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Поиск сообщений в _Jeffree_Star_


Статистика LiveInternet.ru: показано количество хитов и посетителей
Создан: 31.10.2007
Написано: 236


intro (640x480, 121Kb)

Это сообщество посвящено знаменитому стилисту, визажисту, дизайнеру, модели и певцу.

Его имя - Jeffree Star.

Возможно, вы его не знаете, но он ОЧЕНЬ-ОЧЕНЬ популярен.

.:: Half super bitch and half mega cunt. He is a self admitted boyfriend thief and makeup addict, he is a photo junkie and designer clothes slut, he is brazenly sexual and openly subversive. He has become a role model for the new America... ::.

[Sorry if we can't all be unoriginal]

С краткой биографией Jeffree можно ознакомиться ЗДЕСЬ.

Полезные ссылки:

  • Песни Jeffree теперь можно скачать здесь.

    Альбом "Plastic Surgery Slumber Party":

    Eyelash Curlers & Butcher Knives (What's the Difference)

    Plastic Surgery Slumber Party

    Straight Boys

    Ice Сream

    We Want Cunt

    Песни, не вошедшие в альбом:

    Louis Vuitton

    Don't Cha (Sex Change Remix)

    Наши друзья:


     Eva Lauren

    Новые шмотки от Джеффри!

    Воскресенье, 25 Ноября 2007 г. 12:11 + в цитатник
    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-

    Аудио-запись: Jeffree Star feat Hollywood Undead - Turn Off The Lights


    Понедельник, 19 Ноября 2007 г. 18:02 (ссылка) +поставить ссылку

    Комментарии (0)Комментировать


    Пятница, 09 Ноября 2007 г. 23:18 + в цитатник
    Affiction (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора Все, кому нужен скин для QIP с HELLO KITTY, прошу сюда)))
    Рубрики:  -ССЫЛКИ-


    Четверг, 08 Ноября 2007 г. 19:01 + в цитатник
    Affiction (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора Сказите пожалуста! это Джефри или нет?
    f_6900151 (525x700, 202Kb)
    P.S. просто мне один мэн говорит ,что у Джефри одно лицо с этим парнем...
    f_8852052 (488x698, 52Kb)


    Вторник, 06 Ноября 2007 г. 20:47 + в цитатник
    sexy-gay (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора

    По-моему, эта фотка уже есть в фотоальбоме сообщества, но я не могу ее не выложить. Слишком нравится!

     (509x698, 61Kb)

    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-

    вот клевая)

    Вторник, 06 Ноября 2007 г. 01:23 + в цитатник
    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-

    не удержалась)))

    Вторник, 06 Ноября 2007 г. 00:14 + в цитатник
    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-

    Несколько концертных фото...

    Понедельник, 05 Ноября 2007 г. 10:45 + в цитатник
    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-


    Процитировано 15 раз

    Новое интервью для HOT TOPIC.

    Воскресенье, 04 Ноября 2007 г. 01:09 + в цитатник
    ne-vedu (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора

    HT: What did you dream about when you were young, besides being fabulous?

    JS: I never really related to anyone when I was younger. There wasn't anyone who thought like I did or wanted to dress up all day long and have fun the way that I did... so I would put on my perfectly made-up face and closed my fake-eyelashed eyes and dreamed of a place where everyone wore diamond tiaras, looked plastic and pretended they were better than everyone else. I woke up when I was 17 and moved to LA; it was basically the same thing. In reality, I didn't dream much until I got older and realized that I wished the world wasn't so shallow and close-minded.

    HT: Diligence and hard work always help, but what else did ya do to make a name for yourself?

    JS: Honestly, I never took NO for an answer. The things I had to say were always what people were afraid to hear. Looking the way I did was always the topic of conversation instead of what I had to say. Yes, I may look fake but I'm more real than most people think. Image is what everyone forms an opinion from and I learned that from the beginning. I used myself as a canvas to show what I loved. Somehow, my creative photos and early journals caused some chaos on the internet and a few years later, I had this huge audience of people watching my every move. Everyone wanted to see what Jeffree Star was going to do next. What he was going to look like next. I decided to use my self-promotion and form a career around that. There aren't any steps of "how to..." I just went out there and never compromised myself in a world where everyone says, "No, don't do that." I did the opposite and got much more respect later.

    HT: We know you as a musician, model, fashion designer and makeup artist. What else are you passionate about?

