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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 13.05.2008
Написано: 1683

СКОРО ! Самая большая коллекция фото с концерта Tokio Hotel из Франции !


Среда, 25 Июня 2008 г. 01:06 + в цитатник
TayaOstrr (NEWS_BLOK) все записи автора Parc des Princes 21.06.08

только самое-самое !
 (699x472, 68Kb)
Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Tokio Hotel
NEWS BLOK * International


Начало священной войны!


Воскресенье, 22 Июня 2008 г. 19:04 + в цитатник
PRMan (NEWS_BLOK) все записи автора
Начало Великой Отечественной Войны!
Сегодня в 1941 году немецкие оккупанты атаковали большие города СССР, нанеся авиа удары в 4 часа утра. Началась операция блицкриг. Утро когда наши предки проснулись в ужасе и страхе. День когда началась борьба за наше с вами будущие!
Мы помним.
Почтим память погибших!
 (404x311, 21Kb)

Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Video
NEWS BLOK * People & Culture
NEWS BLOK * International


Aerosmith - Cryin


Среда, 18 Июня 2008 г. 23:11 + в цитатник
Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Music
NEWS BLOK * Reading together
NEWS BLOK * International


В Грузии задержали российских миротворцев


Среда, 18 Июня 2008 г. 21:54 + в цитатник
PRMan (NEWS_BLOK) все записи автора

В зоне грузино-абхазского конфликта задержали российских миротворцев. Грузинские полицейские остановили их автомобиль, посчитав, что они незаконно перевозят боеприпасы. Россиян разоружили и под конвоем увезли в региональное управление МВД, находящееся в городе Зугдиди.

Грузинская сторона заявила, что миротворцы якобы без согласования пытались ввезти в зону конфликта запрещенное оружие — реактивные управляемые ракеты и противотанковые мины.

Российское Министерство обороны уже подтвердило факт задержания. В военном ведомстве это назвали «нарушением действующих договоренностей». В инциденте сегодня будут разбираться представители миротворческих сил и миссии военных наблюдателей ООН, передает НТВ.

Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Video
NEWS BLOK * International

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Иностранные языки и знаки Зодиака


Пятница, 13 Июня 2008 г. 17:59 + в цитатник
A-Cardinal_kau (NEWS_BLOK) все записи автора
Какой язык изучается быстрее и легче? Такие вопросы поступают к нам регулярно. Помимо индивидуальных особенностей, есть еще ряд критериев, по которым можно выбрать свой язык. Например, астрология. Наши исследования показывают, что некоторым легче дается английский язык, другие же без ума от испанского. Третьим же не кажется сложной грамматика немецкого или французского языков. Мы сделали статистику некоторых наших слушателей. Итак, что мы выявили.
Английский язык легче всего осваивается представителями зодиака Тельцами, Стрельцами и Водолеями. Тельцы проявляют при изучении английского языка все свое терпение и настойчивость. Все события в жизни, в том числе и посещение языковых курсов, подготавливаются не торопясь, серьезно прорабатываются финансовые вопросы. Им нужны гарантии! А гарантии могут дать только традиционные методы изучения иностранных языков и традиционные языки. В результате английский язык запоминается ими надолго и качественно. Чего не скажешь о Водолеях. Они чаще постигают знания в практике. "Грамматику учить лень, да и зачем, если она не нужна при общении?" - так рассуждают "люди будущего", Водолеи. Лозунг водолея: "Английский язык - язык будущего!". Похожего мнения придерживаются Стрельцы. Они тоже не против изучать иностранные языки во время общения, но они не забывают про грамматику, понимая, что правильная речь зависит от грамматической начинки. Для этих знаков больше всего подходят дистанционные курсы иностранных языков, нежели реальные.
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Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * International


Zack Snyder's Watchmen Taking Shape


Среда, 11 Июня 2008 г. 11:46 + в цитатник
TayaOstrr (NEWS_BLOK) все записи автора  (220x300, 55Kb)
"I don't know if I made a good film, but I know I made the book." This is one of my all-time favorite quotes from a filmmaker. It comes from Terry Gilliam during an interview with Charlie Rose about Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. This kind of statement opens a project up to merciless criticism and at the same time claims that boldly, good or bad, the book has been brought to the screen, from the tone to the style to the characters to the subtext. The latest book-to-screen translation that will be criticized, scrutinized, and deconstructed frame-by-frame is Watchmen, the acclaimed and beloved graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.

The book itself has a long and bloody history, from the frustrations of creator Alan Moore with DC Comics to the multiple failed attempts at getting the film made. But any geek worth their salt knows all this and can quote these trials as easily as a WWII historian could the trials of Patton. But now it's all been said and done, the film has been greenlit and the director and actors are deep into production and pics are making their way online. The pre-publicity is already gearing up and the questions and comments are already bouncing around the net, starting with "how does it look" and "How faithful will it be?" For me, there are two gauges I can use at this early stage to determine the possible quality of a film I have yet to see.

