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100 Most Popular Slang Words

Понедельник, 09 Октября 2006 г. 22:09 + в цитатник
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Краткий англо-русский словарь популярного сленга

В данный словарь включены только те слова и выражения, которые являются общепринятыми в настоящее время и широко употребляются в англоязычных странах. В словаре представлен только современный английский сленг, то есть слова, находящиеся на пересечении нейтральной и стилистически окрашенной лексики. К каждому слову предлагается перевод: нейтральный и/или сленговый эквивалент (как правило, указан в кавычках). Все слова приводятся с примерами употребления, которые можно прослушать, нажав на значок . Данный словарь уникален и будет интересен и полезен всем изучающим английский язык.

Условные обозначения
n – cуществительное
adj – прилагательное
adv - наречие
v – глагол
pl – только множественное число
u – неисчисляемое
excl – восклицание
derog – грубо
set phr – устойчивое выражение
BE – британский английский

Составитель – Артем Бабаянц
Консультант – Франческа Карлин

Awesome (adj) – отпадный, обалденный. Awesome! (excl) - Отпад!
 What an awesome show!
Baby (n) – подруга, «крошка»
 Hi, baby! Wanna have some fun?
Beat it! (set phr) – отвали, исчезни
 I’m sick and tired of you. Just beat it!
Beemer (n) - «бэха» (BMW)
 John’s just got a new beemer. It’s totally awesome!
Big mouth (also to have a big mouth) – болтун, «трепло»
 Shut up! You really have a big mouth.
Blimp (n) – толстый человек, «жирдяй»
 I always seem to have a blimp sitting next to me when I travel.
Booze (n) – алкогольный напитки, «выпивон»
 No booze! It’s a teen party.
Bozo (n) – кривляка, клоун, выпендрежник
 While I am slaving away, this bozo is screwing around.
Buck – бакс. Easy bucks (set phr) – легкие деньги, халява.
 I think it means easy bucks. Didn’t you get this?
Bug (v) – допекать, нервировать.
 It really bugs me when my dad gives me no pocket money.
Chiсken (n) – трус
 Don’t be a chicken!
Chick (n) – «телка» (груб.)
 Vow! What a cool chick!
Cop (n) – мент, полицейский
 The cop showed me his badge.
Cool (n) – клевый, классный. Cool! (excl) – Класс!
 I know a cool club in the hood. (= in the neighbourhood).
Crush (n): to have/get a crush on smb – «втюриться», тащиться от…
 Did you know John had a crush on that fox?
Dope (n) – дурак, тупой
 He is such a dope.
Dork – странный человек, чокнутый. Dorky adj – странный, немодный, непривычный, отстойный (в основном об одежде)
 He is a dork and he wears dorky jeans.
Drag (n) – скукотища, занудщина.
 I’m leaving. This party is such a drag!
Dude (n) – чувак
 Where’s my car, dude?
Fed up with: to be fed up with (set phr) – «достало».
 I’m fed up with your cooking.
Flick (n) – фильм, киношка
 I haven’t seen a flick in a long time.
Fox (n) – красотка. Adj – foxy
 His older sister is a fox.
Freak (n) – урод, странный человек. Adj – freaky
 You freak – won’t just leave me alone!
Freak out (v) – пугать.
 I was freaked out when I saw him in the ghost costume.
Chill out (v) – расслябляться, отдыхать, тусоваться
 This weekend I’m gonna chill out with my buddies.
Check smt out (v) – проверить, «заценить»
 I got a new CD. Check it out!
Geek (n) – отсталый, немодный человек
 Students of PS 671 are all geeks.
Get (e.g. get it!) – понимать, улавливать, врубаться.
 Do you get it now?
Get lost! – уйди, исчезни, «свали в туман»
 Get lost! I don’t wanna see anyone!
Gig (n) – работа
 I have a gig on Saturday night.
Gypped (v): to be gypped (also to be ripped off) – быть обманутыми, «надутыми»
 We were gypped – he was not from Oxford as we all had thought.
Glitch (n) – глюк
 This computer programme has a glitch.
Glitzy (adj) – крутой, модный (e.g. glitzy hotel)
 This is a pretty glitzy hotel to be staying in.
Go bananas (set phr) – свихнуться.
 I’ll go bananas if I don’t get a break now.
Good stuff (set phr) – классная штука
 Good stuff – can I have some more?
Gonna (v) – разговорная форма am/is/are going.
 I’m not gonna listen to this geek. Get me somebody cool!
Grand (n, u) – 1000 долларов, «штука»
 His salary is 20 grand. Isn’t it neat?!
Groovy (adj) – крутой, классный
 Did you hear my new CD? It is so groovy.
Grub (n) – еда, жратва
 Where can we get some grub? I’m starving.
Guts: to have guts/ to take guts (set phr) – осмелиться
 It takes a lot of guts to give the boss your true opinion.
Guys (n) – ребята, парни, пацаны, народ (может быть обращением к компании, состоящей из представителей обоих полов).
 Guys, let’s get out of here!
Hairy (adj) – опасный
 Going to Madagascar? That would be a hairy trip.
Hang loose (set phr) – relax, расслабляться
 Come on, you need to hang loose. Forget about your work!
Hit (n) – хит, успех, удачная вещь
 Your proposal was a hit with the boss.
Hit the sack (also hit the hay) – пойти спать
 I’m gonna hit the sack now. Bye!
In the bag (set phr) – все решено, «все в ажуре»
 Everything is in the bag now. Nothing to worry about.
Jam (n, u) – проблемы, «косяк»
 I am glad you got yourself out of this jam.
John (n) – туалет
 This john really smells.
Keep one’s cool – не терять самообладания
 He kept his cool when his house burned down.
Kick (n): to get a kick out of – доставлять радость, «вставлять»
 I get a kick out of watching him paint.
Lame excuse (set phr) – фиговая отмазка
 This is really a lame excuse.
Like – типа…
 He was… like very tall and like… in his 20s.
Loser (n) – лузер, неудачник
 If you go on this way, you would get only strays and losers.
Loo (n) – туалет (British English)
 Where’s the loo?
Maxed out: to be maxed out (v)- выдохся
 I am maxed out at my work and I need a rest.
Mega (a) – много, большой. Megabucks – куча бабок
 I have mega amount of tomatoes in my garden this year.
Meltdown (n) – неудача, «полный финиш»
 There has been a meltdown in the relationship between my parents and me.
Neat (adj) – классно, круто, «жесть»
 That was a neat idea you had.
Nerd (n)– ботан, ботаник. Computer nerd – компьютерный червь
 Bob is a nerd, that’s why he doesn’t care for football like everyone else.
No sweat. (set phr) – нет проблем. Какие проблемы?
 Do your homework for you? No sweat!
Nut (n) – cумасшедший, чокнутый. To be nuts – чокнуться
 Are you nuts?
Pain in the neck (set phr) – проблемный человек, «заноза»
 My wife’s best friend is a pain in the neck.
Party animal (set phr) – тусовщик
 You are too old to be a party animal.
Paws (n, pl) – «лапы», «грабли» (в значении «руки»)
 Get your paws off my dough!
Piece of cake (set phr) – легкотня
 Our homework was a piece of cake.
Pig 1 (n) – обжора.
 He is a pig at parties.
Pig 2 (n, derog) – полицейский, «мусор»
 Pigs are coming. Watch out!
Pit (n) – отстойное место, «дыра».
 What a pit– let’s just leave!
Pit stop (n) – остановка, чтобы пойти в туалет
 I need a pit stop. Wait here!
Pop for (v) – покупать, затариваться
 It is my turn to pop for the doughnuts.
Pop in (v) – заглянуть, заскочить (в кафе, например)
 Mum, look there’s a McDonald’s. Can we pop in?
Psycho (n) – псих, чокнутый, долбанутый
 Don’t talk to him – he is a psycho!
Pretty (adv) – очень
 LA is pretty expensive.
Quid (n, BE) – деньги, «бабки». American English – dough
 Could you lend me some quid? I am totally broke.
 I need some dough before I go Christmas shopping.
Rookie (n) – зеленый, новичок.
 Get lost! It’s not for rookies.
Rule (v) – заправлять, быть лучшим.
 Mr.English rules!!!
Screw around (v) – заниматься фигней, тратить время впустую
 If you screw around all day at this work, you will have to come back again.
Schmuk (n) – придурок
 What a stupid schmuk!
Sneak (n) – ябеда, стукач
 Don’t listen to him! He is a sneak.
Split (v) – валить, сваливать
 It is time to split and go see the movie.
Stink (v) – фиговый, ерундовый, отстой. It stinks. (also It sucks.)
 His last movie stinks.
Vibes (n, pl) – чувства
 He really gives off good vibes.
Wanna (v) – краткая разговорная форма от want to.
 Wanna be my friend?
What’s up? Whazup? (set phr) – Что случилось? Шо за базар?
 Whazup, baby?
Wheels (n, pl) – машина, «тачка»
 Can I borrow you wheels for today?
Whiz (n) – to be a whiz – в этом сечет
 He is a whiz at the computer.
Wuss (n) – слабак, быть слабаком. Adj - wussy
 Don’t be such a wuss all the time – say what you’re thinking.
Yucky (adj.) – гадость, невкусный
 Yucky! This food is horrible.
Zip (n, u) – ничего, полный ноль
 He knows zip about English slang.
Рубрики:  Грамматика
Английский язык