    JS: Before my career took off, I studied psychology and human sexuality. I'm very passionate about education and all aspects of human thinking. In my lyrics I reference sex, image and serial killers as a way to convey how I feel because it's what interests me most. Yes, I do go out a lot but I don't go partying every night. You can usually find me watching Dr. 90210 on E! and reading a book in my pink satin bed.

    HT: What was the most important moment of your life, a moment which helped shape who you are?

    JS: The morning when I woke up and I realized that no one but myself mattered in the long run. And I don't mean that in a self-absorbed way. I mean, not caring what anyone thinks about me when they don't know me. It's very easy to follow the crowd and be like everyone else, but why not be who you are on the inside. Ignore opinions and people telling you what you should look like. I just woke up and said, "F**k it. If I wanna look like the Spice Girls and have pink hair then everyone else can get over it and learn how to have the guts to do what they want." That might sound stupid when you say it out loud, but I have a lot of respect for people that don't succumb to what the world thinks is "right" - and that doesn't mean you have to have bright-colored hair or dress weird to be considered "being yourself" because that's constricting what I'm saying... I just think that everyone should be happy without worrying what the person next to them is saying. Be strong. Be yourself. You only live once and I don't ever wanna change.

    HT: You recently appeared with Aiden in their "One Love" video. Any further super-secret collaborations in the works with them or any other cool bands?

    JS: Doing music videos is fun because I get to do something I wouldn't normally do with my own music career. Aiden was so much fun and they're good friends of mine so I'm glad I got to do that. Right now, I'm recording new music and I'll be having a few secret guest appearances singing on some songs, so everyone is gonna love what's coming out! I can't give it away yet but I'm sure people can guess if they know who I'm close with.

    HT: Today is your last day on this earth. How would you spend it?

    JS: I'd shave my head like Britney Spears, throw away all my makeup and walk around everywhere so I knew what it felt like to invisible just for a second.

    HT: How old were you when you first got inked, what was it and why?

    JS: I got my first tattoo when I was 18 and it was a big piece that says "Makeup Massacre" with lipstick, razorblades and a photo of Claira Bow with slashes all on her. It was when I graduated high school and decided to move from Orange County to LA. It was a big change for me because I was finally on my own. Just me and my makeup skills. I started doing makeup for celebrities, music videos and fashion photographers. I saw the behind-the-scenes world of models and how horrible it was. It's crazy to think about the cover girl on Vogue doings drugs and having me cover up a bruise because her boyfriend punched her two days before her "big day." So the tattoo was like a tribute to my job and how beauty can be evil in a sense. You may be pretty, but there's always secrets underneath.

    HT: What hair dye do you use?

    JS: I use Manic Panic hair dyes and make my own Jstar color. Everyone always says that Manic Panic fades for them but my hair loves it and I'll never stop using it!

    HT: We're dying to know... how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

    JS: There are so many factors that people don't think about when I have to get ready. It depends on what "look" I'm going for that day. And just for the record, I usually wake up at 2PM everyday so I'm not sure what the morning looks like! What you see in all of my photos is about a 45-minute time span of putting on my makeup and dying my hair. You have to remember that I've been doing this for six years now and I have it down perfect.

    HT: What aspects about yourself do you like the least?

    JS: I have a problem with never looking at the past and seeing what I've done. I'm usually a workaholic and thinking about what to do next, how to further myself. I never take the time to reflect on anything and notice how far I've gotten. I think everyone should sit down for an hour and look at where they are in life... before we're all 80 and wondering what the hell happened.

    HT: Everyone's got pet peeves. What characteristics in others annoy you?

    JS: Breathing usually bothers me. I don't know how 90% of the world wakes up everyday and looks in the mirror! OK, kidding... kind of. The problem with living in LA is everyone thinks they're a "star" in some way. They're all looking for that five-second high of being cool. It dumbs down what "real feelings" are. Instead of loving yourself and being happy, I notice people doing things so EVERYONE ELSE will love them.

    HT: Morning, noon or night, ya gotta get up and get goin' sometime. What's your favorite time of day?

    JS: 3AM when all the clubs are closed, everyone is sleeping, no cars are driving on the streets... to be able to just quietly put on my Louis Vuitton sneakers and walk through my neighborhood and listen to Gary Numan's "Absolution" on repeat is the best time I get in the whole day.

    HT: If you could spend the day with any deceased celebrity, who would it be, where would you go and why?

    JS: Anna Nicole Smith better wake back up and show me how to be a beauty queen forever! I'd want ANY celebrity to show me how "not" to fail in this industry. I'd look back at all their mistakes and realize that picking up the makeup brush instead of the crack pipe was the smartest thing I ever did.

