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Создан: 18.04.2007
Написано: 500

Выбрана рубрика Trip.

Другие рубрики в этом дневнике: your Art(4), Video(3), Psy Art(10), Pictures(45), History(12), funny stuff(12)



Пятница, 11 Января 2008 г. 05:23 + в цитатник
li______ (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора

Мы поглощены этой ультрофиолетовой реальностью,

связанной с эволюцией органических соединений и сознанием Будды,

который я на самом деле или не я,

что не имеет совершенно конкретного значения.

Я и без музыки потерянна в смыслах, а с музыкой я - не я, а транс-эквивалентное пространство,

спроецированное внутрь моего разума и бабочкой порхающее и путешествующее в беспредельном генозисе сознания гуманоидов...

 (424x283, 105Kb)
Рубрики:  Trip

poem about acid


Пятница, 21 Сентября 2007 г. 01:59 + в цитатник
Ellcrys (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора Луч
Солнца на рассвете
Дракона Красного вспугнул.

Дракону улететь,

Лесная Фея
Своей улыбкой приманила. И
Добрый Джин с Ней рядом был.

Лети за ним,
Сказал тот добрый

Ладони мне
Свои Он протянул.
Дары Страны Далекой

Лежали в них. В одной из Моря Мертвого
Священная Вода, в другой со
Дна морского камень.

Летать сквозь время и пространство
С их помощью

Луна и
День и Ночь, всё это было До и будет После.

Лишилось смысла. Открой
Для новых Истин.

Рубрики:  History
Psy Art

Комментарии (19)

И ещё предложение


Вторник, 03 Июля 2007 г. 16:10 + в цитатник
your_Sly_Sweetheart (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора

Наверняка многие из вас пробовали LSD или какие-либо другие галлюциногены
(хаха, иначе зачем бы мы все здесь собрались?),
так давайте поделимся друг с другом впечатлениями от трипов
и расскажем как это было.
(заодно, кто ещё ничем не закидывался -узнает всё "из первых уст")

Рубрики:  Trip

Trip stories - Random pattern vol.3


Среда, 20 Июня 2007 г. 15:12 + в цитатник
Ellcrys (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора At one point we turned  out the lights  and looked at  the patterns of light cast on the ceiling from the street.  I cannot  begin to express
the deep beauty of those patches of  light.  I  stared and stared with my eyes boggled out muttering "oh my God! oh my God!"  I swore I would never   take patterns    of light  for  granted again!    I  could see fantastically complex latticework  patterns in the  dark  which became very vivid when I  closed my eyes.  I tried  to describe these visions to my tape recorder because I knew I could never  remember them in all their beauty and complexity, but  the visions rushed by  so  fast  and furiously that I could not begin to keep up with them, even if I could find words to  describe them.

Throughout  these experiences I  remembered an  insight I had  had ten years ago  when I  had  last taken  LSD.    I remember thinking   that although  the experience is  novel and  fantastic beyond   the wildest imagination, that there is also an element of familiarity to it all, a sense of deja vu,  that at some past  time I had  seen these kinds  of things before.  After much thought it  came to  me.  Remember when you were a  kid,  and could  see  patterns in clouds?  I   remember seeing things in every random pattern.  In the linoleum of the bathroom floor there was a man's head, and a little girl, and a horse.   In the trees across   the street from  the house  I  could see  goofy  and the snap crackle and pop characters.  When I first learned numbers in school, 6 was a little fat boy with a big stomach, and  7  was tall and straight with  creased pants, while 3  and 8 were  little girls.   Now they are just numbers to me, they have lost their fanciful connotations, but on LSD I see images again, like I did as a young boy.  And  near  the end of the trip  when thoughts  and  sensations become  more 'fundamental' (how else  can I word it?)   and you feel spasms pulsing  through your whole body and shaking you to your very foundations, it brings to mind the convulsions of  a very young  infant, and  the boggled  eyes  with their expression of  uncomprehending wonder  and fascination.  Is this the reason for the familiarity?  Is this the way the world looked when I first cast eyes on it?

If I  were an alien  intelligence come  to  visit the  earth, to get a taste of life  among these  primitive semi-intelligent  self-important
pompous ape men,  if I wanted  to really know what  it was  like to be human,  to have human  thoughts and perceptions and   I slipped into a human brain and viewed the earth  through an earth  mans eyes and ears and body, this is the  way it would look.   This is the wild distorted narrow visioned perspective on  the world as seen  from within a human mind, but seen with an alien detachment and objectivity.  LSD gives me an opportunity to experience what  being human is  all about.  To step back and see my world  from a  perspective  that cannot be gained  any other way.  To gain deep insights into the nature of what I am.

