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Пятница, 30 Июля 2021 г. 13:40 (ссылка)
Anatomy of feminism
The non-replacement essence of modern feminism and its form Signs of preferabity of feminism. Responsibility for promoting feminism The organizers of feminism - parasitic Troika (Trotskyism, TNK, state) Other ideologies of the parasitic triple Femignism propaganda channels The main techniques of feminism propaganda Proposals for the change of gender sector in the Russian Federation (option) Anti-Counter Strategy
The non-replacement essence of modern feminism and its form
Modern feminism is the ideology of superiority of women over men, providing for their enslavement \ destruction under the guise of the struggle for women's rights. Feminism is a non-coalfeit (extremist) and imitation ideology. Feminism is in 1 explicit form (as in some US states) 2 specially hidden form (USSR-RF). In the USSR-RF, specially hidden feminism is expressed, among other things: "Eggs tax" in the USSR, the disadvantage of women in the army, and at the same time the necessarity of childbirth, "inadequate" (lack of forced shipment) to severe physical work, softened criminal punishments, the absence of death for Women with its presence for men, the birth of a child without coordination with a man, leaving children from the mother when divorced in most cases, infliction for psychological aggression, the filing of a male image in films and the media as a baboba and a wretched creature (examples: Moscow does not believe in tears, service Roman), Alimony to his wife, Alimony for a child whose birth is inconsistent with a man, reduced retirement age, the opportunity to get together htized property, shaking chatter, maternity capital as money seized in men, non-membrability of non-targeted maternal capital and alimony to the child and the lack of criminal punishment For this, withdrawing attention and other resources without paying sex, Sale focus on women, encouraging symbolic elements of baboBares (opening doors, decoration gifts as an aristocracy symbol, kneeling, etc.) Signs of preferabity of feminism. Responsibility for promoting feminism. Feminism: 1 does not talk about the duties of a woman, but only about rights. It is known that there is no rightless rights. True and reverse. In this case, it is not the right, but neo-reforted privileges. Mass ignoring from women Bundles of law - Responsibilities talking about the incapacity of a woman, and therefore it can be deprived of the right to her right. 2 does not indicate the boundaries of its requirements. Here, the Trotskyist principle is "not the beginning of the revolution, there is no end revolution." In this case, we are talking about the destruction of the opposite side (men), third parties (children), but not about any equality it is not. Give your finger - will tease your hand. 3 imitates care of the rights of women, and really trying to destroy men. Feminism vs pornography, prostitution, sexkukol, that is, what men need to meet sexual instinct. These things are substitutes are able to reduce the number of rapes (Lenta RU / ARTICLES / 2016/12 / 08 / AntiseXrobots / Why feminists are afraid of the invasion of sex robots). Feminism does not encourage women to study hand-to-hand fight, arm, do not teach working with information so that they cannot manipulate them. Feminists do not fight "sexism" in the Middle East, and only where they suffered them for the forgetfulness. 4 hides its organizers (parasitic trip) and promoting their ideologies. Feminists and their owners understand that such ideologies are unacceptable and punishable with the most rigid way. Next will be listed by the ideology of the parasitic triple. So feminists support Islamists, but against Muslims who want to stay at home (IslamNews RU / NEWS-FEMINISTKI-PROTIV-TRADICIONNOGO-ISLAMA /, TSARGRAD TV / ARTICLES / FEMINISTKI-NA-STRAZHE-SHARIATA_78366). Feminism against the nation (MIGNEWS COM / NEWS / DISASTERS / WORLD / 011218_212822_52329.html.), Although the safety of all, including women, is actually ensured by the distribution of short-barreed weapons. Feminism should not at all should be affected by the themes of Islam and weapons, however, all these oddities are perfectly explained by the fact that feminists are promoting other ideologies created by their owners. 5 violates not only the opposite, but also third parties. The practice of "rye for ourselves" violates the rights of the child. RSP is a woman who intentionally plans 1 birth of an unfinished with a man's child without planning his future for 20 years ahead 2 divorce 2 removal of the property of a man 4 getting money from the state, alimony for their personal consumption, but not the consumption of a child 5 will leave a child without See father. RSP - National traitor. 86% of divorces in the Russian Federation occurs at the initiative of a woman. 5 damaged to women themselves, as the feminism, as well as on all ideologies of the parasitic triple, will be given a severe answer. The short-term benefits received by the feminism woman will be completely blocked by negative: 1 by the unconnect of personal life is 2 liability, which she will have to carry as the beneficiary of material and intangible benefits stolen in men. Another example is the hollowermine bodiposive - fairy tales for greasy aunts, that obesity is the norm. Feminism does not prevent such consequences of obesity as diabetes, heart attack, stroke, etc. In many countries, especially the former USSR, women are obliged to incur collective responsibility for the failure of feminism in any forms in their environment, stolen material and intangible benefits in men. Extent of calculation since 1960. Responsibility goes until the complete deprivation of all given to women