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NEWS Potato 4.12

Воскресенье, 11 Марта 2012 г. 06:57 + в цитатник


NEWS Popolo 4.12

Среда, 29 Февраля 2012 г. 14:05 + в цитатник

It's time to talk about families! XD They talk about their upbringing and how they were as kids, as well as about their families. Tegoshi talks about his pretty mum, Massu looks like no one in his family, Shige has been independent and wanting to grow up since he was a kid and Koyama running away from home!? (Kinda XD)

Popolo 4.12


I loved time spent with family!

Since I was a kid I was mischievous, lively and was proactive when it came to sports and study. I was the leader of the kids and I was the type to want to stand out so I did things like being a class committee member. It was kind of like, if there was a class event I was the leader, if there was a relay I was the anchor (laugh)

I got along well with my family and we went out together often. But, I was an only child so there were times where I was disciplined strictly. Like with my use of words, and how to hold chopsticks. I think that everything that I was taught then is still alive in the work I'm doing now. There was a time where I missed my curfew and was locked out of the house. I was in front of my house thinking about what I should do....I was crying, and shouting and calling out. I was thinking that if I became a nuisance to the neighbourhood she'd open the door for me (laugh)

But, I didn't really have a rebellious age. There were times where I was told "Study!" and I thought "So annoying" but, I was never forced, like "Do ~". Because "Do the things you want to do" was our education policy.

Our personalities are completely opposite, but my face is exactly like my mum's
My face is exactly the same as my mum's. Like he structure and the balance of it. I even think that we look alike, and I'm told that often. My mum is really pretty! In primary school, when all of the mum's would come for parent's day, it made me want to boast! I thought "I win!" (laugh) But our personalities are completely the opposite. I like standing out but my mum hates standing out and she's really quiet. My optimistic "whatever will be will be" type attitude takes after my dad.

A mischievous episode from your childhood?
Instead of a greeting....
In my 2nd and 3rd years of primary school, all I would be doing is going around lifting up skirts and kissing girls on the cheek (laugh) There was a point where my mum was called into the school and I got told off with her.

Winter is snowboarding right!
I went snowboarding! I got new board and snow wear and I fully enjoyed my first snowboard of the season. The snow fall good and it was 2 guys boarding the whole time.....until out muscles hurt (laugh)

- - - - -


Both my parents worked so I was independent since I was small

I feel like I was independent since I was in kindergarten. Both of my parents worked so even when I came home I just spent time in my room. At the time it felt a bit lonely but thinking about it now, I think that it was probably a good thing. It made me able to do anything on my own. I was never told "Don't do that" or "Do this" by my parents but my dad always said "You need to go through with the things you say". My dad was the scary type so, even though I was a kid, I properly obeyed by that family precept. Since about primary school, I was a kid who could decide on thins and act on them myself. I remember not being able to help wanting to hurry up and become an adult.

Amongst my friends I was the 2nd mood maker (laugh) I wasn't number 1 so that feels like a good position. Also, I properly studied and went to short courses during summer holidays....My teacher's evaluations on my report card were all very good. That was probably the time in my youth that I was an honour student (laugh)

My personality is inherited from both my mum and my dad
My methodical and vain father and my mother who loves to make things. Lately I've been thinking that I've inherited things from both sides. Recently we were watching TV as a family and I was surprised! Especially that we'd all start laughing like "ha!" at parts that weren't even funny. We really are parents and child~ I'm independent from my parents but my parents don't seem to be able to let go of their kid. Even though a long time ago they'd say "Be independent!", now they come over to my place and drink tea even though they have no reason to come over (laugh)

A mischievous episode from your childhood?
The name of the girl I like....
In primary school, you'd do things like write down the name of the girl you like right? I would write in on my notebooks and erasers but it was accidentally seen and it was embarrassing.

Bracing myself and studying
Right now is a time where I'm cramming a lot of things inside myself. I'm watching movies, reading books, watching TV. Even during the month when I'm reinforcing my studies, I'll meet with Maruyama-kun at night and we'll have a vigorous exchange of opinions!

- - - -


I was raised watched over by a very kind family

When I was younger I was the type to be the boss of the kids. Things like "I have to be the red ranger in OO-rangers!" (laugh) So everyone played very excitedly and mischievously at school. Even when I was at home I would think "I'm the best!" (laugh) All of my family watched over me nicely (laugh) I don't really remember them getting that angry at me or being too strict with me. Of course they did teach me all general knowledge, like things that I should and shouldn't do but I was never told "Do this, do that". I've never been the type to do things just because I was told to and my parents understood that so maybe that's why they never said anything.

