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, 06 2009 . 15:47 +
Rucci (Learning_English)

( ) - Dizzy with success.
- Success has gone to his head.
- It smells of trouble. Trouble is in the air. Something’s up. Something is really fishy here.
- Wait until Monday.
- - We shall wait and see.
() - Sworn friends. A love-hate relationship.
- It’s not over yet. It’s not over until it’s over. It’s not over until the fat ladies sing.
- I feel sorry hurt for my country.
, ! - Let’s go down to work!
! - To the success hopeless cause!
- Icon.
- Revealing statements.
( ) - There is no other way. It’s the only game in town.
, ( " ") - Some are no more and distant others.
- Cadres are all important.
- Apartment shortage has affected them badly (has had a bad influence).
, ( ) - Let’s not lump everything together. - Let’s not mix apples and oranges. First things first. The flies on the side, please.
? - You must be out of your mind / You must be going bananas.
- Who is who.

Useful Expressions/
Notes for interpreter/
Quotations, idioms, etc./,



, 06 2009 . 15:36 +
Rucci (Learning_English)

- Disturber of the peace.
- There is a life in the old dog yet.
- - Beg, steal or borrow but get it.
- A thief must go to jail (prison). A thief must be put in jail.
- - The East is thicky.
, - Everything has been covered.
- We are on top of the situation.
- Seriously and for a long time.
«» - To get the hang of the subject.
«» - He is fully in command of the subject.
« » - I can’t tune into it / I can’t get it.
- To make waves.
, « » - To put the squeeze on someone.
« » - - To stoke hysteria.

Useful Expressions/
Notes for interpreter/
Quotations, idioms, etc./,


Green finger...

, 29 2009 . 18:03 +
Rucci (Learning_English)

, ... «green finger» ( ) « » — , , : )


Useful Expressions/
Notes for interpreter/
Quotations, idioms, etc./,


Idioms:( Eating ) ...

, 19 2009 . 21:05 +
never_givin_up (Learning_English)

As cool as a cucumber -
as easy as apple pie -
as flat as a pancake -
as nutty as a fruitcake - ,
as red as a cherry - -
ompare apples and oranges -
upset smb's plans - -
upset smb's applecart -
polish the apple - ,
rotten to the core - ,
bad apple -
rotten apple - ,
apple of one's eye - ,
hill of beans -
spill the beans - , ,
not worth a hill of beans - ,
not know beans about (someone or something) - , -
full of beans - , ,
know which side one's bread is buttered -
half-baked - , ,
half a loaf is better than none - ,
grist for the mill - -,
greatest thing since sliced bread - ,
bread and water -
bread and butter - , ,
as warm as toast - , ,


Useful Expressions/


Idioms: Eating...

, 19 2009 . 20:49 +
never_givin_up (Learning_English)

Melt in one's mouth -
to be on a diet -
to be out to lunch - , "c"
have a sweet tooth -
have a taste for (something) - -
make a meal of (something) - -
make one`s mouth water - -
make (someone) eat crow - -
eyes are bigger than one's stomach - ,
feed one's face - ,
go on a binge - , ( , )
grab a bite to eat -
have a lot on one's plate -
eat out of (someone's) hands - -, -
eat (someone) for breakfast - -
eat (someone) out of house and home - -
eat (something) up - - ,
either feast or famine - , ( , )
bite the hand that feeds one - " , " ( , - )
bitter pill to swallow - " ", - ,
can't stomach (someone or something) - -, -, ,
clear the table -
ome and get it! - (, )
eat and run - ,
eat crow - , , , ,
eat dirt (pie) -
eat high on/off the hog - ,


Useful Expressions/


" - "...

, 17 2009 . 14:45 +
__ (Learning_English)

, : " - "?

Useful Expressions/


: Hand...

, 10 2009 . 22:38 +
never_givin_up (Learning_English)

To HAND DOWN - (, , - )

The skill of making violins WAS HANDED DOWN from father to son.
This bracelet HAS BEEN HANDED DOWN in our family for two hundred years.

to HAND IN - (, )

"It's time to HAND IN your works", - said the teacher.
" " - .
When can you HAND IN your article to the editor?



Useful Expressions/


Pragmatic Idioms...

, 10 2009 . 22:04 +
never_givin_up (Learning_English)

Abide by  - ,
A basketball player may know he did not foul, but he must abide by the referee's decision.
, , .

about to do something - -
She was about to leave when the phone rang.
( ), .

absent-minded  -
My grandfather is very absent-minded and often forgets his key.

act one's age - -,
Mr. O'Brien was playing tag with the children at the party. Then Mrs. O'Brien said, "Henry! Act your age!" and he stopped.
- ' . , ,   . 

Useful Expressions/



, 10 2009 . 14:09 +
never_givin_up (Learning_English)

1) , , ( , )
The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him. — , .
2) , , , , (.. -, , )


1) , - , ( -, -, )
2) , , , , ( , , , , )
Modern music has broken away from 18th century rules. — , 18 .

Useful Expressions/


: Beauty...

, 09 2009 . 21:51 +
never_givin_up (Learning_English)

Way cool - "" ( )
His voice is way cool. I love listening to him.
. .

Ritzy - ", , "
Curt has a ritzy apartment in Berlin.

Peaches-and-cream  -" "
This new lotion will give you a peaches-and-cream complexion.

Dapper Dan -  " "
He looks so great in his new suit - a real dapper Dan!
– .

Chick -" "
I like Molly - she's a cool chick!
- .


Useful Expressions/


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