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Source Vibrations Solfeggio Harmonics, Vol. 1 (2009)

, 21 2017 . 14:50 +
_ (Van_Kap)
Source Vibrations Solfeggio Harmonics, Vol. 1 (2009)

Product Description
The Solfeggio frequencies come from an ancient musical scale that was thought to be lost centuries ago and replaced with the scale that is used today (12 tone equal temperament with A=440). They are the original sound frequencies used in Ancient Gregorian chants including the great hymn to St. John the Baptist.

Many secrets lie within the solfeggio frequencies. They are said to contain within them the power of creation and transformation. Solfeggio frequencies are believed to have the capacity to effect matter and consciousness. Rediscovered and explored through the use of Gematria, esoteric mathematical practices, and the book of Numbers in the Bible, these sounds may very well hold the keys to longevity, super-consciousness, accelerated healing, dimensional travel, and the fabric of time/space itself.



Esoteric4u ( )

, 10 2016 . 17:41 +
_ (Van_Kap)
Esoteric4u ( )

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, 10 2016 . 16:32 +
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, 22 2014 . 20:55 +
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: ., Levit. ̸.


Shapeshifter DNA 1.5 Lucidity (2011)

, 13 2014 . 15:29 +
_ (Van_Kap)
( ) ShapeShifter DNA 1.5 Lucidity

Artist: ShapeshifterDNA
Issued: 2011-10-06
Genre: Electronic Ambient Chill, cyberShamanic, drone, psychedelic, psytrance, dream trance, uplifting trance, space
Track: DNA 1.5 Lucidity : 60:00


, | (2013)

, 31 2014 . 10:09 +


, 16 2013 . 15:48 +


, 15 2013 . 11:42 +
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, 15 2013 . 09:56 +
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, 02 2013 . 22:57 +
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