    HT: Enquiring minds wanna know... any outrageous gossip ya feel like sharing?

    JS: I'm tired of being threatened to get "beat up" or sued so I better be careful. I always open up my mouth and tell the truth about everyone, and that never goes over well. I'm one of those people who doesn't care about drama, but EVERYONE comes to me instead and tells me the story on my ex-friends or celebrities I hang out with. So, we'll have to save all of that for my autobiography. But if you wanna call me up, I'll tell you everything about you-know-who.

    HT: What was the best concert you ever attended?

    JS: Spice Girls when I was in 7th grade. They put on the best live performance I've ever seen. It was like my dream come true! I can't believe they're performing at the end of this year. I'm gonna relive so many memories.

    HT: How 'bout the worst?

    JS: There are far too many to name. My friends always tell me to check out their friends' bands, so they drag me along and it's usually the same sound and look of the band I saw the week before. Where is the originality? Where is something new? I see the same guitar moves with the same sh*tty haircut. It's all getting old.

    HT: It's not easy bein' a 'pink-haired bitch.' Any advice for your fans who are trying to find their own niche?

    JS: Don't give up on whatever it is you want to be. I get labeled a "bitch" because I don't put up with people putting me down. I don't turn around and pretend I don't hear people talking sh*t behind my back. I go up and tap them on the shoulder and say "f**k you" and that's what more people need to do. Stop being insecure and stand up for yourself. There's no time for fake friendships and hurt feelings. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I don't care anymore." That may sound like Dr. Phil but I'm being serious. Stop caring if the guy you like doesn't like your weight. Stop worrying about if someone isn't going to like you because you like a band they don't. It's all so petty. I'm proud to be a bitch instead of a coward.

    HT: How 'bout those naysayers? The world's full of 'em. Any last words for your critics?

    JS: They said I'd never be anything but who has the world watching them? Who has such amazing and dedicated fans? People need to hate me because they hate themselves. They want to believe the rumors about me because they don't have their own rumors. I'm here to stay, with my diamond rims and pink lipstick, so get used to it and worry about yourself before you try and be negative about me. What does the future hold for Jeffree Star? Go buy some sunglasses because the future is bright pink.

    Источник: http://community.hottopic.com/default.asp

    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-

    Jeffreestar's journal...

    Суббота, 03 Ноября 2007 г. 21:00 + в цитатник
    ne-vedu (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора

    October 20, 2007


    Everything is going so perfect.. the last 6 months have proved to be more then amazing career wise.

    I'm currently the NUMBER ONE artist in Hot Topic, meaning sales.. my t-shirts are the must bought items and my hoodie is almost sold out in every store across America!That only means, so much more! The JSTAR poster comes out in a months or so, and my whole merch line for MY online store will be out by the end of this month.. it's in production so I can't wait for everyone to see it!

    Next month I'll be touring in the UK (first time playing these cities) so it's gonna be amazing! I have a full live band AND some special guests so come out and have a dance party with us. I can't wait to shop in Camden and go to the flagship Vivienne Westwood store and buy all the new bags and jewerly, it's SO hot!!

    THIS WEEK... I went to so many parties but the best was the Sidekick LX launch party.. Lil' Jon was 5 foot 1 and I asked him if I could lick his diamond teeth. PS. go and get the LX, its the best and I'm in loveee with it. Kanye performed and I fell in love all over again with him.

    Working on new music finally.. new EP out in the first few months of 2008.. release date to be annouced asap!

    much love +lipstick


    NEW MERCH IN HOT TOPIC!: click photo to start shopping!


    (click photo to shop.. new merch coming soon!!!
    Posted on 10/20/2007 5:44 PM Comments (52)
    Читать далее...
    Рубрики:  -ДРУГОЕ-


    Новое промо-видео...

    Пятница, 02 Ноября 2007 г. 20:56 + в цитатник
    ne-vedu (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора

    Было выложено пару часов назад ЗДЕСЬ.

    Рубрики:  -ВИДЕО-


    Видео-запись: Новое промо-видео...

    Пятница, 02 Ноября 2007 г. 20:42 + в цитатник
    Просмотреть видео
    2273 просмотров

    Было выложено пару часов назад ЗДЕСЬ.


