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: 28.07.2005
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, 13 2007 . 01:27 +
Serj -

- , .

Serj answered some questions that were posted on the Serjical Strike myspace.
He even answers a question regarding his new solo album (most sprecifically the name of it)!

Serjical Strike Records made fans questionnaire for Serj Tankian, the lead singer of System of a Down and the Label Owner/Manger, the interview been organized on the social network myspace a month ago.
In an answer of one of the questions, Serj said his new upcoming Solo Album is planned to be released by next late summer or early fall if everything worked as planned, the new album will titled "ELECT THE DEAD". Serj said he has plans to tour extensively and the album will probably released under his label.

Q: Serj, do you have a daily/weekly motivational ritual? Like a phrase you say everyday that helps you stay positive and uplifted, or maybe a poem, song, prayer or even a workout, or a beautiful place to go when your spirits need lifting and rejuvenating? If so can you please tell us what it is?

A: Daily morning thanks in the tradition of indigenous cultures along with a nice walk or hike set me straight for the day. It is important once in a while to leave your habitat and change your physical surroundings to fall out of habitual existence. The change in visuals helps change the direction of the mind.

Q: When you perform live (whether it's solo or with System of a Down), do you have one special song that really resonates with you when you sing it live? What do you picture in your mind when you are singing your songs?

A: When performing music, it's best to have nothing on your mind so as not to get distracted from the moment. It's best to just live the emotions of the song with the audience.

Q: How did you (Serj) become so aware of the government and its "problems", I'll call them? You (Serj) have opened my eyes to many things I was blind to and I am curious how your eyes too became open?"

A: The denial of the Armenian Genocide in the U.S. specifically became the catalyst for my politicization. It made me think of how many other truths and injustices are out there that we're unaware of in our casual existence.

Q: If you could only keep one of your five senses, which would you save?

A: My sense of humor.

Q: Are you writing another book? What inspired you to write Kevorkian Patient's Plee?

A: I'm currently busy with my solo album, but plan to write a novel one-day when it's time. Not sure if I'll do another poetry book though I have more than volumes of poetry. Kevorkian's plea was a narration from the point of view of a patient who knows that it is their time and expect to be given the choice over their own life with dignity.

Q: When is your next project coming out? What is it? Is it a solo music project? Will you tour?

A: My next project is my solo album that I've been working on for a while. I'm hoping to release it late summer/early fall if everything goes as planned. It's a rock record that I've written, performed, and produced. And yes, I will be touring extensively for it. It will most likely be released under my name and the album will be called ELECT THE DEAD.

Q: You have accomplished what many only dream, with your successful career in music, working with Axis of Justice (which I so admire), and through your work you have inspired thousands, if not millions. What do you plan or envision for your future, both career-wise and personally?

A: I haven't really planned out my future as it were. John Lennon said something to the effect of "Life happens while you're making plans." I'm just taking things in the moment and doing what I enjoy and what I feel I'm supposed to do based on my vision.

Q: What music are you currently listening to? Any recommendations?

A: Too many to recommend…I'll leave this for another opportunity.

Q: In your opinion, what is the most important variable in getting people more engaged in the local, national, and international community?

A: Compassion and kindness. Once you fill yourself with those two things, you'll have no choice but to affect positive change around you. Everything is intricately connected and a net positive action will have undeniably wide repercussions.

Q: Any plans for running for some sort of office, whether its at the state level or the federal level?

A: Absolutely not!!!! I like talking to the people not for people.

Q: What are your views and perceptions of online networking on websites such as Myspace, since it appears to be making it's sociological impact on our culture today (with classes being offered at UCLA strictly assessing Myspace's impact on personal interactions, people meeting from myspace, musicians networking, etc.)?

A: Hmm…I think myspace and some of the other online forums are great for interactions, though they lack the physical attributes vital in human relationships. It's even better for musicians, giving us our own non-aligned platforms to reach people directly. However, we must remember that it is now owned by Rupert Murdoch and historically his ventures have not brought about any dedications to truth or justice. Time will tell I guess.

Q: System Of A Down was a band that encouraged youngsters to branch out and listen to music that didn't just fit the conventions of the popular music charts. I know because I was one of them and there is a whole generation of music fans that were introduced in the same way. With new popular branches (ie: emo, hardcore etc) which are widely accepted yet wholly hated by loyal "metal" fans - some of which SOAD created -do you think there is more that bands could do to stop the animosity and unite music fans under their one common interest?

A: More that bands can do? I don't know about that. People respond to things in a very subjective manner and unfortunately the labeling and musical party loyalties have not been done away with yet, though I can say that it's a lot better than before. Despite the narrow focus of commercial radio, I think most people today listen to more varied genres of music than say 20 years ago. The Internet might have a lot to do with this of course.

Q: What are your views on religion and what effect do you think it has on American culture? What are your beliefs on God or organized religion? Do you believe in a "cosmic mutual mind connection"?

A: That's a hell of a question (smirk).. All modern religions were born out of this 10,000 year old civilization. None have any direct lineage to our indigenous past. The indigenous life had intuition, understanding and respect for why we're here as an element of nature, equal by definition. Modern civilization has instead nurtured the mind versus the heart and has gotten us all lost in the process. All modern organized religions have parts of the truth embedded in them, though none present the full answer. Every time I'm asked about my religion or spiritual practices, I tell journalists to go ask the tree outside, cause it's the same one.

Q: How the heck does he manage his hair? What products do you use? Do you blow dry?

A: Hahahha…nice one…that's my answer.


: [1] []
Mesmerized_by_SOAD   , 13 2007 . 11:03 ()
- . 5 ...! =))
Systemaniac   Re: , 13 2007 . 12:03 ()
: 2007 3 neon koh zzzz

LI 5.09.15
Serj   , 14 2007 . 17:57 ()
Systemaniac   Re: Mesmerized_by_SOAD; , 15 2007 . 11:09 ()
Serj: Mesmerized_by_SOAD, .

)) !
: System Of A Down - Violent Pornography

LI 5.09.15
Serj   , 15 2007 . 21:28 ()
))) ))
Systemaniac   Re: Mesmerized_by_SOAD; , 16 2007 . 17:56 ()
Serj: Systemaniac,
))) ))

! =)
: System Of A Down - Mind

LI 5.09.15
: [1] []


: ( )