of rights, as well as through torture and subsequent executions (burning alive, quarters, drowning, behead, 1000 cuts, beating the whip, punch). All proposals for suspension of hostile activities were repeatedly ignored for decades, which indicates the intelligence of crimes committed, if we consider women capable. Such huge damage is always washed off only by blood, as it is impossible to turn back the time, and the man is not obliged to forget the damage. Feminists, explicit and implicit, are not recognized as citizens, and the protection of the law on them no longer applies. If the women are incapable, then get rid of some kind of biomusor - the issue of survival of the nation. Also, all female faces are obliged to pay 10 multiple compensation for damage since 1960. The organizers of feminism - parasitic Troika (Trotskyism, TNK, state) Feminism is a product of several forces: 1 non-Orthodoxism (Cultural Marxism, more often for disguise is called abstract word liberalism) 2 transnational corporations (hereinafter referred to) 3 governments of a number of countries. Feminism performs a number of tasks in The long run, which in front of it put the specified forces. To understand, it is necessary to consider the goals of these forces in general, in relation to men and women in particular. Nertarotskism puts its task to the World Revolution for building the Global Society of Justice. For this, it is necessary for the subordination / destruction of the Aryan (white) and yellow races, their individual nations, including Russian, so they keep most of the economic potential of the planet in their hands. Trotskyism puts the task of eliminating national states and the destruction of borders. Trotskyism believes that representatives of other races (multiculturalism) should be accommodated at the original territories of the White race, mainly blacks as the lowest in relation to white. In this case, the monolith of the white race will be able to divide from the inside. To do this, it is necessary to derive men from equilibrium, as they are carriers of intelligence, strength and national self-consciousness. The main tool is a soft force here, the current decades. Main reception - frustration of men through sex instinct. Feminism by infinite increase in the social significance of women creates a deficit of sex. As a result, the man loses the listed qualities, it only becomes a sex quest, allowing the inocultural invasion. In addition, feminism encourages 1 tear of generic ties 2 The subleached paternity of 3 single mothers (RSP), that is, an incomplete family, which since childhood cries the child's psyche, mainly boys. This is an equivalent of circumcision for boys in slave abrasion religions. It also falls fertility, as the birth rate is high where there is a lot of sex. Studies have shown that in those periods of history, when legalized public houses exist in the country, the birth rate is high. A man who did not have enough sex up to 25 years old will not create a family in the future, will walk "left" more often than if this period is filled. The unrealization of sexual instinct in the adolescence according to German scientists leads to an impotence. All calls for a high birth rate without taking into account these facts are no more than imitation. The abundance of posters of naked women on the street means the lack of real sex. In Tsarist Russia, there were no posters with barebabs, but sex was much more than in the USSR or the Russian Federation. The abundance of posters with babies - imitation of sex availability. Nertarotskyism received his birth in the middle of the 20th century in the form of a Frankfurt school. Some representatives: US Department, part of the EU leadership (Eurosovka). Nertarotkism understands that the middle class cannot be a revolutionary class, but migrants may be in this class. Nertarotskyism operates with the concept of an open society, that is, openly unfriendly migrants culture. It is worth saying that for example, with the Japanese or the Chinese, there are no white problems, since the yellow race is also great. The greatness of the decent race is proved by 1 aesthetics of appearance 2 by intelligence 3 culture: architecture, painting, music, etc. From the hacked correspondence of Soros, it is known that the authors of the Istanbul Convention ("Protection" from domestic violence) view it together with the UN General Agreement on Migration. They are linked to the timing and simultaneous ratification. The UN General Agreement tells us about some climatic refugees, whose white for some reason should take. TNK: 1 Women as major consumers of unnecessary products 2 Women Look for men to buy unnecessary products in clearly unnecessary volumes to exchange for sex 3 Mixing nations to unify consumer preferences, and later to remove custom barriers 4 Passivity of men to implement these purposes. TNK - also globalists, as they want to have a unified global market. In addition, the management of TNK has geopolitical ambitions, as the turnover of many TNK exceeds the budget of the developed country. TNK is often not tools in the hands of any state, but the state is a tool in the hands of TNK. State. For the state feminism is beneficial, since 1 man will not overthrow the regime, but will be engaged in problems in personal life, mainly the search for sex 2 man You can lend to various payments to a woman 3 women - formally a significant part of the voters, most of which do not have any intelligence, do not think a few years ahead. The organizers of feminism are globalists, as it can be seen from the above facts that their goals are global. These forces are often resorted to the shave of all kinds of conspiracy, which cannot be deployed from specific customers to performers. Any