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: 10.09.2010
: 1228



: (72), ?(50), , , (51), (9), , , (47), (417), (45), non-fiction(31), (15), (49), (23), (11), (80), (22), (60), (8), (44), * * * * *(105), * * * *(288), * * *(253), * *(47), *(7)

José Saramago Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (1995)

, 19 2013 . 17:39 +
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, 14 2013 . 17:59 +
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, 28 2013 . 17:35 +
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2042 (1986)

, 20 2013 . 18:00 +
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, 02 2013 . 18:34 +
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Gore Vidal Messiah (1954)

, 07 2013 . 16:55 +
verbava (free_readings) Gore Vidal Messiah

messiah (264x400, 58Kb)Much of the luminous crockery which was seen in the sky was never entirely explained. And explanation, in the end, was all that the people required. It made no difference how extraordinary the explanation was, if only they could know what was happening: that the shining globes which raced in formation over Sioux Falls, South Dakota, were mere residents of the Andromeda Galaxy, at home in space, omnipotent and eternal in design, on a cultural visit to our planet... if only this much could definitely be stated, the readers of newspapers would have felt secure, able in a few weeks' time to turn their attention to other problems, the visitors from farther space forgotten. It made little difference whether these mysterious blobs of light were hallucinations, inter-galactic visitors or military weapons, the important thing was to explain them.


There is a certain dignity and excitement in possessing a dangerous secret life. To lose it in maturity is hard... and once promiscuously shared, it does become ordinary, no more troublesome than obvious dentures.


The sky that day was like an idiot's mind, wild with odd clouds, but lovely too, guileless, natural, allusive.


I had a small income which made modest living and careful travel easy for me... a fortunate state of affairs since, in my youth, I was of an intense disposition, capable of the passions and violence of a Rimbaud without, fortunately, the will to translate them into reality; had I had more money, or none, I might have died young, leaving behind the brief memory of a minor romanticist.


I was of course interested in the movies, though they no longer had the same hold over the public imagination that they had had in earlier decades when a process of film before light could project, larger than life, not only on vast screens but also upon the impressionable minds of an enormous audience made homogeneous by a common passion, shadowy figures which, like the filmy envelopes of the stoic deities, floated to earth in public dreams, suggesting a braver more perfect world where love reigned and only the wicked died. But then time passed and the new deities lost their worshipers: there were too many gods and the devotees got too used to them, realizing finally that they were only mortals, involved not in magical rites but in a sordid business. Television (the home altar) succeeded the movies and their once populous and ornate temples, modeled tastefully on baroque and Byzantine themes, fell empty, the old gods moving to join the new hierarchies, becoming the domesticated godlings of television which, although it held the attention of the majority of the population, did not enrapture, did not possess dreams or shape days with longing and with secret imaginings the way the classic figures of an earlier time had.



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Carlton Mellick III Satan Burger (2001)

, 14 2013 . 16:55 +
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Kurt Vonnegut Galápagos: A Novel (1985)

, 15 2013 . 17:48 +
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Karel Čapek Válka s mloky (1936)

, 03 2013 . 18:42 +
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, 28 2013 . 14:43 +
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Margaret Atwood, Naomi Alderman Happy Zombie Sunrise Home (2012)

, 29 2013 . 18:01 +
verbava (free_readings) Margaret Atwood, Naomi Alderman Happy Zombie Sunrise Home

16107235 (256x400, 23Kb)He replied, "Typical." Always an insult one never knows how many unspoken sins one is being accused of, with "typical".


And then my mom eats my dad.
I'd come downstairs when the screaming had died down a bit. I sometimes wonder still why dad hadn't made any noise. That was so like him. He always just stood there and took it: whatever she did, whatever she said. I bet when she started to gnaw on his right arm he just said, Oh now Sumatra, don't be like that. I bet when she bit out his throat, his final words were, Darling, have I upset you somehow?


A minute wasted is a minute gone forever, as my own grandmother used to say; which is an idiotic maxim when you come to think of it, since even if you fill the minute to the bursting point with meaningful activity, it will be gone forever anyway.


It does not create a good impression on children to ask the why they have been so silly, as I know from sad experience. My poor son Norman, now shredded and partially masticated, would simply respond with a sullen look when told he had been silly, even when he was technically grown up.
In retrospect, it was not the most tactful thing for me to have said to him at his wedding reception, although without doubt appropriate enough. Anyone with a head on her shoulders could tell that marriage was going to be a train wreck.


There is absolutely no point however in arguing with a man in love about his silliness when large breasts are part of the bargain. It only makes them scowl.



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Karel Čapek R.U.R. (1920)

, 19 2013 . 16:49 +
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Jerome Klapka Jerome The New Utopia (1891)

, 04 2012 . 16:08 +
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, 09 2012 . 17:41 +
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Margaret Atwood The Year of the Flood (2009)

, 03 2012 . 14:35 +
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11 ,

, 29 2012 . 19:06 +
verbava (free_readings) Flashlight Worthy Books. , , , .

1. John Joseph Adams, editor, Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse / , : (2008)

2. Cormac McCarthy, The Road / , (2006)

3. Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower / , (1993)

4. Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven, Lucifer's Hammer / , , (1977)

5. Pat Frank, Alas, Babylon / , , (1959)

6. David Brin, The Postman / , (1985)

7. M. K. Wren, A Gift Upon the Shore / . . , (1990)

8. Orson Scott Card, The Folk of the Fringe / , (1989)

9. Walter M. Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz / , (1960)

10. George R. Stewart, Earth Abides / , (1949)

11. Ursula K. Le Guin, Always Coming Home / , (1985)




Ninni Holmqvist Enhet (2006)

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Stephen King (Richard Bachman) The Running Man (1982)

, 26 2012 . 19:58 +
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Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 (1950)

, 22 2012 . 15:35 +
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Arthur Koestler Sonnenfinsternis

, 08 2011 . 13:09 +
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