    Процитировано 3 раз


    Пятница, 02 Ноября 2007 г. 16:03 + в цитатник
    ne-vedu (_Jeffree_Star_) все записи автора  (400x586, 230Kb)

    Песни Jeffree теперь можно скачать здесь.

    Альбом "Plastic Surgery Slumber Party":

    Eyelash Curlers & Butcher Knives (What's the Difference)

    Plastic Surgery Slumber Party

    Straight Boys

    Ice Сream

    We Want Cunt

    Песни, не вошедшие в альбом:

    Louis Vuitton

    Don't Cha (Sex Change Remix)

    Рубрики:  -ФОТО-


    Аудио-запись: Jeffree Star - Eyelash Curlers And Butcher Knives

    Среда, 31 Октября 2007 г. 21:45 + в цитатник
    Файл удален из-за ошибки в конвертации

    I got my hair fixed, makeup done, I'm ready to go
    Step in the club and you know I'm the show
    Diamonds in my teeth are always a' glow
    Blinded as I speak, mesmerized by my flow

    [pre chorus]
    You can't say no
    Sooo lettt's go
    Let's go

    Spit on the dance floor to know where you are
    Slip to the beat 'cause you wanna go far
    Now you loooove
    And I looove "that I'm Jeffree Star"

    Spit on the dance floor to know where you are
    Slip to the beat drivin' in my pink car
    Now you loooove
    And I looove "that I'm Jeffree Star"

    Cameras are flashin', everyone's askin' where I'm gonna do tonight..
    Who I'm gonna do tonight..

    We have our hair cut, eyes shut we're already there
    Don't know their names and I dont really care
    Cuz I only suck dick and just to be fair,
    Your not on the menu, you'll never compare


    Cameras are flashin', everyone's askin' where I'm gonna do tonight..
    Who I'm gonna do tonight..
    Where I'm gonna do tonight..
    Ask Paris Hilton who I'm gonna do tonight..

    Рубрики:  -МУЗЫКА-


    Аудио-запись: Jeffree Star - Plastic Surgery Slumber Party

    Среда, 31 Октября 2007 г. 21:37 + в цитатник
    Файл удален из-за ошибки в конвертации

    Vinyl black stilettos
    and fake eyelashes
    Blue eye shadow
    everything perfectly matches

    Touch my plastic face
    and see what happens
    I'm hiding from the world
    behind Chanel sunglasses

    "Do I look fat?"

    Limo tinted lipstick secrets
    Knife thin can you see us?
    Crushed diamonds dollar bills
    In my purse is every pill

    Fake smiles, tabloid tasteless
    Pretty Porsche an Fendi facelifts
    Plastic noses, mannequin poses
    Expensive clothes, my face is froze

    [pre chorus]

    plastic parts
    broken hearts
    scalpel please


    Pink razors, so vain
    lets have a sexy party
    Nose jobs an champagne
    Sounds like a fuckin' party

    Pink sherbet, popsicle lips
    Perfection is - tucks an nips
    Collagen pumps an lipo-ed hips
    Hollywood glamour lipgloss tricks

    Surgery scars an beauty marks
    Botox amusement parks
    Pagant parade suicide past
    Beauty will never last


    Don't touch me

    Just fix me *[x4]*

    [chorus] x2

    Pink razors, cocaine
    Sounds like a LA party
    Rockstars are so lame
    Sounds like I'll hate that party

    Let's have a fuckin' party

    Рубрики:  -МУЗЫКА-


    Аудио-запись: Jeffree Star - Straight Boys

    Среда, 31 Октября 2007 г. 21:31 + в цитатник
    Файл удален из-за ошибки в конвертации

    Straight boys, where you at?
    I'm a boyfriend kleptomaniac
    Straight boys, where you at?

    I wanna boy with juicy lips
    who doesn' care I don't have tits
    I wanna boy like me but hotter
    to eat me out like Jeffrey Dahlmer
    Straight Boys I must confess
    Wanna get under my dress
    Give me a kiss kiss
    Give me a fist fist...

    Straight boys, where you at?
    I wanna hit it from the front to the back
    Straight boys, where you at?
    I'm a boyfriend kleptomaniac

    I wanna boy who takes the blame
    Puttin' Ron Jermey to shame
    I wanna boy under my sheets
    with pink stained boxer briefs
    They don't have to tell their friends
    They're getting it from both ends...
    na na na na na na na

    Straight boys, where you at?
    I wanna hit it from the front to the back
    Straight boys, where you at?
    I'm a boyfriend kleptomaniac

    Straight boys, where you at?
    I wanna hit it from the front to the back
    Straight boys, where you at?
    I'm a boyfriend kleptomaniac

    Fuck. Me. Now.