conspiracy theory has the right to life if the structure is clear, the motives of the parties, and not just approval that some Reptiyads want to capture the world. What for? How? Dates, etc. In addition, they often refer themselves to democrats, liberals, since these concepts are abstract. Who will be against freedom or power of the people? And you call the Trotskyist, then you will not live for a long time. Other ideologies of the parasitic triple Other ideologies that are created or supported by a parasitic triple are progressable by feminism: 1 Criminal ideology (Rosysiyskaya Aure, drug trains in Mexico) 2 Migrantophilia 3 consumerism 4 Simplifying thinking Culture (rap, hip hop, some types of popular music, such as Madona. All this music is unequal Modern electronic music or Mozart. It must be remembered that it is primitive not the direction of music, but a motive of three notes, poor meaning.) 4 copywrites 5 imperialism (pseudonationalism. Norma is an evalumed with respect to other nation-democracy) 6 VIP - ideology, Eltitory, glamor 7 Avraamic slave religions. With an abrasive patriarchy, a man is free not completely. Under him, the wife and children, but above him the king, over which a certain doubtful God. They require a male to have a family. Now a man is important cognitive freedom. There is a contradiction here. In addition: Russian men called Russian men "National Tragedy" MK RU / Social / 2019/09/08 / V-RPC-Nazvali-RossiySkikh-Muzhchin-Nacionalnoy-Tragediey.html Quotes: "According to Arch, there are exceptions (for example When they join women and protect against hooligans), but rarely. " "It should work a man, and he stopped at this job." That is, we are talking about the service. Slaves of God, sheep (property) House of Israel 8 Agemism 9 Fashion for stupidity, including stupid humor 10 In general, the concept of fashion 11 Non-hardness of citizens 12 Frigidity 13 Workingolism so that people do not have time to realize what is happening (NORM Robotization) 14 Expansive Islamism (rampant Islam). 15 Antivestism, pseudovdism (for example, "Putin's Vedes", which direct fools in Syria. Real Vedes are karma concepts, voidness, etc.) Some of the indicated phenomena are not created artificially by 100%, but their existence is beneficial and specially enhanced Femignism propaganda channels Infrastructure 1 NPO 2 Media and Culture 3 Public Opinion Leaders 4 Alleged Independent Bloggers, Propagandists - Bots on Social Networks, On Sites of Dating, In Messenger, On Thematic Women's Sites 5 Pseudo (Psychologists, Biologists, Anthropologists, etc.) Propagandists - bots are predominantly poorly equipped in the life of a woman who receive money from the organizers of feminism. They can make propaganda on a variety of venues. Propaganda is carried out 1 straight 2 indirectly, including lifestyle. Propaganda way of life assumes that the propagandist on the Internet through its page, photos, etc. Shows its alleged real life, which is conducted on "values" and the principles of feminism, and does not propaganda directly with texts or in communication. For example, on a dating site, a woman can write "Men with the income below n no questions." Here the feministic bot is not looking for a real acquaintance - his task is to show that Woman (sex) is supposedly value for which you still need to pay and pay. The effect is enhanced when the user meets 20 such profits. Major techniques 1 monopoly on the determination of the norm 2 of the hollowermic (fakeermines), that is, non-reflective reality. - Positive discrimination - discrimination is not positive. Discrimination or is there, or not. Discrimination was, there will be. In his house, the owner of the Waves discriminating who wants and nothing else. Do not like it - Clean Won. Positive (for example, in favor of blacks) discrimination means the predominant position of the unwanted guest at the host of the house. - Racism in a negative understanding - racism (as well as nationalism) is the norm. This is the right to transfer its biological appearance and the culture of the next generations, not to see in her house those who cause a disgust. At the same time, no one should climb into the affairs of other races and nations. For example, a migrant worker may have to have human rights during its work, but not the rights of a citizen. - Sexy - feminism believes that sexism (offensive behavior on the basis of gender) is possible only in relation to women. "RSP" is offensive, and "provide" unequivocally. - Abuz (Bulling) - manipulation part of life and it is impossible to hide from them. - harassment, karabent - no possibility of objective proof. For any contrived statement, you can arouse a criminal case. At the best case, a man carries the costs of reputation, time and money. At the same time, feminists do not want sex to be balanced at least active use of false denunciation - physical violence - physical abuse of the investigation of psychological. Feminists believe that the psychological violence of women over men is the norm, and the answer to this is not the norm. All is mutually converted: 5 EI psychological violence = 1 EI of physical violence 3 Pseudo-native language - the historical responsibility of men - the current generations are not responsible for the previous ones. A man is not responsible for the weakness of a woman, since he did not create it. This is to the gods or nature. - a priori duty (responsibility) of a man - liability stems only from the contract, which is voluntary for both parties - regulates the law of absolutely all aspects of life - the conflict of nature and the law cannot be regulated by all parties to life. 4 insults, cry, transition to the identity of 5 demagogy and sofism 6 tearful fake stories. Often used on women's forums in the form of direct evidence of rape, etc. "The victim" describes the allegedly clean truth, but anonymously, but everyone should believe it. 7 False statistics. For example, about rape. In Germany, feminists actively spread fakes about increasing the number of rape from the Germans, but did not talk about rape from migrants, as well as beatings of the German in connection with the "violation" of the laws of Sharia. Many public opinion centers are associated with a parasitic triple. 