Looking at it from me now, my parent's are great! I mean, I'm getting close to the age my parents got married at but I still can't even think about things like marriage. I'm better at cleaning than my mum is though (laugh) But that's only sometimes~ when I do my best to clean, as expected, I can't compare to my mum who does it everyday!

Everyone in the Masuda-household are big hearted and loose (laugh)

I don't look like anyone in my family. My family line seems to be a bit different from my parents (laugh) If I had to say one, I'm told that I look like the grandmother of a relative but But I definitely think that I don't! (laugh)

We don't look alike but all of my family are O blood types, so our atmosphere might be similar. A kind, big hearted feeling. But, everyone has no decisiveness (laugh) There's no person to say "I'll decide!" so we just somehow seem to decide on things we have to (laugh)

A mischievous episode from your childhood?
I was very energetic with playing outside
Until I was about in primary school, I was all about the wilderness! I'd ride my bike up mountains and then come back, I'd play way too much dodge ball that I'd get nosebleeds (laugh) I was always running around outside (laugh)

An unexpected thing....
I recently noticed that you can open under the water tank of the humidifier we use at home....when I tried opening it, it was really dirty (laugh) I panicked thinking "I did this!" and cleaned it.

- - - - -


Helping out with the store made me have a not shy personality

Since they had a restaurant, my parents were busy so I spent a lot of time with my older sister. Especially my mum, she had house work + preparations to do, it made me think "When does she sleep?". I helped out with the store when I came home from school too. Coming in contact with various customers made me have a personality where I don't get shy I think. Me being able to get along well with anyone has some influence from then.

A long time ago in the Koyama Family there was an implicit rule of "You do your own things yourself.". Changing the wording around, it meant we had freedom. Even the really common things, for a primary school student to do would be hard right? I think that the root for me thinking that I need to decide on things myself and take responsibility is from that. I recently started not talking to my mum about work. Because even if I have worries, I can solve them myself and I want my parents to be at ease. I told her "I want you to watch your son's work as one of the fans" so now she's completely a fan. Mum, I'm already fine ♥

Having a positive family, I grew into someone reliable!

My older sister and mum have naturally optimistic personalities, I'm the opposite. I'm surprised by them saying "Well, it'll happen somehow" a lot. Being spirited and candid is fine but it makes me worry (laugh) Being raised amongst all that, when I was younger I was sort of concealed behind my older sister. When I was in the upper grades of primary school, I became the captain of the baseball team and I became self aware of being a leader. That's where my life as a leader started.

A mischievous episode in your childhood?
An experience of running away from home for 15 minutes!
I had a fight with my mum and I decided to run away from home. When I was leaving she brought me rice balls. I stayed in the park for 15 minutes and then it was so cold so I went home right away. My mum was waiting for me right at the entrance

Even though they're older, they're tougher than me!?
There are a lot of times where I go out to eat with the staff but they were all older than me! We were all talking and after a while I became sleepy but everyone else was energetic (laugh)

- - - - -

I like them talking about their families :) It's pretty cute XD



NEWS 3.12 Duet

Понедельник, 06 Февраля 2012 г. 14:55 + в цитатник
Another new translation :)

They kind of need to give bio's of themselves, answering questions about what their hobbies are, their special skills, food they like, what clothes they sleep in etc~ They also answer questions about their type of girl, their ideal date, and what kind of girl they'd want to marry and when! :)