Should  LSD  be legal?  Absolutely!  Would  I  recommend it   for just anyone?   Absolutely not!  I am an  easy-going happy person, satisfied with my life, so the  experience has  always been a good one  for  me. But  the    psychedelic  experience forces you  to  face  up  to  some fundamental issues about your own life and mind, and if you are at all mentally unstable, unhappy with your life or yourself, if you have any unresolved  mental   conflicts, then the  experience  could    well be disasterous beyond your  most horrific  nightmares!  Anyone who  takes this drug  does so at their own  risk, and it   should never  be taken lightly or pushed on people who arn't sure  whether they want it.  For those who are suited for it however the experience can  be so rich and rewarding in a multitude of ways, that no man should have the right to deny it to them.  It is a truely priceless  experience!


Рубрики:  Trip

Trip stories - Random pattern vol.2


Среда, 20 Июня 2007 г. 15:11 + в цитатник
Ellcrys (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора We went outside for a little walk in the night air,  and while walking down the street I  got a  repeat  of that  first  insight.  I had  the feeling that instead walking down a real street,  I felt  as  if there was a big spherical screen all around me, with an  image of the street projected onto it,  and that as I walked  the image changed, expanding out in front of me and collapsing back down again  behind me.  I could look up and see an image of the sky, look down and see my feet pushing the  sidewalk backwards.  I  was stationary, it  was the image  of the street   that  was  moving.  Of course  when you  think about it, this perceptual  'distortion'  is  actually  more  real than   the 'normal' perception.  My brain, comfortably enthroned in my skull feels nothing of  the   outside  world except through    the  pattern of activity it receives from the senses.  It receives images, sounds, sensations, and pastes each one    in   its proper   place  on a  sensory  sphere that represents  the world around   me.  My perceptual  distortion was that instead  of seeing the  outside world,  I was  now seeing this sensory sphere, with a   sensory image of  the world   on it.  To  me  this an extremely interesting and exciting  insight  that I will  remember for the rest of my life.

I would see strangers approach along  the sidewalk, at first appearing as a little insignificant dot near the  expanding  focus of my sphere. They would grow and grow until I could see them in great detail before they passed behind and shrank back down to nothing.  It was as if each of us posessed  his own sensory   sphere, and  as  we  approached  the spheres would intersect, and I would appear in his sensory world as he appeared in mine.  We played a  little ritualistic game as  we passed, each in turn taking a good look at  the other, then  politely averting their eyes to allow the other to return the visual examination without making  direct eye contact, before hurrying   on  down the street.  It brought to mind an image of dogs presenting themselves in turn for the other to get a good sniff.

We stopped at MacDonalds to get a bite to eat, and never did a big mac taste so good, although it seemed to take an hour to consume it, and I was a  little  concerned that  the other  customers might  notice  the enormous effort I was expending in getting it  down.  I could  feel my tongue and cheeks maneuvering the  lumps  of food into position on  my molars, a few good chomps, then it was pushed down  the chute where my esophagus began  an elaborate sequence of peristaltic  contractions to persuade it down to  my  stomach.  I looked  up at my   friend between mouthfuls, and his  face  looked  so weird,  it  is hard to  describe. Although visually he looked exactly as  he always does, I would become aware of individual components of  his face,  his nose, his cheek, his eyes, which would trigger a  strong response  to my senses independant of the rest  of the face, so that  the impression was  somewhat like a cubist painting.

We attempted a few mathematical  exercises and found  that although we were fundamentally capable, it was difficult to remember which part of the problem you  were working on,  or to hold interim results  in your head.  While walking around town I had  found it extremely challenging to  navigate around the  familiar  streets of  my neighborhood  for  a similar  reason; although I  could plan a  course,  I had some trouble remembering which  part of the course we  were actually on.   We  were never in danger of actually getting  lost, but we  did spend some time discussing where we were  and how  to  proceed.  It  was  a  wonderful sensation like exploring  a  fabled town that you  have read about but have never actually visited before.

As the hours rolled on by we spent the time  playing with a slinky and one of those electrostatic lightning machines, blissfully  absorbed in such   simple  pursuits like  two   children  playing  with toys.  Our conversation  disintegrated to short  meaningless  sentences.  I would say something like "The  quality of  light is  an etherial essence" to which  he  might   respond   "But the meaning    of existance  is  not comprehensive" and I would reply "Yes but it is if you want it to be", and it would go on like  this, knowing that  he  had no idea of what I had meant, which didn't matter at all, since I didn't know myself what I had   meant.  Often we  would just  break into  paroxisms  of mirth, laughing and laughing until our stomachs hurt and  the tears flowed in rivers down our cheeks.  At one point  I noticed a luminescent glow on the slinky that I could not account for.   I  told him breathlessly of my discovery, thinking it was a new form of  mysterious  energy,  on a par with Newtons discovery of gravitation, and it took us at least ten minutes to discover  that it was only  the reflection of the lightning machine, which triggered another bout of helpless mirth.
Рубрики:  Trip

