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Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 06.03.2011
Записей: 44
Комментариев: 88
Написано: 137

Комментарии (4)

Полезный сайт englishpod


Пятница, 26 Августа 2011 г. 12:40 + в цитатник
Алья_Тэ (Learn_English) все записи автора

Предоставленный сайт для тех, кто хочет развить навыки слушания, а в дальнейшем и говорения, на английском языке.

Интерфейс сайта интуитивно понятен, нужна регистрация (бесплатная). 

Лексика подкастов: повседневная жизнь, офис, выходные и т.д.

Есть словарь, с объяснением значения слов на английском языке.

В сообществе есть вкладка для желающих общаться в Скайпе.



Рубрики:  Полезные статьи и советы

Комментарии (1)

Активное слушание: English Express - Тема: Department store


Пятница, 25 Марта 2011 г. 22:55 + в цитатник
Алья_Тэ (Learn_English) все записи автора

Слушаем и учим выражения для похода по магазинам в англоязычной стране.

Скачать аудио:  downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/english/english_20110325-1630a.mp3

Изучаемые слова/выражения/фразы:

Department store (универмаг)

Can you tell me where I can find the clothes department? (Подскажите, где я могу найти отдел одежды)

Food department (продуктовый отдел)

Furniture (мебель)

You need to go to the second floor (Вам нужно подняться на второй этаж)

Take the lift over there (Воспользуйтесь лифтом вот там)

Turn left (Поверните налево)

How much are the jackets? (Сколько стоят эти пиджаки?)

They're on special offer (Они продаются по сниженной цене)

Changing room / Fitting room (примерочная)

The cashdesk is in front of the lifts (Касса расположена напротив лифтов)

There's your change and your receipt (Здесь ваша сдача и чек)

Can I bring it back? (Это вещь подлежит возврату?)

You can bring it back within a month (Вы можете вернуть вещь в магазин в течение месяца)

Is there a toilet here please? (Здесь есть туалет?)

и т.д.

Первоисточник ВВС-радио:  www.bbc.co.uk/russian/multimedia/2011/03/000000_podcast_english_gel.shtml


Рубрики:  Слушание

Комментарии (1)

Активное слушание: The English We Speak > Loved Up


Суббота, 19 Марта 2011 г. 16:55 + в цитатник
Алья_Тэ (Learn_English) все записи автора

Итак, слушаем и переводим! Запоминаем выражения, и обязательно проговариваем их вслух.

Скачать аудио текста можно здесь: http-ws.bbc.co.uk.edgesuite.net/mp3/learningenglish/2011/01/bbc_tews_8_loved_up_110124_tews_8_loved_up_audio_au_bb.mp3

Are you loved up? Finn and Yang Li explain this phrase in The English We Speak.

Loved Up


The script from this programme:

Finn: Welcome to The English We Speak. I'm Finn.

Li: (Very happy) And I'm Yang Li…

Finn: How are you today, Li?

Li:(Dreamy, romantic voice) Oh fantastic. Just great. Amazing…

Finn: Really? Great… ok. Are you ready to start the programme?

Li: (Dreamy, romantic voice) Any time… Isn't life wonderful?

Finn: Are you sure you're alright?

Li: Perfect. He's lovely, isn't he? He's perfect!

Finn: Oh, I see! You're talking about your new boyfriend. You're so loved up right now, Li!

Li: But he has the most beautiful eyes and smile. And when he dances…

Finn: Li! (To audience) Well, I think Li is completely loved up - which is our phrase for the day. When you're loved up, it means you are really happy because you're in love.

Li: He dances like a dream, especially salsa…

Finn: You know, I think I'm going to have to present the rest of this programme on my own. As you can see, when you're loved up, sometimes you don't pay a lot of attention to things around you.
She's so loved up at the moment. She even forgets to eat lunch.

Finn: It can also be used to describe a couple who are very much in love, and who openly show their affection in public.
They're always together; holding hands, laughing. They seem so happy. They're really loved up!

Finn: Li, Li… Li, how long have you been in love? Hello?!

Li: Ooh, I'm going salsa dancing tonight with him, and I can't wait. Oh, he's so gorgeous. Don't you think, Finn?

Finn: Yes, sure, he's so gorgeous. Anyway, I'm getting a bit lonely here. Maybe I should take up salsa dancing too? Ok, bye for now everyone! Li, time to say goodbye.

Li: Oh yeah, goodbye, bye, bye!


Ссылка на подкаст ВВС-радио:  www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/theenglishwespeak/2011/02/110124_tews_8_loved_up_story.shtml

Рубрики:  Слушание

Комментарии (4)

Активное слушание: The English We Speak > Awesome


Среда, 16 Марта 2011 г. 23:08 + в цитатник
Алья_Тэ (Learn_English) все записи автора

Предлагаем Вашему вниманию рубрику "Активное слушание".

Здесь Вы можете скачать файл с английским текстом, чтобы его прослушать. А ниже прочитать сам текст и перевести его самостоятельно.



What is the meaning of the word 'awesome', and what can you describe with it? Find out more with William and Yang Li.


William: Hello, and welcome to the English We Speak, I'm William.

Yang Li: And I'm Yang Li…

William: And your task, Yang Li, is to guess today's word, OK?

Yang Li: OK.

William: Awesome. Li, try some of this cake…

Yang Li: A cake? Oh, thanks! That's very nice…

William: Do you like it? Awesome. They're pretty awesome cakes, huh?!

Yang Li: Yes, and I think I know what this week's word is. It's…

William: Hang on Li, try some of this coffee as well – it's really…

Yang Li: Awesome?

William: Exactly - it's really awesome. You got it. So listen to this. Which three adjectives are used in this clip?


This party is awesome. The food is amazing. The wine is excellent.

Yang Li: Awesome, amazing and excellent.

William: That's right. Awesome means excellent or amazing.

Yang Li: Awesome. This word has existed in English for a long time, hasn't it?

William: Yes, and it used to mean awe-inspiring. So awe means great respect or admiration, so something that’s awesome or awe-inspiring makes you feel great respect and admiration.

Yang Li: Full of respect and admiration. But now it just means cool?

William: Exactly, and that’s thanks to the influence of American slang. So the word can now be used to describe almost anything.


These shoes are awesome.
This is an awesome radio programme.
Wow! You are awesome at singing, mate!

William: And there is one slightly different usage of this word. Listen to this.


A: Are you free to come for hotpot tonight?
B: Yes, I should be.
A: Awesome. That makes four of us!

William: So what does awesome mean in that clip, Li?

Yang Li: It's like when we say 'great' at the beginning of a sentence.

William: Well, that's it, yeah, exactly. Awesome can also be used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate agreement or approval.

Yang Li: Awesome! That's clear now.

William: Awesome. And that's the end of this awesome programme.

Yang Li: William, do you have any cakes left?

William: Er, just one. Do you want to share it, Li?

Yang Li: Awesome. Bye.

William: Bye.

Первоисточник ВВС-радио: www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/theenglishwespeak/2011/03/110308_tews_9_awesome_page.shtml


Рубрики:  Слушание


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