Duet 3.12


1. Hobbies Soccer & Futsal. Also what I like a lot lately is "Listening to people's songs". Going to a bar that has karaoke included and listen to my friends or people that I don't know at all singing is fun. And people sing the really popular songs at karaoke so I can also find out what songs are in right now
2. Skills/what you're good at Being popular with guys (laugh) There are a lot of times where guys tell me "You're a good guy"
3. Weak points If I think "I'm now good at that" then I won't go out and play at all. For example, even if I know that me being with that person would be a plus to me, it's still impossible. I think that what I like and dislike being so clearly divided is a weak point
4. Good pints & bad points My good point is that when my idol switch is on, I don't get embarrassed. A bad point is that I can't be the type of person to be liked by everyone.
5.Your charm point My charm point is that I can do a fast dribble in soccer touching the ball only lightly (laugh)
6. Your habit My habit is to lick my bottom lip so when I don't have lip cream it dries out easily
7. Your favourite food Sushi. Especially Mackerel
8. The food you hate Coriander and celery
9. Your menu from this morning and for tonight This morning was 1 banana and 1 mandarin. I had TV word from this morning so I ate them in the car on the way there. What I want to eat tonight is something with boiled vegetables and fish.....a Japanese style meal. Actually, I have plans to leave the house early tomorrow morning as well. I have to eat early and go to sleep. And the day after tomorrow I'm going to Hawaii for work so I think I'll be eating something with meat or with punch, so tonight it'll be something light.
10. The housework you're good at Laundry. I do the laundry 2 or 3 times a week. It takes 1 hour and 8 minutes for the drying to finish so while that's happening I hang up the things that need to be hung and clean my room.
11. Your clothes & position when you sleep A long T-shirt with jersey bottoms. I sleep with my legs wrapped around a hugging pillow and am facing my left.
12. How you spend nights where you can't sleep If I'm thinking about a lot of things I can't sleep, so I do my best to be "blank"!
13. The time and place that you can relax in When I'm lying on my side on the sofa at home watching a dvd or playing with my cell phone.
14.The time it takes you to bathe and the order you wash your body About 20 minutes. My order is Shampoo, treatment, body (Legs -> torso -> arms -> neck) face.
15. What you like and hate about your body What I like is the muscles on my thighs. What I hate is the nail on my small toe. Playing soccer you kick the ball with the outside of your foot so the nail is cracked
16. Something that happened recently that involved emotions Was it happiness I wonder, or fun? I happened to be nearby the "Hoken-ekiden" course so I went to watch and I thought "...Ah, this is the first gallery in my whole life" (laugh) Seeing the contestants run in real life, they were really fast! Running at 80% of their full speed for the whole long distance is pretty amazing. Then I got home and watched as the university students passed on the sash made me cry. I also watched the "Nation wide high school soccer championships". I like seeing people do their best with sports
17. What you want most right now Probably feels towards myself. I want to steal all the hearts in Japan (laugh)
18. Your treasured item My friends that make me open up. Lately, the number of close friends I have has increased. It seems like I match up well with the good looking soccer players. The straightforwardness and hating to lose of a sportsman and the merit based on ability is charming. As people they have a lot of power.
19. Big news I'm going to Hawaii for the first time in 3 years!! It's for work, but I'm looking forward to it. I want to go shopping by myself or for a walk on my time off
20. Message This year I want to send music and various things to you all. I'll be doing my best to make sure you all have energy so everyone, please give me a lot of love too!

Yuya's Love Talk

1. The type of girl you like
A cute girl. I think that a girl who's smiling when she's with everyone and can be considerate and can be sympathetic is cute

2. A girl that made your heart jump recently
There were quite a lot of girls who were wearing school girl uniforms at the Tegomasu Concert and it made my heart jump (laugh)

3.What would you say if you were to confess?
"It's fine if you don't want to date me but is it okay if I like you?"

4. Your ideal date course
I want to go snowboarding. We'll drive there and go to the slopes, we'll snowboard and then stay over night, we'll have a bath while talking to each other through the wall between the guys ad girls baths (laugh) Then go back to our room and fall asleep while talking to each other and then snowboard again in the morning and go home. That sort of thing is my dream!

5. Your memories of your first love
I kept chasing after a girl I liked in my 3rd year of elementary school. She was an innocent and smart girl. When we would get put into groups. I would always do my best to be put in the same group and I did say "I like you!" but it didn't turn out well. She said "I like Kobayashi-kun!" (laugh)

6. At what age and with what sort of person do you want to get married?
In my teens I used to say I wanted to get married by 26 or 27 but now my desire to get married had done away. I like spending time on my own so rather than getting married I'd want us to go back and worth to each others houses and being together for half the week would be good. When speaking of a person who I'd find ideal, it's a person who has a dream! I don't care what it's about, but a girl who has a dream and is working hard towards it is good!