8 Most imitation. In the women's forum on any topic will be specially coiled likes. There is not a single national referendum in any country over the past 50 years, where the vote of all women in the "problems" of feminism would be presented. Feminists are impostors who spell on behalf of all women. 9 Double standards. For example, feminism pays a lot of attention to the Social Group "White Men". According to their point of view, "white men" is a source of all problems on Earth. In feminism, there are several puffyins of this concept, for example, "white suprematists". But feminism does not allocate for some reason such social groups as "white women" or "black suprematicists". A woman in feminism has no nationality, or rather, women make up a new separate nation. Therefore, on March 8, the International (Globalistic) Women's Day is celebrated. But the white men give birth to white women. 10 "First pretty, then terrible." In many videos, feminism promotes a pretty girl, that is, there is a bet on sexy instinct. Then, by the plan of the authors, when the ideas of feminism They will fall in the heads of the population, it will be promoted by the aunts more involved. 11 "A real man is the one who obeys a woman." A man can define only himself, at the extreme case another man, like a tiger tiger, but a polulous chicken. In this case, the concept of "real woman" is not used. 12 Creating impossible macro conditions and concealing this, receiving a multi-packed hydra. For example, first everywhere displeased images of bare women, overly raising sexy instinct of men, and then pushing men by what they only think about sex. At the end, a primitive patient false conclusion is made: "A man without a woman is nowhere." Suggestions for changes in the gender sector in the Russian Federation \ Conducting repression against feminist and beneficiaries of feminism since 1960. It can be implemented formally and informally. Also, all female faces are obliged to pay 10 multiple compensation for damage since 1960. Next Page 1 Full deprivation of rights 2 Partial deprivation of rights. In the postpresional period: \ Cancel all elements of feminism listed by a section of the non-repaid essence of modern feminism and its shape. \ The principle of compulsory accounting of two or more of the parties, the prohibition of protection of only one side of the social contradiction. Must be enshrined in the Constitution. Actually also for such conflicts, like smoking - non-smoking, etc. \ The birth of the child is only on the patent. The couple submits an application for the birth of a child to the state for a minimum of 5 years. The patent should already have alleged names as a symbol of respect for the child. The child should not become a victim of my father's intrigue or mother. \ The birth of a child is possible only in marriage. The word marriage is replaced in mind its explicit bad connotation. \ The inconsistent birth of a child without the permission of the state criminal offense. \ Development of new methods of contraception. Science should justify the funds allocated to it. \ Couple passes learning to handle children \ A pair increasing the funds in advance to a child, which is enough to achieve 20 years of age. \ The state allocates the future child to housing. For example, something like dacha houses. \ Marriage is not early 25 years of age in order to ensure understanding of their actions and consequences. The cultivation of "servant" and "cannon meat" is prohibited. \ Mandatory free test for DNA paternity. Criminal punishment for false paternity. \ Marriage only with a marriage contract having a higher legal force (amendments to the RF IC) \ Childness is thus possible only in marriage, with a patent, with training, with accumulated funds for a child, with providing him with housing. Marriage is possible only to achieve 25 years of age, only with a marriage treaty have the highest strength. \ Feeding a male image in the media, movies, etc. Must be respectful. \ Censing practices to stick the doors in front of a woman, kneeling. These actions copy the actions of the hills before Barin. \ Ensuring the right to sex every one of puberty. Including sex dumping. Must be enshrined in the Constitution. Recognition of sex one of the important components of the health of the nation. \ Prohibition of emptyness rape and sexHide due to the impossibility of objective proof, the possibility of manipulation. \ Calling women to the army (or its equivalent) or the abolition of the army. \ Cancel all special positions in the right for women: a ban on "heavy" professions, less criminal punishment, earlier retirement, etc. \ Cancel alimony for children, former wife up to 3 years. Or criminal prosecution of misuse. \ Mandatory familiarization with these principles during the elementary school. It is necessary to save the time of people in the future. \ Mandatory conscription at school. It is impossible to prohibit, it is necessary to head and civilize. Anti-Counter Strategy 1 Do not allow the deterioration of the already existing position due to women 2 punishment of any woman by all available ways ... clever and efficient. Minimum 1 time 3 propaganda of anti-heartminism by all available ways. For example, the inscription on the fence. Minimum 1 time