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, - (Jean-Paul Costa)   16 2007 .

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, , . , ,     , - Andre Wampach, 27 2005 ,   ,     16 2007 .   16 2007 .   27    2005 16 2007 .

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" 22109/05 Komissarov v Russia.

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Jean-Paul Costa


Jean-Paul Costa!

, 1 2010  « » ( 12 2010 ). - 21 , , . ,   3 2010 .

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672042  t. Chita, st. ..................

(672042, . , . ................

Phone:  3022-..........................,


Email: .........................................



16 2007 .


Komissarov v.Russia


- !

22 2010 .   A.Wampach 27 2005 , 22109/05.


2 , 6 2006 . 16 2007 . () ,  27 2005 .

, 16 2007 .

16 2007 , .

, , - . 22109/05 16 2007 .   , () . .

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17 2010 . 21 2010 . 

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1 2010 .


1. 22 2010 .

2.   4 2007 .

3. 17 2010 .

4. 21 2010 .

5. .

6. . 



To:  President  of  the

European Court of Human Rights

m. Jean-Paul COSTA


Russian Federation

672042  t. Chita, ...........

(672042, . , ..........

Phone:  3022-.........


Email: ..........................



The complaint from July, 16, 2007.

The file number 22109/05

Komissarov v.Russia


Dear mister  President  Jean-Paul COSTA!

From January, 22, 2010 I have been notified by the letter of the Assistant to the Secretary of First Section A.Wampach on unacceptability of my complaint from the May, 27, 2005, registered under N 22109/05.

I do not challenge the accepted decision.

At the same time in the specified file there were 2 more my complaints, sent by me accordingly on January, 6, 2006 and July, 16, 2007. These complaints have the independent (detached) subject of contest which are not having the attitudes to the complaint from May, 27, 2005.

Now the national court considers my claim for indemnifications excessive term of legal proceedings which subject was the complaint from July, 16, 2007 in the European Court.

As the national court has wrongly counted declared unacceptable my complaint from July, 16, 2007, I ask to clear up the specified question.

The Convention and the Rules of the European Court of human rights oblige to state a legal estimation to each declared reason or the detached episode infringement of the civil rights irrespective of the fact how acting complaints - in one file or several are made out. Therefore I ask extraction from the file 22109/05 and separate consideration of the complaint from July, 16, 2007. My request is based on adherence of the European Court of human rights of a principle of leadership of the right, one of which displays is refusal of selectivity justice. In this case it means compulsion of acceptance of the decision stipulated by the Rules about acceptability or unacceptability on each declared fact of presumable infringement of requirements of the Convention.

I believe, that the applicant has the right to court (national and European). But now and under the circumstances I am actually deprived this fundamental right that contradicts the Convention on protection of human rights and basic freedom.

I also send letters in the European Court of human rights on the given question from June, 17, 2010 and from June, 21, 2010. 

           I ask you, mister  President  to notify me on results of consideration of the given letter.


Yours faithfully                                                            Boris Komissarov

July, 1, 2010.


The appendix:

1. The notice of the European Court of human rights from January, 22, 2010.

2. The notice of the European Court of human rights from April, 4, 2007.

3. The letter in the European Court of human rights from June, 17, 2010.

4. The letter in the European court of human rights from June, 21, 2010.

5. The Definition of Zabaikalian regional court.

6. The Private complaint in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.  


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