- - - - -


1. Hobbies Buying books. At the ed of the year I got 3 books that had really stylish covers. I bought them without looking at the inside at all so I look forward to seeing what the contents are (laugh) By the way, the next book I'm thinking of buying is Shige's book~
2. Skills/what you're good at Mid-air flip* I haven't done it in front of everyone but I can properly do it. I am a Johnny's!
3. Weak points I'm bad with bugs. I'm even bad when it comes to tiny bugs but I'm kind of okay with only ladybugs (laugh)
4. Good pints & bad points My good point is that I'm not shy at all. My bad point is that I'm sometimes a bit selfish. Recently when I went out to eat with friends, when a friend was about to leave I stopped him saying "Stay with me a bit longer~". That sort of selfishness is okay right?
5.Your charm point My dimple! When I was little I had two but now it's only my right side (laugh)
6. Your habit When I send an email, somewhere in the first 2 lines I'll definitely end up using "Maa (well...)" I use it like "It's *something* right. Well, I guess because it's *something*"
7. Your favourite food Chicken and Gyoza
8. The food you hate There isn't anything especially but things like Habanero peppers or really spicy food, they're a matter of taste and I probably wouldn't eat them.
9. Your menu from this morning and for tonight My breakfast is always bread. This morning is was melon bread that I bought from a bakery and milk. I feel like I want to eat Gyoza tonight.
10. The housework you're good at I don't cook at all but I'm good at vacuuming. I properly go from corner to corner with it. I'm always cleaning bit by bit so my room is always clean
11. Your clothes & position when you sleep A flower print sweat shirt and T-shirt, and grey sweat pants. I sleep either facing up or facing down to the left.
12. How you spend nights where you can't sleep I give up on sleeping and spend time watching TV until I feel sleepy. I watch DVD's or late night dramas or mail order shows as well. I get interested and start wondering what sort of products they have
13. The time and place that you can relax in When I get home and just laze around on the sofa, that's the best relaxing time. Also, when I go to the chiropractor after concert to loosen up my body is supreme bliss. I really like the bottom of the feet getting massaged~ There's nowhere that hurts
14.The order you wash your body when bathing 30 minutes. After washing my head, I wash from the left side.
15. What you like and hate about your body I like it all
16. Something that happened recently that involved emotions Having finished the 3rd Tegomasu tour, it makes me think that it really was a fun tour. Because thanks to everyone I was happy from the opening to the end. I'll be doing my best to show everyone a Tegomasu who have matured for our next tour!
17. What you want most right now 5 toed socks. I really love them and I have a lot of them though. I still want more cute and stylish ones
18. Your treasured item I cherish all of the people who are around me right now
19. Big news At Johnny's countdown we got to interact with a lot of people and it was fun. I got hear from Imai Tusbasa-kun's trip to Spain and I got really into chatting with TOKIO's Kokubun Taichi and V6's Inohara Yoshihiko. When I stopped by a shop I liked to look at the new items, clothes that I had bought had been put on sale. I was shocked (laugh)
20. Message I'll be doing my best from now on too to keep encouraging all of you so please support me.

Takahisa's Love Talk

1. The type of girl you like
I like stylish girls. Skirts are good too but an energetic girl that suits shorts is good. Someone who's personality is normally nice, but sometimes a strong will coming out, that sort of gap will get me.

2. A girl that made your heart jump recently
When I saw girls walking on the streets that put their sunglasses up like a headband and it suited it, it made my heart jump. It was cool so it made me think "I'll do it too!" (laugh)

3.What would you say if you were to confess?
I think that it being simple will convey your feelings better. So probably just straight out saying "I like you!". I'm the type to want to be manly and be the one to confess. I wouldn't say it in an email, I'd say it directly to the person

4. Your ideal date course
Spending the whole day playing at an amusement park is ideal. I want the two of us to wear the character goods from the park and have fun!

5. Your memories of your first love
In my 4th year of elementary school I liked the girl who sat next to me in class~ She was an energetic, bright and cute girl and I talked to her a lot. I recently heard a rumour that that girl had gotten married and I was shocked...

6. At what age and with what sort of person do you want to get married?
Marriage isn't something that I can think about realistically right now. It would be nice if I could marry a family orientated person before I'm 40. A person who's good at cooking and could control my health would be good. I'd want her to make me some delicious and healthy meals (laugh) So a person who has knowledge about health would be good.