    You wanna know where the straight boys are at?
    leaving credit cards in my ass crack
    You wanna know where the straight boys are at?
    Look under my bed cuz I can't keep track...

    Рубрики:  -МУЗЫКА-


    Аудио-запись: Jeffree Star - Ice Cream

    Среда, 31 Октября 2007 г. 21:11 + в цитатник
    Файл удален из-за ошибки в конвертации

    I'll give you Dairy Queen
    Pink dreams
    Tongue all on your ice cream
    Lips gleam
    Plates clean

    Drippin' down your ice cream cone
    Rhinestone Hormones


    Enter my construction zone
    Make me moan
    Danger prone (x2)

    It doesn't feel right
    So keep going down
    It doesn't feel right
    Until you start to drown

    I wanna S your D I wanna L your V

    Gonna guarantee To set you free

    Sliddin' down the pole
    Swallow it whole
    Flood control
    Always on patrol
    Let's take a stroll
    Into your hole
    On cruise control
    Now pay the toll

    I want.. .
    Pants dropping, slow fucking, floor mopping..
    Right now.


    Jeffree Star for dinner?
    I'll give you Jeffree Star for dinner [bitch]

    It doesn't feel right
    So keep going down
    It doesn't feel right
    Until you start to drown

    Open up your thighs
    Show me the surprise (x2)

    Рубрики:  -МУЗЫКА-


    Аудио-запись: Jeffree Star - We Want Cunt

    Среда, 31 Октября 2007 г. 20:22 + в цитатник
    Файл удален из-за ошибки в конвертации

    The Queen of the Beautifuls is baccck.
    Jeffree Star, Internet Royalty.. You all love me.

    Celebrities want me to do there hair and makeup
    Girls hate me cuz I'm the cause of there breakup
    Diamond fingernails and 8 inch heels
    Niggaz on death row request me for their last meals

    Boys fess up..
    Girls fess up..
    All coked up..
    Boys fess up..
    Girls fess up..
    Actin' like sluts

    Asian tourists scream when I walk down the street
    They worship me like Jesus, praying at my feet
    Flashin' all their cameras taking pictures of me
    Going to their surgeons, saying "Make me look like Jeffree!!"
    I love dick like Anna-Nicole loves Trimspa
    Applying my lipstick while wearing JonBenet's training bra
    Pink like my pussy, hot like Ted Bundy
    Ass up cuz ya miss me, bitch betta have my money

    Boys fess up...
    Girls fess up...
    All coked up...
    Boys fess up...
    Girls fess up...
    Actin' like sluts

    All you dirty scene boys, you love Jeffree Star
    I see you lookin' at my pictures, your dick's gettin' hard
    Go fix your hair, make sure the flatirons hot
    Pull down your 7 jeans and show me that motherfuckin' cock
    Am I a boy or a girl? Well you'll never know..
    I'm not doin' your makeup, filthy pre-teen hoe
    Spread 'em, forget 'em and then same my name..
    I'm Jeffree Fuckin' Star, of internet fame

    Boys fess up...
    Girls fess up...
    All coked up...
    Boys fess up...
    Girls fess up...
    Actin' like sluts
    Boys fess up...
    Girls fess up...
    Your parents fess up...
    Straight guys fess up...
    Even faggots fess up...
    All fucked up

    I know you all want me
    So keep talking shit
    Go on Myspace and leave me a comment...

    Рубрики:  -МУЗЫКА-


    Немного о Jeffree...

    Среда, 31 Октября 2007 г. 17:08 + в цитатник

    Jeffree Star ( рожден 15 ноября 1986 года, настоящее имя - Jeffree Steininger ) является моделью, стилистом, визажистом и певцом, исполняющим песни собственного сочинения. Jeffree проживает в одном из пригородов Лос-Анджелеса. Он известен своей популярностью на MySpace, которую он получил благодаря своей андрогинной внешности и переодеваниям в женскую одежду. Jeffree называет себя "Queen of the Internet" и "Cunt: Queen of the Beautifuls".


    Jeffree родился в Калифорнии, США. "Я обнаружил, что являюсь геем еще в раннем детстве" - вспоминает Star. Его отец  умер, когда Jeffree был ребенком, поэтому Star часто оставался один, пока его мать, работавшая моделью, уезжала на съемки. Он начал эксперементировать с косметикой своей матери в очень раннем возрасте. Это привело к одержимости и навязчивому интересу, который Jeffree стал испытывать к косметике и макияжу. Star убедил свою мать разрешить ему краситься, когда он был в средней школе.