NOTE: that last sentence required that I take two shots of Bushmills in order to steady myself enough to type it out. Why, you ask? Because, in essence, I'm writing about the quality of a film that's still in production. That, in my mind, is akin to criticizing America on foreign soil -- it's not illegal, but it's very clearly taboo. The reason I'm willing to bend this rule till it breaks? Because I am excited about the film and I qualify this post as more of a pre-geek-out rather than any sort of critique.

Mr. Zack Snyder, the director, has shown impressive chops and vision with his filmmaking, from his clean and innovative remake of Dawn of the Dead to flying his geek-flag high and proud with the accurate-where-it-counts adaptation of Frank Miller's 300. After that cinematic explosion Mr. Snyder had a free pass to tackle nearly any project he so chose, and he went with another comic-book adaptation, Watchmen. That he chose another comic is telling enough of his mind-set that it deserves an article in and of itself. That the choice for his third film was one of comics' holy trinities (Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, and Maus) is an indication that he may well be a filmmaker daring enough to tackle such a daunting task. This is not a project to be factory-produced and run by a committee. What we are getting via production pics gives me nothing but further faith in Mr. Snyder and the direction he's taking (read: faithful translation) the production.

The photographs that have made their way online are more than impressive. They carry with them the righteous attitude of the characters; if I had to pick one that interests me the most (and it is difficult to choose just one), it would be The Comedian. Mr. Snyder seems to be using the actual comic book as his storyboards. Every shot -- down to the character's poses, the lighting, and especially the facial expressions -- mirrors the brilliance of the book. Then came this shot as an exclusive to aintitcool.com, and for me, all bets were off. Sure the image looks a little goofy and dated -- that's what it's supposed to look like. If you've read the book, this image should seal the deal. They're doing everything they can to get the look of the project as accurate to the book as they can. The next big question I have is about tone. Though, we'll just have to wait until the first trailer hits to know what notes Mr. Snyder is using to carry his most unique and daring project to date.

If he pulls another trifecta with Watchmen (by garnering critical, financial, and core fan-base acclaim) similar to 300, he will have announced himself as a filmmaker not just worth watching, but one of the great filmmakers of his generation. The bar is set high for this one. The good news is that Mr. Snyder seems adept at making those impossible leaps with inches to spare. I wouldn't be surprised to see him on The Charlie Rose Show, answering the same question, "Did you make a good film?" with a more confident response than Gilliam: "I know I made a good film because I made the book."
Cole Drumb
Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Cinema & Film & Cartoon
NEWS BLOK * International


Weekend Wrapup: Kung Fu Panda Chop-Sockies Its Way to 60 Million Bucks


Среда, 11 Июня 2008 г. 11:30 + в цитатник
TayaOstrr (NEWS_BLOK) все записи автора  (220x300, 64Kb)
MaryAnn Johanson

Oh my god, really? Sixty million bucks for Kung Fu Panda? Not that this ain't a delightful, charming, utterly enchanting -- and very funny -- flick. But still! That's one of the biggest June openings ever, and the second best animated opening in June ever (it's just a smidge behind 2006's Cars, and I bet it bypasses that one when the final numbers come in), and the third biggest opening weekend of 2008 so far.

I don't think anybody called this... okay, someone did. But most predictions were lower, some far lower. And those prognosticators were even more wrong when it came to this weekend's No. 2 movie, You Don't Mess With the Zohan, which hauled in $40 million. Forty million! (And boy, am I glad I overcame my initial reservations to skip this one, because I discovered that it's surprisingly not horrible, and now I don't have to complain about how undiscriminating movie audiences are for throwing $40 million at it.)

The biggest upset, though, might be at the No. 3 spot, where Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull held strong by taking in another $22.8 million -- bringing its total gross over $250 million -- and dropping only a single slot in the roster. Sex and the City, on the other hand, plummeted from No. 1 last week to No. 4 this week. The film added another $21.3 million to its coffers, but that was a drop of almost 63 percent from its opening weekend, which indicates the movie will not have legs throughout the summer, or even over the next month. At No. 5, The Strangers also took a big drop, of almost 56 percent, to take in another $9.3 million... but that's about as much as the movie was expected to earn in its opening weekend, last week, so the studio folks are probably happy about that.

The indie side of things is quiet at the moment, as you might expect at this time of year. But a new historical epic from Kazakhstan, Mongol, a bio of legendary warlord Genghis Khan, rather invaded the five theaters it was playing in, earning $26,600 at each of those venues. That leaves the top movies in the dust, even with their impressive takes: the panda earned $14,584 per-screen, and the Zohan $11,554. Looks like it's the Khan you don't mess with.

Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Cinema & Film & Cartoon
NEWS BLOK * International


Rock's Lustful Muses


Среда, 11 Июня 2008 г. 11:13 + в цитатник
Рубрики:  NEWS BLOK * Music
NEWS BLOK * People & Culture
NEWS BLOK * International




Понедельник, 09 Июня 2008 г. 18:36 + в цитатник
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NEWS BLOK * Friends


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