- - - - -


1. Hobbies The gym, sign language and talking to people. I go the gym every 2nd day. I'm thinking I want to train up my body before I'm 30 so I'm doing my best (laugh) I did in for 24 hour TV in '09 so I've continued sign language up until now and I'm level 2 ranked. Me liking to talk to people is helpful with my activities as a caster. If the person isn't used to being interviews, it's like I'll ask 10 questions and then get 1 answer... .the interviews are tough.
2. Skills/what you're good at Driving! I often get told "You're good at driving~"
3. Weak points Roller coasters
4. Good pints & bad points My good point is that I'm not shy.It's probably because my family has a ramen store and since I was a kid I talked to a lot of different customers. My bad point is that I worry easily. I get depressed just by imagining it. I always thought that I was positive but it made me realise that I'm negative too.
5.Your charm point My single eyelids,which are rare in Johnny's!
6. Your habit Saing "Yep, yep, yep" during conversation
7. Your favourite food Ramen
8. The food you hate Tomato
9. Your menu from this morning and for tonight My breakfast was here, which Duet-san got for me, Pork kimchee Kamameshi. It's really good!! Tonight, Mizutaki would be good~
10. The housework you're good at Laundry. For some reason I like hanging the washing and I hang them up while calculating the amount of pegs, so that I don't run out.
11. Your clothes & position when you sleep I sleep in sweats and facing up. I toss and turn so much when I sleep, my amount of bed head is not normal (laugh) It was pretty bad this morning too.....
12. How you spend nights where you can't sleep I don't sleep! When I think "Tonight I won't be able to sleep" I turn to my side and watch TV. I change "sleeping" to "resting my body". If I think "I need to sleep, but I can't" then I get stressed thinking about not being able to sleep, so I just think that being able to rest my body is good enough.
13. The time and place that you can relax in When my pet cat Nyanta is lying on my knees sleeping while on the sofa at home and I'm watching TV while patting him
14.The order you wash your body when bathing 20 minutes. I start from my head and, hen my body from the left to the right, top to bottom. I usually shower and I have a bath once a week, around Sunday.
15. What you like and hate about your body What I like is my shoulder width. It's what I'm doing my best to make larger while at the gym so I've bee liking them lately. What I hate is my dry skin. Putting on body cream is a pain (laugh)
16. Something that happened recently that involved emotions I did a story on the "Hakon-ekiden" for the first time. I cried happy tears, tears of frustrating, I shed a lot of tears as I watched the feelings that the contestants put into the sash, I was really moved
17. What you want most right now I'm often staying overnight in areas to do interviews so I want a backpack for that.
18. Your treasured item M experience in "news every". Each and every one is a treasure and it's like what each one draws out in me is increasing
19. Big news That we appeared at the Countdown Concert. A lot of things happened last year, so there were a lot of things that had me thinking "I wonder how it'll be?" so I was happy that the 4 of us could be together and show ourselves in front of the fans. It made me think "We've taken a bit of step forward" and "Standing on stage makes me happy, concerts are good"
20. Message I'm thinking that we'll increase our group activities this year and I'll be putting in effort to make places for us to meet you all, like concerts, so please just wait a bit more.

Keiichiro's Love Talk

1. The type of girl you like
A polite girl. A girl who can properly greet people.

2. A girl that made your heart jump recently
Girls doing their best at the gym are cute. Training wear is kind of like at home clothes right? It makes me think "Uwa, it's like the same feeling as if they were at home" and it makes my heart jump (laugh) I seem to like that feeling of home clothes

3.What would you say if you were to confess?
A long time ago it would be me saying "I'll support you" and trying to act cool but now I would just straight out say "Please go out with me"

4. Your ideal date course
Go shopping at an outlet mall, then on the way home we'd stop by the supermarket, but ingredients and cook together at home. Then we'll eat while watching TV and clean up together. That sort of normal day sort of date is ideal

5. Your memories of your first love
I liked the girl who would sit next to me on the bus while in kindergarten. I remember her laughing a lot and being cute. But she talked a lot and she was probably a bit strong willed?

6. At what age and with what sort of person do you want to get married?
I ant to marry a family orientated person by 33. A person who will be at home is ideal. Our home is a store, so when I was young it was like there were a lot of caretakers, that impression of it strong and I want to make a family when someone will say "Welcome home" when you get home. I'm 27 right now, and by the time I'm 30 I'll be properly creating "myself" and then in about 3 years things will probably be settled down so, 33 years old. My desire to get married is really strong. To the point that I think I'll be the first to get married in NEWS (laugh)