Процитировано 28 раз

Эклеа   обратиться по имени Среда, 11 Октября 2006 г. 15:06 (ссылка)
Вот спасибо!
Я столькох значений и выражений не знала. Не могла понять их правельного перевода и метода испоьзования.
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theGreatKatsby   обратиться по имени Суббота, 14 Октября 2006 г. 08:15 (ссылка)
Hehe! Some of these slang words are so old they're rarely used anymore. For instance, "chick" is a little outdated...but it's still used by some people--primarily males.
"Chicken" is used more by little children than teens. The popular taunt: "What are ya? Chicken? Buck-buck-buckaw!"
"Flick"? like a movie? I don't hear this word too often...but maybe some people use it.
"Fox" is like "chick"--not used as often as it was 10 years ago, though still sometimes in use (again, primarily by men)
"Gypped" ...a bit outdated--not used by many teens, but not entirely unheard of.
"glitzy"? Never heard this word before. ...I have heard "ritzy" though.
"goovy"?! Hahaha! That word hasn't been around since the 1960s or '70s! If you use this word, people will think that you think you are a hippy or they might think you're old.
"hairy" ...not very common to use that word anymore.
You should be aware that "John" in American English slang also means a "pimp". So, be careful how and when you use it!
"Mum, look there’s a McDonald’s. Can we pop in?": Just an interesting note, "mum" is the Commonwealth English shortened word for "mother," but in American English, the word is "mom."
"split"...not too common a word in American English at the moment. I don't know about Commonwealth English, though.
In addition to "zip" we also have "nada" and "zilch."

Important: A lot of these words on the list are unique to American English and might not necessarily be understood by a Commonwealth English speaker. Also beware of false cognates when going between Commonwealth and American English--for instance, the word "fag" in Commonwealth English means "cigarette" but in American English, "fag" is a rather derogatory term for a homosexual man. There are a bunch of other Commonwealth English words and phrases that if used in the USA might cause confusion or sometimes giggles, and vice versa.

**Just thought you might like to know ;) **
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