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Lakshmi Tatma

Воскресенье, 29 Июня 2008 г. 00:09 + в цитатник



Девочку с четырьмя руками и ногами спасет операция (ФОТО)

6 ноября 2007 

В одной из больниц индийского города Бангалор во вторник началась операция, призванная спасти девочку, родившуюся с четырьмя руками и ногами, сделают операцию, сообщает Daily Mail.Лакшми Татма родилась сросшейся с так называемым "близнецом-паразитом". Этот "близнец", у которого отсутствует голова, но есть собственный позвоночник, руки, ноги и почка, соединен с телом Лакшми через таз.

Без операции маленькая девочка никогда не будет состоянии ходить или даже ползать и вряд ли доживет до подросткового возраста, говорят врачи. 

Уникальный ребенок в восемью конечностями родился в бедном штате Бихар как раз в день, посвященный чествованию четырехрукого индусского божества Вишну. Мать девочки, Пунам Татма, уверена, что ее дочь является "чудом и перевоплощением" Вишну. Один из цирков предлагал родителями продать им девочку, но они отказались и не афишировали ребенка.

Доктор Шаран Патил, который руководит операцией, в которой принимают участие 30 врачей, говорит: "К счастью, у Лакшми есть одно полноценное тело с почти идеальными органами. Ее скелетная система состоит из двух тел, которые соединены вместе на уровне таза. Сам операция хотя и представляет некоторые трудности, не является самой сложной в мире. В случае Лакшми необычным является то, как соединены тела, практически как зеркальное отражение".

Родители девочки, обычные рабочие, получили отказ в нескольких больницах прежде, чем обратились к доктору Патилу. Операция будет стоить приблизительно 200 тыс. долларов, но для родителей будет бесплатной.

First pictures reveal success of life-saving surgery on toddler with eight limbs

Last updated at 14:58 09 November 2007

Doctors in India have successfully operated on a 2-year-old girl born with four arms, four legs and extra internal organs, doctors said today.

A team of around 30 medics removed what amounted to Lakshmi Tatma's headless identical twin sister who was joined at the pelvis and who did not develop and separate properly in the womb - an extremely rare case.

"It went very well," said Mamta Patil, a doctor involved in the surgery at Sparsh Hospital in Bangalore in south India. "She'll be in intensive care for the next 48 hours."

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Recovering: Lakshmi pictured in intensive care today - with just four limbs instead of eight


Lakshmi: Before the operation

The risky operation began yesterday. Lakshmi, named after the four-armed Hindu goddess of wealth, was expected to be in the operating theatre for 40 hours, but the surgery was over after 27.

But doctors said the surgery was worth the risk, saying that Lakshmi, who could not walk on her deformed limbs, would not otherwise have much chance of living past adolescence.

"We have been told that she can lead a normal life after the operation. I am just praying for her," Poonam, Lakshmi's mother, told reporters.

The headless "twin" was joined to Lakshmi at the pelvis and has its own spinal column and kidney.

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Lakshmi's body after the operation - twin-free

Fused: Lakshmi's body was joined with the parasitical twin which is attached to her body at her pelvis

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The extraordinary eight-limbed baby was born in a poverty-stricken region of Bihar, India - on the day devoted to the celebration of the four-armed Hindu deity Vishnu.

Her mother Poonam Tatma said she believed her daughter was "a miracle, a reincarnation" of Vishnu.


Torment: Lakshmi could not walk or crawl and was unlikely to survive her teens without surgery


The Hindu god Vishnu is the preserver and protector of creation

Dr Sharan Patil, who led the surgery at the country's Narayana Health City, in Bangalore, said: "Fortunately, Lakshmi has one complete body with a near perfect set of organs.

"Her skeletal system involves two bodies which are fused together at the level of the pelvis.

"The operation itself, although presents several challenges, is not the most complex in the world. What is highly unusual in Lakshmi's case is precisely how her bodies are fused, almost mirroring each other."

Parents Poonam Devi and Shambu Das, who earn about 50p a day as casual labourers, were turned away from several hospitals before her plight was taken up by Dr Patil.

The operation was expected to cost about £100,000 - but the hospital said it was covering the cost of the surgery.

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Hope: Lakshmi and mother Poonam prepare for the operation

Poonam, who gave birth to Lakshmi on the celebration day of the four-armed Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity after whom the new born was named, said: "She is a miracle, a special blessing from God. But she is my daughter and she cannot live like this."

