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: 23.04.2006
: 5226


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, 22 2007 . 04:40 +
VLAD1906 (__)  (640x480, 173Kb)
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, 16 2007 . 00:57 +
Eternal_Kate (__)

1. Last letter

 It was summer, July 17. It was sunny warm day, but it didn’t make her happy even a bit, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Oh, how much she wishes she could take back what happened, but she can’t. Everything is so sad around her; even sun is shining with its own sadness. She just talked to her friend, who is also friend of him. He told her that he talked with him… What he told her wasn’t very bright; it made her even more hopeless and upset. Her loved one didn’t want to talk about her, nor what happened, in fact, he yelled at his friend for bringing up the topic of her, he said it makes him feel like shit cause it is how she made him feel, he said to never mention her name again. It felt like someone just stabbed her in her heart and twisted the knife. Hope was fading away like a mist. She said everything to this friend: how she feels, how much she want her love back, how she can’t live without him and doesn’t want to. She said her last words “ well, I made him feel like shit he said… I guess we’re even, cause he made me feel the same way…” and sends it, but to her horror she sees that she sent it not to friend but to her loved one. God help! It was like a strike of rocket by her building. He responded “ …    what?” on what she said “oops, wrong window, sorry”, but his answer wasn’t that positive, in fact, it was probably one of the worst that she would think of “ yeah right. Whatever. Peace”. He just took it in the worst way possible, he knew it was about him, and she couldn’t help it because make up the story wasn’t a good idea and she didn’t want to lie, she never did. She wrote him few more messages where she said that she’s sorry for that message and that she was talking to someone else, but he never replied… She couldn’t find her place, she felt like all her hopes and dreams to get him back, to work things out just fell apart. She felt like leaving her life, but somewhere in her hear there was small hope for the better… And besides, she didn’t want to go to Hell for suicide and she didn’t want to give pain to her parents, she loved them, and didn’t want to hurt them, they didn’t do anything, they always tried to do best for her, so she couldn’t do that to them. She just was asking God to take her life away if there is nothing for her and him left… She already wrote a letter for her loved one just in case she dies. Now it’s up to her…
~ **~
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, 14 2007 . 03:46 +
Eternal_Kate (__) It just wasn't ment to be...

She was sitting on her bed and looking out at the rain with empty eyes. Her heart was broken again, life didnt seem to have a meaning anymore, she didnt know anything anymore, nothing made sense, it was the end She didnt want to live anymore. And now its been three and a half weeks they didnt see each other nor talked over some stupid silly things he didnt talk to her about and didnt understand, whenever she asked he would get frustrated and rude telling her that its none of her business after a year and two month being together Its been 5 days how she came back from other country where she tried to take time off all problems and pressure, well, it didnt happened, she couldnt stop thinking about him and his words, about everything that have been between Life didnt make sense anymore. She wanted to cry, but there were no more tears to cry with, her eyes were hurting from these salty tears that wouldnt stop dropping down her chicks for past week and a half. Her stomach stopped already hurting from absence of food; it just wouldnt take anything in except water. She lost her appetite a long time ago, when she had last conversation with him on the phone; she lost her sleep, she would wake up early in the morning because her heart would be worrying and hurting. Memories of those times when they were still together, when he would hold her, tell her how he loves her and that she is the best thing that ever happened to him, those times when she would feel him, his lips, look into his eyes and see love, be in his arms and wish that it would never end, not again She misses him so much now that she cant think of anything else; she doesnt feel like doing anything anymore, she misses his touch, his lips, eyes, arms, kisses, and those sweet words For some reason she cant remember much of bad and unpleasant things that took place in their relationship, only last weeks She lost all faith in love and happiness without him, she just cant live without him, nor she wants to She wishes he would understand her, what she said, why she did some things or said some things; she wishes for a miracle, for a light at the end of the tunnel, for a little sunshine on her, but its raining and raining, and it wouldnt stop even for a minute Music, that plays in dynamics seem somewhere far away, everything reminds her of him, of what used to be, of them together She doesnt want to accept that fact that this is it, the end, she still wants to believe that there is something good wait her, it is him, and they are going to be together one day again and happy. But rain wouldnt stop

Its 3 pm; she was up since 8 am. Suddenly she hears familiar melody it is him, he called her phone. She doesnt know what to think, should she be happy or not, she scared And finally she heard familiar and so sweet voice, he said that he missed her all this time and how much he wouldnt try, he couldt forget her, he just cant live without her, and that he wants to see her. She was so happy that she couldnt say anything for a few minutes, all she could say was Ill come over. I missed you so much.

Its been two hours how she left home, but still she wasnt here; it takes max 1 hour to get to his place, he called her like 5 times, but she wasnt answering, he already smoked more than half of his pack, something wasnt right. Is she coming? May be she doesnt want to see me, but she said she misses me? Why wouldnt she pick up her phone, or say that shes not coming? He was worrying. It was already 2.5 hours she wasnt there. He took his jacket and went out to get another pack of cigarettes. As he was getting closer to the store, he saw many cop cars and the road was closed, his heart fell down at the moment. It cant be. NO! Its not that! No Way! He started to get more detailed picture, as he was getting closer to the place; it was an accident involving something very bad.

She was so excited to see him again, so happy that he loves her and missed her, she was hurrying to see him. It still was raining. Just needed to cross the street.
The driver was so drunk that he couldnt muck up anything of the road; he didnt even stop on the red light

She was so beautiful in that white dress, so innocent, so piesefull... Now she's happy

P.S. , , ( , , )
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, 14 2007 . 17:37 +
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, 12 2007 . 18:08 +
_______ (__)




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, 12 2007 . 11:09 +
Moon__flower (__) - Lafee - Du Bist Schoen

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, 11 2007 . 01:13 +
flabellina (__) ... , 9 , , . . . , , , , . ...
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, 11 2007 . 22:25 +
Umniza-razumniza (__) ... , ... 2006 , . . . , ..., . . , ... , , ... , - , , , ...??? . ... , 10. , ..))) 31 , , , - !... . ... ...13 , . ... ....., ! , , ,, . ... :" ? !" , . , , , , , . , ... , , - ...((( , , ...- !!! ... ... , ... ???,
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, 10 2007 . 18:08 +
Go_Nice_Girl (__)
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, 29 2007 . 17:35 +
Natali-Simone (__) )))

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, 24 2007 . 01:30 +
Medesen (__)

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, 21 2007 . 19:56 +
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, 21 2007 . 16:05 +
CandySummer (__)  (290x220, 20Kb)
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, 20 2007 . 17:51 +
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, 07 2007 . 15:10 +
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, 31 2007 . 19:05 +
1991 (__)

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, 31 2007 . 13:20 +
liliyEMO666 (__) -
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, 23 2007 . 15:06 +
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, 23 2007 . 13:53 +
Br1de (__) ,

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, 22 2007 . 22:31 +
ChristalSoul (__) , - , -...

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