Trip stories - Random pattern vol.1


Среда, 20 Июня 2007 г. 15:09 + в цитатник
Ellcrys (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора November 1988

Back in  the 70's I did acid  a few times,  but in the ten years since then I  had no access to the  stuff, nor was I particularly interested
because  of other pursuits.   Recently I have  been studying cognitive and  neural systems,  which  has  revived my   interest  in  issues of consciousness and perception.  I was delighted therefore when a friend offered  to share two last  hits he had  saved in the freezer from the days of his own wild youth.  I had  vague recollections from ten years ago  of wierd sensations  and hallucinations  and I  prepared  for the 'experiment' with  a   checklist  of questions   to  myself about   my experiences.  The questions were in the nature of "How does the visual world look?" "How do you experience sounds?" "can you compute 345/15?" and the like.  I looked forward  to the experience with great interest and curiosity.

We went  to my place  that  night and  made ourselves comfortable, and when things started turning weird,  I pulled out my checklist.   First of all, the notion  of having a checklist seemed  at the time to be so hilariously funny that my friend  and  I were doubled up with laughter for a long  long  time before I could   get to any  of  the  questions seriously.  It was a kind of laughter that  I havent experienced since childhood, a deep  and overwealming mirth that shook  my whole body to the core and tears were streaming down our cheeks as we gasped happily for breath.  Each  new  question   occasioned a  renewed  outburst  of helpless laughter until we were thoroughly exhausted.

When I finally got  aroud  to the questions I discovered  a  fact that leaves me  astounded  to  this   day.  I answered every   one  of  the
perceptual questions exactly as  I would have while  stone cold sober. The reason why this was so surprising was that I was  actually feeling very very different.   In fact I was  feeling exceeding peculiar.   In fact words  cannot express how  strange I  was  feeling, and  yet,  my sensations of the world  around me were  exactly as they are normally. So, I asked myself, what is it that  is actually different?  Well, the sights and sounds and smells were the  same.  It  was my perception of them that was different.   This experience gave me a  new appreciation for  the word perception.   Normally  we think  that if  we observe an object, a  pencil in your hand  for instance, we see   exactly that, a pencil, the real pencil,  and nothing but  the pencil.  It came to  me that  that is not the  case.  Even when regarding as matter-of-factual an object as a common everyday pencil, we perceive it through a filter of our own perspective, our own  view of things.   This perspective is normally so ordinary and unremarkable  that we are not  even  aware of it, but it was exactly this perspective, our view of the  world around us, that is altered by the drug.  It brought my attention to something that I had been totally unaware of although it has been in front of me all my life.

It is somewhat  like the experience  of  intently watching some  event unfold before your eyes, and suddenly becoming aware of  the fact that you are watching it  on television.  Shifting  your attention from the event itself to the glowing   phosphor  dots on  the screen.  You  are looking at the same thing, and you are seeing the same thing, but your perception of  it  has altered  radically.  Well the  same  thing  was happening to my own senses.  Suddenly I was aware of the fact that the world around me is not the real physical world, but only a view of the world as it impinges on my  senses.  That the image of  the  pencil is not a pencil, but a  pattern of neural activity  in my  visual cortex. Of course this is no new scientific revelation, I knew that all along. But now I  could  feel it,  I could  perceive  it in  a  way  that has permanently altered my way of thinking about consciousness.
Рубрики:  Trip

trip stories


Среда, 20 Июня 2007 г. 14:50 + в цитатник
Ellcrys (LuCCy_in_the_Sky) все записи автора

Lost civilizations

 I'd like to relate one of my most powerful trips to date to you people out there. Last weekend, two mates and I picked up some acid that was called 'Jesus Christ'. The sheet had a huge, detailed picture of Jesus on the cross on it, and the detail of the drawing was incredible. I dropped a half at about 2 o'clock in the arvo, and about an hour later I was frying beyond belief. This stuff was _strong_.  I sat down in a comfortable chair on my mate's porch, and simply stared over the neighbourhood. I simply could not believe how powerful this trip was. It was like someone was injecting me with power beyond my wildest dreams. I looked at my hands and saw a huge display of constantly changing heiroglyphics which seemed Aztec or Incan in origin. I remember thinking 'I could have the answer to those lost civilizations here in my hand.'
  I spent 4 hours sitting on that porch not talking to my mates, (who were too fried to notice.) just journeying out to places I had never even known existed. Eventually the sun went down, and the trip subsided a little, so I went back inside, and we smoked some primo buds to complement the trip nicely. After that, the trip seemed a little more casual, but that peak is definately something I'll definately remember forever, as it took on hugely mystical qualities. I hope to get a few more of these type of trips, as I have a lot of uncharted territory to explore in the realm of my mind...



Рубрики:  Trip

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