    Клубная сцена.

    Star начал карьеру визажиста в 15 лет. Сначала он работал в клубах и относился к категории мальчиков, называемых "club kids". Он пользовался косметикой, красил волосы флуорисцентными красками и носил женскую одежду. Разумеется, Jeffree был в центре внимания как в школе, так и вне ее. Популярность пришла к Jeffree  в старшей школе, которую он стал посещать в женской одежде и аксессуарах.  Star вспоминает, что интерес, испытываемый им в детстве, подтолкнул его к использованию косметики и ношению вещей, которые он брал у матери.

    По выходным Jeffree использовал поддельные документы для того, чтобы иметь возможность посещать Голливудские клубы. При этом он надевал мини-платья и туфли на девятидюймовых каблуках, надеясь, что кто-либо из знаменитостей оценит его внешний вид и попросит сделать макияж или наймет в качестве модели. Star говорит, что посещение вечеринок по выходным и советы по макияжу, которые он давал, стали основой его карьеры.

    Make-up, работа моделью и Интернет-популярность.

    Jeffree работал со многими знаменитостями, такими как Kelly Osbourne, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton, Davey Havok (солист группы AFI) и Jessika из группы Scarling. Star приобрел первых фанатов, когда начал публиковать собственные провакационные фотографии на Интернет-форумах, а позже на www.myspace.com. В подарок от сайта он получил много призов, в том числе и  дорогостоящие фото-камеры, с помощью которых он мог делать все больше фотографий.

    1 августа 2006 года вышел журнал "Frontiers", на обложке которого был Jeffree Star. Также в 2006 году Jeffree стал участником многочисленных модных показов. Star снялся в нескольких музыкальных видеоклипах. Среди них клип Good Sharlotte на песню "The river", "Push" группы Godhead и  "One love" от Aiden.

    Знаменитость Myspace'а.

    Jeffree Star использовал популярный социальный сетевой веб-сайт Myspace для дальнейшего развития карьеры дизайнера и продвижения своей музыки. Star также публиковал на Myspace записи о своей жизни и оставлял различные комментарии, в которых писал о собственной красоте и известности. Используя никнейм "Cunt", привлекающий всеобщее внимание, Jeffree Star приобрел большое количество фанатов на нескольких сайтах и убедил многих людей присоединиться к нему на Myspace. К октябрю 2007 года в его профайле числилось более 632,000  "друзей", а каждая новая фотограффия набирала около 50,000 комментариев.  В ноябре 2006 он был признан самой популярной личностью Myspace'a.

    Помимо Myspace'а Jeffree Star зарегистрирован на сайте www.buzznet.com , который совмещает в себе возможности фотоблога и видеоблога. Jeffree часто проводит там различные конкурсы. Также он постоянно обновляет раздел с видеозаписями, в числе которых присутсятвуют обзоры музыкальных новинок, публикует новости о релизах собственных песен, а также описывает интересные события из жизни.

    Музыкальная карьера.

    Музыкальная карьера Jeffree в жанрах электроника и хип-хоп началась, когда он подружился с барабанщиком Peaches, который и вдохновил его на создание музыки. Первые 2 трека "Straight Boys " и "We Want Cunt" были написаны совместно с групппой "Hole", барабанщиком группы Mötley Crüe и певицей Jessicka из Scarling.


    13 марта 2007 года Jeffree Star выпустил свой первый альбом под названием Plastic Surgery Slumber Party. Незамедлительно, 20 марта 2007 года этот диск появился в хит-параде танцевальной музыки iTunes, стартовав с первого места и оказавшись выше, чем Justin Timberlake и Cascada, чьи имена известны в каждом доме! Музыкальная страница на Myspace тоже имела оглушительный успех. Альбом Plastic Surgery Slumber Party был прослушан 25 миллионов раз!

    2 песни, записанные Jeffree, не были изданы на Plastic Surgery Slumber Party. Они называются "Louis Vuitton" и "Don't Cha (Sex Change Remix)". В 2005 году Star также записал песню "Turn off the Lights" совместно с группой Hollywood Undead.

    Летом 2007 года Jeffree Star принял участие в гастрольном туре True Colors Tour 2007, который проходил в 15 городах США и Канады.

    Сейчас идет подготовка к реалити-шоу с участием Jeffree.

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