Laskhmi is the subject of a Channel 4 documentary as part of the Bodyshocks series.

Besides the removal of the extra limbs, Lakshmi's deformed pelvis and spine were corrected, and redundant extra organs removed, doctors said.

Life-savers: Dr Saharan Patil (third left) with his team of surgeons in Bangalore
Barcroft Media / Daily Mail

Eight-limbed toddler finally stands on her own two feet after marathon operation

Last updated at 12:38 15 ??????? 2007

After one operation and 40 days the Indian girl once revered as a goddess is on her feet and about to leave hospital.
Two-year-old Lakshmi Tatma, a conjoined twin born with four arms and four legs, stood for the first time six days ago following a groundbreaking 27-hour operation in November.
Her delighted parents Poonam and Shambu told how they watched in disbelief as their daughter climbed to her feet months sooner than expected.
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Lakshmi Tatma

Her delighted parents Poonam and Shambu (pictured) told how they watched in disbelief as their daughter climbed to her feet
"We were warned it could be several months before she had enough strength in her legs to stand," said mum Poonam.

"But she has shocked everyone, including the doctors.
"A few days after the operation she was signalling with two fingers to show she understood her other limbs were gone.
"As soon as the doctors allowed Lakshmi out of intensive care she was sitting and moving her legs. She would point to the scars on her stomach and make walking signs with her fingers.
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Lakshmi Tatma

Lakshmi is named after the eight-limbed Hindu goddess of wealth
"Then last week she grabbed hold of the window ledge and pulled herself up to get her favourite toy. I had tears in my eyes, it was a dream I thought would never happen."
Lakshmi, named after the eight-limbed Hindu goddess of wealth, is due to leave Sparsh Hospital in Bangalore on Saturday after a two-month stay.
She will be cared for by SKSN, a charity for disabled children in Jodhpur, where her parents have been offered work.

Despite the success of her operation, during which surgeons transplanted a kidney from Lakshmi's headless twin into her own body, moved her bowels and intestines into a more central position, amputated her parasitic twin and "closed" her pelvis, the toddler needs further surgery next year.
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Lakshmi Tatma

Lakshmi with mother Poonam
Dr Sharan Patil, who led the operation, said: "Lakshmi has club feet that need to be corrected.
"We also need to remove part of the spine of her parasitic twin, which was left on during the initial surgery because we felt it was too dangerous to remove it at the time.
"She has confounded all expectations with her rapid recovery and with final surgery next year she should be able to lead a completely normal life." 

Девочка-богиня учится ходить 10:34  17.06.2008

Индийская девочка Лакшми Татма (Lakshmi Tatma), родившаяся с восемью конечностями, начала ходить спустя восемь месяцев после операции, вернувшей ей нормальный облик, передает Telegraph.

Лакшми, названная в честь многорукой богини процветания, срослась в утробе матери с близнецом, который перестал развиваться и прикрепился к ней в области таза. Девочка родилась с двумя парами рук и ног, а также с добавочными внутренними органами, что не оставляло ей шанса, по мнению врачей, прожить более 10-12 лет. И хотя в родном селении Лакшми считали воплощением богини, ее родители согласились на операцию. На лечение девочки требовалось £30 тыс., но, к счастью для семьи Татма, больница взяла на себя все расходы.

Операция началась 6 ноября прошлого года и заняла 27 часов. Команда из 36 врачей из Спарш-хоспитал (Sparsh Hospital), Бангалор, Индия, успешно отделила Лакшми от паразитического близнеца. Вероятность того, что девочка выживет, составляла 80%. Тем не менее, Лакшми Татма поправляется и учится передвигаться с помощью детских ходунков. Для того чтобы завершить восстановление тела, девочке потребуется еще как минимум две операции: на позвоночнике и на ступнях.

В апреле 2007 года в столице Саудовской Аравии Эр-Рияде врачи из Медицинского центра имени короля Абдель Азиза Абдалла разделили 13-месячных сиамских близнецов из Камеруна, сестер Фамбом и Шефбоу. До операции двойня была соединена в нижней части грудной клетки, живота и таза. У них была общая печень, кишечник и мочеполовая система. Аналогичная операция прошла в июле того же года в Китае.

Ежегодно во всем мире рождается несколько сотен пар сиамских близнецов. С начала 50-х годов XX века было проведено около 200 операций по разделению сросшихся близнецов. В 75% случаев один или оба близнеца выживали.

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