45 + в цитатник

    Woodwards building Vancouver demolition 2 by Tannoy | CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    The shift from “building your own datacenter” to “using the cloud” revolutionized how companies viewed internal infrastructure, and significantly reduced the barrier to starting your own fast-growth, global-scale company. Suddenly, you could have instant, reliable, global-scale infrastructure.

    (Personally, I dislike the term “cloud” but it’s the easiest vendor-neutral term I know for describing essential infrastructure running on rent-by-the-hour Amazon AWS, Google GCE, Microsoft Azure and others…)

    Like any new major change, “the cloud” went through an uphill acceptance curve with resistance from established nay-sayers. Meanwhile, smaller companies with no practical alternatives jumped in with both feet and found that “the cloud” worked just fine. And scaled better. And was cheaper to run. And was faster to setup, so the opportunity-cost was significantly reduced.

    Today, of course, “using the cloud” for your infrastructure has crossed the chasm. It is the default. Today, if you were starting a new company, and went looking for funding to build your own custom datacenter, you’d need to explain why you were not “using the cloud”. Deciding to have your own physical data center involves one-time-setup costs as well as ongoing recurring operational costs. Similarly, deciding to have a physical office involves one-time-setup costs as well as ongoing recurring operational costs.

    Rethinking infrastructure from the fixed costs of servers and datacenters to rented by the hour “in the cloud” is an industry game changer. Similarly, rethinking the other expensive part of a company’s infrastructure — the physical office — is an industry game changer.

    Just like physical datacenters, deciding to setup an office is an expensive decision which complicates, not liberates, the ongoing day-to-day life of your company.

    The reality of having an office

    It is easy to skip past the “Do we really need an office?” question – and plunge into the mechanics, without first thinking through some company-threatening questions.

    What city, and which neighborhood in the city, is the best location for your company office? Sometimes the answer is “near to where the CEO lives”, or “near the offices of our lead VCs”. However, this should include answers to questions like “where will we find most of the talent (people) we plan to hire?” and “where will most of our customers be?”.

    What size should your office be? This requires thinking through your hiring plans — not just for today, but also for the duration of the lease — typically 3–5–10 years. The consequences of this decision may be even longer, given how some people do not like relocating! When starting a company, it is very tricky to accurately predict the answers to these questions for multiple years into the future.

    Business plans change. Technologies change. Market needs and finances change. Product scope changes. Companies pivot. Brick-and-mortar buildings (usually) stay where they are.

    If you convince yourself that your company does need a physical office, setting up and running an office is “non-trivial”. You quickly get distracted by the expensive logistics and operational mechanics of a physical building – instead of keeping focus on people and the shipping product.

    You need to negotiate, sign and pay leases. Debate offices-with-doors vs open-plan — and if open-plan, do you want library-quiet, or bull-pen with cross-chatter and music? Negotiate seating arrangements — including the who-gets-a-window-view debate. Construct the actual office-space, bathrooms and kitchens. Pick, buy and install desks, chairs, ping-pong tables and fridges. Set up wifi, security doorbadge systems, printers, phones. Hire staff who are focused on running the physical office, not focused on your product. The list goes on and on. All of these take time, money and most importantly focus. This distracts humans away from the entire point of the company — hiring humans to create and ship product to earn money. And the distraction does not end once the office is built — maintaining and running a physical office takes ongoing time, money and focus.

    After your office is up-and-running, you discover the impact this new office has on hiring. You pay to relocate people who would be great additions to your company, but do not live near your new office. You are disappointed by good people turning down job offers because of the location. You have debates about “hiring the best person for the job” vs “hiring the best person for the job who is willing to relocate”. You have to limit hiring because you don’t have a spare desk available. You need to sublease a part of your new office space, because growth plans changed because revenue didn’t go as well as hoped – and now you have unused idle office space costing you money every month.

    The benefits of no office

    You dedicate more time, money and focus on the people, and the shipping product — simply by avoiding the financial costs, lead-time-delays and focus-distractions of setting up a physical office.

    Phrased another way: Distributed teams let you focus the company time and money where it is most important — on the people and the product. After all, it doesn’t matter how fancy your office is unless you have a product that people want to use.