- - - - -


1. Hobbies Reading, guitar, taking photos, fishing, movie appreciation, music appreciation. The hobby that has always been the same is reading. Recently I've been reading Salinger's "Franny and Zooey". I was reading it the whole time backstage at countdown concert when we had free time too
2. Skills/what you're good at Probably just that I can put my fist into my mouth (laugh)
3. Weak points I'm shy. Because I'm bad at talking to people that I don't know. When I'm making reservations at the hairdresser or for a massage over the phone too, I feel kind of nervous.
4. Good pints & bad points My good point is that I have a good memory. I can memorise phone numbers quickly and I won't forget it for 2 or 3 days. I'm good at remembering things but as time goes by I forget, which is my bad point
5.Your charm point My low voice, that fans often say they like. I don't hate it myself either (laugh)
6. Your habit When I drink things, I puff up my cheeks while I drink. I can't drink normally~!
7. Your favourite food Rice with minced sea bream (Taimeshi). On new yars I ate taimeshi that I made with a fish I caught at the end of the year
8. The food you hate Pumpkin, red bean jam, sweet potato and chestnut. I hate foods that are sweet and thick
9. Your menu from this morning and for tonight My first meal of the day was from Duet-san, bibimbap. Tonight I want to eat Japanese food or something with light flavour
10. The housework you're good at What I'm good at is cooking with fish. No matter what fish it is, I can fillet it. The Buri-shimesaba I made was really good
11. Your clothes & position when you sleep I wear pajamas, a T-shirt and sweat pants. I sleep on my side while hugging this long 1m pillow that my friend gave me
12. How you spend nights where you can't sleep I read hard books, like philosophy books
13. The time and place that you can relax in When I'm listening to a jazz record in my room or reading books. I end up being too relaxed and after an hour I fall asleep.
14.The order you wash your body when bathing When in the bath, I watch TV so it takes about 25 minutes. From the left hand side, I wash from my right shoulder
15. What you like and hate about your body I have none for either one. I used to say that the part I liked was my belly button but that was just youthful indiscretion (laugh) Well, if I were to give one right now, I like the line from my neck to my clavicle. When I put on face cream, I put it on up to my neck as well
16. Something that happened recently that involved emotions What was fun was spending the new years holiday with friends from high school. A friend who got transferred for work to another area came home so we all got together and went out to eat. Because my friend that I told about releasing a book and discussed it with was there too. I straight away asked him what he thought about the book I wrote, "Pink & Gray"
17. What you want most right now Guitar. Right now I'm using the guitar that I used as a pro for the stage play "rokugatsu no bitter orange". When I get better and pracise more, I want a new one. I'm checking out a lot of things, thinking that the guitar that Hanaregumi-san uses is pretty good too
18. Your treasured item As expected, it's my friends and family. I recently spent new years with my family. I didn't have time to go back home so my parents brought New Years dishes and came to my place. I got to ask my dad what he thought about my book and I'm glad I spent the new year well.
19. Big news I recently got a projector. So that I can enjoy watching movies at home more and more. From next month on, probably all I'll be saying for recent news is "I watched a movie on my projector" so forgive me (laugh)
20. Message Kato Shigeki's literary world debut novel "Pink & Gray" is now on sale. It's a piece of work I put all my effort into, read it ok!

Shigeaki's Love Talk

1. The type of girl you like
A girl that is motherly, has qualities and can be attentive. A girl that can be able to follow along with me being free and uncontrolled would be nice. At first when dating it might seem like I'm being domineering but her wanting to be led around is ideal.

2. A girl that made your heart jump recently
When a girl was staring at me really closely, right in the eyes, my heart jumped. It made me wonder "why is this person looking at me so much". I seem to be weak when it comes to people completely staring at me

3.What would you say if you were to confess?
Seriously it would be "I like you, but I wonder if you'd want to date me". I don't just recklessly fall for people but I'd want to try confessing by saying "Your smile was cute, so I fell for you ♥" (Laugh)

4. Your ideal date course
Walking our dogs together and then going to a cafe with our dogs. r a date at the aquarium. I like jellyfish so I'll talk about jellyfish facts

5. Your memories of your first love
The one I remember most clearly was in 6th grade. I liked a girl who was in the basketball club and had good reflexes. That girl was my friend's girlfriend so I gave up. But she then broke up with my friend and confessed to me. But I didn't like her anymore at that time so we didn't date

6. At what age and with what sort of person do you want to get married?
Right now I'm putting all my efforts into myself so I honestly don't have a desire to get married. At about 35 I want to get married with a girl who suits kimono. One day I want to own a pet monkey but a partner who will "Cute ♥" about that part of me would be good.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
*A back flip but without your hands ever touching the floor

Not much to say except that it's a very cute interview, again :D



NEWS Winkup 3.12

Суббота, 04 Февраля 2012 г. 17:35 + в цитатник


NEWS Popolo 3.12

Четверг, 26 Января 2012 г. 05:11 + в цитатник


NEWS Myojo 3.12

Суббота, 21 Января 2012 г. 18:11 + в цитатник

The members talk about their date plans for when they were in their teens, now that they're in their 20's and for when they become old~ :) Massu would take his girlfriend wherever she wants to go, even overseas, Tegoshi wants to be all lovey dovey in the snow, Koyama wants to hold hands with his wife even in front of his kids and Shige wants his wife to speak to him with Keigo?