    Having no office lets you sidestep a few potentially serious and distracting ongoing problems:

    You don’t need to worry about signing a lease for a space that is too small (or too large) for the planned growth of the company. You avoid adding a large recurring cost (a lease) to the company books, which impacts your company’s financial burn rate.

    You don’t need to worry if the location of the office helps or hinders future hiring plans. You don’t need to worry about good people turn down your job offers simply because of the office location. You can hire from a significantly larger pool of candidates, so you can hire better and faster then all-in-one-location competitors. For more on this, see .

    Even larger companies like Aetna, with established offices, have been encouraging work-from-home since 2005 – because they can hire more people and also because of the money savings from real estate. Last I’ve heard, Aetna was saving $78 million a year by having people work from home. Each year. No wonder Dell and others are now doing the same.

    You sidestep human distractions about office layout.

    You don’t need to worry about business continuity if the office is closed for a while.

    Sidestepping all these distractions helps you (and everyone else in the company) focus attention and money on the people and the product you are building and shipping. This is a competitive advantage over all-in-one-office companies. Important stuff to keep in mind when you ask yourself “Do we really need an office?”

    (Versions of this post are on medium.com and also in the latest early release of my “Distributed” book.)

    (Photo credit: Woodwards building Vancouver demolition 2 by Tannoy | CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)


    Daniel Pocock: Databases of Muslims and homosexuals?

    Пятница, 20 Ноября 2015 г. 21:02 + в цитатник

    One US presidential candidate has said a lot recently, but the comments about making a database of Muslims may qualify as the most extreme.

    Of course, if he really wanted to, somebody with this mindset could find all the Muslims anyway. A quick and easy solution would involve tracing all the mobile phone signals around mosques on a Friday. Mr would-be President could compel Facebook and other social networks to disclose lists of users who identify as Muslim.

    Databases are a dangerous side-effect of gay marriage

    In 2014 there was significant discussion about Brendan Eich's donation to the campaign against gay marriage.

    One fact that never ranked very highly in the debate at the time is that not all gay people actually support gay marriage. Even where these marriages are permitted, not everybody who can marry now is choosing to do so.

    The reasons for this are varied, but one key point that has often been missed is that there are two routes to marriage equality: one involves permitting gay couples to visit the register office and fill in a form just as other couples do. The other route to equality is to remove all the legal artifacts around marriage altogether.

    When the government does issue a marriage certificate, it is not long before other organizations start asking for confirmation of the marriage. Everybody from banks to letting agents and Facebook wants to know about it. Many companies outsource that data into cloud CRM systems such as Salesforce. Before you know it, there are numerous databases that somebody could mine to make a list of confirmed homosexuals.

    Of course, if everybody in the world was going to live happily ever after none of this would be a problem. But the reality is different.

    While discrimination: either against Muslims or homosexuals - is prohibited and can even lead to criminal sanctions in some countries, this attitude is not shared globally. Once gay people have their marriage status documented in the frequent flyer or hotel loyalty program, or in the public part of their Facebook profile, there are various countries where they are going to be at much higher risk of prosecution/persecution. The equality to marry in the US or UK may mean they have less equality when choosing travel destinations.

    Those places are not as obscure as you might think: even in Australia, regarded as a civilized and laid-back western democracy, the state of Tasmania fought tooth-and-nail to retain the criminalization of virtually all homosexual conduct until 1997 when the combined actions of the federal government and high court compelled the state to reform. Despite the changes, people with some of the most offensive attitudes are able to achieve and retain a position of significant authority. The same Australian senator who infamously linked gay marriage with bestiality has successfully used his position to set up a Senate inquiry as a platform for conspiracy theories linking Halal certification with terrorism.

    There are many ways a database can fall into the wrong hands

    Ironically, one of the most valuable lessons about the risk of registering Muslims and homosexuals was an injustice against the very same tea-party supporters a certain presidential candidate is trying to woo. In 2013, it was revealed IRS employees had started applying a different process to discriminate against groups with Tea party in their name.

    It is not hard to imagine other types of rogue or misinformed behavior by people in positions of authority when they are presented with information that they don't actually need about somebody's religion or sexuality.