Myojo 3.12


[ A teen park date where we'd talk until the day ends]
When I was in elementary school, I often had dates at the park. I say they were dates but it was just me stopping by the park on the way home from school to talk to the girl I like. A lot of friends from the same school would be there as well but I'd just be talking to that same girl the whole time. I'm really easy to read and everyone around me could easily tell when I liked a girl. I don't remember at all what we talked about but either way, we were just talking the whole time. At the time we didn't have cell phones or emails so all we had was the time we had to meet up. I had no idea if that girl liked me as well but in elementary school people who were fast at running were popular right? In elementary school I was the one with the best reflexes, so I was pretty popular. But in middle school, the funny people start being popular. was also aiming to be "a person who's fast and funny" but it didn't work out and in the end I was just the guy who could run fast (laugh)

[When something occurs to her, taking instant action! That sort of travel date in the 20's]
The type of girl I like, hasn't ever changed. Someone who's kind, clean, can take others into consideration, speaks politely and how should I put it.....someone who's inside of their body is clean. Someone who seems like they eat a whole lot of vegetables (laugh) On the other hand, what has most changed from when I was in my teens is that my range of activities has gotten wider. If I was to go on a date right now, I'd want to boldly try and go on a trip. I'd take my girlfriend anywhere she said she wanted to go. It's fine if it's somewhere nearby like a hot spring and it's fine even if it's going to Hokkaido just to eat sushi. If she told me that anywhere is fine, I'd take her to Sweden, which I love. Rather than just then going all out sight seeing, I'd want to just wander around the streets and then stopping by a clothing store I like and coordinating my girlfriends clothes for her. Of course, I still like park dates too. I'd want my girlfriend to make and bring a bento lunch box. It would amazing if she had onigiri, tamagoyaki, octopus shaped sausages* and asparagus wrapped in bacon~

[A conquering the world heritages, hand holding date in the 60's]
What's ideal would be being a married couple that can hold hands no matter what age we are. I want the two of us to be able to do the park date from my teens and to really do the traveling date as well. I have an interest in world heritage sites so before I reach 60, I want to conquer all of the famous places, like Sagrada Familia and the Great Wall of China!

- - - - -


[An innocent ten amusement park date]
In my teens, I didn't have the option to go on a drive or going to a bar with nice night scenery and drinking wine. So that's why I thought that even though we didn't have a car or alcohol, a date where we could have a lot of fun was good. Which means an amusement park date! We'd go to the amusement park first thing in the morning and go on a lot of rides and eat and just have fun. And when it get's dark, it would be embarrassing but I'd pluck up the courage and hold hands with her. I'm the type to not say anything and just grab hold of her hand. Or possibly, when I say "Let's ride that next" I'd naturally reach out for her hand. At the time, if I had a girlfriend I thought that I'd want to be with her everyday and I really yearned to get married.

[A lovey dovey snowboard date in the 20's]
My basis of wanting to have fun with the girl I like hasn't changed from my teens. But my options have increased. If I was to go on a date right now, I want to go snowboarding. We'd go with friends that are couples and at first we'd all be boarding together and then half way through we'd split up into our couples. While hitting each other snow, we'd be all "Hey, stop it~", "You stop it!" and then falling into the snow while hugging....It seems so fun! I'm completely fine with being all lovey dovey infront of people. Recently when I went to Europe for work, couples were just kissing in the middle of the street. I was soooo jealous of that. If I were to choose one, I think I'm more of the type to do that (laugh) Like that, we'd enjoy our date together but if we were together everyday then it seems like I'd end up seeing parts of my girlfriend that I'll end up disliking so meeting at a pace of once a week is best. In my teens I was yearning to get married but right now my desire to get married is zero. I still want to keep being an idol and doing soccer so I'll leave that for more into the future.

[An always energetic 70's sports date]
I wouldn't just want to settle down just because I've gotten older. Even when we're both old, we'd still be holding hands and hugging. I definitely wouldn't say "We're not at an age where we shouldn't be doing that". Weather it's table tennis, or tennis or bowling, I'd want us to find a common hobby and do it together~

- - - - -


[A refreshing teen school date]
When I was in middle school, just calling the girl I liked to come behind gym after school and just talking to her was fun. There were times where we talked for the whole 3 hours until the school gates closed. I would drop that girl off at her house after school but about 20m away from her house I plucked up the courage and asked "Can I hold your hand?". I feel like I held her hand while my heart was beating really fast and just with that, it was a big happening (laugh) But we got to her place right away and said bye. It's such a refreshing date. I think that at the time I didn't even really understand what the meaning of dating actually was. If I had a girlfriend right now, I think I'd want us to have a relationship where we support each other but at the time it was just the two of us coming together because I liked her.