    Beyond this type of rogue behavior by individual officials and departments, there is also the more sinister proposition that somebody truly unpleasant is elected into power and can immediately use things like a Muslim database, surveillance data or the marriage database for a program of systematic discrimination. France had a close shave with this scenario in the 2002 presidential election when
    Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has at least six convictions for racism or inciting racial hatred made it to the final round in a two-candidate run-off with Jacques Chirac.

    The best data security

    The best way to be safe- wherever you go, both now and in the future - is not to have data about yourself on any database. When filling out forms, think need-to-know. If some company doesn't really need your personal mobile number, your date of birth, your religion or your marriage status, don't give it to them.


    Air Mozilla: Foundation Demos November 20 2015

    Пятница, 20 Ноября 2015 г. 21:00 + в цитатник

    Foundation Demos November 20 2015 Mozilla Foundation Demos November 20 2015


    Support.Mozilla.Org: What’s up with SUMO – 20th November

    Пятница, 20 Ноября 2015 г. 19:08 + в цитатник

    Hello, SUMO Nation!

    Good to see you reading these words again. Thank you for dropping by and willing to learn more about the most recent goings-on at SUMO.

    Welcome, new contributors!

    If you joined us recently, don’t hesitate – come over and say “hi” in the forums!

    Contributors of the last week

    • SynergSINE – for his proactive attitude and conversation with the Ivory Coast Mozillians who are interested in participating in SUMO!

    We salute you!

    Don’t forget that if you are new to SUMO and someone helped you get started in a nice way you can nominate them for the Buddy of the Month!

    Last SUMO Community meeting

    Reminder: the next SUMO Community meeting…

    • …is going to take place on Monday, 23rd of November. Join us!
    • If you want to add a discussion topic to upcoming the live meeting agenda:
      • Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Monday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting).
      • Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda).



    Support Forum


    • for Android
      • Nothing new to report.
    • for Desktop
      • All quiet on the desktop front.
    •  for iOS
      • We keep getting more users!
    • Firefox OS
      • Guess what… no big news here, either ;-)
    All this quiet is good – time to recharge our Moz-batteries and get ready for a busy end-of-year season! We wish you a great weekend and hope to see you around on Monday. Take it easy!


    Joel Maher: Introducing the contributors for the MozCI Project

    Пятница, 20 Ноября 2015 г. 18:37 + в цитатник

    As I previously announced who will be working on Pulse Guardian, the Web Platform Tests Results Explorer, and the  Web Driver Infrastructure projects, I would like to introduce the contributors for the 4th project this quarter, Mozilla CI Tools – Polish and Packaging:

    * MikeLing (:mikeling on IRC) –

    What interests you in this specific project?

    As its document described, Mozilla CI Tools is designed to allow interacting with the various components which compose Mozilla’s Continuous Integration. So, I think get involved into it can help me know more about how Treeherder and Mozci works and give me better understanding of A-team.

    What do you plan to get out of this after 8 weeks?

    Keep try my best to contribute! Hope I can push forward this project with Armen, Alice and other contributors in the furture :)

    Are there any interesting facts/hobbies that you would like to share so others can enjoy reading about you?

    I’m a guy who would like to keep challenge myself and try new stuff.

    * Stefan (:F3real on IRC) –

    What interests you in this specific project?

    I thought it would be good starting project and help me learn new things.

    What do you plan to get out of this after 8 weeks?

    Expand my knowledge and meet new people.

    Are there any interesting facts/hobbies that you would like to share so others can enjoy reading about you?

    I play guitar but I don’ t think that’s really interesting.

    * Vaibhav Tulsyan (:xenny on IRC) –

    What interests you in this specific project?

    Continuous Integration, in general, is interesting for me.

    What do you plan to get out of this after 8 weeks?

    I want to learn how to work efficiently in a team in spite of working remotely, learn how to explore a new code base and some new things about Python, git, hg and Mozilla. Apart from learning, I want to be useful to the community in some way. I hope to contribute to Mozilla for a long term, and I hope that this helps me build a solid foundation.

    Are there any interesting facts/hobbies that you would like to share so others can enjoy reading about you?

    One of my hobbies is to create algorithmic problems from real-world situations. I like to think a lot about the purpose of existence, how people think about things/events and what affects their thinking. I like teaching and gaining satisfaction from others’ understanding.


    Please join me in welcoming all the contributors to this project and the previously mentioned ones as they have committed to work on a larger project with their free time!


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