[A frank night dinner in the 20's]
I like frank and casual dates. Thats why if I was to go on a date right now, I'd just normally invite her out to eat after work. At first, something like Teppanyaki or nabe or shabu shabu would be good. If we both have some things to do while eating then it won't be so formal right. So that she'll be able to get to know me, I'd take to a restaurant that I always go to and if there's a place that she wants to go to then we'll make our next date there. Doing that we can lessen the distance between us while eating right? The date would be frank but I'd properly do all the escorting that I have to do. If I go pick her up by car I'd open the passengers side door for her and I'd put her seat belt on for her and I'd adjust the seat for her, I'd be completely devoted. I'm not a butler but I feel like I'd want to coordinate everything for the girl I like and I think like myself best when I' doing my best for something.

[A sunday family loving date in the 40's]
My parents were always both busy with work so I always yearned for those normal Sundays spent at home as a family. When I'm in my 40's I'd want to spend my days off with my wife and kids. Doing things like going out to a home centre together or going somewhere a bit far. When we go out, I'd hold hands with my wife even in front of the kids.If my kids said something like "My mama and papa are really close", I'd feel kind of happy~

- - - - -


[A teen bowling date, wanting to overstretch myself but not being able to]
For a teen date, it would have to be just the cliche meeting in front of the Hachiko statue, then go bowling then take purikura, that sort of thing. Lunch would be omurice! I wouldn't have known many stores so I would want to try and avoid getting really annoyed trying to figure out if we should go for ramen or curry. In your teens you end up making lots of mistakes with clothes too~ Like putting on a lot of jangling accessories. Because those are the years where you want to overstretch yourself. You'd definitely be very conscious of wanting to get that girl to like you so you'd do your best. If it was right now, and I thought that the girl would dislike me, then I'd just think that I wouldn't match with her though.

[A somewhat different 20's driving date]
If I was to go on a date right now, first I'd go and pick her up in my car right. When we arrive at our destination, we can just wander around shopping. And if we get tired it can expand into us stopping by a cafe or going to watch a movie....wow, it's really ordinary (laugh) But I think that it really would be like that. I'd also want to drink alcohol at night so we'd go home to drop the car off there and then go out to eat by taxi. On the way home from the date, I can't just ask her to be a replacement driver for me can I. That, or if we were going out by car, we'd go to a service area at a motorway. I'd say "Apparently Ebina** got really nice". To be able to do that, going on the freeway seems pretty extravagant right?

[A keigo*** date as the dominant husband in the 60's]
As we get older, I want us to be able to enjoy one thing together, like going to ceramics classes. I'd go along with what my partner wants to do too. I wonder what....like Yoga. It wouldn't suit me~ (laugh) Well, if it's impossible then having a relationship where I could normally say something like "I'm going to go shopping until you finish" would be nice. A natural relationship where we can respect each other is ideal. Also, I want us to have a pet as a married couple! I'd have something like a squirrel monkey and my wife can have a dog. Then the monkey and the dog can get along and people can say "Even though it's like a cat & dog relationship~****" When we're in our 60's, it would be nice if my wife was the type of person that had a sense of normally wearing a kimono. Also, I want to be spoken to with keigo. Her way of calling me would be "Shigeaki-san". Like that, it makes it seem like we still have a bit of nervousness towards each other right. Because I'd probably be the dominant husband. Follow along with me about 3 steps behind!

- - - - - - - - - -
*A lot of the time in bento's the sausages are cut to look like an octopus, like this this
** Ebina is a place in Kanagawa which apparently has some famous/popular service area place/s?
*** Keigo is like speaking respectfully with honorifics and such
**** It makes no sense in english lol but You know how in english a "cat & dog relationship" would be like "It wasn't meant to work out" type thing, the phrase in Japanese that Shige used, which means the same thing, is "Dog & monkey relationship"

Massu being in love sounds so adorable, like just talking to the girl he likes nonstop and being really easy to read XD

Shige makes it seem like it would be tough being his wife~ XDDD Oh Shige~



NEWS Brain Questions Myojo 7/8/11.11

Понедельник, 16 Января 2012 г. 13:34 + в цитатник


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